Delayed Message - Reduce costs for this spell to 2 energy points per sentence or idea. The caster can also specify that the message go off when certain conditions are fulfilled or in the presence of a certain type of person or group. Anyone specified when the spell is cast will be able to hear the message. If nobody is specified, everyone in the area will be able to hear the message when it is triggered. The conditions must be something that the mage himself could sense were he there in person.
Far Hearing - Each doubling of energy costs doubles the range.
Hush and Mage Stealth - Everything about the subject is muffled or silenced, including the clattering of equipment and armor, footsteps, breathing, noises made by brushing against tree limbs, and so forth. In most cases, this spell will allow the subject to automatically win all contests of Stealth vs. Hearing. Against creatures which have encountered this spell before the spell effectively gives the subject three levels of the Silence advantage, since an experienced listener knows how to "listen for the silence".
Items that the subject drops or throws will still make noise. Objects that would normally make noise as the subject brushes by them will be silent as long as the character is touching them. Once they fall away from the character, the will produce normal sounds. For example, if a character under the effects of a Hush spell accidentally trips over a tripwire with an alarm bell attached to it, the bell wouldn't make noise as long as the character was touching the wire. However, once they step away from the wire, the bell will ring normally.
Noise - The noise is specified by the mage when the spell is cast. Everyone within the area of effect is at -10 to all Hearing rolls (except to hear the Noise).
Scribe - The pen has a limited amount of "intelligence" so it will ignore verbal tics, background noise, side comments, and the like. The pen will also write in a grammatically correct fashion if the mage wishes it to do so.
At the appropriate Tech Level, for double cost, this spell can be cast on (or enchanted onto) a computer, typewriter, or printing press to produce professional-looking documents. At TL4+, this spell can be cast on the plates or composing tray of a printing press. At TL5+, this spell can be cast on a typewriter. At TL7+ this spell can be cast on a computer word processor, effectively giving the word processor the equivalent of (high-quality) voice recognition software. If the device is capable of saving the output (for example, the plates of a printing press or an electronic file on a computer) the mage can use mundane techniques to produce multiple copies of the document composed using the Scribe spell. For this reason, at TL4+, this spell also becomes a Technology (Machine) spell.
See also the Ghostwriter spell.
Silence - Sound coming into the affected area is blocked as well.
Sound - This spell can be used to make animal calls, machine noises, or any other noise that the caster has ever heard. For double cost, the sounds can be made very loud, equivalent to heavy traffic or rolling thunder. This gives -3 to Hearing rolls in the area and gives +3 to hear the sound.
Sound Jet - Each doubling of cost doubles range. Damage cannot be increased. This spell has no effect on creatures which aren't made of living flesh (i.e., robots, golems, or undead).
Sound Vision - Each casting of this spell will either give Sonar or Radar, but not both. Identifying individual people who the mage is familiar with by their radar or sonar "signature" requires a roll vs. Sound Vision-6.
Thunderclap - For each doubling of cost, the area affected can be doubled. For double the base cost of the spell, subjects within area of effect can be Stunned unless they roll vs. HT. The mage can select people he wishes to resist at HT+2.
Voices - The mage must be familiar with voice he is creating and the language it is to speak. For double cost, the voices can be made very loud, equivalent to a cheering crowd or a screaming argument. This gives -3 to Hearing rolls in the area and gives +3 to Hearing rolls to hear the voices.
Wizard Ear and Invisible Wizard Ear - The hearing of the ear is only as good as that of the mage.
Converse - More than two people can converse using this spell. Each extra person adds +1 to the cost to cast the spell. If the GM wishes, he can rule that eye contact is not needed as long as all parties are willing and are actively participating in the conversation. Alternately, he can just give this spell a Duration of 1 minute and a cost of 1 to maintain.
Resist Sound - This spell has no effect against the Concussion spell.
Delayed Message
Far Hearing
Great Voice
Invisible Wizard Ear
Mage Stealth
Sound Jet
Sound Vision
Wall of Silence
Wizard Ear
Keen Ears - Body Control
Alter Voice
Echoes of the Past
Imitate Voice
Musical Scribe
Resist Sound
Silver Tongue
Wizard Mouth
Annoyance - Mind Control
Audio Illusion - Illusion & Creation
Electric Stun Bolt - Air (Electricity)
Ghostwriter - Communication & Empathy
Hallucinatory Voices - Mind Control
Incomprehensible Speech - Communication & Empathy
Invisible Wizard Mouth - Knowledge
Learn Song - Knowledge
Listening Walls - Knowledge
Living Picture - Illusion & Creation
Omnipotent Wizard Ear (VH) - Knowledge
Owner’s Mark - Communication & Empathy
Phantoms in the Mist - Illusion & Creation
Secret Speech - Communication & Empathy
Silent Spell - Metaspells
Speak Through Earth - Earth
Striptease - Communication & Empathy
Stuttering - Body Control
Talking Horn - Communication & Empathy
Tonguetwister - Communication & Empathy
Total Stealth - Protection & Warning
This spell fills an area with noise appropriate to the area and transmutes unusual sounds into noises more typical for that location. Note that for some locations, the appropriate "sound" is silence.
Those within the area of effect hear the real sounds produced, those outside of the area of effect hear the "typical noises." For example, the mage could cast this spell on a tavern to mask the sounds of melee with the clinking of beer mugs and noisy singing and chatter. Those within the area of effect would hear the sounds of the melee. Those outside of the area must roll vs. IQ or hear the false sounds.
At the wizard's option, the spell's area of effect can be focused on a moving object or on a person. This will create a mobile are of ambient noise, but the noise will change according to the location.
This spell can also be used to create "false" background noise. Those within the area of effect hear the true sounds, but those outside of the area hear the false sounds. For example, the mage could create the sounds of melee within a tavern, although the only "real" noises are the sounds of peaceful patrons.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 1 point, half to maintain. (minimum 1, 1).
Prerequisite: Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 time the base cost.
This spell amplifies sounds created within the area of effect. Each doubling of base cost doubles decibel level, up to 120 decibels (equivalent to a jet engine at takeoff or a loud rock concert).
At extreme levels, amplified noises will interfere with hearing, and might even cause hearing loss due to extended exposure. See the Parabolic Hearing advantage in GURPS Compendium I for more information.
If he wishes, the mage can selectively amplify only some sounds in the area.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 1, half to maintain. Each doubling of cost doubles volume.
Prerequisite: Great Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 time the base cost.
This spell gives benefits similar to those granted by the Attentive Insect magic item, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 71
1 hour (sound stored is permanent).
Cost: 3 points, same to maintain. 1 point to get the object to "play back" recorded sound.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Far-Hearing, Tell Time, Wizard Ear, and Wizard Mouth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Attentive Insect, GURPS Magic Items 1, p.71. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell creates a piercing wail that does damage and requires those who hear it to make Fright Checks.
Anyone within 5 hexes of the wail must roll vs. HT or take 2d damage. Anyone within 10 hexes must roll vs. HT or take 1d damage.
Anyone within 20 hexes must also make a Fright Check at -5. If they fail, they will flee for 2d turns, in addition to other effects of a failed Fright Check.
Deaf characters get +4 to Will and HT rolls. Hard of Hearing characters get +2 to their rolls to resist.
Duration: 3 seconds.
Cost: 6 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Sound Jet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
This spell makes the subject's voice become incredibly attractive. Anyone who listens to the subject speak must roll vs. Will or stand mesmerized.
Mesmerized subjects are unaware of their surroundings. They will be insensible to danger unless they are subjected to a sudden shock, or are jolted into "wakefulness" by a stimulus such as a shove or shout.
Once the spell ends, or when they are jolted, subjects may roll vs. IQ each turn to "wake up," just as if they were Mentally Stunned. They must also make an IQ roll to realize that more than a few seconds have passed. Once they wake, at the speaker's option, they can be made to forget what was said to them while they were entranced.
Subjects need not understand what the caster is saying in order to be beguiled by his voice. Subjects who can't hear the speaker, or who make their Will rolls are not mesmerized by the spell. If they interrupt or silence the speaker, or drown out his voice, they can break the spell.
Deaf characters get +4 to Will and HT rolls. Hard of Hearing characters get +2 to their rolls to resist. Loud noises that drown out the speaker's voice give additional bonuses to resist the spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 4, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds. The speaker must speak continuously for the duration of the spell or the spell ends.
Prerequisite: Mass Suggestion, Silver Tongue.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.
This spell is similar to the Beguiling Voice spell, except that everyone who listens to the speaker must roll vs. Will or become Dazed (as the spell) for the duration of the spell. While Dazed, characters will believe and agree with anything the speaker says, although they might not act on his suggestions.
When the spell ends, when the speaker stops talking, or if he is interrupted, the victims must roll vs. IQ every 10 seconds to regain their senses. While they are recovering from the Daze, they are at -4 to IQ rolls to resist the use of the Fast-Talk spell by the speaker.
Subjects need not understand what the caster is saying in order to be Dazed by his voice. They do have to understand the speaker in order for the Fast-Talk roll to work.
Duration: 1 minute, plus the time it takes for the victim's to recover.
Base Cost: 4, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds. The speaker must speak continuously for the duration of the spell or the spell ends.
Prerequisites: Beguiling Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.
This spell fills the air with a loud, discordant racket that hurts the ears.
Anyone in the area of effect must roll vs. Will every minute or leave the area by the most direct route. If this spell is cast in an extremely quiet, still area, people might have to roll vs. IQ to avoid being mentally stunned for a turn. Animals and skittish characters might have to make Fright Checks because of the noise!
Characters in combat or who are already facing some immediate threat are immune to the effects of this spell.
Deaf characters get +4 to Will and HT rolls. Hard of Hearing characters get +2 to their rolls to resist.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2 points, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Irritating Noise.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Cacophonous Bangles. GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 53. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell transfers the subject's voice to a box, bag or other closeable container.
When the container is shut, the subject can't speak at all, but the bag vibrates when they attempt to speak. The louder the sound they make, the more the bag vibrates. When the bag is open, the subject's voice comes from the bag or container, no matter how far away it is from the subject.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Mute, 3 other Sound spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent on a container. When the subject speaks into the bag, the spell is cast. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Fills the area with music of unearthly beauty. Those who hear it must roll vs. Will or stop what they are doing and stand quietly, overcome with awe, as if they were Mentally Stunned.
Attacks or unpleasant physical sensations will give awestruck subjects another roll vs. Will to "wake up" otherwise they are oblivious to their surroundings.
Deaf characters get +4 to Will and HT rolls. Hard of Hearing characters get +2 to their rolls to resist.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery, Symphony.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 50 time the base cost.
This spell makes sounds coming from an object sounds like those produced by another object in the same general class of item. For example, one musical instrument can be made to sound like another, or a car could be made to sound like a motorcycle or a horse-drawn carriage.
If this spell is cast on a musical instrument, the quality of the sound produced depends on the subject's skill with the instrument, no matter what the instrument sounds like. For example, if this spell were cast on a harp to make it sound like drums, then a performer would use his Musical Instrument (Harp) skill to produce a percussion solo.
At the GM's option, characters who have this spell cast on them or a tool they are using must roll vs. IQ or be mentally stunned for 1d turns. For example, if the spell were cast on a bard in the middle of his performance, he might have to roll vs. IQ or be "boggled" by the fact that his harp now sounds like a drum.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. If cast as an Area spell, Base Cost is 1 point, half to maintain. (Minimum area 2 hexes).
Prerequisite: Alter Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent on any object. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell produces a powerful, shrill scream of terror that kills all that hear it.
Anything with a sense of hearing in the area of effect must roll vs. HT or die. Deaf characters get +4 to Will and HT rolls. Hard of Hearing characters get +2 to their rolls to resist.
Those who survive take 1d damage and must make a Fright Check at -4 to Will.
Duration: 3 seconds.
Base Cost: 10 points, can't be maintained. (Minimum 2 hexes).
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery 3, Banshee Wail.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.
This spell counters any magically produced silence. It counters spells such as Hush, Silence, Mage Stealth, and silence produced by magic items.
Like a counterspell, it must overcome the other spell in a Contest of Skills.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 1/2, half to maintain. (minimum 1, 1).
Prerequisite: Noise.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. (a) Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can be permanently enchanted with this spell for 25 times the base cost.
Makes sound passing through an area become distorted in any way that the caster wishes.
Sounds can be muffled (-4 to Hearing rolls), made to sound like echoes, "speeded up" so that voices become fast and high-pitched, slowed down so voices sound low and slow, or changed in any other way the caster can imagine.
Essentially, this spell allows the mage to modify sound in just like a late TL7 sound technician with decent equipment can.
Unwilling subjects get an IQ roll to resist distortion of sounds that they produce.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 time the base cost.
This spell gives the subject Incompetence (as the disadvantage) with the Singing skill and makes him sing drinking songs as if he were a loud, exuberant drunk. In addition, the subject must make a Will roll to avoid actually getting drunk and staying up late partying.
The compulsion to sing makes it impossible for the character to use any skill that requires silence, tact, or voice communication. Other people (except for loud drunks) react to the character at -1, and will assume that he is either drunk or insane. If the character has the Carousing skill, he gets +2 to skill for the duration of the spell.
The GM might require the affected character's player to sing a drinking song while this spell is in effect. The more obnoxious, loud and off-key the better.
This is also a Mind Control spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Alter Voice, Suggestion, and Drunkenness.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Tuneless Tankard GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 32. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell is just like the Thunderclap spell, except that it can only deafen one subject at a time. The sound, while not harmful, is audible to anyone within 20'.
The spell gets its name from the fact that it creates an intense, pounding noise in the wearer's ears. If the victim rolls vs. HT to resist, he will be Stunned until he can make a HT roll, and he will be temporarily deafened for 2d days. If he fails his HT roll, he is permanently deafened.
This spell is identical to the Thunderclap spell in its other effects.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 5 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Thunderclap.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points (b) Ear Drum, GURPS Magic Items I, pp. 40-41. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
When this spell is cast, the mage can hear sounds from the area of effect while he is in another location.
To cast this spell, the mage must first cast the spell in the area from which he wishes to transmit sound. Then he must travel to the area to which he wants the sound to be transmitted, and speak a command word to activate the spell.
The time required for the mage to travel from the transmission site to the reception site is included in the duration of the spell. The spell doesn't actually work until the mage specifies a reception site and speaks the command word.
The transmission and reception areas are the same size, unless the mage wishes to make one of the two areas smaller. However, the mage must pay the energy cost to affect the larger area. Once the spell is cast, anyone standing in the area of sound reception can hear sounds created in (or which pass through) the transmission area.
The mage can cast this spell twice to allow two way communication, but the first casting of the spell counts as an "on" spell from the time it is cast. The mage must also cast the spell on the first area, then travel to the second area, activate the first spell, cast the spell on the second area, and travel back to the first area to complete the second spell.
The mage can combine this spell with spells such as Amplify to improve reception in the reception area. However, in this case, he must cast the other spells in the transmission area before traveling to the reception area.
Duration: 1 hour.
Base Cost: 2 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds, plus time required to physically travel to the receiving location.
Prerequisite: Great Voice, Farspeaker.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent for 50 times the base cost.
This spell removes any sound deadening qualities from the area, giving it the acoustic properties of an echo chamber.
Attacks that affect hearing or which create loud noise are at +2 to skill and do +1 damage. The echoing of normal sounds interferes with hearing, giving -1 to hearing rolls. Sounds and skills that require good acoustics are at -2 to skill.
Characters can roll vs. IQ to keep sounds that they make from echoing.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 1, half to maintain.
Prerequisite: Distort Sound,
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 time the base cost.
This spell imbues a normal musical performance (either singing or a musical instrument) with a strong emotional aura.
Anyone who listens to the performance will be affected by the emotions that the musical piece was intended to evoke. (e.g., happiness for cheerful tunes, sadness for dirges, etc).
The greater the performer's success with his skill roll, the greater the emotional effect. A sad song played or sung by a master can evoke suicidal depression!
Audience members get a roll vs. Will to avoid the effects of the performance.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 10 minutes or the duration of one piece of music, whichever is less.
Cost: 5 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Silver Tongue, Mass Suggestion, and Sense Emotion.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (c) Piteous Violin (or other musical instrument). GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 31. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell allows the subject to filter "background noise" from the sounds he hears.
For the duration of the spell, the subject gets +6 to Hearing rolls to hear the sounds (or type of sounds) he selects. Additionally, the subject suffers no penalties to hear a sound due to distance or loud noises in the area, as long as ambient or loud noises are filtered. However, he gets -2 to hear sounds that he has filtered out.
The subject can change the sounds he filters, or cancel the spell at any time.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Keen Hearing, Far Hearing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Self, GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell makes it impossible for the subject to make any noise with his mouth. The victim can still communicate and make noise in other ways. This spell will interfere with spells that require the mage to speak to cast them.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1, 1 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points.
This spell allows the subject to hear any complimentary statement uttered about him, or other subjects specified by the mage, regardless of the distance. If the subject is familiar with the voice of the person who utters the compliment, he can make an IQ roll to determine who praised him. Note that only the compliment is heard, not the context.
Either the subject or the people uttering the compliments can roll vs. IQ to resist.
This spell is handy for finding out what people really think of you. It's also good for inciting envy and social strife.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell is identical to the Hear Compliment spell, except that it allows the subject to hear criticism and insults made about him.
Either the subject or the people uttering the insults can roll vs. IQ to resist.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Gives the subject the Penetrating Call advantage for the duration of the spell.
This is also an Animal spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Cacophony.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell allows the subject to perfectly imitate any sound with which he is familiar, including animal calls and foreign accents.
This spell doesn't allow the caster to speak foreign languages, but it does improve his accent, as long as he has heard the accent of a native speaker of the language. In this case, he gets +1 to his skill as long as his basic skill level with the language is 10 or better.
If the subject uses this spell to make animal calls or other noises, he gets a skill level of 12 with the Animal Mimicry skill. If he already has this skill, he gets +2 to his effective skill.
Sounds made by the subject can't be any louder than those that could be made by the human voice, unless the caster also casts the Great Voice or Amplify Sound spells.
This spell does not allow the subject to imitate the voice of a specific person.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Distort Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost: 150 points.
This spell makes the subject's voice inaudible to everyone but the speaker. Unless the subject can roll vs. IQ to resist, he will believe that he is speaking normally, but other people won't be able to hear him. To observers, it appears as if the subject is just moving his lips, and isn't speaking.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Distort Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost: 150 points.
This spell makes all sounds produced by a person, creature, or object seem unbearably aggravating.
Unless the subject can roll vs. Will to resist, he is afflicted with the Disturbing Voice disadvantage. If he has them, he loses the Voice or Silver Tongue advantages. Finally, anyone who hears the subject reacts to him at -1, even if he doesn't speak. Spells such as Hush will counter this version of the spell.
If this spell is cast on an object, any noises it makes become intolerable to listeners. Those who hear the noises must make a Will roll to ignore it. If the listener fails his roll, he will react to the item in some way. Most people will move away from the object or will try to silence it. However, different characters might respond in unusual ways. For example, a carpenter might try to mend a chair with this spell cast on it, but an ill-tempered ruffian would smash it.
People with the Phobia (Brontophobia) disadvantage must make a Fright Check if they fail their Will roll.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. If cast as an Area spell, Base Cost is 2, 1 to maintain (minimum 2 hexes).
Prerequisite: Noise.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Always On. Can't be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 time the base cost.
This spell makes sounds produced by a person or object seem more pleasant than they really are.
If cast on a person it temporarily cancels the effects of the Disturbing Voice or Stuttering disadvantages. If cast on an object, it makes attractive noises even more attractive, and makes aggravating noise tolerable. Musical instruments with this spell cast on them give +2 to skill if the subject has a skill level of less than 12, or a +1 bonus to skill if the user has a higher skill level.
This spell counters spells that produce loud or aggravating noise, such as Amplify Sound or Cacophony. It also gives +1 to rolls to resist the effects of dangerously loud or irritating noise, such as Sonic Screamers or Thunderclap spells.
For double cost, sounds in the area can be made beautiful. In this case, anyone in the area of effect gets the Voice advantage. Characters with the Voice advantage get the Silver Tongue advantage. Characters with the Silver Tongue advantage get no extra benefit.
Characters must roll vs. Will roll to ignore noises made by objects in the area of effect (or that have the spell cast on them). If they fail their roll, they will react strongly to the sound. Most characters will stand still and listen for 1d seconds before they go about their business. Artistic characters might listen attentively for the duration of the spell.
Musical instruments with this spell cast on them give +4 to effective skill, no matter what the performer's skill level, in addition to the mesmerizing effects of the spell.
The enchanting version of this spell gives no extra protection against loud or harmful noises.
Unwilling subjects roll vs. Will to resist.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 1 point to cast on a small object up to 2 lbs. (e.g., a whistle or flute), 2 to cast on a larger object up to 1 hex in size (e.g., a musical instrument), 3 points to cast on a person. Same to maintain. If cast as an Area spell, Base Cost is 1, same to maintain (minimum area 2 hexes). Double cost for enchanting sound.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Noise.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (c) An area can be permanently enchanted with this spell for 25 times the base cost. (d) An object such as a musical instrument can be permanently enchanted with this spell for 50 times the base cost.
This spell is identical to the Delayed Message spell, but more information can be transmitted.
Duration: Until a specified person arrives, 1 minute per 100 words to speak the message.
Cost: 4 per 100 words.
Time to Cast: 1 minute, plus the time required to speak the message (100 words per minute).
Prerequisite: Delayed Message.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell casts a "Mass" variant of the Long March spell on anyone in the area, but the subjects must sing or play musical instruments while they march.
When the spell is cast, anyone in the area of effect loses Fatigue at a quarter of the normal rate while marching or walking, as long as the spell lasts. Furthermore, the steady cadence of the song gives the characters +2 to Tactics or Hobby (Drill and Ceremony) to stay in step in a formation.
The area of effect moves with the people who were in the area of effect when the spell was cast. As long as size of the area of effect does not change, the shape of the area can change as the characters move.
For this spell to work, the subjects must sing or play musical instruments. If a character stops singing or playing for more than 1 minute, he loses the benefits of this spell. He also loses the benefits of the spell if he leaves the spell's area of effect.
This is also a Movement spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Base Cost: 3 points, 1 to maintain. If all the subjects are willing, the subjects can each donate 1 point of Fatigue to the spell, in an abbreviated "ceremonial casting" of the spell.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds, or 1 minute if cast as a "ceremonial" spell.
Prerequisite: Long March, Silver Tongue.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Marching Drum. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 30. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell is identical to the Hush spell, but it affects everything in the area of effect.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Hush.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on an area for 25 times the base cost.
This spell is identical to the Mage Stealth spell, but it affects everything in the area of effect.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 5, 4 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Mage Stealth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on an area for 25 times the base cost.
When cast on the subject, the mage creates a personal "sound track" to accompany the subject's actions and words.
The mage determines the sort of music and the themes to be used, but the spell will "improvise" as necessary. Depending on the circumstances and the wishes of the mage, the subject could find this irritating, amusing or even helpful.
It is up to the GM and the mage as to whether the sound track is a benefit or a hindrance. A well-done sound track gives +1 to reaction rolls and to skills where the GM rules that the music might be useful. A poorly done sound track gives -1 to reactions and -2 to skills. If there is any doubt as to whether a sound track is a help or hindrance, the GM should require the mage to roll vs. his Musical Composition skill.
This spell makes it impossible to use skills that require stealth or silence.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Some versions are always on and can't be removed. They play an obnoxious "sound track" - obnoxious tinny piano music during chases, trumpet flourishes whenever the subject makes a declarative statement, and rimshots when the subject tries to tell a joke. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell creates music in the area of effect. The mage can specify any piece of music, and any arrangement with which he is familiar.
The details of orchestration and arrangement are up to the mage. However, unless he has the appropriate skills (e.g., Musical Composition, Professional Skill (Conductor), or Musical Instrument), he must use musical performances that he has heard. If the mage has musical skills, he can create his own tunes and arrangements.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 1, half to maintain.
Prerequisite: Voices
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 10 times the base cost, except that it will only play the music specified by the mage when the spell is cast. Multiple castings allow different pieces of music to be played "in rotation."
This spell makes an inanimate object produce a tune. The mage (or the owner of the item) can either specify which tune will be played, or he can have the item randomly select a song appropriate to the situation.
If the user of the object (or the mage) gets tired of one song, by whistling he can "retrain" the music box to sing another song. If no song is specified, the item will sing one of approximately 100 familiar songs.
The singing is quite loud and can be heard up to 100 hexes away if there is no other sound.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Music.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Any object can have this spell permanently cast on it. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) Singing Sledgehammer GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 31. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell fills the area with the music of the spheres, the unearthly music that surrounds and pervades the universe.
Unless listeners can roll vs. Will to resist, they are Mentally Stunned. Stunned subjects must roll vs. Will again or be affected by the Madness spell.
At the end of the spell, victims who were afflicted by Madness must roll vs. Will+4 or have the Madness become permanent! Their insanity will usually take the form of Obsessions or Delusions having to do with order, music or the nature of the universe.
Characters who resist the maddening effects of the Music of the Spheres get a Will roll every 10 seconds to recover from their Mental Stun.
It is also possible that some characters (especially those who are "enlightened" or "holy") can actually get insights from listening to this music or will at least be immune to its effects. The details are up to the GM.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Celestial Chorus.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) An area can be permanently enchanted with this spell for 25 times the base cost.
This spell makes in the area of effect stop and listen while the subject sings a song.
If the subject makes his Singing roll, his audience will remain enraptured for the duration of the performance. Songs can last a maximum of 3 and a half minutes. (Exception: if the user has a Dance skill 13+ he can insert a little dance number to increase the maximum time to 5 minutes.).
Hearers must roll vs. Will-5 to tear themselves away. However, if they can't hear the singer clearly or if they are concentrating on an important or dangerous task (such as combat, carrying a heavy load, or defusing a bomb) when the spell started, they just roll vs. Will to resist. Those who fail their Will roll by 2 or more will join in with the song (or the chorus), if it is appropriate to do so.
Characters who are attacked while the spell is in progress immediately break free of its effects. Characters who are shocked or jostled while the spell is in effect immediately get another roll vs. Will to break free.
Also, note that this spell doesn't make characters immobile or insensate. They can react to outside stimuli but will do so in such a way that the song, and their focus on it, isn't interrupted. For example, a merchant might slap a pickpocket's hand away from his purse rather than attempting to attack the thief or shouting for the watch. A character confronted by a mortal enemy would move away as quickly as decorum allows, and might prepare for the upcoming battle, but he wouldn't attack unless attacked himself or until the spell ends.
The spell will have no effect on deaf or deafened creatures or by those with well-stopped ears.
This is also a Mind Control spell.
Duration: 3 minutes, 30 seconds (or 5 minutes, as above).
Base Cost: 2 points, can't be maintained. (Minimum of 3 hexes).
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Symphony, and Charm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Musical Interlude, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 55. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell keeps the subject from making any voluntary noise for the duration of the spell.
In addition to afflicting the subject with the Mute disadvantage, the spell also prevents the character from deliberately making any other sort of noise, such as playing musical instruments, tapping their toes, and the like. Inadvertent noise, such as rustling of clothing or footsteps, is not muffled.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Silence.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell dampens extraneous or random noise in the area, allowing coherent sound, such as speech or music, to be heard more clearly. For example, if this spell were cast on an auditorium, it would remove echoes and street noises from outside of the building.
For the duration of the spell, people in the area get +6 to Hearing rolls to hear the sounds (or type of sounds) not filtered by the spell. Additionally, subjects suffers no penalties to hear a sound due to distance or loud noises in the area, as long as ambient or loud noises are filtered. However, they get -2 to hear sounds that he has filtered out.
The mage can change the sounds he dampens or cancel the spell at any time.
If the mage filters them, people in the area get +2 to skill or Resistance rolls to resist the effects of loud or harmful noises. Attacks that do damage by sound do -1 point of damage per die if they are dampened.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Filter Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on an area for 25 times the base cost.
This spell will filter out sudden loud noises which could damage hearing or stun.
If the spell wins a Contest of Skills against the other spell, it will block spells such as Sound Jet or Thunderclap.
It will automatically protect against non-magical sound based attacks. Loud noises that could damage hearing are blocked. Attacks that do damage with coherent jets of sound, such as Screamers, Stunners, and Concussion from explosions are at -2 to hit and do -2 points of damage per die of damage.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Silence.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost: 250 points.
This spell makes the subject extremely noisy. He stomps when he walks, shouts when he talks, and generally behaves in a noisy manner.
Unless he resists with DX, the subject is incapable of using any skill that requires silence or stealth. In addition, listeners get +10 to Hearing rolls to hear the subject. People can hear him coming from blocks away, even in noisy conditions.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost: 150 points.
This spell makes the subject's voice sound spooky and frightening. This gives the subject +2 to his Intimidation skill roll. It might also give bonuses to other skills, at the GM's option.
In combat or potential combat situations, any foes within 5 hexes who hear the subject speak must make a Fright Check, as if the subject had the Penetrating Call advantage.
The subject can turn the Ominous Voice spell "on" or "off" at will.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Great Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost: 350 points.
This spell allows the mage to create an invisible wizard mouth that has unlimited range.
The mouth can go any place with which the mage is personally familiar. The mouth can also follow people personally known to the mage as long as he knows their rough location when he casts the spell.
If sent to a distant location, the Mouth will seem to travel instantly. However, careful observers will note that it actually moves with tremendous, but finite speed.
In other respects, this spell is identical to the Wizard Mouth spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Wizard Mouth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell makes everything that the subject says come out as a song.
The mage may choose the style of music when the spell is cast, but anything the subject says is sung with the subject's Singing or Poetry skill (whichever is better).
In some contexts this spell makes speech impossible or highly embarrassing (-4 to skill). In other cases, it might add an unexpected flourish, especially if the subject is a good singer (+1 to skill rolls).
It takes twice as long for the subject to communicate information while he is singing. Additionally, singing for prolonged periods is fatiguing. The subject takes 1 point of Fatigue per hour of singing.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Alter Voice, Musical Interlude.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Casts this spell on the Wearer. Always On. Some versions Can't be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell makes sounds specified by the mage penetrate all normal insulating material, out to a range of 75 hexes.
Only distance or magic attenuates the sound created, not barriers or insulation. For example, a mage could use this spell on his voice to speak to people trapped deep underground. As long as no magic barriers were in the way, those trapped could hear what the mage said.
This spell cannot be used as a "carrier" for other Sound magic spells or for attacks that do damage by sound, only normal, non-harmful sounds can be carried.
Note that this spell only cancels penalties to intervening barriers between the sound and the listener. Penetrating Sounds attenuate normally with distance, and other noises can interfere with them.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. Each doubling of cost doubles the range that the sound can penetrate.
Prerequisite: Howl.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) Any object which makes noise (or which is used to amplify sound) can have this spell cast on it permanently. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (d) Prayer Bell. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 75. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell is identical to the Strike Sonar spell, except that the effects are permanent.
This is also a Body Control spell and a Tech Magic (Machine Subcollege) spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Strike Sonar.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 600 points.
This spell produces a perfectly-tuned musical tone of the caster's choice. It can be held for as long as the caster wishes. The tone can be used to tune instruments by ear, as background noise, or for some other purpose. It is not loud enough to damage hearing or break glass.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1, same to maintain.
Item: Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
This spell temporarily cancels stuttering or other speech impediments. For the duration of the spell, characters with Stuttering or Disturbing Voice lose those disadvantages. Characters without any speech impediments get the Voice advantage for the duration of the spell.
This spell can be cast twice to give a character with Stuttering or Disturbing Voice the Voice advantage.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. For double cost, a character with a speech impediment can be given the Voice advantage.
Prerequisites: Symphony.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell lets the subject's voice appear to come from any other point within 10 hexes.
Increasing the cost increases the distance the subject's voice can be "thrown." At the caster's option, the subject can also "speak" without opening his mouth.
This spell gives +4 to the subject's Ventriloquism skill.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. Each doubling of cost doubles the distance that the subject's voice can be thrown.
Prerequisite: Voices.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost: 100 points.
The spell gives the subject one or more levels of the Silence advantage, by eliminating unintentional noise that the subject and his equipment might make.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2 per level, up to 4 levels maximum, half to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost: 150 points.
This spell gives the subject the Radar advantage for the duration of the spell.
This is also a Technology (Machine) spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain. Each extra point of energy doubles the effective range.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sonar Detector.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell allows the subject to read lips perfectly, as long as the speaker's mouth is in view and he is speaking or whispering.
Unlike the Lip Reading skill, the subject does not need to have the subject's mouth in full view, nor do they need to make a skill roll to interpret what they see. However, the subject must still be able to see the subject's mouth. Penalties to vision due to distance, darkness, and obstructions all apply.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost: 150 points.
This spell reads written words aloud in either the voice of the mage, the voice of the author, or some other voice.
This spell will only read what is on the page. It will not translate, edit or clarify. The Gift of Tongues spell can be used to translate spoken words.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Voices.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Lectern or similar object. Casts this spell on any written matter placed on it. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (c) Reading Idol. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 38. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell turns a small item (less than five pounds) into a recording device. For the duration of the spell, the object will record any sound generated within a 10 hex radius of its location. The sound pickup and quality is equivalent to that of a TL7 boom mike and tape player.
To activate the recorder, the mage must speak a command word chosen when he first casts the spell. A second command word will stop the recorder. A third command word will allow it to play back any sounds it has captured.
The object will only provide a limited number of playbacks, equal to the Base Cost to cast the spell squared. For 20 points, the sound can be permanently recorded.
Duration: 30 minutes.
Cost: 1 per playback squared, half to maintain. For 20 points, sounds can be permanently recorded, per half hour of recording.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds, plus recording time.
Prerequisite: Voices.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Bob Traynor (From "Minor Magics for GURPS").
This spell allows sound to be "trapped" and preserved in a sack, pouch or other closeable container.
When the container is opened, the sound is released at its full intensity. Multiple sounds can be trapped in the same sack, but they must all be released at once.
If multiple sounds are present in the area, the mage must specify which sounds he wishes to capture when the spell is cast.
Duration: Permanent (until sound is released).
Cost: 1 per minute of sound (or portion thereof) stored.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Sack or other container. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
When this spell is cast, the subject can produce a blood-curdling scream. Every creature within the area of effect must make Fright Check.
Note that the subject must scream to trigger the spell.
Duration: 1 second.
Base Cost: 1, can't be maintained (minimum of 2 hexes).
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Thunderclap.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell amplifies the subject's voice, making his softest whisper seem like normal conversation, and his normal speaking voice sound like a shout. His screams can deafen anyone nearby!
If the subject screams or shouts, anyone within 10 hexes (including the subject) must roll vs. HT or be temporarily deafened. Anyone who is deafened will be mentally stunned until they can make an IQ roll. In order to regain their hearing, victims must make a successful HT roll after 1 minute.
Though this spell is occasionally useful as an attack or as a communication spell, it is mostly considered a curse. This spell can be combined with the Curse-Missile spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Great Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Some versions are Always on and Hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net (as Shout).
This spell gives the subject the Singing skill at level 12. Characters who already have the Singing skill at 12+ get +2 to their effective skill.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Voices, Lend Skill.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from D. Carter
This spell makes the blade of a weapon vibrate and hum. For the duration of the spell, the blade does an additional 1d of damage, and has an armor divisor of 5, just like an ultratech vibroblade.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 4 points, plus 1 per lb. of weapon, half to maintain.
Prerequisites: Sound Jet, Shatterproof.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on a weapon for 100 times the base cost.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.
This spell creates a sound that will attract a crowd.
Unless listeners can roll vs. IQ to resist, they will immediately head for the sound. The sound travels 200 hexes in the open, less where there are obstructions or other noises (GM's judgement).
People will attempt to find the source of the noise for 5 minutes. Once they find it, or once the spell ends, they are free to act as they please.
Deaf characters get +4 to resistance rolls against this spell. Hard of Hearing characters are at +2 to resist.
This is also a Mind Control spell.
Duration: 5 minutes.
Cost: 6 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Noise, Mass Suggestion.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points (b) Whistle-Stop Whistle. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 92. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell projects a beam of intense ultra-sound that shatters delicate materials and deafens and disorients living creatures.
A target hit by the Shatter Ray must roll vs. HT or be Deafened for 1d minutes and Stunned for 3d seconds. On a critical failure, they take 1d-2 points of damage. Small, fragile items with a mass of less than 3 pounds area automatically shattered by the spell unless they can roll vs. HT to resist. Brittle items take 1d points of damage. Solid but non-brittle items take 1d-3 points of damage.
The ray has SS 12, Acc +3, 1/2D 25, Max 50. It is targeted using the Spell Throwing (Shatter Ray) skill.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sound Jet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
This spell creates an area of tremendous pressure and sound that spreads out in a circle from a central point to the edge of the area of effect.
Everyone in the area of effect must roll vs. HT or be Deafened for 1d minutes. In addition, anyone in the area of effect takes 1d points of crushing damage.
This damage is halved if the victim is lying down or is attempting to take cover. It is doubled if the subject weighs less than 25 lbs. There is cover between the victim and the center of the blast, basic damage is halved and the DR of the cover reduces damage from the other half of the damage. Finally, the shockwave will pick up small, loose items and fling them about and will shatter fragile items.
Anyone standing near an object shattered by the shockwave (like a window) takes 1 extra point of cutting damage due to shrapnel.
Duration: 1 second.
Base Cost: 4, can't be maintained (minimum of 2 hexes).
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Thunderclap, Sound Jet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
When this spell is cast, the subject will know if anyone is using sonar or radar in his area, as well as what band the emissions are on, and from where the emissions are coming. If the source of emissions is common, then the GM can reveal the likely source (i.e., bat, dolphin, police band radar, etc.)
If the radar or sonar operator is trying to be stealthy, he must win a contest of Electronics Operations (or IQ for natural users) vs. Spell skill (or the subject's IQ, if the subject is not the mage himself). Every 20 hexes of ranges gives -1 to the subject's effective skill or IQ.
This is also a Technology (Machine) spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Keen Hearing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or container. This item makes a noise and/or produces a flash of light when it senses radar or sonar in the area. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell renders the subject invisible to Radar and Sonar scans. He is still visible to normal sight. If someone is using magic to break through this spell, treat it as a Contest of Skills, otherwise the subject is "invisible".
This is also a Technology (Machine) spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain. Vehicles can be "stealthed" for a cost of 1 point per 100 lbs.
Time to Cast: 3 Seconds.
Prerequisites: Sound Vision and Silence.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) This spell can be made permanent for 100 times the base cost.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann.
This spell alters sonar or radar waves so that they give "false contact" readings.
The nature of the contact is up to the mage, but large "illusions" cost more. The "illusion" is invisible except to either radar or sonar (the mage must choose which when the spell is cast). Creatures with natural Radar or Sonar get an IQ roll to resist and "disbelieve". Mechanical radar or sonar is automatically fooled and can't disbelieve, but operators can roll vs. IQ to detect the illusion - if they have reason to be suspicious.
Illusions can occupy up to 7 hexes (generally a central hex and the surrounding hexes). Each additional point of energy put into the spell doubles the size of the illusion. The illusion can appear to move at a speed equal to double the mage's skill with this spell. Each extra point put into the spell can double speed beyond that.
This is also a Technology (Machine) spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Cost: 3, plus extra costs (see above), half (minimum 2) to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Sonar Static.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create:350 points.
This spell gives the subject the Sonar advantage for the duration of the spell.
This is also a Technology (Machine) spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Cost: 4,3 to maintain. Each extra point of energy put into the spell doubles range.
Prerequisite: Sonar Detector.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell completely blocks radar or sonar emissions in the area. Normal sonar or radar is automatically fooled. It "sees" nothing and indicates empty space. The sensor operator may roll vs. IQ to determine that something odd is going on, if he has reason to be suspicious.
Creatures that navigate by radar or sonar get a roll vs. HT to resist. If they fail their resistance roll, their sonar is effectively blind in the area of effect.
This is also a Technology (Machine) spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Sonar Shield.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent for 25 times the base cost.
This spell is like the Sound Jet spell, except that it affects all hexes in an area centered on the mage's hex.
Duration: 1 second.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Base Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Sound Jet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
This spell creates a blade of liquefying sound that does Crushing damage and will gradually destroy armor, just like an ultratech sonic blade. This blade can only be Parried by a Force Blade or Blocked by a Force Shield. It is wielded using the Force Sword skill.
For every 5 or 6 rolled for damage, the blade destroys one point of the target's DR, unless the DR provided by a magic spell or ultratech force field.
If the Sound Blade strikes a normal weapon, the weapon takes damage and must roll for breakage as if it parried a heavier weapon. If the Sound Blade strikes a normal shield, it does normal damage to the shield.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2 to 6 points, same to maintain. The blade does 1d (5) per two points of energy used to power the spell.
Prerequisites: Shatter, Sound Jet.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Ring, Bracelet or Bracer. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. The blade is created in the hand on which the item is worn. (c) Any edged weapon can have this spell permanently placed on it for 250 times the base cost.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.
This handy spell allows the mage to create any single sound that he is familiar with or which he could reasonably imagine.
The only limit is that the mage cannot imitate the voices of specific individuals or complex musical performances. Anything else goes. For example, he could create the sound of a (generic) person talking, or the sound of breaking glass, or the sound of a single musical instrument playing a scale, but he couldn't create the sound of a specific person's voice or the sound of an orchestra tuning up.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Noise.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell cancels the Mute advantage, allowing the subject to speak just as if he had a fully-functional larynx, vocal cords, mouth and tongue, and the mental capacity to use language.
Note that this spell does not give Mute creatures any special language ability, nor does it improve their intelligence. For example, if the mage were to cast this spell on a cat, the beast could eventually learn to use human speech, but it wouldn't know how to speak when the spell is cast, nor would its conversation be particularly intelligent.
This is also a Mind Control spell and a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Voices, Pleasant Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell fills the area with a powerful, deep, standing vibration, which will eventually shatter anything in the area to dust.
Anyone or anything in the area of effect takes 1 point of damage each turn as long as the wave continues. Armor does not protect against this damage unless it is completely sealed, however, the spell will attack the sealed armor. Once the armor's DR has been breached, it crumbles to dust, exposing the victim to damage.
Victims must also roll vs. HT to avoid being deafened as if the Thunderclap spell had been cast on them.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 8 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 3, Thunderclap, and Trumpet Blast.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.
This spell cancels the Sonar Sense or Radar Sense spells if it can win a Contest of Skills against those spells. It will also temporarily remove either the Radar or Sonar Sense advantage from a creature that has those advantages, unless they can roll vs. HT to resist.
Mechanical Sonar devices are automatically jammed, though the operator can make a Electronics Operations (Sonar or Radar) roll every minute to unjam them.
This is also a Body Control spell and a Tech Magic (Machine Subcollege) spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Sonar Invisibility.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Always On. Can't Be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell gives the subject the Subsonic Hearing advantage for the duration of the spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Ultrasonics.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Gives the subject the Subsonic Speech advantage for the duration of the spell. When the subject speaks in the subsonic range, only creatures that have Subsonic Hearing can hear what the subject says. Subsonic speech carries better than normal speech, so all Hearing rolls to hear subsonic frequencies are at +4.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Subsonic Hearing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell fills an area with a subsonic tone on the frequency of the mage's choice. This subsonic "noise" makes Subsonic Speech and Hearing more difficult (-4 penalty to Hearing rolls), and causes some objects to vibrate slightly. It might also disturb animals that can hear subsonic sounds (-1 to all reaction rolls). Creatures with the Subsonic Hearing advantage must roll vs. Will every minute or move out of the area.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 1, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Noise.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can be permanently affected with this spell for 25 times the base cost.
This spell fills the air with intense, beautiful music.
Anyone in the immediate vicinity must roll vs. Will each minute to avoid becoming quiet and still while they listen to the lovely sounds.
This spell gives +1 to Animal Handling rolls since the sounds soothe skittish animals. In some cases, the spell might also give bonuses to Social or Performance skills that rely on music or soothing the emotions, such as Sex Appeal, Diplomacy or Dancing. Details are up to the GM, but the total bonus should never be more than +2.
Note that characters who are distracted by other tasks (such as those who are in combat) or who can't hear are automatically immune to the effects of this spell. In addition, the basic consciousness of characters affected by this spell doesn't change. If confronted with a threat enthralled characters can immediately "wake up" and react appropriately.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Joyful Noise.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Harmonious Bangles GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 53 Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell creates a powerful blast of sound like that from a trumpet, which will do damage to inanimate objects.
When the spell is cast, any inanimate object within a 90 degree fan-shaped area, 30 hexes long must roll vs. HT or take 6d points of damage. Inanimate objects that make their Resistance Rolls take 3d points of damage instead. Living creatures in the area of effect take no damage, but must roll vs. HT-4 or be deafened for 2d hours.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 10 points, 6 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Sonic Blast.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) Jericho Trumpet GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 29. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell will only work if cast on a pipe, bagpipe, drum, trumpet or other military signaling instrument.
When the spell is cast, any member of a friendly military formation within the area of effect will automatically hear and understand signals communicated through the instrument.
Furthermore, they must roll vs. Will or obey the signal as a command. For example, if a trumpeter sounds a charge, everyone in the unit will charge. If it sounds retreat, everyone will retreat. If it sounds taps, everyone will prepare to go to sleep.
At the GM's option, the members of the formation get a bonus to Will rolls to resist obviously inappropriate commands (such as a command to go to sleep in the face of the enemy).
If this spell is cast on a military formation that is affected by another spell (such as Cowardice, Fear or Sleep) the appropriate command (charge or reveille, respectively) will give everyone in the area of effect another Resistance Roll to shake off the effects of those spells.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Emotional Performance, Great Voice, and Bravery.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points (b) Military Trumpet. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 30. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (c) Any military signaling instrument. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell will bring a musical instrument into a state of perfect pitch. Once tuned, the instrument will stay in tune for at least a week even in the harshest conditions unless it is deliberately untuned.
This is also a Making and Breaking spell.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 1, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Pitch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on a musical instrument for 50 points.
This spell gives the subject the Ultrasonic Hearing advantage for the duration of the spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Ultrasonics.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Gives the subject the Ultrasonic Speech advantage for the duration of the spell. When the subject speaks in the ultrasonic range, only creatures that have Ultrasonic Hearing can hear what the subject says.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Ultrasonic Hearing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell fills the area with Ultrasonic noise. This "noise" makes Ultrasonic Speech and Hearing more difficult (-4 penalty to Hearing rolls), and causes some objects to vibrate slightly. It might also disturb animals that can hear ultrasonic sounds (-1 to all reaction rolls). Creatures with the Ultrasonic Hearing advantage must roll vs. Will every minute or move out of the area.
This spell also interferes with Sonar. For the duration of the spell, all Electronics Operations (Sonar) and IQ rolls to use natural Sonar are at -2.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can be permanently affected with this spell for 25 times the base cost.
This spell sets up ultrasonic vibrations throughout an object, possibly shattering solid items.
Brittle objects take 2d points of damage. Solid objects take 1d points of damage per point of energy used to power the spell. Liquids and gasses are unaffected. Living creatures take 1d-3 points of damage per energy point. Armor protects by absorbing damage intended for the wearer. Damage that destroys armor passes through to the victim, but the victim is allowed a HT roll to resist the spell.
In all cases, the mage must touch the subject.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 1 point per 1d of damage done to solid objects, up to 3 dice.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy used to power the spell.
Prerequisite: Sound.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
This spell generates a focused spear of shattering sound that does Crushing damage and shatters armor. For every 5 or 6 rolled for damage, the bolt destroys one point of the target's DR, unless the DR provided by a magic spell or ultratech force field.
The missile has Acc+1, SS12, 1/2D 25, Max 50, and is targeted using the Spell Throwing (Vibro Bolt) skill.
Cost: 1 to 3 points. Does 1d crushing per point of energy used.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy used.
Prerequisites: Shatter, Sound Jet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Anthony Jackson.
This spell causes an edged weapon to vibrate and hum, turning it into the equivalent of an ultratech Vibroblade.
For the duration of the spell, the weapon does an does an additional 1d of damage and acquires an armor divisor of 5.
Duration: 1 turn.
Cost: 4 + 1 per pound of weapon; half to maintain.
Prerequisites: Sound Jet, Shatterproof.
Item: Any edged weapon can have this spell permanently placed on it for 100 times the base cost.
Author: Anthony Jackson.
Author: David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer).
This powerful spell acts as a combination of the Strength, Vigor, and Dexterity spells as well as improving morale and loyalty, but with the drawback that retreat is impossible until the spell ends.
In order to cast the spell, the mage must start to sing a martial song or begin playing a warlike tune on a musical instrument. Those in the area of effect who choose to join in the war chant get +2 to ST, DX, and HT. They also get a +2 bonus to Fright and Morale Checks. Neutral characters and enemies are not affected. Friendly characters that do not wish to join the chant must roll vs. Will to resist the spell's effects, although the mage can exclude them when the spell is cast. Characters who resist the spell's effects can not gain the spell's effects later unless the mage recasts the spell.
While under the effect of the war chant the affected characters cannot flee from the fight. They can take the Wait, Retreat or All-Out Defense maneuvers to gain a tactical advantage, but they can't use these maneuvers unless they make a Will roll. In no case can a character use a "defensive" maneuver for more than 1 turn.
Once a character takes up the war chant, they are affected by the spell until the caster ends the spell, they are unable to continue fighting, or there are no enemies left to fight.
Characters who take more than half damage while affected by this spell get a second Will roll to break free of the spell's effects.
While singing, the mage must concentrate. He has no Active Defenses and he can cast no other spells. If he is hurt or killed while the spell is in effect, the spell immediately ends. If the mage is interrupted, those affected by the spell lose the benefits of the spell, and are at -1 to ST, DX, and HT for 1d hours thereafter. The mage can voluntarily end the spell with no ill effect to the subjects.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 4 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds, plus time to sing the chant.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Trumpet Call, Charm, Vigor, Might, Mind Reading.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points. (c) Martial Bagpipes. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 30. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell casts a "Mass" variant of the Cadence spell on anyone in the area, but the subjects must sing or play musical instruments while they work.
When the spell is cast, anyone in the area of effect loses Fatigue at a quarter of the normal rate while performing heavy, unskilled labor, such as digging, mining, or carrying heavy loads.
Furthermore, the steady cadence of the song gives +1 to all skill rolls to perform heavy, repetitive manual labor (Seaman, Lifting, Blacksmith, Masonry, etc. skill depending on the situation.)
The area of effect moves with the people who were in the area of effect when the spell was cast. As long as size of the area of effect does not change, the shape of the area can change as the characters move.
For this spell to work, the subjects must sing or play musical instruments. If a character stops singing or playing for more than 1 minute, he loses the benefits of this spell. He also loses the benefits of the spell if he leaves the spell's area of effect.
This is also a Movement.
Duration: 1 hour.
Base Cost: 3 points, 1 to maintain. If all the subjects are willing, the subjects can each donate 1 point of Fatigue to the spell, in an abbreviated "ceremonial casting" of the spell.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds, or 1 minute if cast as a "ceremonial" spell.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Marching Song.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (c) Musical Instrument. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.