This section includes spells from GURPS Undead. GMs who intend to run a campaign with a strong necromantic influences are encouraged to consult this source book.
Necromantic Spells and the Undead: Spells such as Consecration, Final Rest, Turn Zombie, Repel Spirit, and so forth are useful against undead creatures. Occasionally Banish, Exorcism, and Pentagram are effective as well.
Creating Undead: Note that the Magic Resistance of a dead subject works normally, subtracting from the caster's skill and adding to resistance rolls (where applicable). Spells that create permanent undead don't count as spells "on".
Necromantic Spells and Radiation: In some High Tech campaigns (notably GURPS Technomancer) Radiation spells are also considered Necromantic spells.
Undead Senses: Undead have normal senses unless specified otherwise. Some have extra senses besides. Being eyeless, headless, etc., does not prevent sight, hearing, etc. This is because the undead are twisted magical archetypes of humanity inhabited by spirits, and have human powers for that reason.
- At the GM's option, aging is based on the creature's total life span. Creatures with very short life spans might only be aged a few hours; creatures with very long life spans might be aged years. Assume that an "average" human life span is 70 years, so each application of this spell steals 1/840th of its total life span. So a creature with a 10 year life span would be aged 120/840 = .142 months or about 4 days.Animation - This spell actually summons a ghostly spirit into an item. The Animate Object spell in GURPS Grimoire produces the same effect without necromancy.
Banish - This spell can be used against any extra-planar creature, however the mage must know the creature's plane and/or planet of origin to avoid the skill penalty.
Control Demon - Item: (b) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Gives a bonus up to +5 to the mage's effective spell skill and/or Will rolls to control a demon. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points per +1 bonus.
Control Zombie - Zombies can be controlled at long-range using long-distance modifiers for spell success. Control Zombie only works on undead created with the Zombie spell.
Death Vision - The mage can "program" the vision that the victim sees. However, if the vision doesn't reflect a plausible death (drowning in the desert, freezing to death in the jungle) the victim gets +2 to his Fright Check. If the mage can play on the victim's phobias, the subject's resistance roll is penalized by their Phobia disadvantage.
This spell can be used against any creature with IQ3 or better unless they have no conception of death (such as a naturally Immortal creature) or they have the Unfazeable advantage. Advantages that give bonuses to Fright Checks give bonuses to the roll to resist the Death Vision spell. Note that this spell might work against sentient undead. If the creature realizes that it has died, Death Vision will cause the undead to experience their death all over again! Undead creatures that are not aware that they are dead (such as some ghosts) or whose transformation into undeath didn't involve actual "death" (such as some types of vampires) are affected normally.
Pestilence - This spell won't work against unliving creatures (i.e., golems, robots, undead). At the GM's option, it might not work against characters with the Immunity to Disease advantage.
Planar Summons - This spell can also be used to summon ghosts and other free-willed spirits of the dead who reside on other planes.
Sense Spirit - For double cost the mage can know what sort of spirit he is dealing with.
Skull Spirit - The Preserve Bone spell (q.v.) allows the skull to be reused. Author: David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer). This spell was reprinted in GURPS Undead.
Soul Jar - Souls trapped in a soul jar project no aura. If a soul jar is taken into a No Mana Zone, the spell ends and the trapped soul is freed. Souls are unaffected by mana levels, soul jars are. Source: Sean Punch.
The "soul" consists of the personality, memory, skills, and mental advantages and disadvantages. If the mage takes over a new body, his IQ and Will are that of his previous body. ST, DX, and HT are that of the new body. Mental skills are unchanged. Points put into physical skills stay the same but they are figured from the attributes of the new body. Physical advantages and disadvantages are that of the new body. Social advantages and disadvantages might be that of the new body or that of the mage, depending on the circumstances and the GM's decision.
Soul Jar only works on willful, corporeal creatures. Creatures that have no souls (i.e., the mindless undead, golems, or robots) or no bodies (i.e., spirits, beings of pure thought) can't be affected by this spell.
Steal Strength and Steal Health - For double cost Health or Strength can be stolen from a conscious, unwilling victim. In this case, the subject gets a roll vs. Will to resist the spell. This spell won't work against creatures who aren't alive or who don't suffer fatigue, such as golems, robots, or the undead.
Also, see the discussion of the Steal Attribute spell below for other suggestions.
Steal Youth - For triple cost a member of a different race can be affected. If the creature has a shorter life span than the mage, the mage gains half as much youth as the subject loses based on the proportionate life span of the subject (see above). If the subject has a longer life span, the spell works normally. For example, if a human mage steals a "year" of life from a dog (average life span 10 years) then he would only get (10/70 = .142 years =) 1.7 months of extra life. The dog is only aged by 3.4 months. If mage were to steal youth from a tree (average life span 500 years) then he would only get 1 year of life and the tree would only be aged two years. Costs in both cases are tripled over the base cost of the spell. A desperate mage could steal youth from short-lived animals, but the benefits would hardly outweigh the costs of casting the spell.
Young creatures or creatures who grow throughout their lives do not grow or change when they are aged, except to show the ill effects of aging. For example, a child aged 50 years would look like a prematurely wizened (but still immature) child.
If the GM feels that this spell is being abused, he can limit the maximum skill level at which it can be learned. He can also rule that any critical failure "releases" all the youth the mage has ever stolen, returning him to his "proper" age. If this occurs the mage might have to make one or more Aging rolls and he could die.
This spell won't work against creatures that aren't alive (i.e., robots, golems, undead), or which are immune to aging (such as characters with the Unaging or Immortal advantages). It will have minimal effect on characters with Extended Lifespan.
Summon Demon - Greater and lesser demons can be summoned for greater or lesser costs.
Summon Spirit - If the GM wishes, he can allow a given spirit to be summoned more often than once a year. The mage can also attempt to cast this spell even if he doesn't have the subject's entire body to work with. If he only has a possession strongly linked to the deceased he can roll at -5. If he has a partial body or a single body part, he rolls at -2. When summoned, the shade rolls its reaction normally. This won't affect the accuracy of the spirit's answers, but it will determine the general tone of the "interview" and the amount of information the mage receives.
Summon Spirit can't be used to summon spectral undead, only souls in the afterlife. However, this spell can be used as a ritual invocation. An spectral undead creature invoked with this spell will be aware that the spell has been cast and will know who cast it and where. The spirit may then appear if it chooses to do so. However, when and how it manifests is entirely up to the spirit!
Turn Zombie - For half cost zombies are just kept at bay but are not harmed. This spell only works against undead animated with the Zombie spell.
Zombie - This spell works once per corpse. You can't repeatedly reanimate a former zombie that was "killed" - meaning it leaves a truly permanent magical residue behind.
The spirit animating the zombie is not the spirit of the person whose body it is inhabiting. Any mental advantages and skills the person might have had in life are lost when the body is reanimated as a zombie. For example, a zombie made from the corpse of a mage wouldn't have Magery and wouldn't be able to cast spells. Source: Sean Punch.
Any specially prepared body that has been properly preserved, dried, and wrapped can be turned into a mummy. The process of mummification takes approximately 3 days and $300 worth of ingredients. A successful roll vs. Professional Skill (Mortician) is required to do the job correctly. A failed roll will produce an imperfect mummy that will quickly rot. If animated, it produces a normal zombie.
Enchanted Skeletons:
Plaster (e.g., museum model):
Plastic (e.g., modern-day anatomical model):
Soft Metal (e.g., bronze):
Hard Metal (e.g., iron)
Skeletons as Liches:
Author: Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).
Steal Attribute
- This spell can be used to steal "secondary attributes" and advantages that directly add to Attributes such as Will, Perception, Fatigue, Manual Dexterity, Fit, Very Fit and so forth. This spell can also be used to steal "figured attributes" such as Hit Points, Move and Speed, but at double cost.Steal Beauty - This spell can steal any advantage that is used to influence reaction rolls, including Pitiable, Charisma, Voice, and Attractive Appearance. Note that this spell can't be used to steal what the victim doesn't have! For example, a character can't be reduced below Average Appearance so that the mage can get extra levels of Beauty!
Turn Spirit, Repel Spirits, and Astral Block - These are also Protection and Warning spells.
This variant can be used instead of, or in conjunction with the Sacrifice spell listed below.
Sacrifice |
Potency |
Small Wild Animal |
5 |
Valuable Game (fur-bearers, etc) |
10 |
Domestic Fowl |
15 |
Small Domestic Animals (pets) |
20 |
Livestock |
30 |
Aging, Intelligent Creature |
50 |
Adult, Intelligent Creature |
80 |
Child, Intelligent Creature |
100 |
The distinction between domestic and wild is love. If nobody owns a stray dog, then it's a Small Wild Animal, and worth 5. If a little boy owns a pet mongoose, then it counts as a Small Domestic Animal. The table is based on how important the life is; it is presumed that the souls of the sacrificed are more valuable to Hell if they are valued and cared for. In most societies, the values of sacrifices are increased by 50% for a female victim. If the victim is of an intelligent race (male or female), double value for virginity. Double the value of the sacrifice if the sacrifice is one of the mages performing the ceremony. This must be voluntary. He doesn't die until after the spell is cast.
Time: The ceremony for the sacrifice itself may either be woven into a spell ceremony (adding 2x Potency, in minutes, to the ceremony's duration), or performed for it's own sake, to lower the Tally of the mages present (who can divide it in whatever way they agree upon). If everybody that can be reduced to zero Tally IS, the excess energy is lost unless used immediately in the ceremonial casting. If the sacrifice is a stand-alone energy-grab, the energy is simply lost.
If you don't use Umana Ignore the bit about Tally.
Age (VH)
Animation (VH)
Control Zombie
Death Vision
Planar Summons
Sense Spirit
Skull-Spirit (VH)
Soul Jar (VH)
Steal Health
Steal Strength
Steal Youth (VH)
Summon Demon
Summon Shade (VH)
Turn Zombie
Resurrection - Healing
Animate Shadow
Astral Block
Astral Vision (VH)
Burning Death (VH)
Evisceration (VH)
Repel Spirits
Rotting Death (VH)
Slow Healing
Steal Attribute (VH)
Steal Beauty (VH)
Steal Skill (VH)
Stop Healing
Strike Barren
Summon Minor Demons
Turn Spirit
Weaken Blood
Zombie Summoning
Abortion - Healing
Animate Food - Food
Bleeding - Body Control
Blood Drinker - Enchantment
Blood Rifle - Enchantment
Bones to Jelly - Body Control
Boneshatter (VH) - Body Control
Burn Blood - Food
Coming Forth By Day - Metaspells (Clerical)
Create Body - Illusion & Creation
Crystal Map - Enchantment
Cure Hide - Making & Breaking
Death Detection - Knowledge
Death Harvest - Enchantment
Death Scarab - Animal
Dissolving Death (VH) - Water (Acid)
Drain Blood - Body Control
Health Stealer (VH) - Enchantment
Heart Seeker - Movement
Inversion (VH) - Body Control
Justice - Protection & Warning
Last Image - Knowledge
Not Allowing The Heart to Speak The Truth - Metaspells (Clerical)
Partial Resurrection - Healing
Planar Seal - Gate
Poisoner - Body Control
Preservation - Healing
Prevent Decay - Healing
Replenish Poison - Illusion & Creation
Resist Banishment - Gate
Restore Body - Healing
Resurrect Animal (VH) - Animal
Reunion - Metaspells(C)
Reverse Decay - Healing
Roast’s Revenge - Food
Sever Limb - Body Control
Shades of Prey - Animal
Slayer (VH) - Body Control
Slow Decay - Healing
Soul Stealer - Enchantment
Splice Fetus - Animal
Spooky - Mind Control
Steal Skill (VH) - Communication & Empathy
Succubus - Illusion & Creation
Temporarily Exchange Bodies - Communication & Empathy
Trip to Hell - Gate
Vampire’s Skin - Light & Darkness
Wound Image - Knowledge
This spell lets the caster determine the attributes, skills, advantages, and disadvantages of an undead creature, demon, or extra-planar being to with 80% accuracy. The greater the margin of success, the more accurate the information will be.
If the being to be analyzed is not present, long distance modifiers apply.
Unwilling subjects can resist (or mislead) this spell by rolling vs. IQ.
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Summon Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
For the duration of the spell, the subject seems "angelic" and somehow aligned with the forces of holiness, justice, mercy and righteousness.
For the duration of the spell, the character gets the Sanctity advantage. "Good" creatures and normal people react to the subject at +2 unless they can roll vs. IQ to resist. Unholy creatures or "evil" people react at -4 no matter what.
Holy creatures (including characters with the Blessed or Very Blessed advantages) automatically see through this spell and are completely unaffected by it. Characters with Clerical Investment, Power Investment, or Pious advantage get +2 to IQ rolls to see through the façade.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Alter Body, Planar Summons.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Any item. Works for wearer only. Always on. Many versions are hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell allows the caster to animate a soulless body (like one left behind when its owner is sucked into a Soul Jar) or a body in a comatose state. The "robot" created by this spell will be a mindless servant with 1/2 the IQ of its original owner and the Slave Mentality disadvantage. Mental skills are based on the new IQ, Physical skills are at -5.
If the original owner of the body regains consciousness or frees their soul, they immediately reclaim their body (if it is still living) and the spell is automatically cancelled.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 5, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Animation.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. When placed on an appropriate body, the magic item casts this spell and animates the body for as long as the jewelry or clothing remains on the body. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell makes a corpse appear lifelike for the duration of the spell. Pallor or lividity vanishes from the skin, rigor mortis is removed (or delayed) and the corpse appears to have a normal temperature, heartbeat, pulse and respiration.
If this spell is cast on a recently dead corpse with only minimal wounds or mutilations, or on a body restored to the semblance of wholeness, this spell makes the corpse appear so lifelike that the Diagnosis or Physician skill and high tech medical equipment will be fooled. To casual observation, it appears that the body is alive, but in a deep sleep or coma.
Diagnosis rolls to specifically detect death are at -6 to effective skill. Magical spells to detect life must win a Contest of Skills. High tech lab tests or Ultra-Tech sensing equipment must win a Contest of Skills between the spell and the skill of the diagnostician.
This spell will not prevent rot and the body will eventually decay, so this spell is at an effective -1 to skill for every 2 hours since the body died. In very warm climates, the time is halved (-1 per hour), in cold climates the time is doubled (-1 per 4 hours). Roll vs. effective spell skill at the end of each period, if the skill roll is failed, the spell can't be cast (or renewed) for that corpse by that mage. If used in conjunction with the Slow Decay or Prevent Decay spell, a corpse can be made to appear lifelike forever, though injuries will not heal without magical aid.
If this spell is cast on a corpse more than 12 hours old (6 hours in hot climates, 1 day in cold climates), a body that is not intact, or on a corpse which has been badly mutilated, this spell only conceals the state of the body from casual inspection. Any attempt to diagnose the "patient's" condition will reveal the true condition of the body. In some cases, this might require the examining character to make a Fright Check!
This is also an Illusion and Creation spell.
Duration: 2 hours.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. When placed on a corpse this spell is cast on the body. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Author: Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).
This spell creates an area (or object) that is incredibly attractive to demons and similar malign spirits.
Any demon within up to 20 miles (7 leagues) will eventually be attracted to the object or area. This spell doesn't compel demons to come. Instead, when they are able, they will come at their own pace. Under normal circumstances, this means that all the demons in the area will be attracted within 2d days.
Once attracted to an area, the demons will stay within 1 mile of the area or object unless they are forcibly removed or they make a Will roll. Within the area of attraction, the demons will behave and interact normally.
If this spell is cast on an object, any demons in the area where the spell was first cast follow the object, though more demons are not "accumulated" as the item travels. Once the spell ends the demons lose interest and wander off.
This is a also a Mind Control spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 6 points for an object, half to maintain. If cast as an Area spell, Base Cost is 6 per hex of radius, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Summon Demon.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) Any item can have this spell permanently cast on it. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell is resisted by the appropriate attribute. Tonalli removal is resisted by the higher of ST and DX.
Author: GURPS Aztecs.
This spell imbues a weapon with the Banishment spell.
Any undead or extraplanar creature hit by the weapon takes 2d damage. In addition, creatures vulnerable to the Banish spell must roll vs. Will to avoid being sent back to their home dimension.
On a critical hit, the target is automatically banished from the wielder's plane of existence, even if it's not normally susceptible to Banishment. Demons and spirits will vanish; animated undead will collapse as their motivating spirit flees. At the GM's option, magic "spirits" such as Elementals, or magically animated creatures such as Golems might also be affected by this spell, just as if they were demons or undead, respectively.
Any critical miss ends the spell.
Creatures native to the plane where the spell is cast are immune to this spell. They take no extra damage, and can't be banished as long as they are on their home plane.
This is also a Gate spell.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 5, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Banish, and Turn Undead.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (c) Any weapon can have this spell permanently cast on it for 200 points if the weapon is a single use item (e.g., an arrow or a wooden stake), or 1,000 points if it is a reusable weapon (e.g. a sword or spear).
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).This spell allows the mage to equally split damage received by one person between two or more people.
In order to cast this spell, the mage must touch every character to be included in the bond. Unwilling characters resist with HT. If they resist, the bond still applies to the other characters in the bond, as long as at least two people remain involved.
While the spell is in effect, when one character takes damage, the damage is evenly split between all the characters affected by the spell. Armor and blow-through damage apply normally for the character that is hit, but damage is divided between all characters in the bond. Damage to other characters is applied to the same hit location as where the injured character was hit, or the nearest plausible hit location if a character lacks the relevant hit location.
Damage to other characters in the bond bypasses armor and DR, but still is affected by blowthrough. Odd points of damage apply to the original character, and then to the character(s) nearest to the affected character.
Special hit effects apply to all characters, but each character gets his own HT rolls to resist special damage effects. Special hit effects that affect one character don't necessarily affect the others in the bond.
If one character dies, the other characters in the Blood Bond must roll vs. HT or be immediately Stunned and take 1d damage. Thereafter, damage is split between the surviving members of the Blood Bond.
Characters who are immune to certain sorts of damage take no damage from their portion of the damage. If a character that is hit is immune to certain sorts of damage, he "absorbs" all the damage. The other characters in the blood bond don't take damage.
Example: The mage Aziel, Balthazar and Corwin all voluntarily enter into a Blood Bond. In combat, Aziel is hit in the eye with a arrow for 3 points of damage. Normally, this would destroy his eye (after 2 points of damage) and apply 1 point of damage to the brain. In addition, HT rolls to avoid Stunning and Unconsciousness would apply. However, since he is in a Blood Bond, the damage is divided three ways, so Aziel, Balthazar and Corwin would all take 1 point of damage to their eye. They would all have to roll vs. HT to avoid Stun, but they wouldn't be blinded (since they all took only 1 point of damage).
Later, Aziel is hit on the arm with a sword for 6 points of damage. He is wearing leather armor that absorbs 2 points of damage, leaving 4 points (modified for cutting damage back to 6 points) as base damage. Since he has HT 10, and the 6 points of damage is more than 1/2 HT, 1 point of damage is lost due to Blow Through. Normally, Aziel's arm would be Crippled and he would have to roll vs. HT to avoid Bleeding.
However, since he is in a Blood Bond, the damage is split three ways. Aziel (being the character who was hit) takes 2 points of damage, leaving 3 points of damage to be split between Corwin and Balthazar. Since Corwin was closer to Aziel when he was hit, Corwin takes 2 points, leaving 1 point to Balthazar. Since the damage didn't exceed 1/2 HT for any of the characters, none of them have their arms crippled, though they will each suffer Stunning effects from their wounds.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, plus 3 per person, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Justice, Steal Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Allows user to cast the spell. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Two or more identical pieces of Clothing or Jewelry. When worn simultaneously by two or more people, all are affected as if the Blood Bond spell had been cast on them. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points plus 100 points per each item to be enchanted.
This spell allows the mage to take blood from a victim and use it to power spells.
To draw blood from the subject, the victim must either be willing or totally helpless (e.g., bound or unconscious). Intelligent subjects provide 1 mana for every HT taken from the victim, until the victim is drained to 0 HP. Unintelligent creatures, such as animals may also be bled, extracting 1 mana for every 2 HT drained down to 0 HP.
Blood gathered with this spell can be stored until needed, but it loses potency with time. For every hour since the spell was cast, the pooled blood loses 1 point of mana.
This is also a Metaspell.
Duration: See above.
Cost: None.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes per point of mana gained.
Prerequisite: Steal Health.
Item: Knife, Fleam, or similar object. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
When this spell is cast, it will instantly remove the flesh from a dead creature to produce a clean skeleton (or husk for creatures with exoskeletons).
At the mage's option, the flesh, cartilage, skin and other material can be piled next to the bones, or it can made to vanish.
This is also a Making and Breaking spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 per hex of creature affected.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points. (b) Urn, coffin, or similar container. Anything placed in the container has this spell cast on it. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
This spell turns ordinary bone into ivory, horn, or similar material of mage's choice.
This is also an Animal spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 6 points per pound of material to be converted.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Shape Bone.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
This spell allows the mage to liberate tremendous amounts of energy by burning his own potential life force.
When this spell is cast, the mage immediately gains 20 points of magical energy for every point by which he makes his skill roll (minimum of 20 points), but he automatically ages 1 year and must take an Aging roll. If the mage would normally take an Aging roll, he is at -4 to all attributes to resist losing attributes.
The magic energy can be used immediately or stored. If it is saved, the mana must be stored in some sort of container or a removable part of the mage's body (such as his hair or fingernails). If someone else steals the container or the body parts, they can use this mana themselves!.
If the mage wishes, the mana drawn from his body can be aspected for Mind Control, Fire, Air, Water, Body Control, Communication and Empathy, Healing, Metaspell, Movement, Necromantic or Sound. It is not possible to create mana aspected with Animal, Earth, Enchantment, Force, Food, Gate, Illusion and Creation, Making and Breaking, Plant, Protection and Warning and Tech magic.
Note that it is a legitimate tactic for the mage to use the Steal Youth spell to steal youth from a victim and then use the Burn Youth spell to "burn" the stolen youth for power.
This is also a Metaspell spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 year of the mage's life.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Steal Health.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
This spell creates a set of human jaws (with or without the rest of the skull attached) which rapidly snap open and close with a chattering sound.
The mage can move the jaws at a rate of up to 3 hexes per turn. Anyone in the same hex with the jaws must roll vs. DX to avoid being bitten for 1d-2 Crushing damage.
The jaws can be targeted. They have PD1, DR 2, and HP 2. Due to their small size and erratic motion, they are targeted at -4 to hit, but they have no defenses except PD.
This is also a Movement spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) A pair of jaws can be permanently created using this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
This spell closes the door or closure to a tomb or grave of any kind, presumably sealing the grave for all eternity. If a grave has previously been dug for a body, this spell will magically inter a body (or coffin containing a body) in the grave, fill the grave, and set a tombstone (if any is available) at the head.
This spell will undo the effects of an Open Tomb spell and, if the mage desires, act as a warding spell against subsequent tampering spells, such as future applications of Open Tomb. In this case, any spells that interfere with the grave must overcome the Close Tomb spell.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: Permanent (until the tomb is breached).
Cost: 2 for a simple closure, 4 for a complex grave (including filling in a grave), 6 for a very complex closure.
Time to Cast: 1 minute per point of base cost.
Prerequisite: Magery, Seek Remains, and Identify Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
This spell allows the mage to coerce a ghost or other spirit to perform one task for him.
To resist, the spirit must roll vs. Will. If it fails it resistance roll, the spirit must do as the mage wishes or take 1d points of damage. Alternately, the mage can arrange for some other calamity to befall the spirit, either through mundane means, or by casting another spell linked to the Coerce Spirit spell. The mage and the GM must agree on the threat the mage uses before the spell is cast.
While the spell is in force, the spirit cannot attack the mage and it must work within the letter of the mage's command. However, the spirit may try to pervert the mage's intent. It might also seek revenge on the mage once the spell ends. The details are left to the GM.
If the spirit is commanded to fight for the mage, it will do so for one battle before the conditions of the bargain are fulfilled and it is freed. The mage cannot command the spirit to perform endless or long-term tasks. Any task that doesn't have an obvious end point is "finished" after 24 hours. The spirit is free to ignore any task that cannot be completed within a day. Thus, a spirit would interpret "Guard my possessions." as "Guard my possessions for a day." It would be free to ignore the command "Guard my possessions forever."
Duration: 1 day or until the task is completed, whichever is less.
Cost: 3, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Summon Spirit, and Speak With Dead.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.
This spell creates a poison that only affects the victim when two or more ingredients are combined. For example, an assassin could prepare a combination poison where one part of the poison is in the dessert, one part is in the after dinner aperitif, and the final portion of the poison is in the candles burning in the victim's bedroom.
Until the victim ingests the final portion of the poison, he takes no damage, he shows no symptoms, and spells such as Slow Poison and Neutralize poisons have no effect. Spells that detect poison will not detect the various elements of the poison. However, advantages such as Danger Sense and certain Protection and Warning spells might warn the victim to avoid certain actions.
The ingredients of the poison can be anything that the subject eats, drinks, touches or breathes. However, the mage must name the ingredients when the spell is cast, and physically touch each component to be incorporated into the spell.
When the poison is finally activated, it has the same effects as the Potent Poison spell.
Duration: 4 hours (effects last for 1 minute for contact poison, or 10 minutes for ingested poison).
Cost: 1 per ingredient in the poison, plus 3 points for the poison itself, same to maintain. For double cost, the poison will do double damage. For triple costs, it will do triple damage.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds per element.
Prerequisite: Poison, Link, and Delay.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) A combination of objects can be permanently poisoned for 50 times the base cost.
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).This spell allows a mage to command an undead creature to do his bidding. Unless the creature rolls vs. Will to resist, it must obey the mage's orders to the best of its ability. While controlled, it cannot attack the caster, either directly or indirectly.
If the mage asks the creature to do something that goes against its principles or which is dangerous, it gets an immediate Will roll at +2. If the caster asks the creature to do something suicidal, it gets a Will roll at +6 to break the spell. If the creature is freed from the spell, it will either attack or flee, depending on the strength of the caster.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Summon Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell permanently turns a living creature into a free-willed undead creature such as a ghost, revenant or vampire.
In order to cast the spell, the victim must be present (though not necessarily willing) when the spell is cast. Unwilling subjects roll vs. HT+Will to resist the spell.
The undead creature created is a free-willed being that can do as it wishes once the spell has been cast. It is quite likely to attack or flee its creator.
If this spell is cast on a player character, they gain the skills, advantages, and disadvantages of the appropriate Undead template from GURPS Fantasy or GURPS Undead. Any advantages or disadvantages associated with their living state are lost, and character points earned subsequent to the transformation must go towards paying off the cost of the new form.
Note that characters can't be turned into Liches with this spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 per point of new advantages and attribute increases, less the cost of any disadvantages or attribute decreases. Minimum 50 points.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Zombie, Death Touch, and Command Undead.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.
This spell allows the mage to create a zombie or skeleton, which will fight for him.
The zombie appears unarmed and unarmored, but will use whatever weapons and armor the mage provides for it.
Note that this spell is not the same as the Summon Zombie or Zombie spell. The zombie is created from pure magical energy. The spell does not require a dead body and does not involve summoning a spirit. However, the magically created zombie behaves like a normal zombie in all other respects, including vulnerability to spells and powers that affect the undead.
This is also an Illusion and Creation spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Create Body, Animation or Zombie.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points (b) A zombie created with this spell can be made permanent. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell will turn a vampire back into a living creature.
Unless the vampire can roll vs. Will+4 it is turned back into a mortal being. All advantages, disadvantages, skills and powers associated with unlife are lost, and the vampire reverts to the form, age, and personality it had just before it was "turned."
Time spent in undead form does not count towards aging. The subject is magically returned to the age they were when they were before they were turned.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 30 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Bless, Turn Undead, Soul Jar, and Youth.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell must be cast over the body of a dying individual.
At the moment of death, unless the subject can roll vs. Will, a shadow emerges from the body that contains all of the person's negative emotions.
This shadowy creature slinks from wall to wall, causing poltergeist-like effects, and whispering to all those who come near it. Luckily, it is bound to the area near where its body died. These creatures are totally evil, and love to kill, maim, and cause trouble.
When the Shadow is created, it haunts the building where the subject died. If the subject died outdoors, it haunts an area up to 1/4 mile in radius, or the limits of some easily defined geographical feature (e.g., a forest, a hilltop). Within its area of haunting, it can cast either the Poltergeist, Spook, or Voices spell at no cost once per 10 minutes.
The Shadow has the same memories, mental skills, knowledge and mental attributes as the subject from which it came. It has no physical attributes or skills, no physical body and no direct physical attacks. It can become invisible at will. When it manifests, it appears to be a vaguely humanoid shadow. It seeks to confuse, scare, harm or kill people in the haunted area, depending on its nature.
The shadow can't be killed, but it can be dispelled. Spells such as Remove Curse or Banish will dispel a Shadow. When appropriate, the shadow resists with the Will of its former owner.
Some say that this is actually a good spell, because the soul of the person who died can now go to the afterlife without any negative thoughts. Whether this is true has yet to be confirmed.
"Good", innocent or "holy" might get a bonus to resistance rolls, at the GM's option.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Summon Spirit, and 5 other Necromantic spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Adapted from J.C. Connors (GURPS Mummy).
This spell makes the subject look, feel and smell like a moldering corpse.
Unless the subject can resist with HT, for the duration of the spell, the victim has Monstrous Appearance and is afflicted with a version of the Perfume spell.
Anyone who sees the victim's face or bare skin must make a Fright Check. (At +2 if they don't see the subject's face.) Most people who see the subject will assume that he is a zombie and will react accordingly, with fear, hatred and revulsion.
Anyone within 5 hexes of the victim must roll vs. HT or gag, even if they can't see the subject. Those who can only smell the character react to him -4.
Anything with a nose will be able to detect the character. Creatures that track by scent get +6 to track the character for the duration of the spell. In addition, this spell makes use of skills such as Stealth, Camouflage, and most Social skills impossible.
The mage, or the subject, if he is willing, determines the subject's exact appearance.
If the subject "plays dead," he will seem dead to cursory medical examination. However, a serious medical examination will quickly reveal that the subject is still alive. If this spell is combined with skills or spells that slow the subject's metabolism, this spell gives and additional +4 to skill rolls to feign death, or -4 to medical skill rolls to detect that the character isn't really dead.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Destroy Flesh, Perfume, Alter Visage or Simple Illusion.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell alters the appearance of a corpse. The mage can make the body appear newer or older than it actually is, he can alter the condition of the body, and he can alter the corpse's appearance.
If the mage alters the condition of the body or its age, Diagnosis, Pathology or Forensics skill rolls to positively identify the time or cause of death are at -6. If the mage alters the corpse's features, IQ or skill rolls to identify the body are at -6. Using this spell, the mage can make a body seem newly dead, as a bare skeleton, or any state in between.
If the mage is attempting to "sculpt" the features of a body to match those of another person, he must make a skill roll vs. his Death Mask skill. Alternately, the mage can use the Surgery (Cosmetic), Disguise, Sculpture or Body Sculpting skill if his skill level with one of those skills is higher than his Death Mask skill.
Unless he is familiar with the person to be imitated, the mage is at -4 to skill. If the mage is familiar with the subject to be modeled, but doesn't have the subject (or a picture of the subject) present when he alters the body's features, he is at -1 to -3 to skill.
Spells that identify bodies or see through illusions must win a Quick Contest between the information spell and the mage's Death Mask spell skill.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 per hex of creature affected.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Shape Bone, Destroy Flesh.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
When this spell is cast, a bolt of "black light" shoots from the mage's hand. The bolt is a jet of negative power that will kill any living thing it touches.
Unless the victim resists with HT, he immediately dies. There is no obvious cause of death, the victim just dies. Spells to revive the character will automatically fail, except for Resurrection and similar spells. If it matters, the character is reduced to exactly his negative HP.
The ray has SS 14, Acc 0, 1/2D 25, Max 50. Spell Throwing (Death Ray) skill is used to target the bolt. Victims get +2 to Resistance Rolls beyond the 1/2D range.
This spell has no effect on unliving creatures, such as golems, robots or the undead.
Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Wither, Deathtouch, and Steal Health.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
This spell forces the subject to experience the death of another person through dying person's senses.
Subjects resist with IQ. Those who fail must make a Fright Check, with bonuses or penalties based on the circumstances of the person's death. If the subject died instantly, or in a relatively peaceful manner, the subject gets a bonus to his Fright Check. If the person died slowly, painfully, or in a traumatic way, the subject gets a penalty to his roll. Further penalties apply if the subject knew the person or was somehow involved in the person's death.
The person whose death the subject experiences need not be present when the spell is cast. However, the mage must know of the person whose death will be relived, and he must have a general idea of how, when, or where, the subject died.
Mages will occasionally cast this spell on themselves, either to further their research, or to determine how a person died. If the mage casts this spell on himself, he gets +6 to his Fright Check roll.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Death Vision.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Large jewel or Mirror. Works for user only. Shows the death of the subject on the surface of the mirror or "within" the gem. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) Weapon or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Forces the wearer to see the deaths of the people he kills through their eyes. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from Peter Brodt Hansen.
When this spell is cast on a dead body, the mage will learn one piece of information about the corpse, such as the name of the victim, the time and location of death, the cause of death, or the circumstances surrounding the death.
If the victim was murdered, this spell will not tell the mage who the murderer was, but the mage will get a hint as to the killer's identity.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Summon Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
When the mage casts this spell, he can instantly transfer a wound he has just received to another person.
In order to transfer the wound, the mage must have taken the wound in the same turn as he casts the Deflect Wound spell, and the mage must successfully cast the spell, including penalties for long distance.
The subject gets a roll vs. HT to resist. If the victim fails his resistance roll, he suffers all the effects of the wound in place of the caster. If the wound would cause more than HT x 5 points of damage to the target of the spell, any excess damage is absorbed by the mage.
Duration: Instantaneous (effect are permanent until the wound is healed).
Cost: 5 points.
Prerequisite: Transfer Wound.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.
This spell is identical to the Undead Barrier spell, except that it creates an area where demons and other extraplanar creatures (as determined by the GM) cannot go.
This is also a Gate spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Turn Demon, 5 other Necromantic or Gate spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent for 25 times the base cost.
For the duration of the spell, the subject seems "demonic" and somehow aligned with the forces of evil and chaos.
For the duration of the spell, the character gets the Unnatural Feature disadvantage. "Evil" creatures people react to the subject at +2 unless they can roll vs. IQ to resist. Normal people react to the character at -1. Holy creatures or "good" people react at -4 no matter what.
Unholy creatures (including characters with the Blessed or Very Blessed advantages from "evil" or "chaotic" gods) automatically see through this spell and are completely unaffected by it. Characters with Clerical Investment, Power Investment, or Pious advantage from the appropriate deities get +2 to IQ rolls to see through the façade. For 1 point extra, the mage can make the "demonic" changes to the subject's body, such as making their eyes grow red, claw-like nails, barbed tail, or horns on the head. Each of these changes gives an additional -1 to reaction rolls from ordinary people.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain (each additional feature adds +1 to base cost and maintenance cost).
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Alter Body, Summon Demon.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points, plus 50 points per additional feature. (b) Any item. Works for wearer only. Always on. Many versions are hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points, plus 25 points per additional feature.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
Demonic/Planar Servant allows the mage to summon a creature and then have it voluntarily do his bidding for an entire day.
The summoning is very similar to normal demon summoning or planar summons, in that the caster must control the creature. To control the creature, the mage must win a Contest of Skills between his Demonic/Planar Servant skill + Will vs. the creature's ST + IQ. If the creature loses, it becomes the mage's voluntary, loyal servant for 24 hours. The caster gets +4 to the Contest if he knows the creature's True Name (q.v.). While enslaved, the creature will follow both the letter and the spirit of the mage's orders, to the best of its abilities. The one exception is that it will not directly commit suicide. It will willingly go into dangerous or hopeless situations, however.
Each different variant of this spell is a separate spell that must be learned separately. The Demonic Servant creates a minor demon. This demon will have -6 on all randomly generated attributes and powers, (p. G87).
Planar Servants are also relatively weak. They will have attributes similar to those of a minor demon. If the GM wishes to roll randomly for the creature's statistics, he should roll randomly for Size and Speed on the Demon summoning tables (p. G83) and subtract -6 from each roll. For Special abilities, the GM should again roll randomly, at -6 to the die roll or choose as special ability applicable to the creature.
The summoned servant will stay for one full day, and then disappear unless the spell is maintained.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 20 points, 10 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Create Servant, Summon Demon for Demonic Servant, or Planar Summons for Planar Servant.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points, 1,500 points if it will only summon creatures of one type, or from one plane. (b) Jewelry and matching collar. The mage wears the jewelry, the collar is locked around the servant's neck. Touching the jewelry and speaking, a command word allows the mage to instantly summon the servant. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
This spell greatly accelerates the rate at which flesh putrefies and crumbles to dust. Dead flesh and bone will decay to dust in about a minute.
This spell has no effect on living or undead creatures.
Flesh destroyed with this spell can't be revived using spells such as Reattachment, Revive, or Resurrection.
This spell will cancel the Preserve or Suspend Animation spells (if used on a dead body), if the spell can win a Contest of Skills.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3 per hex of creature.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell is similar to the Sterilize spell, except that this spell kills all life in the area, and make it impossible for life to return to the blasted area.
Any creature in the area of effect must roll vs. HT each minute or take 1d damage. They must also make a Will roll each minute to stay in the area. If they fail their roll, they flee.
Plants and microorganisms are killed outright. The exception to this is that large, ancient, or intelligent trees take normal damage and get normal HT rolls to resist damage. Though they will still die unless they are moved from the area of effect, they don't die instantly.
Once all living things in the area are destroyed, they crumble into dust. This dust, and the barren ground left in the area is poisoned, as if the Poisoned Earth spell had been cast on the area. Nothing will grow in the soil, and living creatures that touch or ingest the soil take damage from the poison.
The spell is countered by spells that heal or purify the earth, such as the Purify Earth spell and various Healing and Plant spells.
Duration: Permanent.
Base Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Destroy Flesh, and Death Ray.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.
This spell completely destroys an ordinary soul or spirit of a recently dead person.
Unless the spirit rolls vs. Will to resist, it is completely destroyed and ceases to exist. The soul will not "go on" to whatever fate awaits it after death. It can't be Resurrected or Reincarnated and attempts to summon the spirit automatically fail.
More importantly, this spell keeps spirits from rising as ghosts or undead. It also blocks spells that allow communication with the dead.
If cast on an undead spirit such as a ghost or a vampire, this spell does 3d points of damage if the creature fails a Will roll, but does not kill the creature outright.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Turn Spirit, Death Touch.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell causes pain and damage to any undead being targeted by the spell.
Unless the creature can roll vs. DX to resist, it takes 1d+2 points of damage. A successful resistance roll means that the creature takes 1d-3 points of damage instead.
In either case, the creature must roll vs. Will or flee from the mage, at its maximum Movement rate, for one turn.
This spell has no effect on living creatures.
Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Banish.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell allows the caster to detect any demons or demonic creatures within 20 hexes of his location. The spell will also give him some idea as to the demon's power. The better the success roll, the better the mage's insight.
Unwilling subjects roll vs. IQ to resist.
This is also a Knowledge spell and a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery or Detect Magic.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell allows the caster to detect any extraplanar creatures within 20 hexes of his location. The spell will also give him some idea as to the creature's power. The better the success roll, the better the mage's insight.
Unwilling subjects roll vs. IQ to resist.
This is also a Knowledge spell and a Protection and Warning spell.
Cost: 4 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery or Detect Magic.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This will alert the mage about any precautions against possession taken by the subject.
Unless the subject rolls vs. IQ (or spell skill) to resist, this spell will reveal all protections against Possession, including spells that improve the subject's luck or which keep creatures capable of possession (such as Demons) at bay. This includes spells such as Blessing or Turn Demon.
Long range modifiers apply if the subject is not immediately at hand.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell allows the caster to detect any undead creatures within 20 hexes of his location, and will give the mage some sense as to the type of undead he detects. The spell also gives him some idea as to the creature's power. The better the success roll, the better the mage's insights.
The caster can exclude known sorts of undead if he specifies them before casting begins.
Unwilling subjects roll vs. IQ to resist.
This is also a Knowledge spell and a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery or Magic Sense or the Detect Magic spell or Detect Danger.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Unless the subject can roll vs. HT to resist, this spell turns him into a disease carrier for the malady of the mage's choice.
Though the subject is immune to the disease he carries, anyone who touches him must roll vs. HT-3 to avoid catching the disease. Those who come within 1 hex of the character must roll vs. HT to avoid being infected. Note that since the "carrier" is immune to disease, he is unlikely to realize that he is a carrier. He gets a roll vs. IQ each day to realize that he is a carrier. He gets an additional +2 to IQ once people start getting sick. Alternately, if the subject has the Diagnosis, Pathology, or Epidemiology skill, he may substitute the appropriate skill for IQ.
Diseases spread by the subject are transmitted normally and are "normal" in all other ways, save their origin.
This spell can be removed by a Counterspell, Cure Disease, or Remove Curse. However, when the spell is lifted, the subject must roll vs. HT or catch the disease himself as a final effect of the spell.
Alternately, this spell can be cast on an inanimate object such as clothing or a doorknob. In this case, the object will spread disease to all that touch or use it.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 5, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Personal Plague.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (c) Typhoid Mary. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 55. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Self, GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell makes a poison or venom seem innocuous. To all normal analysis, it will seem harmless. Skills such as Pathology, Poisons, Chemistry or Biochemistry will all return false results except on a Critical Success. Sensors that detect toxins automatically fail, unless the sensor operator rolls a Critical Success on his Electronics Operation (Sensors) skill.
Magical spells and advantages (including Danger Sense) that detect poison must win a Contest of Skills to overcome the Innocent Poison spell before they will detect the poison.
Duration: 4 hours.
Cost: 2 points per oz. to disguise a normal poison, 4 per oz. to disguise an obvious or powerful toxin.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Weaken Poison, Simple Illusion.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) An object can have this spell cast on it for 25 times the base cost.
This spell covers a cutting or thrusting weapon (including spikes, claws etc.) with a clear, sticky poison. On a successful strike, a character struck by the weapon must roll vs. HT or take 1d points of Poison damage in addition to weapon damage.
The poison magically renews itself until the spell ends, when it vanishes. The poison becomes inert if it is wiped off the blade, or if a spell such as Neutralize poison is cast on the weapon.
Spells that neutralize or slow poison must win a Contest of Skills to overcome the Envenom Weapon spell.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Weapon. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell must be cast on a dead body. The spell prevents a corpse from rising as an undead creature and makes the body poisonous to all carrion-eating creatures. Finally, the spell masks any odor of decay with a faint, pleasant smell (such as cedar or roses). The smell has the additional features of repelling scavengers, who will avoid the body.
If this spell is cast on a corporeal undead creature, they must roll vs. HT-6. On a failed roll the creature takes 2d damage and is at -4 to DX for the next four days. On a Critical failure they die. Success means 1d damage and -2 to DX for the next three days.
Creatures who eat meat must roll vs. Will to taste the body due to the uninviting smell. Those who taste the flesh must roll vs. HT or take 1 point of damage to their mouth. They must also roll vs. Will to avoid spitting out the meat. Those who ingest the creature's flesh must roll vs. HT or take 1d points of damage. On a successful resistance roll, they take 1d-3 points of damage instead.
The spell has no effect on living creatures.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Preserve Body.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always On. Can't Be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. Elixir of Eternal Rest GURPS Magic Items 2 p. 79. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell allows the mage to coerce a "bargain" from a summoned extraplanar creature or demon.
This spell must be cast on a creature that has already been summoned. When the Exaction spell is cast, the creature is wracked with excruciating pains. Unless it can roll a Quick Contest of the mage's skill + Will vs. its ST + Will, it is cowed and will obey the mage's wishes.
If the creature makes its resistance roll, it vanishes. It will react to the mage at -4 if it is ever summoned again. If the creature makes its roll by 4 or more points, it breaks free of its circle and can attack the mage.
If the mage demands that the creature do something contrary to its ethics, it gets +4 to its Resistance roll. If the mage demands that the creature do something suicidal or very dangerous, it gets +8 to its roll. The mage gets a bonus to his effective skill if he offers the summoned creature something it wants in return for its service.
If the creature is subdued, it will agree to perform one task for the mage, to not harm him for the duration of the spell, and to not pervert his orders. In return, the mage agrees to stop torturing the creature and to free it from the confines of the summoning circle. If the mage wishes, he can specify that the creature return to the place where it was summoned before the original summoning spell ends.
The Banish spell can be automatically Linked to this spell, even if the mage doesn't normally know the Link spell, as a condition of the "contract." If the mage casts the Banish spell right after he wins the Contest of Skills, he gets +6 to his effective Will to banish the creature. If the Banish spell is cast successfully, the creature is automatically banished after it fulfils the conditions set by the mage, but before it can retaliate in any way against the mage..
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 8 points. The mage gets +1 to Will for every additional point of energy spent. Can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Demon or Summon Extraplanar Creature, Banish.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell is identical to the Undead Barrier spell, except that it creates an area where creatures of Extraplanar origin (as determined by the GM) cannot go.
This is also a Gate spell and a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 5, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Turn Extraplanar Being, 5 other Necromantic or Gate spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent for 25 times the base cost.
This spell temporarily removes all wounds, diseases, and aging from the subject, giving him youth and perfect health for the duration of the spell.
When the spell ends, all wounds, disease and age returns to the subject, and unless he can roll vs. HT to resist, he dies. Subsequent attempts to resurrect the character are at -4 to skill and HT.
Note that this spell only removes diseases, age, and injuries incurred before the spell is cast. The subject is not immune to subsequent damage while the spell is in effect. Other healing spells can be used while the False Rejuvenation spell is in effect, but multiple castings of the False Rejuvenation spell on the same person are not allowed.
Note that while this spell is usually considered "evil", in some cases it can be used for benign purposes, such as to allow a terminally-ill character a few weeks of respite from their disease.
This is also a Healing spell.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 5 points, each extension of the spell costs double the previous amount to maintain (i.e., 5 points, then 10, then 20, and so forth).
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery, Steal Health, Lend Health, Major Healing, Cure Disease, and Youth.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
This spell produces enough "food" to sate undead creature for one day. The type of food created depends on the type of undead.
Note that this spell doesn't actually produce physical material for the creature to consume. Instead, it creates the appropriate material or energy within the subject's body.
Note that it costs double cost for an undead mage to cast this spell on himself. If an undead mage uses this spell regularly as a way to avoid the effects of disadvantages such as Dependency, the GM should make the mage buy off some or all of the cost of the disadvantage.
Duration: Permanent (the meal lasts for 1 day).
Cost: 3 per meal.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Steal Strength.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Bowl or platter. Casts this spell on the user. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points per "serving" it can produce per day.
This spell frees a soul trapped in Magic Jar, Soul Trap or similar container.
If the subject's body is intact, the soul is returned to the body. If the body is dead, the soul is released to the afterlife. Undead souls released by this spell do not return to unlife.
Unwilling subjects resist with Will.
This is also a Metaspell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This powerful spell allows the mage caster to turn a ghost or spirit from its original purpose.
Unless the subject can resist vs. Will, it is freed from disadvantages such as Obsession or Vow, and it loses the advantage of Higher Purpose. This spell can also be used to free a creature from "fetters" that bind it to a specific place, object or type of behavior.
Alternately, the mage can change the creature's behavior. In this case, the disadvantages remain in place, but they are changed for different Obsessions and Vows. Depending on the mage's whim, the point value of these disadvantages can be changed. For example, if the mage casts this spell on a ghost which is haunting the attic of a house, he could force the ghost to haunt only the basement, or force it to haunt a nearby tree, or a different place entirely.
Unwilling creatures resist with Will.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 25 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Summon Spirit, and 5 other Necromantic spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Adapted from J.C. Connors (GURPS Mummy).
When this spell is cast, the horrible smell of rotting flesh fills the area of effect.
Any creature with a sense of smell must roll vs. HT or be Stunned for 2d seconds while they gag. The effects are identical to the Retch spell. At the end of the time period, they get another HT roll to recover. If they fail, they are stunned for another 2d seconds. On a critical failure, the victim is overcome by the smell and falls unconscious for 2d seconds.
Note that these rules only apply to intelligent, humanoid creatures. At the GM's option, non-humanoid creatures might get bonuses to resist this spell. They might even be attracted to the smell!
This is also an Air spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2, half to maintain.
Prerequisite: Destroy Flesh, Perfume.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) An area can be permanently affected by this spell for 25 times the base cost.
This spell allows the subject to rise after death as a Skull Spirit, Ghost, Vampire or some other powerful, free-willed undead creature.
In other respects, this spell is like the Undeath spell. Each version of this spell is a different spell that must be learned separately.
Unwilling subjects resist with Will.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 20, plus 1 point per character point in advantages, disadvantages or skills conferred in the undead form.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Greater Undead.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer).This spell "freezes" zombies and skeletons in the area of effect.
Unless the caster of the Zombie spell can win a Quick Contest of spells against the Hold Zombie spell, the zombies are held motionless for the duration of the spell.
While the zombies can take other actions, such as attacking or defending, they can't move.
Free-willed zombies roll a Quick Contest between their Will and the mage's spell skill.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 4 points, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Turn Zombie or Control Zombie.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Keith Bisset (Revenant).
This spell allows the caster to make an area unhealthy. Anyone entering the affected area must roll vs. HT or become infected with the disease of the mage's choice.
The type of disease transmitted must be appropriate to the area infected. For example, a swamp could be infected with Yellow Fever or Malaria. A water source could be infected with Cholera, Typhoid, or Dysentery.
If the area of effect is naturally unhealthful, the mage can use the Infect Area spell to make naturally occurring diseases in the area even more dangerous. In this case, subjects must roll at an additional -4 to HT to avoid catching a disease from the area.
If a mage affects an area in this way, he cannot also infect the area with a new disease unless he casts this spell twice.
Duration: 1 day.
Base Cost: 4, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds.
Prerequisite: Personal Plague.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on an area for 25 times the base cost.
This spell infects an existing wound on the subject's body.
Unless the subject can roll vs. HT, one wound specified by the mage becomes infected. Though it is magical in origin, the infectious organism are normal. The infection can be treated with magic or with mundane medical technology.
If the wound is already vulnerable to infection due to the type of wound or the character's circumstances, they roll vs. HT-2 to resist this spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Pestilence.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always On. Can't be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell imbues a mindless undead (IQ 2 or less - typically a skeleton or a zombie) with intelligence.
To complete this spell, the mage must first enchant a specially prepared gem. Once the gem is enchanted with the spell, the mage must place the gem in the zombie's skull (or the remains thereof). The gem acts as a focus to concentrate and empower the dark spirits that animate the creature, giving it an intelligence of its own.
The intelligence and capability of the zombie depends on the size and quality of the gem (see the table below). In no case can the Intelligence of the zombie be greater than that of the mage who cast the spell.
Although the creature has Intelligence, it does not have free will - it is still subservient to its master. However, the added IQ enables it to remember and carry out commands that are more complex. Within certain limits, it can even display some initiative. The zombie also possesses skills appropriate to its IQ level, especially if the zombie's body had those skills in life. For example, the animated body of a deceased general would almost certainly have the Strategy skill if his corpse was given enough IQ. Psionic or spell casting abilities are not retained, however.
Gem Size |
IQ |
Skills (cumulative) |
1 karat |
5 |
P/E skills. Simple strategies, like ambush can be learned. |
2 karat |
6 |
P/A skills. Multi-step or conditional commands. |
3 karat |
7 |
M/E skills. |
4 karat |
8 |
P/H skills. |
6 karat |
9 |
M/A skills. Limited Initiative. |
8 karat |
10 |
Limited self-awareness. |
10 karat |
11 |
M/H skills. Initiative and Self-awareness present. |
15 karat |
12 |
M/VH skills. Limited leadership and planning. |
20 karat |
13 |
Extremely cunning. Leadership and planning possible. |
+5 karat |
+1 |
Each additional level of IQ requires a gem of 5 extra karats in weight.
Undead with an IQ of 7 or better gain the ability to speak with a hollow, sepulchral tone. The gem actually serves as the source of the sound, which echoes in the otherwise hollow skull.
Intelligent undead perform at a level given by the table above. They can display initiative within their orders, but no more. For example, an undead general given the order "take these troops and defeat that army", would do so to the best of his ability, using standard, if uninspired, tactics. However, he would not break off the attack to inform his master that the army he is attacking is actually an allied army!
At the higher levels of intelligence, undead actually gain self-awareness. While intelligent undead are forbidden from disobeying their orders or from taking actions not supported by orders, but they can use badly formulated orders to their own advantage. Generally, the spirits than animate intelligent undead are malevolent and seek to destroy living things. If they have been badly used by their master, they might seek to destroy or damage him or his cause. For example, the general in the former example, might order his troops to concentrate on the leaders of the allied army, knowing them to be friends of the caster.
Though there are risks in doing so, the temptation for necromancers to create intelligent undead is immense. Smart undead are absolutely loyal, and they will follow their orders with unrelenting patience.
Should their creator die, the undead created by this spell immediately gain their own free will, retaining their new IQ.
Hits to the brain of an intelligent zombie with Cutting or Crushing weapons have a chance of smashing the gem in the creature's brain, automatically destroying the monster. The gem has DR 3 and HP 1. The skull provides a natural DR of 1 for the brain, so any hit to the brain by a crushing or cutting weapon that does at least 5 points of damage will destroy the gem.
If the undead is "killed" by other means, the spell ends and the gem loses its power. In this case, the gem can be extracted without breaking it. The gem can be used for other purposes. If the gem is subsequently enchanted into a Powerstone, any Quirks it acquires will be related to the gem's previous use as a zombie brain.
Cost: 3 per point of Intelligence bestowed, plus 1 point per point of skill, up to the mage's skill with the Intelligent Zombie spell.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Zombie, and Wisdom.
This spell makes the subject invisible to undead for the duration of the spell.
Unless an undead creature can roll vs. IQ, it will ignore the subject, just as if he were affected by the Invisibility spell. Other sorts of creatures, including unliving (but non-undead) creatures can see the character normally.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Turn Zombie.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
When cast on a set of remains, this spell tells the caster the identity of the corpse as well as other relevant information, such as next of kin, military rank, identification number and nationality. On a critical success, the mage gets a hint as to how (or when) the subject died and what his final hours were like.
If the person had multiple personalities or identities, this spell will reveal the name and information that the subject was using at the time of his death. Subsequent castings of this spell will reveal alternate identities.
This spell can also be cast on a gravesite. In this case, the spell will tell the mage who is buried in the grave.
If spells are used to obscure the identity of the victim, the Identify Body spell must win a Quick Contest of spell skills before it can take effect. Spells that alter the appearance of the body (such as the Death Mask spell) have no effect on this spell.
If the deceased person would have wished to keep his identity secret from the mage, he gets a Will roll to resist.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Death Vision, Find Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Thomas Barnes, D. Carter, and Net.
This spell summons an evil spirit into a knife, sword or other weapon.
When the weapon is used, the subject must roll a contest of Will vs. the spirit's Will of 16. If the subject wins the contest, there is no effect until he uses the weapon again. If the user loses the Contest of Skills, he is possessed by the spirit.
If the character is possessed, the weapon spirit will eventually force the subject to commit a murder using the weapon. Usually won't make the victim act immediately. Instead, it will wait until the right moment to strike. The spirit will always attempt to murder a random, innocent person, and always attempts to use the murder to maximize the amount of fear, misery, and chaos, both for the possessed subject and for the community.
As long as it is useful for the spirit to do so, it will be very cunning about its murders. This allows its "vessel" remains free to commit more murders, and increases the level of anger and fear in the community.
The spirit is very cunning (IQ13) and has access to all the subject's skills and memories, so it will have a very good idea of how to best hurt the subject and how to scare people. When the possessed character attacks, the spirit won't just kill the victim quietly. Instead, the spirit does everything it can to accentuate the fear, pathos, violence, depravity and gore associated with the murder. Ideally, the spirit will use the subject to hack the body into barely recognizable pieces that can't be resurrected and will have the subject carry off (or eat) body parts. To investigators, it will appear that a particularly demented, savage psychopath has struck.
While possessed, the subject is unaware of any activity out of the ordinary, and won't immediately be aware of any "lost time." If the character realizes that he can't remember certain portions of his life, he gets an IQ roll to get some insight into what is happening. On a successful roll, the mage gives the subject a hint in the form of a nightmare, flashback or vision. In no case will the subject ever learn (on his own) that he has been possessed or that he is committing murders. However, the victim might be able to determine what's going on by listening to the news and by noticing clues (such as blood on his hands and clothes).
Each times the subject kills someone, make a Reaction Roll. On a roll of Poor or worse, the spirit will flee. If it looks as if the "vessel" won't be committing any more murders for a while, (e.g. he's been imprisoned or is badly wounded), the GM should apply a penalty to the spirit's reaction. On a roll of Neutral or better, the spirit enjoys the mayhem it's caused and will stay in the weapon.
The spell only ends for certain when the spirit is Banished (using the spell) or when the weapon it lives in is broken or destroyed. The subject can be free of the spirit by discarding the weapon before he is possessed. However, that doesn't mean that the spirit won't leave the weapon if it senses the opportunity to use the weapon to kill again.
Note that this spell is artificially cheap for the same reason that the Summon Demon spell is cheap - the demon that possesses the weapon wants to be summoned.
GMs who have access to the Pyramid Article Willful Weapons should treat the spirit as a form of Willful weapon.
Duration: Permanent, until the spirit leaves.
Cost: 8 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Summon Demon.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points (b) Damnable Dagger GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 52-53. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell is similar to the Death Ray spell, except that it affects an area.
When the spell is cast, any living creature in the area must roll vs. HT or die instantly. All creatures within the area of effect must roll vs. HT or die instantly. There is no obvious cause of death, the victim just dies. Spells to revive the character will automatically fail, except for Resurrection and similar spells. If it matters, the character is reduced to exactly his negative HP.
This spell has no effect on unliving creatures, such as golems, robots or the undead.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Base Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Death Ray.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: Adapted from Keith Bisset (Revenant).
This spell afflicts the victim with a "cinematic" version of leprosy.
Unless the subject can roll vs. HT to resist, his skin will rapidly begin slough away. Eventually the victim's fingers and toes, and then his limbs will drop off.
When this spell is first cast, the subject's body is entirely covered with welts, sores, and boils, reducing his appearance by 2 levels (to a minimum of Hideous) and causing 1d-4 points of damage.
For every minute that this spell is maintained, the victim must roll vs. HT or take 1d-4 points of damage. When he takes 2 points of damage, he must roll vs. HT again or suffer permanent cosmetic damage as his ears and nose fall away. This permanently reduces his Appearance by 2 levels. He must also roll vs. HT if he touches anything or lose a finger (as the Missing Finger disadvantage). If he moves quickly, he must roll vs. HT or lose toes. On a critical failure, he loses an arm or leg instead! Fortunately, limbs that drop off due to this spell do no bleed, nor do they cause damage beyond that inflicted by the spell.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Plague, and Destroy Flesh.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
The process of becoming a liche completely eliminates most physical disadvantages that are associated with living creatures. Only things that change the structure of the skeleton, like Hunchback or One Arm, will follow the Liche into unlife.
Mental disadvantages will generally transfer to the new form. Social disadvantages might transfer, or the might not depending on the disadvantage.
Physical advantages that the liche had in life generally transfer, unless they are completely irrelevant in the new form (e.g., advantages like Rapid Healing). Mental advantages always transfer. Social advantages might or might not transfer depending on the campaign.
Any Good Looks the liche might have had are replaced by Monstrous appearance. Anyone seeing a Liche must make a Fright Check at -6.
The liche's body gradually becomes desiccated. A fully preserved liche weighs about 100 lbs. less than it did in life and looks like a mummified body.
Author: Self, Sean Punch, GURPS Undead, Net.
This spell allows the mage's spirit to immediately turn into a ghost-like creature when his physical body is slain.
When the mage dies, his spirit does not go on to whatever afterlife awaits him. Instead, his soul is free to roam, in an attempt to possess the body of another person.
To possess a victim, the mage must touch the victim (or vice-versa) and must win a Contest of Wills between his Will and that of the victim.. Each attempt to possess a body costs the mage 1 Fatigue, whether he wins or loses the Contest.
The mage's spirit, while invisible and insubstantial is fairly weak and will quickly die without a host. It regenerates Fatigue (even using the Restore Strength spell) at 1/10 normal speed until it possesses a body. Until the soul possesses a body, it cannot heal damage taken while in spirit form. Without a physical body, the spirit will gradually weaken, lose its hold on this plane and pass on.
Each day that the soul is without a body, it must roll vs. HT or lose a point of ST. When ST is reduced to half, the soul starts losing HT instead. When HT is reduced to 0, the spirit "dies" and passes on.
If the spirit possesses someone, he regains Fatigue and Health normally. He can also leave his host at any time, although if we wishes to return, he must win another Contest of Skills to re-possess the victim.
While in spirit form, the mage can move as fast as he could in life, and is limited by any physical barriers that would have stopped him in life. A mage can also voluntarily die, activating this spell, whenever he is in the presence of a threat that could conceivably kill him. For example, if the mage is poisoned, he could voluntarily will himself to die, even if the damage isn't normally enough to kill him.
In other respects, this spell is exactly like the Magic Jar spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 5, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magic Jar, Soul Rider.
Item: Wand, Staff, or Jewelry. Usable only by a Mage. Allows the mage to cast this spell once. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell is similar to the Magic Jar spell, but it only sucks out part of the victim's soul.
To cast this spell, the mage enchants an object with the Life Leech spell. He must then touch the object to the subject.
Unless he resists with Will, part of the victim's soul is sucked into the object. He is at -1 to HT, Will for each application of the Leech. If the victim loses all his HT or Will to the leech, he is trapped in the Life Leech while his body lies in a coma, just as if he was trapped by the Soul Jar spell. Note that the subject gets a Will roll to resist each application of the Life Leech spell, but each level of lost Will reduces the subject's ability to resist subsequent applications.
Once he is completely trapped, the victim's soul can functional normally within the item, all HT and Will losses are eliminated, though his body remains in a coma.
If the Life Leech is destroyed with the victim's soul inside, the subject dies. If the Leech is destroyed with only part of the subject's soul inside, the subject permanently loses any levels of HT and Will lost to the Life Leech.
If the subject gains control of the object that contains part of his soul (or if the item that contains his soul is placed on his body), the subject regains one level of lost HT and Will per 10 minutes.
Duration: 10 seconds or one application of the leech, whichever is less.
Cost: 3 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Steal Health, Steal Intelligence.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Any object can have this spell permanently cast on it. When the subject touches the item, he is affected by the spell. If the item holds multiple castings of the spell, the victim is affected by all the castings simultaneously, although he gets a roll vs. Will to resist each casting. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points per casting enchanted into the item.
Elizabeth McCoy and Walter Milliken (From Student's Guide to New Magical Opportunities at Illuminati University, Pyramid 32).This spell prevents "insubstantial" creatures from entering the protected area. Insubstantial creatures include creatures of Essence, Ethereal Beings, Astral travelers, mages using Projection or Teleport spells, ghosts, demons, dimensional travelers, and the like. There is no contest of skills, the barrier of flesh creates a wall that can't be crossed.
To create the barrier, the mage must flay the skin from his victim and then cut the skin into thin strips with a ceremonial knife. The mage then weaves the strips of flesh into a web that covers the wall to be protected. Each hex of creature yields enough flesh for 2 hexes.
To normal observers, the wall appears as a very thin, red-tinted wall of haze. To those with Magery or similar abilities, the wall looks like a latticework of bloody skin.
No matter how well the mage knows this spell, the casting time can't be reduced. He must still go use physical motions to prepare the skins for this spell and to weave them together.
Note that if the mage uses the skin of a living creature, killing it in the process, he can use the Sacrifice rules in addition to getting fresh hides.
Duration: 1 month.
Cost: 4 per hex, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes, plus 30 minutes per hex of creature to be flayed.
Prerequisite: Banish.
Item: Knife. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
This spell allows the mage to preserve the living brain of the subject in sealed jar of liquid. While the brain (and all the subject's memories) are normal, the brain itself has no senses and no way of communicating, except through magic or psionics.
The process of being turned into a living brain is horrifying. The victim must make a Fright Check at -10. Due to sensory deprivation, disembodied brains must make a normal Fright Check every week that they are in "storage." Most victims of this process eventually go mad from sensory deprivation. If the brain can get sensory feedback, if it can be fooled into forgetting its situation, or if it can be rendered "unconscious", the GM can reduce or eliminate the weekly Fright Check.
At the GM's option, if the subject trusts the mage, and the mage is removing the subject's brain for benevolent reasons (such as transplanting the subject's brain into another body), the initial Fright Check penalty can be reduced. The subject must still take normal Fright Check penalties for every week of "storage," since this represents the onset of madness due to sensory deprivation.
If the subject knows spells at skill level 20 or more, so he can cast them without words or gestures, he can cast spells while in this form. Likewise, psionic powers still work. Otherwise, the victim is helpless.
In order for this spell to work, the mage must remove the brain from the victim no more than 5 minutes after death, and no more than 5 minutes before the mage starts to cast the spell. The mage must also have a sealable container capable of holding at least a gallon of liquid. The spell supplies the "embalming fluid" and hermetically seals the container.
The subject brain is allowed a Will check when this spell is first cast. If the Will check is successful, the brain wills itself to die rather than being preserved.
This is also a Healing spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 15 points.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery, Major Healing, and Preserve Body.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) A jar that will cast this spell once on any suitable brain placed inside it. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell gives the mage the direction and distance to the remains of a specific person. The better the skill roll, and the closer the mage is to the grave, the more precise the information will be. In addition to normal Long Distance penalties for information spells, also use the modifiers for Familiarity given in the description of the Telescan ability (Psionics p. 26).
If the remains have been atomized or scattered (such as ashes into an ocean) the caster will get a vague sense of the area in which the remains were scattered. If the subject is still alive the spell will fail, but the mage will know that the subject is not dead.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Cost: 4 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Seeker, Identify Body.
Item: Divining rod made from bone or sinew. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points.
Author: Adapted from D. Carter.
This spell singles out the subject for the attentions of malign spirits who bring him woe.
Unless the subject can roll vs. Will, he attracts the attention of various minor evil spirits. Though the spirits can't kill the victim outright, they can make him sick, bring him bad luck, and inflict other minor miseries. As long as the spirits are active, the victim has the Unluckiness disadvantage. He is also at -1 to HT, DX, IQ and all skills.
This spell is cancelled by the Bless, Banish, or Remove Curse spells.
This is also a Metaspell.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 8, 6 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery, Curse, Summon Spirit.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent for of 200 points.
This spell is identical to the Pestilence spell, except that it affects everyone in the area of effect.
Victims roll vs. HT to resist.
Duration: 1 day.
Base Cost: 5, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Pestilence.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell is identical to the Skull Spirit spell, except that it creates multiple spirits all at once.
In order to cast this spell, the mage must have a skull for each spirit to be created.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 per skull spirit to be created.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Skull Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
Sean Punch, GURPS Undead.This spell heals all damage to a relatively intact, but dead body. The spell will reattach body parts, close wounds, repair organs, and erase the ravages of disease, leaving behind an intact, healthy-looking corpse. If a body part is missing, the spell will make the injury appear to be an healed-over. However, if the missing part is subsequently found, another casting of the Mend Body spell will reattach the part. At the GM's discretion, the effects of aging a can be repaired as well, making the body appear younger than it did in life.
The older the body, the more difficult it is to cast this spell. The mage gets -1 to skill for every 2 hours since death. In warm climates, the time is halved (-1 per hour), in cold climates the time period is doubled (-1 per 4 hours). Roll vs. effective spell skill at the end of each time period, if the skill roll is failed, the spell can't be cast (or renewed) for that corpse by that mage. In addition, the mage gets -1 to skill for every 10 points of damage inflicted on the body. He also gets -2 to skill for each major missing section of the body.
Note that this spell has no effect on the appearance of the body other than making it more complete. Effects of decay or obvious signs of death (such as rigor mortis or pallor) are not removed, and the body will decay normally.
This spell has several uses beyond making badly damaged bodies more presentable. It can be used to repair organs or limbs before they are transplanted. It will also make bodies more suitable for use as Zombies.
If cast on a zombie or skeleton, this spell will "heal" 1 point of damage per application.
Duration: Permanent, until the body decays.
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Appearance of Life.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Will cast this spell when placed on a body. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points.
This spell is identical to the Soul Trap spell, but the "trap" is a mirror.
If the mirror is uncovered and is forcibly presented, viewers must roll vs. DX each turn to avoid looking into the mirror. If the victim is unsuspecting, or has a reason to look into the mirror, they are at -4 to DX. If they deliberately avert their eyes, they get +4 to their roll. Vision penalties for darkness or haze are applied as a bonus to the DX roll.
Anyone who sees their reflection in the mirror must roll vs. Will. Subjects who fail are instantly sucked into the mirror, body and soul, along with anything they are holding or carrying.
While in the mirror, the victim is held in stasis, unless he is commanded to appear before the owner of the mirror. When ordered to appear, he appears as a reflection in the mirror. However, he may speak normally if the owner of the mirror commands it.
While trapped in the mirror, victims cannot use spells or psionic powers, nor can they escape the mirror by any means. Characters trapped in the mirror can only be freed spells cast from the outside, or by the command of the mirror's owner.
The owner of the mirror can cast spells on victims trapped in the mirror. By speaking the appropriate command word, he can turn off the mirror's trapping powers, and can free characters from the mirror.
If more victims are trapped in the mirror than the mirror has "cells," the victim who has been held the longest is magically expelled from the mirror. If the mirror is smashed, all the trapped victims are released.
A mage can free a trapped victim by casting a Counterspell, but he must win a Contest of Skills against the skill of the mage who enchanted the mirror.
This is also a Gate spell.
Cost: 5,000 points, plus 200 points per "cell" of storage capacity.
Prerequisite: Magery, Enchantment, Soul Jar, Suspended Animation, Hideaway, and Password.
Author: Self, GURPS Magic Items 2
This spell spontaneously aborts a fetus, killing the child and doing 1d points of damage to the mother.
The mother resists this spell with vs. HT.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Steal Health.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell gives the mage a vision of how a corpse appeared in life. If cast on a living subject, the mage gets a vision of how they appeared when they were younger, or how they will appear when they age.
This spell will counter spells such as Death Mask if the mage wins a Contest of Skills.
Living subjects get a roll vs. IQ to resist.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Locate Remains.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell allows the mage to transfer a wound from one part of the victim's body to another part. The amount and type of damage done is unchanged, only its location is altered.
While this spell can be used to cripple a limb (or other body part), damage beyond that needed to cripple the limb cannot be transferred, and remains in its original location. In this case, damage in the old location appears to be partially healed, while a new wound appears on the limb.
Wounds can't be transferred to the brain, vitals, eyes, nose, ears, or any other special hit location. Wounds can be transferred from these locations to the head, body or a limb.
Bleeding wounds might still cause Bleeding in their new location, although the subject gets another roll vs. HT to stop the bleeding when the injury is transferred. Wounds that are not currently Bleeding do not Bleed when they are transferred.
This spell can only be cast on a single, identifiable wound to a specific body part. Whole body damage or systemic damage can't be transferred.
Unwilling subjects resist with Will.
This is also a Healing spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Wounding.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Necrosculpt allows the caster to create designer Zombies by mixing and matching parts. The necromancer simply joins the body parts and casts Necrosculpt to create unique horrors. A mage can create 4-armed zombies, zombie-centaurs made of human and animal corpses, winged zombies, or anything else he can imagine. He is limited only by "what he has on hand."
Although, initially, the mage must physically affix the body parts (sewn on, glued together, or what have you), once the creature is animated, the pieces are held together by magic and won't come loose. Necrosculpt does not, itself, animate the hodge-podge the mage produces - it simply allows such a construct to be subject to the Zombie spell.
On a regular failure, the Zombie spell only works on part of the creature. The rest remains inert, or comes to life but is not under the mage's control. In the latter case, the Zombie is likely to go Berserk! Every minute that the zombie is animated, the mage must concentrate and make a Will roll to control the zombie. Otherwise the zombie moves in a random fashion and attacks anyone who gets near it.
On a critical failure, some sinister spirit likes the mage's handiwork so much that it decides to possess the Zombie. The nature of the spirit and the nature of its control is entirely up to the GM's whim.
Once the zombie is animated, the GM is the sole arbitrator of the hybrid zombies abilities and statistics. He should base Hit Points, Move, and Advantages based on living creatures with similar characteristics. GMs are encouraged to be creative.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 per hex that the creation occupies when standing upright, multiplied by the number of corpses (or different types of corpses for corpses of small creatures).
Time to Cast: 1 minute, multiplied by the number of corpses from which parts were taken. Each hex worth of small creatures counts as one corpse.
Prerequisites: Enchant, Zombie, Shape Bone, 3 Necromantic Spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman.
This forces a ghost to guard an area.
To cast this spell, the necromancer must bury or burn a corpse (or part of a corpse) at the site he wishes to protect, or place the remains in the object to be guarded. From the next night on, the area will be haunted by the ghost of the deceased. The ghost will attempt to frighten away anyone who comes near, no matter what its wishes would have been in life.
The ghost created by this spell is normal spirit in all respects. It has ST 12, IQ 9, DX 10, HT 13/15 and Move 6. A ghost has the Insubstantial (Limitation: Costs Fatigue to Materialized), Invisible (Limitation: Costs Fatigue to become Visible), Flight, Doesn't Sleep, Doesn't Breathe, Doesn't Eat or Drink, Injury Tolerance (No Cutting or Impaling Bonus, No Neck, No Brain, No Vitals). They have the Unliving, Body of Air (Always On) and Horrifying Appearance disadvantages. The spell also imposes the Slave Mentality and Involuntary Duty (Guard This Place/Object) disadvantages on the ghost. The GM should assign other advantages and disadvantages as appropriate. All the ghost's powers and spells have the Limitation: Won't work in sunlight.
Night Watchmen do no actual damage, but they can have a variety of inherent magical powers, all at skill level 12. The powers of a given ghost are up to the GM. Typically, a ghost can make spooky noises, create cold spots, manipulate small objects, create odd lighting effects, interfere with machinery, and cause Fright Checks. Due to their Horrifying Appearance, Fright Checks required when a ghost materializes.
The ghost is powerless in sunlight. Their powers only work at night or in places where the sun doesn't shine.
It costs the Ghost 1 point of Fatigue to materialize or to become visible for 1 minute. Because of this, ghosts prefer to stay hidden.
The spell forces the ghost to obey its masters orders and to guard the location or object to which it is bound. However, after each month of service, the ghost gets a roll vs. Will. If the ghost had any levels of Strong or Weak Will in life, it can apply them to the Resistance Roll. On a successful roll, the ghost loses the Slave Mentality disadvantage and regains some of its free will. It is still bound by the spell, but it will attempt to get others to free it. Unfortunately, the spirit might not speak coherently, and it might frighten away potential rescuers.
A guardian ghost can be freed either by removing or destroying the object they are assigned to guard, or by giving the ghost's remains proper funeral or burial rites. In addition, certain spells and religious rites will prevent a body from being used as a Night Watchman or will free a ghost from its duty.
The distance a ghost can move from the location where its body is buried is equal to the mage's Night Watchman spell skill in feet. If the remains are placed inside the object the ghost must guard, the ghost moves with the object.
The cost of this spell is based on the volume of the remains used to bind the ghost. A mage can use an object as small as a tooth or finger bone rather than using a whole body. The advantage of using just part of a body is that it's easier to incorporate a body part into an object and it's harder to find a small bit of bone to properly inter it.
Some particularly nasty necromancers will cast Night Watchman on a corpse purely as an act of revenge.
Duration: Permanent, until the ghost's body or guarded object is disrupted.
Cost: 10 for a body, 15 for a body part as small as a hand, or for an urn full of ashes, 20 for a body part as small as a tooth.
Time to Cast: 30 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery, Enchantment, Summon Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman.
This spell opens the door or closure to a tomb or grave. If the tomb is deliberately sealed against intrusion (such as sealed casket or a locked mausoleum) the mage win a Quick Contest against either the ST of a non-magical closure or the skill level of any spells designed to prevent opening.
If the spell succeeds, the grave will be opened, just as if the mage had done the work by hand. Dirt covering a grave will be shoveled away, seals will be pried open, doors will be unlocked and so forth. Note that if the door or seal of the tomb was booby trapped, this spell will set off the traps!
This is also a Making and Breaking spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3 for a simple closure, 6 for a complex closure (including digging up a grave), 10 for a very complex closure (including sealed or locked portals). Can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds per point of energy used to cast the spell.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Close Tomb.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Generally made from bone and/or a mummified hand. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Net.
This spell cancels spells that resurrect or animate a corpse. This includes spells such as Resurrect, Reincarnate, Revive, Wraith, Liche or Zombie.
Unless the mage can win a Quick Contest of his spell skill against the Permanent Death spell, his spell fails. Even if he wins the contest, he is still at -5 to skill (or the corpse is at -5 to HT rolls to revive). This penalty is cumulative with any penalties for the Destroy Flesh spell.
This is also a Metaspell (Clerical) spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 per hex of creature.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Destroy Flesh.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell makes a natural poison or venom permanent. As long as the item to which it is applied is not destroyed, the poison remains potent, no matter what. Venom applied to a blade magically renews itself after each hit. Contact poison placed on an object, or poison put in food or drink replenishes itself. The only exception is that poison or venom deliberately removed from the object (or material) on which it was originally place immediately neutralizes itself.
This spell is canceled by the Neutralize Poison spell, if that spell can win a Contest of Skills against the Permanent Poison spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points for normal poisons, 6 points for highly volatile, rare or dangerous poisons.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Poison, and Restore Poison.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell inflicts the subject with an advanced case of any disease with which the mage is familiar.
Unless the victim can roll vs. HT to resist, he loses attributes and appearance and begins to suffer severe symptoms as if the disease was at the peak of its virulence. The victim won't die immediately, but depending on the disease, he might have to make HT rolls to avoid dying unless he gets medical aid.
Except for its magical origin, the disease is normal in all other respects. It can be cured by mundane medical technology or the Cure Disease spell.
Note that the victim might be contagious!
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Pestilence, and Destroy Flesh.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman.
This spell allows the caster to infect a group of small animals (such as a swarm of insects or a horde of rats), or a single large animal (the size of a dog or larger) with a single contagious disease of his choice. Alternately, the mage can cast this spell on bacteria or viruses in the area, changing some of them into pathogens.
The mage must be familiar with the disease and it must be appropriate to the sort of creatures he wishes to infect. For example, he could make mosquitoes carry malaria or yellow fever, or rats carry plague or rabies.
The dangerous microbes or infected creatures will behave as they would normally, and will spread their disease to others through the normal vector for their disease. In susceptible areas, this might cause an epidemic. For example, in areas with poor sanitation and many rats, the mage could cause an outbreak of bubonic plague. In an area that doesn't have modern (TL5+) plumbing and sewer systems, the mage could cause a cholera outbreak by infecting the bacteria in a well.
Characters who are exposed to the plague carriers must make HT rolls as per normal to avoid catching the disease.
This spell can't be cast on intelligent creatures (any creature with IQ 7 or better), see the Disease Carrier spell instead.
Large animals get a roll vs. HT to avoid becoming plague carriers. Small creatures and microbes don't get resistance rolls. The GM can assume that enough creatures in the area are infected by the spell to create a possible disease vector.
This is also an Animal spell.
Duration: 1 hour (plagues spread normally).
Cost: 1 per hex of creatures to be affected for a large creature or swarm, same to maintain. If cast on an area, base cost is 1 point, same to maintain. Large animals and swarms can't be affected by the area version of this spell.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Pestilence, Summon Animal.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on a group of creatures or an area for 25 times the base cost.
This spell calls a Sphere of Madness to the caster's dimension. The Sphere will react to the caster (only) at +4, and will listen to negotiations on a Neutral or better reaction. Any other reaction results in the Sphere leaving immediately. Critical failure results in a hostile, attacking Sphere; critical success brings 1d+1 Spheres. The Sphere may stay indefinitely, but typically leaves all but the most charismatic and evil summoners after 1 hour. Some GM judgement is required here!
Spheres of Madness
ST: 17 |
Move/Dodge: 14/9 |
Size: 1 |
DX: 14 |
PD/DR: 3/6 |
Weight: 180 lbs. |
IQ: 10 |
Damage: Cut 1d+4* |
HT: 14/17 |
Reach: C,1 |
*Can claw for Cut 1d+4 twice per turn, in close combat or into any adjacent hex; a claw hit counts as a grapple, even if it does no damage. When grappling, it can use both claws and 4 tentacles, giving +8 DX! The beak can chew a hold in armor (usually head armor) in (DR/2) turns. After that, it does 2 points of cutting damage each turn, ignoring DR!
Advantages: Constriction Attack (with tentacles), Extra Flexibility (all limbs), Full Coordination/2, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Disease, Immunity to Poison, Injury Tolerance (No Brain, Cutting/Impaling Bonus, Neck or Vitals), Magic Resistance 10, 360-Degree Vision.
Disadvantage: Unliving.
Description: A solid sphere, from 28" to 32" in diameter, ringed with eyes just above its equator. A 3' long armored, crab-like arm projects from either side, ending in a vicious pincer. Sports eight octopoid tentacles - four on top, four beneath - which ring squid-like beaks below and above. Putrid brown-green in color. Move at Move 14 by levitation.
This is also a Gate spell.
Duration: 1 hour or more.
Cost: 20 points.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery, and at least 1 spell from each of 10 different colleges.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Sean Punch.
This spell calls a Demon Steed to the caster's dimension.
The caster must immediately try to bond the Steed to its rider-to-be: this is treated as a Quick Contest between the caster's spell level plus the desired rider's Will, versus the Steed's (ST+IQ)/2 of 31.
If the caster is also to be the rider, use the caster's skill level plus Will. A success bonds Steed and rider indefinitely. A failure results in the Steed vanishing. Critical Failure means the Steed attacks, while Critical Success results in a Steed with +1 on all attributes.
At any time when the rider is unconscious or in the danger of dying (i.e. at -HT or worse), roll a Contest between the rider's Will only and the Steed's (ST + IQ/2 of 31. If the rider wins (unlikely), the Steed remains. Otherwise, it vanishes in 1d seconds. A Steed can be Banished like a Demon, and should be treated as a Demon in most regards.
Demon Steed
ST: 55 |
Move/Dodge: 16/8 |
Size: 3 |
DX: 12 |
PD/DR: 2/2 |
Weight: 2,200 lbs. |
IQ: 6 |
Damage: * |
HT: 15/24 |
Reach: C,1 |
*Bite: (Reach (c): Cut 1d+2, +2 for flame (after DR)
Kick: (Reach 1, any F or B hex): Cr 3d-1, +2 for flame (after DR)
Trample: Cr 1d+2, +2 for flame (after DR).
Advantages: High Pain Threshold, Magic Resistance 10, Night vision, Peripheral Vision.
Senses: Hearing, Taste and Smell 16; Vision 14.
Disadvantages: Unliving.
Description: A huge, jet-black horse with flaming eyes and hooves, curls of smoke and tongues of flame leaping from its nostrils and mouth.
Duration: Permanent, subject to the limitations noted above.
Cost: 30 points.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Demon, and at least one spell from each of 10 different colleges.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Sean Punch.
This spell creates one dose of clear, odorless, tasteless poison that can inflict damage by contact or by ingestion. Characters who touch the poison with their bare skin take 1d points of damage spread out over a 1-minute period. Characters who ingest the poison take 2d points of internal damage spread over a 10-minute period.
Mundane skills such as First Aid, Poisons or Physician skill are at -4 to skill to treat this magical poison. Magic spells such as Neutralize Poison will cancel the remaining damage if they win a Contest of spell skills, and if they are cast in time.
Contact poison lasts until the spell ends, and magically replenishes itself on the object to which it is applied. However, it becomes inert if deliberately removed from the object. Ingested poison is not renewed.
Duration: 1 hour (effects last for 1 minute for contact poison, or 10 minutes for ingested poison).
Cost: 3 points, same to maintain. For double cost, the poison will do double damage. For triple costs, it will do triple damage.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Steal Health, Restore Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) An object can be permanently poisoned for 50 times the base cost.
This spell summons a demon, ghost, or extra-planar creature to possess the victim.
When the spell is cast, the creature appears, but in order to possess the subject the spirit must win a Contest of Wills with the subject. If the victim wins the Contest, the spirit must make a Reaction roll. On a result of Neutral or better, it will vanish. If the spirit's reaction is Poor or worse, it will attempt to possess the mage who summoned it. If the spirit loses a Contest of Wills against the mage, it automatically vanishes.
If the spirit wins the Contest, it controls the victim's body and has access to all the victim's thoughts and memories. While possessed, the victim's mind is "in stasis." If they are released from Possession, the subject will have no memory of being possessed or his actions while he was possessed.
While the spirit is in charge, it will use the victim's body as it sees fit. Demons will use their victims to do as much evil as possible. When thwarted, they will then damage the host body as much as possible before they leave. Ghosts will use their victims to fulfill goals that the ghost left unfinished in life. Extra-planar creatures will have their own weird agendas. In any case, the spirit is a free-willed entity, possessed characters could very well attack the spell caster!
The cost of the spell is based on the Will score of the creature to be summoned. However, the creature will have other attributes and advantages as the GM sees fit. Generally, the more powerful the Will, the more powerful the creature will be overall.
The victim of this spell need not be present when the spell is cast, but if the victim is not present, then there is a -2 penalty to skill in addition to any Long-Range modifiers. In addition, if the caster doesn't know the complete name of the victim, there is an additional -2 to skill.
Duration: Permanent, until possessing being decides to leave possessed body or until it is exorcised.
Cost: 1 point per point of Will of the creature summoned.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Summon Demon, Summon Undead, and/or Planar Summons. A caster can only use a creature to possess someone if he knows how to summon that spirit.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for user only. Always on. Can't be removed. Casts this spell on the wearer. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell makes existing poison or venom more dangerous. Every 2 points of energy put into this spell gives -1 to HT to Saving Throws to avoid being poisoned and gives +1 to damage rolls if the poison is effective (up to the normal maximum damage).
In Contests of Skill to neutralize or slow the poison, skills such as Poisons, Pathology, or Physician or spells such as Neutralize Poison are at -1 per level of this spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points per level, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) A weapon can be permanently envenomed with this spell for 300 points.
This spell prepares a dead body for any funerary rite with which the mage is familiar. If necessary, the body will be made-up, dress, embalmed or mummified, however, the quality of the results depends on the mage's Professional Skill: Mortician, Thanatology, Theology, or Theology (Rituals and Ceremonies) skill roll as appropriate.
If goods or clothing are to be placed on the corpse, they must be immediately at hand when this spell is cast. If the body is to be embalmed or otherwise altered, the mage must have the appropriate tools and materials at hand.
This is also a Metaspell (Clerical) spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: Variable. 2 points for simple preparations, (such as washing and dressing a body), 3 for moderate preparations, (such as embalming and make-up), 4 points for elaborate preparations, (such as Egyptian-style mummification).
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Allows the caster to magically mummify or embalm a corpse, preserving it from further decay.
Bodies preserved with this spell are obviously dead, but decay at an extremely slow rate. Even in the wettest and warmest conditions, bodies will decay at 1/10 the normal rate. In cool, dry conditions, bodies preserved with this spell can last for centuries.
A body with this spell cast on it can be turned into a zombie or mummy using the Zombie spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3 per hex of creature.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Prepare Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Each level of this spell gives the subject +2 to Will to avoid being possessed by demons, and gives demons -1 on all attacks against the subject.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per level (up to 4 levels maximum), same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Banish.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Each level of this spell gives the subject +2 to Will to avoid being possessed by extra-planar beings, and gives extra-planar beings -1 on all attacks against the subject.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell and a Gate spell..
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per level (up to 4 levels maximum), same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Banish.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Each level of this spell gives the subject +1 to Will to avoid being possessed or against losing any part of his spirit or soul. This spell works against magic and psionics, as well as attacks by supernatural creatures.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell and a Metaspell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per level (up to 4 levels maximum), same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Bless, Banish.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Each level of this spell gives the subject +2 to Will to avoid being possessed by undead, and gives undead -1 on all attacks against the subject.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per level (up to 4 levels maximum), same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Turn Zombie.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
When this spell is cast, the subject becomes much more vulnerable to dying if he is reduced to 0 HP or less.
Unless the subject resists with HT, if he is reduced to 0 HP or less, he is at -4 to all rolls to stay conscious or avoid death. In addition, attempts to revive the character using spells or skills are at -4 to skill.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Destroy Flesh.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell rapidly ages the subject. To cast this spell, the mage must either touch the subject or he must cast the object on an object that is subsequently touched by a victim.
If the mage touches the subject, the victim can Dodge or use a weapon Parry or shield Block. Unarmed Blocks and Parries result in an automatic hit.
If the spell is cast on an object, the first person to make deliberate contact with the object is affected by the spell. Merely brushing against the object doesn't count as contact.
Unless the subject can roll vs. HT-5, he gains physical age equal to 70% of the difference between his present age and 100 (round up). For example, A 17-year-old affected by this spell. He immediately gains 70% of (100-17=) 83 years. This ages him 59 years, giving him a physical age of 76.
Once the victim's new physical age is determined, he must immediately roll all applicable Aging rolls for his new age. Individuals already past their 100th year are unaffected by the spell.
This spell is typically used by undead mages and mages from long-lived races against members of short-lived races (such as humans and orcs).
Duration: Instantaneous (effects are permanent).
Cost: 10 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Steal Youth, and 5 other Necromantic spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) This spell can be enchanted into any item. Anyone who touches the item will be affected by the spell. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (c) A weapon can be enchanted with this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell allows the caster to animate severed body parts. The mage can then order the parts around as he sees fit, just as if they were Zombies.
Severed heads have PD 0, DR 1, and HP 3 and are -at 5 to hit. They roll along at Move 2 and bite for 1d-3 thrust/crushing damage.
Severed arms have PD 0, DR 0, HP 4 and are at -4 to hit. They drag themselves along at Move 3 and punch for 1d-2 Thrust/Crushing damage. A severed arm can use a small melee weapon (like a knife) or pistol at -4 to hit. An arm has 1/3 its former owner's ST and can grapple.
Severed legs have PD 0, DR 0, HP 5 and are at -3 to hit. They drag themselves along at Move 2 and kick for 1d-2 thrust/crushing damage.
Severed hands have PD 0, DR 0, HP 2, and are at -6 to hit. They scuttle along at Move 5. A hand has 1/6 its owner's ST and can grapple. Hands can't use melee weapons. They can use light pistols (ST 8 or less) and similar weapons. The can also pull the triggers on larger weapons, if the weapon is braced in some way.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 for a hand or head, 3 for an arm or leg, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Zombie.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) A body part can be permanently animated for 10 times the normal cost.
GURPS Celtic Myth.This spell puts a person's soul into a dead, but intact corpse.
The spell lasts until the corpse rots away or is physically destroyed. Any mind can be put in any available body, even a non-human one.
If the Resurrection spell is subsequently cast on the body, the body is restored to life and the soul that inhabits the corpse is permanently attached to the revived body.
Revived bodies have all the characteristics of a Zombie. When the body is first reanimated, Move is reduced to 1/2 normal and DX and IQ are reduced by -2, but ST, HT and HP are increased by 2. As the body rots the body will lose ST, DX, HT and IQ. When any characteristic reaches 0 the body is too badly decayed for the spirit to inhabit and the spell ends.
Decay progresses normally except that rigor mortis never sets in. In cold temperatures, the body will keep better, but the victim must roll vs. HT every hour in freezing temperatures in order to avoid freezing into a motionless "corpsicle". In hot temperatures, the victim will quickly become flyblown and will rot away.
Initially, being dead will have many advantages. A Reanimated body is immune to the extremes of heat and cold, they Do Not Breathe, Do Not Eat or Drink, have High Pain Threshold, and have Damage Immunity (No Vitals, No Cut/Impale bonus, Doesn't Bleed). On the negative side, they have the Unliving disadvantage (they die when they go below 0 HP) and they quickly deteriorate to Horrifying appearance with a Disgusting Smell.
Under normal circumstances, the body must roll vs. HT each day or lose 1 point from each attribute. This roll is at +1 or more in conditions which favor preservation of the corpse (i.e., cool, dry conditions), or -1 or more in bad conditions (i.e., hot, humid conditions). In addition, the subject must roll vs. HT each day or lose a level of Appearance as the body deteriorates. Roll separately for each attribute.
Reverse Decay or Preservation spells can halt or reverse this process, but levels of attributes lost due to decay are permanently gone. Without magical aid, the subject will eventually rot so badly that the soul can no longer inhabit it.
Duration: Until the inhabited body rots, see above.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Zombie, and Soul Jar.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Reconstruct Brain allows the mage to restore intelligence, personality, and memory to a dead brain. He can then implant this brain into a zombie to create an intelligent zombie.
In order to cast Reconstruct Brain the mage must have the zombified body of an intelligent creature and a brain, though the two don't necessarily have to come from the same person. Both the brain and the body must be fresh (2 days dead or less) and must not be undergoing decomposition. The mage can either use conventional embalming techniques or the Reverse Decay spell to achieve this.
Each casting of the spell can increase the brain's IQ by 1, until its old IQ is reached. Once the brain is restored to full intelligence, consciousness, speech, and general information will soon return. However, the subject completely forgets personal details - although a few odd memories may filter through where the GM thinks it interesting. Skills, apart from languages and basic social skills, will not return, and must be relearned.
All Physical and Mental advantages and disadvantages re-emerge after reconstruction, whether the caster wishes them to or not. This includes Magical Aptitude and Psionic Power. "Reconstructed" zombies will be subject to Chronic Depression, although usually only at a quirk level. Deep down they sense that something is not right. If they realize the truth, they might have to make severe Fright Checks.
This spell does not give the caster control over the Zombie, and the Control Zombie spell will not work on a corpse with a reconstructed brain. Charm and Enslave spells work normally.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 15 points.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Zombie, Reverse Decay, Summon Spirit, and 3 Mind Control Spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman.
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).When cast on a demon or extradimensional creature, this spell improves its chances of resisting the Exorcism spell. For every point of energy used to power this spell, the creature gets +2 to effective Will to resist the Banishment or Exorcism spells.
Note that this spell only works on creatures that can be summoned using the Summon Demon, Summon Elemental, Create Elemental, Summon Extraplanar Creature, and so on. It does not work on "normal" creatures unless they are subject to being Exorcised or Banished for some reason.
Note that a demon or extradimensional creatures cannot cast this spell on itself.
Cost: 1 point per every +2 increase in Will, same to maintain.
Duration: 1 minute.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, 2 Summoning spells, Banish.
Item: Wand, Staff, or Jewelry. Usable only by a Mage. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell restores poison or venom rendered less potent due to age or wear to its full potency. As long as at least 1/4 of the original dose (or original potency) remains, this spell will refresh the poison. Otherwise, the spell will fail, but the mage will know why.
The restored poison or venom is normal in all respects. This spell can't be used to extend the lifespan or potency of magical poisons.
This spell can also be used to refresh drugs, paints, and other volatile chemical compounds that deteriorate with age.
This is also a Making and Breaking spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 point per gallon for mildly toxic materials such as latex paint or window cleaner, 1 point per quart for caustic or somewhat toxic materials such as lead paint or oven cleaner, 1 point per oz. for normal poisons, 2 points per oz. for highly volatile, rare or dangerous poisons.
Prerequisite: Restore or Create Bone.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Any container can have this spell cast on it for 25 times the base cost.
This spell allows a undead creature, regardless of age or condition, to be restored to completeness and then returned to life.
The creature will have the personality it had in life, but it will remember its life as an undead being, and will react accordingly. This could mean that the "reborn" creature will attack the mage who resurrected it or seek to return to unlife!.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 500 points.
Time to Cast: 2 hours.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Greater Undeath or Resurrection.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 10,000 points or more.
This spell temporarily gives the subject the Resurrection advantage.
This spell must be cast on a conscious subject with a positive HT score. If the subject subsequently dies while the spell is in effect, he will return to life as if he had the Resurrection advantage. However, like the Resurrection advantage, the subject loses 25 character points when he is revived.
Some versions of this spell add 25 points of disadvantages (usually a Stench, Odious Personal Habits, or evil mental disadvantages) rather than subtracting 25 character points.
This is also a Healing spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, and Revive or Greater Undeath.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 10,000 points. (b) Jewelry. Works for wearer only. It will resurrect the subject once and then vanish. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
This spell will allow the mage to inflict a single physical injury on the subject identical to any injury previously inflicted on the mage by the victim.
Unless the subject resists with HT, they are affected by one wound that the mage can name that they previously inflicted on the mage. Any special effects of the original wound (such as crippling, unconsciousness or blindness) are also applied, even if they wouldn't normally apply because the injury isn't enough to cripple the subject.
For example, Grond the Torturer once burned out Morgoth Evileye's eye, blinding Morgoth in one eye and doing 5 points of damage to his face. Morgoth casts the Revenge spell and Grond fails his resistance roll. Grond takes 5 points of damage and is blinded in one eye.
Once a given injury has been inflicted, it may not be inflicted again until the damage has been healed or repaired.
Injuries that killed the mage (if he is subsequently resurrected or rises as an undead creature) do not kill the victim outright. If they are reduced to 0 HP or less, they get HT rolls to resist unconsciousness and death
Duration: Instantaneous, effects last normally.
Cost: 2 points.
Prerequisite: Wound.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Casts this spell on the wearer. Always On. Can't be removed. This item allows the mage who enchanted the item to inflict any injury that the wearer ever did to any other person on the wearer. Alternately, the item inflicts the worst injury that the wearer every did to another person. When that injury is healed, the device inflicts the second worst injury, and so on. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell is similar to the Wither Limb spell, but the affected limb drops off after 1d days.
To cast this spell, the mage must touch the victim. The victim can Dodge or use weapon Blocks or Shield parries to block this spell. If the victim attempts an unarmed Block or Parry, he is automatically
Unless the victim can resist with Will, the limb immediately Withers (as per the Wither Limb spell). After 1d days, the limb rots off. When this happens, the victim must roll vs. HT to avoid having the stump become infected. If the victim fails their HT roll, they take 1d points of damage and infection sets in.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Destroy Flesh, and Wither Limb.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Casts this spell on the wearer. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell makes the life force released by the sacrifice of a living being available to another spell.
The Sacrifice must be cast at the moment when the caster kills the creature is sacrificed. The spell powered by the Sacrifice spell must then be cast within 1 hour after the Sacrifice spell was cast or the Sacrifice spell ends and the mana released by the sacrifice is lost.
The Sacrifice counts as a spell "on" during the second spell's casting. If the caster is not within one hex of the sacrificed being when he casts the Sacrifice spell or the second spell, apply regular range penalties to both spells.
The energy released by the sacrifice of a living being is equal to HT x IQ. The GM may devise and modifiers to suit his world. For example, virgins or mages produce double the normal mana . . .
Multiple sacrifices are possible. Mana generated can be used at any time during the sacrifices, or saved up for the end. However, each sacrifice that hasn't been "used" counts as a spell "on" when casting subsequent spells.
Mana gained by Sacrifice must be used to power spells or to enchant magic items. It can't be stored in powerstones or be used by the mage to regain Fatigue. Unused mana is lost 1 hour after the Sacrifice spell was cast.
This is also a Metaspell.
Duration: Until the mana used by the sacrifice is used or the time required to cast subsequent spells plus 1 hour, whichever is less.
Cost: None.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, Steal Health, and 5 other Necromantic spells.
Item: Knife. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Mage only.
Author: Adapted from Sean Punch.
This spell makes a poison or venom only work on certain types of creatures, or in certain situations. The mage can specify the circumstances under which the poison will (or will not work) when he casts the spell. The poison is normal in all respects, except that it will do no damage to people who have "immunity" to it.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points for normal poisons, 4 points for highly volatile, rare or dangerous poisons.
Prerequisite: Magery, Potent Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) A weapon or object can have this spell permanently cast on it for 25 times the base cost if the enchanter determines the circumstances under which the envenomed weapon will work, or 50 times the base cost if the user determines the circumstances. (c) A vial of poison or venom can have this spell cast on it for 10 times the base cost per dose. The user determines the selectivity of the poison when he prepares it.
This spell is identical to the Night Watchman spell, but the ghost becomes a Skull Spirit and can inflict damage on intruders.
This spell must be cast on the skull of the victim. The spell ends when the skull is shattered (which also kills the Skull Spirit) or the object the spirit is assigned to guard is destroyed.
Unlike the Night Watchman spell, the Skull Spirit never regains its free will. It will always follow the mages orders. In the absence of orders, the spirit will attack all intruders.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: Variable. 25 points.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Night Watchman, Skull Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman.
Using this spell, the mage can mold bone as if it were soft clay. Bones can be bent, joined together, added or altered in shape.
If the mage uses this spell on living or magically animated bone, the subject gets a roll vs. HT to resist.
If this spell is cast on a living subject for therapeutic reasons, the mage must also roll vs. his Surgery skill to properly reshape (or join) the living bone.
Generally, this spell is used by necromancers to "customize" skeletons, but healers occasionally use it to quickly knit broken bones or to repair skeletal deformities.
This is also a Healing spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 per 10 pounds of material.
Prerequisite: Zombie or Minor Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
To cast this spell, the mage must have on of the long bones (e.g., a tibia or femur) from the body of an evil person. When the spell is cast, the mage binds the soul of the bone's former owner into the bone, allowing it to act as a divination aid.
When used for Divinations or other Information spells dealing with information about death, summoned spirits, or the undead, the bone will vibrate, hum or even moan in ways that aid the mage. This gives the mage +4 to his spell skill.
Cost: 75 points.
Prerequisite: Enchantment, Bind Spirit.
This spell shoots a silvery circle of energy that, if it hits, will remove the victim's soul.
The missile has SS 13, Acc 1, 1/2D n/a, Max 60. It is targeted using the Spell Throwing (Soul Blast) skill.
This missile can be Dodged or Blocked but not Parried. It can also be deflected by Force Dome, Utter Dome, Missile Shield, Reverse Missiles, or Spell Shield spells.
If the victim is hit, he must roll vs. Will. If he fails his roll, the victim's soul is "cast out" of his body, leaving the body in a comatose state. The victim's soul can roam freely, as if he cast the Soul Separator spell on himself, but he can't return to his body.
The victim's body can be inhabited or possessed by spirits or by mages using the Soul Jar spell. If the body dies, the victim's spirit goes on to the afterlife.
Even if the body does not die, each week that the victim's soul is separated from his body, he must roll vs. Will. On a failed roll, the subject's soul forgets his physical body and "passes on" to the afterlife. If it is uninhabited, his body dies. In any case, the spell ends.
This spell can be countered with a Counterspell. The soul can also be returned to its (uninhabited) body using the Summon Spirit spell. If the body has been possessed by another spirit, it must be Banished before the soul of the body's rightful owner can return.
Characters who die while this spell is in effect are at -4 to be returned from death using the Resurrection or Revive spells.
Duration: Instantaneous (effects are Permanent).
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Soul Separator.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Adapted from Brett Slocum.
This spell enchants a Soul Orb, as found in GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 105.
Though this spell is typically associated with necromancers, this magic item is occasionally used by healers to mercifully "kill" patients who can't be healed immediately in the hope that they can be easily resurrected later.
Cost: 5,000 points.
Prerequisites: Resurrection, Soul Jar.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell sucks the victim's soul from his body, leaving his body as a comatose, mindless husk.
If the caster has a Soul jar spell prepared then he can transfer the victim's soul to it, if not the soul wanders as a powerless, homeless spirit which dies (or passes on to the afterlife) when its body dies.
The spirit has the victim's IQ, Will and mental skills, but 1/2 the victim's DX, HT and ST (for fatigue purposes only). The spirit is Insubstantial and can't cast spells in the "real world." It can cast spells on the plane to which it is banished, however.
If the mage casts this spell on himself, his soul is not banished. Instead, the mage's soul is free to wander anywhere within 500 yards of the mage's body.
His soul is insubstantial and invisible and has essentially limitless speed within the 500-yard radius. However, if the mage pays a point of Fatigue and can make a Will roll, he can become visible (although wispy and transparent, like a ghost) for up to 10 seconds. The mage can also use spells to make his soul visible or substantial.
While the subject's body wanders, his body can be possessed by wandering spirits or mages using the Soul Jar spell. If owner of the body will automatically know if this happens. The soul can instantly return to defend its body. However, the subject must win a Contest of Wills (or Will vs. spell skill) to defend his body from possession.
If the mage wins the Contest, he can end the spell and return to his body. If the mage loses the Contest, he is "locked out" of his body, just as if the Soul Separator spell had been cast on him!
If a victim of the Soul Separator spell wins the Contest, he defends his body, but is still "locked out." If he loses, he watches helplessly as someone (or something) else takes his body.
If the subject's body is interfered with or physically threatened, the subject must roll vs. IQ every 10 seconds to sense the threat. He can automatically return to his body if it is attacked or if he senses a threat. Victims of this spell can't do anything about threats to their physical body, however, since they are "cast out."
Each week that the victim's soul is separated from his body, he must roll vs. Will. On a failed roll, the subject's soul forgets his physical body and "passes on" to the afterlife. If it is uninhabited, his body dies. In any case, the spell ends.
This spell can be countered with a Counterspell. The soul can also be returned to its (uninhabited) body using the Summon Spirit spell. If the body has been possessed by another spirit, it must be Banished before the soul of the body's rightful owner can return.
Characters who die while this spell is in effect are at -4 to be returned from death using the Resurrection or Revive spells.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6 points, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Soul Jar.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Self, J.C. Connors (GURPS Mummy).
When cast on a life-size statue of a specific person, this spell causes the statue to become a receptacle for that person's soul.
When the specified person dies, he may choose to wander as a ghost, or inhabit the Soul Statue. When he possesses the statue, he essentially becomes a free-willed Stone Golem. He gets +50 ST, -4 DX, PD 2, DR 6 and has all the disadvantages and advantages of a Stone Golem, as determined by the GM.
The spirit can freely enter and leave the Soul Statue. Because of the nature of the enchantment, other creatures can't occupy the statue when its owner is away. However, entering or leaving the statue costs the spirit 2 points of Fatigue.
To cast this spell, the subject must be willing. The mage must touch both the subject and the statue when he finishes the enchantment. Finally, either the subject or the mage must permanently sacrifice a point of both ST and HT to the statue.
This is also an Enchantment spell.
Cost to Create: 60 points, plus the cost of the Golem spell.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Soul Jar, Enchantment, Golem.
Source: Adapted from J.C. Connors (GURPS Mummy).
This spell is similar to the Soul Jar spell, but the "trap" may be prepared in advance. To cast this spell, the mage must touch the item to be trapped. If he wishes, the mage can specify the person or class of person to be affected by the spell.
When the subject touches the Soul Trap, he must roll vs. Will or his soul is sucked into the item, as if he were trapped by a Magic Jar. If a class of person is specified by the caster (as opposed to an individual person) the victim gets +2 to his Will roll.
The trap can be any object that is suitable as a Soul Jar. Gems and weapons are common.
Duration: 1 hour (effects are permanent once the trap is triggered).
Cost: 8, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Soul Jar, Delay.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Any item. When the selected class of victim touches the item, this item casts the spell once. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell allows the mage to speak with the spirit of a dead person.
In order for the spell to work, the mage must have part of the body or an item closely associated with the person to whom he wishes to speak. The mage is at -4 to skill if he just has an item linked to the subject. He is at -3 if he only has a fragment of the body. If he only has the skull of the person he is at -2 to skill, if he just has a partial body, he is at -1 to skill.
In addition, there is a penalty for the length of time that the subject has been dead: -1 for 1 week or more, -2 for 1 month or more, -3 for 1 year or more, -4 for up to 5 years, -5 for 25 years, and -1 for every 25 years beyond the first 25.
The mage may ask and receive an answer to one question per minute. When the spirit appears, the GM should make a reaction roll for the spirit, modified as he sees fit. On a reaction of Poor or worse, the spirit will attempt to resist the spell using Will. If the spirit makes its Resistance Roll, it can flee or lie to the mage. If the spirit fails its Will roll, it must answer the mage's questions truthfully, although it can omit information or twist the mage's words.
Spirits of the dead will only know answers to questions that they knew in life. There is also no guarantee that the information the spirit gives will be correct, they might be just as ignorant or misinformed as a living person.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Divination, Compel Truth, Summon Spirit.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Talking Bone. This is binds the soul of a specific dead person into one of their long bones. Anyone who grasps the bone can talk with the spirit as if the Speak With Dead spell had been cast on it. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Adapted from Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).When this spell is cast, the mage summons the powers of injury and decay into his hand. A dark blue glow encompasses the caster's hand and his touch does damage just by its deathly chill touch.
If the mage successfully touches the subject, the victim takes 1d-1 points of damage (minimum of 1 point) for every point of energy put into the spell. Armor, toughness and DR do not protect against this damage. The victim may Dodge the attack, or Block or Parry with a weapon or shield. Unarmed Blocks or Parries result in an automatic hit.
In addition, the subject must roll vs. HT. If he fails his resistance roll, he loses 1 point of ST for every point of energy put into the spell. Strength is regained at the same rate as lost HP.
Undead touched by the mage suffer no damage or ST loss. However, they must roll vs. Will or flee in panic for 2d turns.
This spell has no effect on other unliving creatures such as golems or robots.
Duration: 5 seconds or until the subject is touched. Once the subject is touched, the spell lasts for 1 second. Effects are permanent.
Cost: 1 per 1d-1 damage done, up to 3d-3 maximum, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Steal Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted from Keith Bisset (Revenant).
This spell binds the spirit of a demon, ghost, dead soul, or extra-planar creature into an item or area. Once bound, the creature can be forced to give information to the owner of the item.
To cast this spell, the mage must enchant the item into which he wishes to bind the spirit. Then, he must summon the spirit and touch the item to the spirit (or lure the spirit into the area). If the creature fails its Will roll, it is bound into the item. Until it is released by the mage or the item breaks, the spirit is trapped.
If the item isn't enchanted with enough power to hold the creature, the spirit gets +1 to its resistance roll for every point of ST or Will by which the enchantment falls short.
While trapped, the spirit has access to the IQ, mental advantages and disadvantages, skills or memories it had in life, but it has no spells or psionic powers.
While the owner of the item can communicate with the spirit by concentrating and holding the item (or entering the area), the spirit do not have to provide information or answer questions. If the spirit chooses not to cooperate, the user can attempt to coerce it through a Contest of Wills.
A cooperative spirit provides information on request, but rarely volunteers its services. It may be forced to work with the owner of the item, but it doesn't have to like it, so it might give incomplete or misleading (but never false) information.
This spell is useful for making certain magic items or for trapping demons, ghosts, and other similar creatures.
Cost: 20 per point of ST and Will of the creature to be trapped.
Prerequisite: Enchantment, Summon Spirit, Soul Jar.
Item: Spectral Advisor. GURPS Magic Items 2.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell summons a ghostly or demonic spirit to reside in the subject's body, coexisting with the subject's spirit and only taking over when the character is knocked unconscious or is incapacitated. When this occurs, the character gets the Incapacity Override advantage for the duration of the spell.
The spirit usually agrees to the conditions of this spell because it seeks control of a body under any conditions. On a critical failure, the spirit will simply take control of the subject's body. When this occurs, the subject and the spirit engage in a Contest of Will. If the subject wins, he ejects the spirit from his body and the spell ends. If the spirit wins, it takes control of the victim's body and can only be removed through Exorcism.
If the character is incapacitated, the spirit takes over and will behave as instructed by the character. Instructions must be given before the character falls unconscious, but take only 1 second to transmit. If no instructions are given, the spirit's default reaction is to retreat from danger to the nearest safe place. If retreat is unavailable, then the spirit will go Berserk, as per the disadvantage, until it can flee. Alternately, the spirit can be order to fight until the body takes a certain amount of damage and then retreat.
The spell lasts until the subject dies, regains consciousness, or the spell ends, whichever comes first.
The mage may cast this spell on himself, but he may not maintain it if he is unconscious, even if the maintenance cost is 0. If this spell is cast from a self-powering magic item, the spell will be maintained, even if the owner couldn't normally maintain the spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Summon Spirit.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith.
Kirk Wilson Tate (GURPS Ice Age).This spell is similar to the Soul Separator or Astral Projection spells, except that the mage can only cast the spell on himself. The spell temporarily turns the mage into a ghost, dead spirit, or similar being, allowing him to possess people, travel to the spirit world, enter the land of the dead, and so forth.
The mage's aura appears to be that of a dead spirit unless the user of the Aura spell scores a critical success, then he realizes the true nature of the subject.
While in spirit form, the subject is vulnerable to all the things that any other spirit would be vulnerable to. For example, a ghost in a Christian world would be vulnerable to silver, crosses, holy water, and the prayers of the faithful.
Damage taken while in spirit form is kept when the character turns back to flesh. If the character is killed while in spirit form, he is permanently dead, as if his ghost had been destroyed.
Objects worn or held by the subject transform into the spirit form, if appropriate. Carried items like backpacks are left behind.
The mage's spirit is insubstantial and invisible and has essentially limitless speed. However, if the mage pays a point of Fatigue and can make a Will roll, he can become visible (although wispy and transparent, like a ghost) for up to 10 seconds. The mage can also use spells to make his soul visible or substantial.
While the mage's body wanders, his body can be possessed by wandering spirits or mages using the Soul Jar spell. He will automatically know if this happens and can instantly return to defend his body. However, the mage must win a Contest of Wills (or Will vs. spell skill) to defend his body from possession. If the mage wins the Contest, he can end the spell and return to his body. If the mage loses the Contest, he is "locked out" of his body, just as if the Soul Separator spell had been cast on him!
If the mage's body is interfered with or physically threatened, the mage must roll vs. IQ every 10 seconds to sense the threat. He can automatically return to his body if it is attacked or if he senses a threat.
Each week that the mage's soul is separated from his body, he must roll vs. Will. On a failed roll, the mage's soul forgets his physical body and "passes on" to the afterlife. If it is uninhabited, his body dies. In any case, the spell ends.
Characters who die while this spell is in effect are at -4 to be returned from death using the Resurrection or Revive spells.
Unwilling subjects resist with Will.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Soul Separator.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Self, J.C. Connors (GURPS Mummy).
Steven Dedham (GURPS Martial Arts Adventures).This spell lets the caster take one mental or physical advantage away from the subject. Each version of this spell is a separate variant that must be learned separately.
The subject must either be willing or completely helpless, and the caster must touch the subject. On a critical failure, the caster gains new disadvantages equal in value to the advantage he was trying to steal - the exact disadvantages are at GM discretion, those opposite to the advantage being stolen are often appropriate. These disadvantages last as long as the spell being cast would (either 1 day or permanent, depending on which was attempted).
Social advantages and "essential" advantages inherent to the victim's form can't be stolen with this spell. For example, this spell could be used to steal Combat Reflexes or Language Talent, but it couldn't be used to steal Wealth (since that's a social advantage) or the victim's ability to breathe, or to move in his native habitat.
At the GM's option "metaphysical" advantages such as Psionics, Luck, Magery or natural mana organs might also be immune to this spell.
The GM might also forbid natural physical advantages that are inherent to the victim's body shape, such as wings, tails, legs, etc. from being stolen. "Minor" body parts such as claws or horns, or non-vital "invisible" advantages such as Combat Reflexes or Immunity to Poison can be stolen.
In addition, the mage can't steal what the victim doesn't have. For example, if a character is already below average in Move or Speed then the mage can't steal levels of those advantages from the victim, since they aren't there to take! In this case, either the spell fails automatically, or on a critical failure, the mage gets the appropriate disadvantage from the character.
The mage also can't steal advantages that are below his level, or reduce a victim below the mage's current level with a given advantage. For example, if a mage with three levels of Language Talent wished to steal more levels of that advantage, he would have to find a person with four or more levels of Language Talent. If he finds a suitable victim, the mage could only drain his victim down to three levels of the talent.
If this spell is used against multi-level advantages, this spell can take more than one level at a time, at an increased casting cost.
Advantages covered by the Steal Beauty, Steal Attribute, or Steal Skill spell can't be stolen with this spell.
Common variants of this spell include:
Steal Reflexes: Any advantage that deals with reflexes, alertness and ability to react to the character's surroundings, including Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, and Manual Dexterity.
Steal Intellect: Any advantage relating to cognition, memory, intuition, or learning ability, including Common Sense, Intuition, Strong Will, Eidetic Memory.
Steal Toughness: Any advantage that relates to a character's ability to deal with or avoid physical damage, including Toughness, High Pain Threshold, DR, PD, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Disease.
Steal Senses: Any advantage that directly relates to the character's ability to perceive the world around them, including Alertness, Acute Vision, Smell, Hearing, Alertness, Peripheral Vision, Night Vision, and Second Sight.
Steal Brawn: Any advantage that allows the character to lift, carry, stay conscious or endure fatigue or injury. Fatigue, Fitness, Hit Points, Extra Encumbrance.
Steal Core Memories: This spell will allow the mage to steal "inherent" advantages and skills that are not vital for the victim's survival. "Advantages" that can be stolen include Literacy, personal memories (including "everyman" skills such as native language, Savoir-Faire (Culture) and Area Knowledge (home territory), "basic" senses (sight, hearing, etc.) and other things that are technically "advantages" but which humans don't have to spend points to get. This spell variant is only appropriate for mages who don't have the full set of human advantages, such as a mage who suffers from the Bestial or Impulsive disadvantages.
Steal Empathy: This variant steals advantages which relate to the subject's ability to empathize and understand other creatures, including Animal Empathy, Empathy, Pious, Sanctity, and Pitiable.
Duration: 1 day or Permanent.
Cost: 2 per character point to be stolen. For double cost, an advantage can be permanently stolen.
Time to Cast: 2 minutes per character point stolen, doubled for permanent duration.
Prerequisites: Magery 3. Steal Beauty, plus any three of Steal Dexterity, Steal Might, Steal Vigor, Steal Wisdom, and Steal Youth.
Author: Adapted from Chris Dicely, Net.
This spell is identical to the Steal Health spell, but rather than transferring energy to the mage, this spell allows energy to be channeled into a magic item or magic storage device such as a powerstone.
Unless the victim can roll vs. HT, he is affected as if the Steal Health spell had been cast on him. However, the mage can only "store" the energy stolen. He must transfer the energy to a magical storage device within 1 minute after the energy is stolen, or it is lost.
This spell can also be used to channel Fatigue into a magical storage device. In this case, the subject is affected as if the Steal Strength spell had been cast on him. However, each point of ST stolen merely provides 1/10 of a point of mana.
Stolen ST is recovered just as if it had been stolen by the Steal Strength spell.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 3 points per point of HT stolen, 1 point per point of ST stolen. Increased skill can't reduce the costs of this spell.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Steal Health, Steal Strength, 5 other Necromantic spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Powerstone or other magical storage device. Can be used to cast this spell, but the mage can't use the power of the stone to cast the spell. There are rumors of magical storage devices that automatically suck HT and/or ST from anyone who directly touches the item (or has it touched to their bare flesh). Energy Cost to Create: 500 points, or 2,500 points for the self-powering version.
GURPS Egypt.This powerful, dangerous, spell opens a gate to Hell (or some other suitably unpleasant extraplanar domain) within the area of effect. The effects of this spell depend on the campaign, but they should be nasty.
For a traditional burning hell, anyone caught in the area of effect takes 2d damage each turn from hellfire. Flammable objects will ignite, taking 2d+2 points of damage per turn. Non-flammable objects will be warped and twisted by their exposure to the forces of hell, becoming ghastly and terrifying. If it matters they take 1d+1 points of damage per turn. Normal fireproofing measures do not work. Hellfire burns through any substance and works immediately.
For every hex of radius, roll 3d. If the roll is less than the spell's radius +3 (i.e., 4 for a 1 hex radius, 5 for a 2 hex radius, etc.), the gate also sucks in a minor demon (see the Summon Minor Demon spell). Though they can't leave the area of the spell, the demons will wreak havoc within the area of effect. If minor demons are summoned, the GM should roll 1d-3 for each hex of radius and add the results to determine the number of demons. If demons are summoned, at least one will appear.
Finally, the area radiates an aura of intense hopelessness, despair and misery. Anyone who sees the effects of this spell (or senses the aura emanating from it) must make a Fright Check at -4. Anyone within the area makes the check at -10 in addition to taking damage. However, those who fail their Fright Checks might actually lose disadvantages that would make them more attractive to Hell, since their experience of hell "scared them straight!"
Normally no resistance roll is allowed against this spell. However, those near the edges of the spell can roll vs. DX to leap to safety. Also, characters with the Power Investment, Blessed, Very Blessed, or True Faith advantages might be able to ignore or even counteract the effects of the spell. Characters who are truly good and innocent should have nothing to fear from the powers of Hell. At the very least, such characters should get a roll vs. Will each turn to avoid taking damage. Especially innocent or pious characters should also get bonuses to their resistance rolls.
GMs can devise equally nasty effects for other infernal planes.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 10 points, half to maintain. (Minimum radius 2 hexes)
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery 3, Summon Major Demon, 10 other Necromantic spells.
Author: Adapted from Net.
Adapted from Scott Paul Maykrantz (Demons! Roleplayer 26).Author:
Adapted from Scott Paul Maykrantz (Demons! Roleplayer 26).Author:
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Allows the mage to summon any sort of undead creature that he is familiar. If the GM rules that the sort of undead creature that the mage wants isn't immediately at hand, use the Long Distance modifiers to adjust the caster's skill with this spell.
If successfully summoned, the undead will proceed towards the caster's location as fast as it safely can. If the spell expires before the creature reaches the location where the spell was cast, they are dismissed and can move freely. If the mage is summoning very rare or slow-moving undead, he would be wise to maintain the spell for a long time.
Once the undead reach the caster's location, they must roll for reaction. On a neutral or better reaction, they will listen to what the mage has to say. On a poor reaction or worse, they will leave immediately or possibly even attack. Mindless undead can be commanded to service using the Take Zombie spell. The mage must bargain with free-willed undead or command them to service with the Lesser Geas or Command Undead spell.
Undead commanded to service will serve until the expiration of the Summon Undead spell, one hour, or until their task is completed, whichever is less. After they are freed, they will leave, attack, or stay near the caster as their nature takes them.
A caster can specify a given type of undead and can exclude known undead of the same type if he does so before he casts the spell. The mage can also attempt to summon a specific undead creature. In this case, the mage is at -4 to skill if he doesn't know the full name of the being he wishes to summon.
Duration: 1 hour (creatures commanded to service stay until the spell ends, their task is complete, or one hour, whichever is less).
Cost: 6, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Summon Spirit.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Allows the mage to take over zombies, skeletons, or mummies animated by another caster. If the mage who created the zombies is present and opposes the take-over, roll a Contest of Skills between the interloper's Take Zombie skill and the creator's Zombie skill.
A zombie taken over by this spell will be loyal to its new owner.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 per zombie, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Zombie, Resist Undead.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell temporarily ages the subject.
Unless the victim can roll vs. HT to resist, they are aged by 5 years per energy point put into the spell.
This spell cannot be used to kill the subject outright, but it can force the victim to make Aging rolls, which will temporarily lower their attributes and skills. If a victim is taken below 0 in any attribute due to aging rolls, they fall into a coma for the duration of the spell. As a quick guideline, assume that a character with HT 10 will lose 2 points from one or more different attributes for every 5 years over 50 years of age. At the end of the spell, all effects of this spell vanish, and the subject regains any lost attributes.
This spell can be used as a prerequisite for the Steal Youth spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 point per 5 years of age, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Steal Strength, Steal Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Mage only. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Some versions can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 100 times the base cost to cast the spell.
This spell sends out a wall of magical energy that demons and other extraplanar creatures find painful and debilitating. Each application of this spell drains point of 1 ST, HT, or Will from the demon's total, but only for the purposes of resisting banishment.
In addition, the demon must roll vs. HT or be physically stunned on the turn after the spell is cast. Unless it rolls vs. Will, it also can't advance closer to the mage on the turn that the spell is cast.
The mage gets a +4 bonus if he knows the demon's true name or has a piece of its body. He gets a +2 bonus if he has an item that belongs to the demon.
The "tide" extends in an expanding ring from the mage's hex at a rate of 10 hexes per turn for the duration of the spell, or until the mage stops concentrating, whichever comes first.
Attributes "lost" to the Tide of Banishment are recovered at a rate of 1 point per hour.
This is a also a Gate spell.
Duration: 1 minute or until the mage stops concentrating, whichever is shorter.
Cost: 5 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Banish.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
This spell turns a living creature into an undead being. Eventually, the victim's body will decay to become a mindless zombie.
Touch of Decay requires the caster to touch the subject. Armor and clothing do not protect, but the victim can Dodge or use a weapon Parry or a shield Block to avoid the touch. Unarmed Blocks or Parries result in an automatic hit.
If the mage strikes the subject, he must win a Quick Contest between the mage's Touch of Decay spell skill and the subject's HT. If the subject wins, the spell fails. If the subject loses the Contest, they must roll vs. HT, at -1 for every point by which they lost the Contest, and at -1 for each 3 levels over 10 at which the mage knows the spell.
If the victim makes his Resistance Roll, he takes 1d-2 points of damage and is Physically Stunned for 1d minutes. If the subject fails, he falls unconscious for 1d minutes. When he awakens, he is an undead, intelligent zombie.
Initially, the victim will appear normal, except that physical examination will reveal a lack of pulse and the cessation of all bodily functions. Decay progresses normally except that rigor mortis never sets in. In cold temperatures, the body will keep better, but the victim must roll vs. HT every hour in freezing temperatures in order to avoid freezing into a motionless "corpsicle." In hot temperatures, the victim will quickly become flyblown.
Initially, being dead will have many advantages: Temperature Tolerance, Does Not Breathe, Does Not Eat or Drink, High Pain Threshold, Damage Immunity (No Vitals, No Cut/Impale Bonus, Doesn't Bleed). On the negative side, they have the following disadvantages: Unliving and Pallor. They quickly deteriorate to Horrifying appearance with a Disgusting Smell.
In addition, the victim must make a HT check every day (at a penalty in high temperatures) to avoid losing point of IQ, and a level of Appearance as the body and brain deteriorate. Roll separately for each. When the subject loses three levels of Appearance, he gets the Disgusting Smell disadvantage.
Reverse Decay or Preservation spells can halt or reverse this process, but levels of IQ lost due to decay are permanently gone. Without magical aid, the subject will eventually rot to a mindless corpse. When IQ reaches 0, the victim becomes a normal zombie, which can be commanded with the Command Zombie spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 5 Seconds.
Prerequisites: Reanimation, Death Touch, Destroy Flesh.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman.
Adapted from Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).Causes a single extra-planar creature to retreat from the caster.
On every turn that the spell is maintained, the subject extra-planar creature may attempt to resist it; if it fails, it must move away from the caster at its current maximum Move rate. (If somehow cornered, it can turn and use and All-Out Defense.).
If it succeeds, it can remain stationary (or move away slowly) without problems; if it attempts to move toward, cast spells at, or in any way attack the caster, it must make a Will roll to do so. Whether or not it succeeds, it will then lose 1d-2 ST (as Fatigue), and any die rolls it makes are at -2.
The caster must have line of sight; his skill level with the spell is the maximum radius in hexes. Extra-planar creature that are farther away are subject to the restrictions on attacking him.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 4 to cast; 2 to maintain. For every +1 paid to cast (half the casting roll to maintain), reduce the extra-planar creature's resistance and Will rolls by 1.
Prerequisite: Planar Summons.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Author:
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).This spell creates an incredibly virulent poison made from the essence of death and decay.
In its pure form, the poison is sticky, odorless, tasteless, and pure black. When applied to food or drink, it becomes colorless, so it is nearly impossible to detect. IQ or Sense rolls to detect the presence of the poison are at -5.
Since the poison is sticky, it can be applied to a weapon. Once applied, the venom becomes colorless and oily to the touch, so it adheres well and appears to be nothing more than a protective coating of oil.
Even the tiniest taste or touch of the Ultimate Venom does 1d-2 points of damage. Anyone is touched by the venom or who ingests a full dose of the poison must roll vs. HT each turn or take 1d+3 points of damage.
It takes four consecutive successful HT roll to shake off the effects of the poison, and Physician or Poisons rolls to treat the venom are at -5. Magical will remove this venom normally, but damage done will remain.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 8, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Poison, Steal Health, 3 other spells from the Necromantic college.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: ,1500 (b) Any weapon or item can be permanently envenomed with this spell for 500 points per pound of weapon or item. (Minimum Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.).
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell creates an area where undead creatures cannot go. Other creatures (including other types of extra-planar or unliving creatures such as demons or golems) can freely penetrate the barrier, but undead beings are stopped at the edge of the protected area.
Undead creatures must roll vs. Will-4 to cross the barrier. While in the area of effect, they must roll vs. HT each turn or take 1d-2 points of damage. In addition, undead who willingly enter the protected zone are at -4 to IQ, DX, ST and all skills and abilities due to the intense pain inflicted by the barrier.
If an undead creature falls or is dragged into the protected area, they must roll vs. Will-4 each turn or flee the area, though they suffer no other ill effects.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 5 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Turn Undead, Banish.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) This spell can be made permanent on an area for 25 times the base cost.
This spell temporarily turns the mage into an undead creature of his choice.
Only the mage's outward appearance is changed - mental advantages, personality, and most disadvantages and skills are generally unaffected. It is up to the GM to determine what skills, advantages, and disadvantages transfer to the new form.
The subject gains all the disadvantages and inherent physical advantages of a given type of undead. If undead have optional special powers (like Vampires in GURPS: Vampire The Masquerade or Bloodtypes), the subject doesn't get these powers unless they are possessed by all vampires in the campaign world.
In most cases, the mage's personality is unaffected, but the GM might rule that the personality of an undead creature is a byproduct of its form. In this case, the mage must make a Will check every 10 minutes he is in the undead form.
If he fails the Will check Will is reduced by 1 to resist future checks, until effective Will reaches 1. At that point the subject ceases to be even remotely human and takes on the personality of that type of undead creature.
Each undead form is a different spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 5 points for Zombie, Skeleton or Mummy form, 7 points for Skull Spirit form, or 10 points for Ghost, Vampire or similar form. Same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Greater Undeath.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 times the base cost to cast the spell. Mage only. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Some versions can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 50 times the base cost to cast the spell.
Temporarily turns a person into an undead creature of the mage's choice. In other respects, this spell is exactly like the Undead Form spell.
Unwilling subjects resist with Will.
Each variant of this spell is a different spell.
Duration: 10 hour.
Cost: 5 points for Zombie, Skeleton or Mummy form, 7 points for Skull Spirit form, or 10 points for Ghost, Vampire or similar form. Same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Undead Form.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 times the base cost to cast the spell. Mage only. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Some versions can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 25 times the base cost to cast the spell.
This spell turns a mindless undead creature, such as a zombie or skeleton, into an inanimate object made of dry skin and bone. When the spell ends or when the mage wishes, the creature resumes its original shape.
The zombie resists with the Zombie spell skill of the mage that created it.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain per hex of zombie to be transformed.
Prerequisites: Zombie, Shape Bone.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell allows the subject to rise after death as a zombie.
Unlike the Zombie spell, it can be cast on a living subject, but it only takes effect once the subject dies. If the victim dies due to violence (sacrifice, combat, murder) their bodies reanimate 3d rounds after they die. Otherwise, their bodies reanimate when they are buried or just before they are to be cremated or disposed of in some other way.
If the mage who cast the spell is still alive when the subject becomes undead, then the new zombie immediately comes under the control of the mage and the mage becomes aware of the new zombie's presence. If the mage is dead, then the spell automatically fails.
This spell can be dispelled using a Counterspell, or with the Remove Curse or Bless spells.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Zombie.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Anyone who dies or is buried in the area of effect while the spell is in effect will return as some form of undead.
Unwilling victims resist with Will.
Most people will return as zombies or skeletons. Powerful, evil, or strong willed people might return as ghosts or vampires.
The mage can command skeletons and zombies created by this spell to service. Greater Undead creatures are free-willed and must be bargained with or controlled by spells such as Control Undead or Lesser Geas.
This spell counters and is countered by the Hallowed Ground spell and other spells that prevent dead bodies from rising as undead.
Duration: 1 hour. Created undead are Permanent.
Cost: 8 per hex, same to maintain (minimum of 2 hexes).
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Mass Zombie, Contingency, Curse.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 times the base cost.
This spell enchants a wooden stake so that it is particularly effective against vampires and similar undead creatures.
A vampire stabbed by a stake treated with this spell suffers normal Impaling damage regardless of location. Also, the damage can't be healed normally; it must be regained through drinking blood (the Steal HT spell).
Furthermore, the wood exudes a sticky sap that is toxic to vampires. When a vampire is stabbed, it must roll vs. HT to resist the poison. Success means the vampire is merely stunned. Failure means that the vampire is paralyzed for 3d minutes. A critical failure puts the vampire into a coma for 1d+6 hours. At the end of this period, the vampire must make another HT roll or the coma continues for another 1d hours.
When the vampire is stabbed, the sap on the surface is absorbed. The stake does no extra damage until this spell is cast on it again.
This is a also a Plant spell.
Duration: 1 minute (effects last longer).
Cost: 4 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Poison Plant, Turn Spirit.
Item: Nosferatu's Nightmare. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 80. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell enchants a coffin or other enclosure so that it gives a vampire (or similar creature) all the benefits of lying in his home soil, no matter where he might be.
A human-sized undead creature can squeeze into a 1 hex area if they sit or stand. A standard size coffin is approximately 2 hexes long and is large enough that two vampires can squeeze in together if neither is exceptionally large.
Duration: 8 hours.
Cost: 3 points per hex, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Feed Undead, Shape Earth, Summon Spirit.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Vampire's Coffin, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 106. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
When this spell is cast on a melee weapon, the user of the weapon gets back as many hit points as he did with the weapon strike. The number of hit points the mage gains is equal to the amount of damage the weapon did after it penetrated the victim's armor, but before damage is modified for hit location or weapon type (including bonuses for magic or Ultratech blades such as vibroblades).
The victim can roll vs. HT to prevent the "transfer" of hit points from taking place. On a critical success by the victim, or a critical failure with the spell by the mage, the victim steals as many HP as he would have lost from the weapon strike from the mage.
For example, The mage strikes his foe for 5 points of impaling damage. The foe is wearing armor with DR2, so the mage does 3 points of basic damage. The mage regains 3 HP, even though the adjusted damage of the weapon would be 6 points after figuring the weapon's impaling bonus. On a critical failure, the mage would lose 3 HP to the erstwhile victim.
This spell may be cast on an unarmed fighter's fists or feet, but not both, unless this spell is cast twice. When cast on fists or feet, the spell does damage based on a single strike, or closely linked series of strikes with the same body part (like a grapple and arm lock combination, or damage from a turn of choking someone).
Note that this spell is "blind" towards its victims and can't be turned on or off. If a character accidentally strikes a friend with this spell, he will gain HT from him. Likewise, if he accidentally strike himself, he takes damage, but gets some (or all) of the damage back via this spell.
Duration: 10 seconds or one successful strike, whichever comes first.
Cost: 3, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Vampiric Weapon.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Weapon. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
This spell allows the mage to steal life energy from a victim by touch. For every die of damage done by this spell, the mage recovers 1 point of damage or Fatigue (caster's choice).
This spell can only be delivered by the mage's touch and the subject gets a roll vs. HT to resist the effects of the spell.
Undead or unliving creatures are immune to this spell, as are plants and inanimate objects.
Duration: 10 seconds or one successful strike, whichever comes first.
Cost: 1 to 3 points. Each point of energy put into the spell does 1d points of damage. Can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy.
Prerequisites: Steal Health, Spectral Touch.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 3,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.
This spell makes the weapon on which the spell is cast "vampiric." For every 3 points of basic damage the weapon does to a living creature, the wielder recovers 1 point of damage or Fatigue (subject's choice).
This spell will not work for ranged weapons, but it can be cast on a living creature, making all the subject's natural melee attacks "vampiric." Damage done to unliving or inanimate objects (including creatures such as undead, golems or robots) does not restore HP or Fatigue.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Steal Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) This spell can be permanently cast on a weapon. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.
This spell makes the subject much more vulnerable to disease. For every level of this spell, the subject has -1 to HT rolls to avoid or recover from disease and infection.
Subjects get a roll vs. HT to resist.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 1 point per level, same to maintain. (4 levels maximum).
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Steal Health or Fatigue.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points per level.
This spell makes the subject much more vulnerable to poison and radiation. For every level of this spell, the subject has -1 to HT rolls to avoid or recover from poison, radiation and similar hazards.
Subjects get a roll vs. HT to resist.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 1 point per level, same to maintain. (4 levels maximum).
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Steal Health or Fatigue.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points per level.
This spell makes the subject much more prone to being possessed, and much less able to defend against possession.
While this spell is in effect, the victim will naturally attract the attentions of a demons and similar spirits. The GM should roll 3d each day that the spell is in effect. On a roll of 5 or less, the character attracts the attention of a creature that will attempt to possess him.
In any situation where a creature might attempt to possess a member of the character's party, the spirit will attempt to possess the victim first.
When a spirit to possess the subject, he is at -4 to Will rolls to resist the Possession attempt. Once he is possessed, Exorcism spells and the like are at -4 to skill to drive the spirit from the victim's body.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Summon Spirit, Steal Intelligence.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell makes a wall of bones to erupt from the earth in a any shape desired by the mage.
The wall is not solid, having many small gaps and openings, but it will impede weapons and travel. Swinging melee weapons can't penetrate a wall of bones (although they can smash through it). Thrusting melee weapons can poke through gaps in the wall at -4 to skill. Large missile weapons are at -6 to hit through the wall. Narrow missiles such as arrows and bullets are at -3 to hit through the gaps.
Vision rolls to see through the wall are at -4.
Anyone moving through the area must climb over or smash through the wall of bones. If the climber is careful and skillful, they can climb over the wall without damage. They must make a DX roll and a Climbing roll every 10 seconds. On a failed DX roll the character is caught on the bones and is at -3 to his Climbing roll for that period. On a critical failure, he falls and takes +1 to each die of falling damage (up to +3 maximum) as he falls and slides past the jagged bones.
The wall can be climbed in half normal time turns if the climber is willing to take 1d-2 points of damage to his hands and feet from sharp spikes, horns, and broken bones. The climber must still make DX or Climbing skill rolls to avoid being caught or falling.
The wall can be smashed down with crushing or cutting weapons. Each 1 hex section has DR 3 and 20 HT.
If a Wall of Bones spell is cast on an occupied hex, the wall will spring up around the target. In this case, the sharp bones inflict 1d-3 different wounds on random parts of the victim's body. Each wound does 1d-3 damage each. In addition, the subject is trapped unless they can make a roll vs. ST-5 to escape.
Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2 per hex to cast, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Create Bone, Zombie, Necrosculpt.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
This spell wards undead (or similar creatures) against spells designed to banish, control, damage or destroy them. Spells cast against warded undead must win a Contest of Spells against this spell before they can attempt to affect the undead.
Note that this spell has no effect on magic spells that would naturally do damage to anyone. It only protects against spells which have special effects or which only work against the undead.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Summon Spirit.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
This spell weakens the potency of a poison or venom. Each application of this spell halves the effectiveness of the poison. When the bonus to resist the poison exceeds +4, or the poison does less than 1d-3 points per dose, it is completely neutralized.
This spell can also be used to hasten the breakdown of toxic materials. Each application of this spell makes a toxic or volatile material slightly less dangerous. For triple cost, the material is immediately rendered inert and non-toxic. Note that this might make the material useless for its intended purpose.
This spell has no effect on poison damage already taken by a character.
This is also a Making and Breaking spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 point per gallon for mildly toxic materials such as latex paint or window cleaner, 1 point per quart for caustic or somewhat toxic materials such as lead paint or oven cleaner, 1 point per oz. for normal poisons, 2 points per oz. for highly volatile, rare or dangerous poisons. If cast as an Area spell, 2 points to weaken mildly toxic materials, 4 points to weaken toxic materials, 6 points to weaken poisonous or highly hazardous materials. Triple cost to neutralize toxic materials outright, rather than just weakening them.
Prerequisite: Restore Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Any container can have this spell cast on it for 25 times the base cost. Material placed in the container has this spell cast on it.
This spell summons a cold, howling wind that bypasses armor, Toughness, and natural DR. It sucks the life energy out of all living creatures within its area, including the caster, if he is a living creature.
Anyone within the area of effect must make a resistance roll vs. HT. On a failed roll, they take 2d damage. Those who successfully resist take 1d damage. Undead and unliving creatures are immune to the spell's effects. This spell's area of effect must be centered on the caster.
Duration: 1 second.
Base Cost: 3 points, same to maintain (minimum of 10 points). For double cost, the wind will do 4d damage, or 2d if the victim's resist.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy used to power the spell.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Spectral Touch, Stench.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith.
This spell magically wounds the subject by causing a bruise on his body. The spell does 1d Crushing damage per point of energy put into the spell. Alternately, the mage can do 1d-1 Cutting damage or 1d-2 Impaling damage.
Wounds caused by this spell cause Stunning, might Bleed and must be healed like any other sort of injury.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Instantaneous (effects are permanent until healed).
Cost: 1 to 3 points, 1 per die of damage (1d of Crushing damage, 1d-1 Cutting damage or 1d-2 Impaling damage) up to 3d maximum.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy put into the spell.
Prerequisite: Steal Health.
Item: Clothing, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell is identical to the Wound spell, except that the mage can throw the spell as a missile.
The missile has SS 12, Acc +2, 1/2D 30, Max 60. It is targeted using the Spell Throwing (Wound Missile) skill.
The missile will do 1d Crushing damage per point of energy put into the spell. Alternately, the mage can do 1d-1 Cutting damage or 1d-2 Impaling damage.
Wounds caused by this spell cause Stunning, might Bleed and must be healed like any other sort of injury.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 1 to 3 points. Each point of energy does 1 die of damage (1d of Crushing damage, 1d-1 Cutting damage or 1d-2 Impaling damage), up to 3d maximum.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy put into the spell.
Prerequisite: Wound
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
This spell covers an area with flesh eating grave worms. Anyone in the area will be attacked by a swarm of worms.
The swarm has a Move of 1, does 1d-2 cutting damage per turn, and is dispersed by 8 hits. Armor protects normally on the first turn, but after that unless the armor is completely sealed, the worms wriggle into the cracks and armor no longer protects.
If the subject takes 4 points of damage on a single turn, then one or more worms has burrowed into his body and will eat its way to his heart. Burrowing worms are treated like Death Scarabs.
For double cost, the worms can be made more aggressive and numerous. In this case the worms do 1d+1 damage per turn and take 12 hits to disperse.
The mage can make the worms go dormant so they won't attack. While they are dormant they can be picked up and enclosed in clay balls.
While sealed in the balls the worms remain dormant. When the balls are cracked open near a living creature, the worms will become active and will try to burrow into the victim like the Death Scarab spell.
Since there are fewer worms in the ball, they do no damage until they start to burrow, and they take only 2 hits to destroy.
A clay ball is treated as a thrown rock, no special magical skill is need to use it. However, if the ball cracks open near the thrower, the worms might go after him instead!
The ball will also break if it takes 1 or more points of kinetic damage. If the ball take 4 or more points of Crushing damage or 1 or more points of flame damage the worms inside are killed and the spell ends.
This is also an Animal spell.
Duration: 1 minute (if a worm starts burrowing, it is permanent until the victim is dead), 1 hour for clay ball form.
Cost: If cast as an Area spell, Base cost is 6, 4 to maintain. If cast as a Regular spell, Cost is 3, 2 to maintain to create enough worms to fill a clay ball.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Death Scarab.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) The clay ball form of this spell can be made permanent for 20 points.
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Author:
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Author:
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Author:
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).Author:
Sean Punch (GURPS Undead).The subcollege of Chaos magic is deliberately left undeveloped. I believe that Chaos is generally more of an attitude than a skill set.
GM's who want Warhammer style Chaos mages can further develop this subcollege by adapting the nastier spells of change and destruction from the other Colleges and Subcolleges of GURPS Magic and GURPS Grimoire, as well as the Codex Arcanum. For really wild Chaos mages, use the Wild Magic spells from the Metaspells section of the Codex. in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Game. For "gross out" Chaos mages, look at the Filth subcollege of Making and Breaking.
The following spells are appropriate to Chaos mages in a Warhammer Fantasy Battle campaign played using GURPS rules.
This spell allows the mage to identify or seek creatures and places that are tainted by Chaos. If the mage say so before he casts the spell, he can exclude known sources of chaos from his search.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Author: Jeff Keown.
This spell opens the caster's mind to Chaos. After making his Fright Check, the caster gains +3 to all spell rolls for 1d hours and all spells are cast at 0-energy cost. Furthermore, they are resisted at -2! The Mage is crackling with power and his aura will reveal the presence of the Chaos Gods in his mind for the duration of the spell. The air around him will change to reflect the personality of the Chaos Power he invoked; a stinking miasma, a swirling fiery mist or perhaps a perfumed musky scent.
However, characters acquire 5 points of disadvantages or quirks when they first learn this spell, and each time the spell is cast, they must make a Fright Check, at -1 to Will for every time that they have ever previously used this spell. A critical failure indicates temporary insanity. The mage will act as if he was affected by the Madness spell for the duration of the spell.
Duration: 1d hours.
Base Cost 10, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Chaos Mark disadvantage, Summon Chaos Servitors, Summon Greater Demon. .
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
This spell open's the mage's mind to raw Chaos. Untold amounts of power and insanity rush into the caster as he struggles to control the raging Chaos. The mage must immediately make a Fright Check (see below). If he succeeds, he gains a level of Magery and all spells are cast at 0 energy cost for 1d hours. Further, they are resisted at -4! The Mage is crackling with power and his aura will reveal the presence of the Chaos Gods in his mind for the duration of the spell.
Characters acquire 10 points of disadvantages or quirks when they first learn this spell, and each casting (cumulative) gives them -1 to Fright Checks when they subsequently cast this spell. upon learning this spell, and each casting adds 1 to the modifier of the required Fright Check. A failed Fright Check automatically afflicts the mage for the duration of the spell as if the Madness spell had been cast on him. A critical failure earns the attention of a Chaos Power and the unfortunate sorcerer is immediately transformed into a Chaos Spawn.
Duration: 1d hours.
Base Cost 10, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Summon Minor Demons, Summon Demon, Invoke Lesser Power.
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
This spell summons a BloodThirster, Great Unclean One, Keeper of Secrets or Lord of Change. It is otherwise identical to Planar Summons. The demon will stay until the caster dies, then they will begin to suffer from Instability. They must roll vs. Will each hour or be banished back to the Warp.
Duration: Until Instability sets in . . .
Cost: 20.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery and at least the Chaos Mark of the Chaos God in question.
Item: No known items can summon a Greater Demon.
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
This spell summons a Plaguebearer, a Beast of Nurgle or a Swarm of Nurglings. It is otherwise identical to Planar Summons. .
Duration: Until Instability sets in . . .
Cost: 10.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery and at least the Mark of Nurgle.
Item: Wand or Staff. Energy cost to Create: 10,000.
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
This spell summons a Fiend, a Steed of Slaanesh or a Daemonette of Slannesh. It is otherwise identical to Planar Summons.
Duration: Until Instability sets in . . .
Cost: 10.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery and at least the Mark of Slaanesh.
Item: Wand or Staff. Energy cost to Create: 10,000.
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
This spell summons a Pink Horror, a Flamer or a Disc.
Duration: Until Instability sets in . . .
Cost: 10.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery and at least the Mark of Nurgle.
Item: Wand or Staff. Energy cost to Create: 10,000.
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
This spell summons a Bloodletter, a Flesh Hounds or a Juggernaut.
Duration: Until Instability sets in . . .
Cost: 10.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisite: The Mark of Khorne and 15 dead bodies.
Item: Wand or Staff. Energy cost to Create: 10,000.
Author: Adapted from Jeff Keown.
Djinni are wise, powerful, largely invisible spirits who can do good or evil as their wont takes them.
Djinni spells are suitable for a Middle Eastern campaign or a campaign based on Middle Eastern myths and legends. In such a campaign, Djinni spells should be incorporated into the college of Necromantic or possibly Gate magic. Since they are not appropriate to all campaigns, they are listed in their own section.
For a full discussion of the nature and power of Djinni, and the full text of these spells, see GURPS Arabian Nights.
Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).Author:
Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).This is also a Knowledge spell and a Protection and Warning spell.
Author: Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).
Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).Author:
Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights).
These spells are taken from GURPS Japan. They are appropriate for a campaign based on Japanese or Oriental myth or legend. In such a campaign, these spells should be incorporated into the college of Necromantic or possibly Gate magic. Since they are not appropriate to all campaigns, they are listed in their own section.
For a full discussion of the nature and power of Japanese spirits, and the full text of these spells, see GURPS Japan.
This is also a Making and Breaking spell and a Knowledge spell.
Author: Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).
Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).This is also a Knowledge spell and a Protection and Warning spell.
Author: Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Author: Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).
Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).Author:
Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).Author:
Lee Gold (GURPS Japan).
These spells are largely adapted from GURPS Ice Age and GURPS Religion. Shamanic magic is, by its nature ceremonial, so casting times for spells are much longer than for normal spells, however casting costs are much lower.
The shamanistic spells are not divided into colleges. Most require considerably longer to cast than their "standard" Magic counterparts; shamanistic rituals are time-consuming. The advantage, however, is that they often have fewer prerequisites and may take less energy to cast.
In a campaign which has "standard" wizards side-by-side with shamans, both types of magic work as per their respective descriptions. Either type of mage can learn the other's spells, if taught. Spells of one type can be used as prerequisites for spells of the other, if they have the same name - e.g., Shamanistic Summon Spirit could be used as a prerequisite for a Wizardly Banishment.
Note that although these spells are not typical "Necromantic" spells, they are a subcollege of Necromantic spells because they produce their effects by controlling or bargaining with spirits.
For the full text of many of these spells, see GURPS Religion, GURPS Ice Age, or GURPS Dinosaurs.
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Duration:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Duration:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.Author:
GURPS Ice Age, Religion.This spell let the caster talk to his totem spirit. For the duration of the spell, the caster may ask one yes-or-no question per minute, which the totem spirit must answer to the best of its knowledge and ability.
Skill modifiers: +2 if the medium has an object to which the totem is tied (i.e. a bear mask to summon a bear totem.), +6 if the mage goes on a Vision Quest (a trip led by the spirits where the mage fasts and prays) to summon the spirit.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 hour (1d days if the mage goes on a Vision Quest).
Prerequisites: Summon Spirit.
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.Author:
GURPS Old Stone Fort.