Prerequisites, Energy Costs, and Healing Magic:
GURPS combat is deadly. GURPS combat in a world of Low Tech healing is very deadly. In my experience, the best way to counter this is to make healing magic cheap to cast and easy to learn. The spells in this section mirror this philosophy. Some of my spells don't have as many prerequisites as they might; some of them don't cost as much as they "should." GMs who object to characters having free, cheap and easy access to healing magic should probably bump up the prerequisites, casting time, and energy costs.Healing Spells and Non-Human Subjects: Healing spells work normally on any living creature, even magical ones. They will also work on creatures with the Unhealing disadvantage as long as the creature is made from some living matter (even energy or ectoplasm). Mechanical or non-living creatures (usually those with the Unliving disadvantage) usually can't be helped with healing spells. Undead creatures can be aided by healing spells, but HT lost to The Draining cannot be healed with magic.
- This spell also cancels the Sleep spell.Cure Disease - This spell has no effect on "contagious" processes that transform a human (or similar creature) into something other than human, such as contagious undeath. The one exception to this is infectious Lycanthropy, where, at the GM's option, Cure Disease will work. Cure disease is the only spell that will work against undead bacteria.
Instant Regeneration - As above except that regenerated organs become fully functional immediately.
Lend Health and Lend Strength - The duration of these spells is Instant. A mage can't cast Lend ST (or Lend HT) on himself for any reason. Source: Sean Punch.
Major Healing - This spell will cure up to 3/4 of the subject's HP, at the rate of 8 points per application. There is no penalty to skill until 3/4 mark is exceeded in one day. If the Advanced Healing rules from Compendium I are used Major Healing reduces one Light or Serious wound by up to 8 points. It has no effect on more severe wounds, and the spell's effects cannot be spread among multiple wounds.
Minor Healing - This spell will cure up to 1/4 of the subject's HP at a rate of 3 points per application. There is no penalty to skill until 1/4 mark is exceeded in one day. If the Advanced Healing rules from Compendium I are used Minor Healing cures up to 3 points of Light Wounds. It has no effect on more serious injuries.
Neutralize Poison - The Diagnosis skill can also be used to determine the type of poison in the subject's body.
Recover Strength - If the mage is Fatigued because of lack of sleep, Recover Strength will only allow him to go up to the temporary maximum (i.e., minus the penalty for missed sleep).
Since the mage doesn't have to do anything but "rest quietly," Recover Strength will work while the mage is unconscious, as long as he is not in a Low or No Mana Zone.
Recover Strength, is sort of an "enchantment" which takes 1 turn to cast and cost 0 fatigue, and which is permanent until a Low or No mana Zone is encountered. Most mages learn and cast this spell on themselves when they begin their career. Source: Sean Punch.
As a variant Recover ST can be based on HT + Magery instead of IQ+Magery. Mages recover mana at twice their normal rate in Very High mana zones. Maximum skill level with this spell is now 25 and can't be improved beyond that point. Mages can recover Fatigue at the following rate:
Rate of |
11 |
9 minutes |
12 |
8 minutes |
13 |
7 minutes |
14 |
6 minutes |
15 |
5 minutes |
16 |
5 minutes |
17 |
4 minutes |
18 |
4 minutes |
19 |
3 minutes |
20 |
2 minutes |
25 |
1 minute |
- This spell can be used to regenerate any lost body part, including organs which have been lost or diminished due to damage, disease or age. Regenerated organs have some functionality immediately after the spell is cast, but they don't regenerate to full strength for a month. In game terms, this means that the subject will have reduced Fatigue and/or HT until the organ regenerates. The GM determines the degree of disability. For example, a missing kidney would give the subject -1 to HT while it regenerates. A regenerating lung would give -3 to HT and Fatigue until it is fully recovered.Resurrection - Depending on the campaign, the GM might consider lowering the costs of this spell and allowing more than one try to resurrect a body. It should also be possible to resurrect a long-dead body as long as it is more-or-less intact. In a "high magic" campaign, reduce the energy cost to raise the dead to 100 points, allow one try per year, and modify the skill penalties as follows depending on the age of the corpse: -1 more than one day old, -2 3 days old, -3 week old, -4 month old, -5 six months old, -6 year old, -7 10 years old, -8 25 years old, -9 50 years old, -10 100 years old. Each century beyond that adds -1 to skill.
The caster must touch the corpse in order to revive it and if the corpse's spirit doesn't want to come back (i.e., undead, some ghosts and suicides) it gets a roll vs. Will to avoid returning to life.
Item: Large Cauldron, Pool, Chalice, or Holy Relic. Corpses who are put in the cauldron or pool, who have water from the chalice poured on them, or which have the holy relic touched to their body are returned to life. Works only once per day (or once per month or year as the GM desires) and it might only work once per person. Energy Cost to Create: 500,000(!). Requires vast quantities of almost unobtainable precious or holy ingredients and years of research and dedication. Mages have spent lifetimes trying to perfect such devices and empires have fallen in attempts to capture them.
Sterilize - If cast on a person, the damage occurs over the period of an hour (as cells die off and waste products build up) rather than immediately. This spell will also cause the subject Fatigue equivalent to the damage done. The victim must also roll vs. HT or be generally incapacitated for 1d-3 days (minimum 1) due to diarrhea, vomiting, and so forth.
Suspended Animation - Suspend Animation is not sleep -- it's a kind of hibernation, magical stasis or the like. It takes magic (and only magic) to break the spell. Awaken is a specific, effective means. Aside from Awaken, Counterspell or Remove Curse will work. Source: Sean Punch.
The subject is "mentally void" while suspended. They don't register on spells or psi abilities that detect mental activity and they are immune to spells that affect the mind. Suspended subjects can be damaged physically, but they do not bleed, and wounds don't have any effect until the spell ends. Even if a person is "killed" due to damage while in suspended animation, they don't actually "die" until they "wake up".
Likewise, healing magic and mundane healing efforts don't have any obvious effect while the subject is suspended. However, a surgeon who operates on a patient who is in suspended animation gets +2 to skill since he doesn't have to worry about bleeding or complications of anesthesia and he can take his time.
Youth - If multiple castings of the Youth spell reduces a character to childhood, his physical attributes go down based on his effective age, however his mental attributes do not. Mental or Physical disadvantages acquired solely due to age vanish if the subject is reduced in age to a point before he began to suffer from the disadvantage. However, disadvantages acquired due to accident, injury or choice and advantages do not vanish. Characters who are reduced in effective age to childhood might have to take the Youth disadvantage or similar social stigma!
Item: (a) Cauldron or Pool. Those who bathe in the pool lose 1 month of age per minute they spend bathing in the enchanted area. If they drink water from an enchanted pool or cauldron, they lose 1 year of age per pint. Water from the enchanted area only works if it is taken directly from the pool by the subject. Water carried away and given to other people is just plain water. Those who drink too much or who spend too much time in the pool are physically mentally and physically reduced to babies (though they will regain their adult attributes, skills, and advantages with time) or vanish entirely! (b) Pillar of Flame. Anyone who bathes in the flame loses 1 year of age per minute of "bathing". However, the magic is fickle. Roll 3d for each "session", on any roll of 18 the flame "works in reverse". The subject regains prior lost aging and gains an additional year per turn in the flame! Cost to Create (for either item): 500,000 points. Requires vast quantities of almost unobtainable precious or holy ingredients and years of research and dedication. Mages have spent lifetimes trying to perfect such devices and empires have fallen in attempts to capture them. (c) Sculpture, Picture or other representation of the subject. The object to be enchanted must be of the highest workmanship (Skill 18+) and quality (at least $5,000). This item transfers subsequent aging from the subject to object. The object shows the person, as s/he really would be without the benefit of magic. However, if the object is ever destroyed, the subject regains all previously lost aging! Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points. The GM should also charge the character character points for the Unaging advantage (15 points), with the limitations discussed above (Limitation: Inaccessible, Unique Focus. Aging is postponed rather than avoided. If the focus is destroyed, all postponed aging immediately applies to the character. -50%) for a net cost of 7 points.
Body Reading
- This spell also emulates the effects of ultrasound and CAT scans.Cleansing - This spell gives the subject +4 to HT roll to avoid infection from wounds.
Healing Slumber - Also see the Vigil and Nap spells. If the subject dies while this spell is in effect, he will die peacefully and without pain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Healing Slumber Bracelet, GURPS Magic Items I, p. 49. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Stop Bleeding - Extreme bleeding costs 3 points to stop not 10.
Relieve Paralysis - Limbs that have been crippled for more than three months have half ST and 3/4 DX.
Relieve Sickness - The drunkenness cure is similar to the Sober-Up spell (q.v.).
Cure Disease
Halt Aging (VH)
Instant Regeneration
Instant Restoration
Lend Health
Lend Strength
Major Healing (VH)
Minor Healing
Neutralize Poison
Recover Strength
Resurrection (VH)
Share Strength
Suspend Animation
Youth (VH)
Alter Body - Body Control
Alter Visage - Body Control
Cure Addiction (VH)
Cure Dehydration
Cure Insanity (VH)
Cure Starvation
Detect Poison
Healing Slumber
Instant Neutralize Poison
Relieve Addiction
Relieve Madness
Relieve Paralysis
Relieve Sickness
Resist Disease
Resist Poison
Restore Hearing
Restore Memory
Restore Sight
Restore Speech
Share Health
Stop Bleeding
Stop Paralysis
Stop Spasm
Repressurize - Air
Birth Control - Body Control
Bloodfire - Fire
Borrow Limb (VH) - Body Control
Cleanse - Necromantic (Shaman)
Control Bodily Cycle - Body Control
Control Digestion - Body Control
Cure Were-Sickness - Animal
Dwindle Tumor (VH) - Technology (Biotech)
False Eye - Body Control
False Rejuvenation - Necromantic
Freshen - Making & Breaking
Golem Limb - Enchantment
Good Digestion - Food
Heal Implants/TL (VH) - Technology (Machine)
Healing Plant - Plant
Health Food - Food
Ironbone - Body Control
Light Scalpel - Light & Darkness
Living Brain - Necromantic
Move Wound - Necromantic
Poison Block (VH) - Protection & Warning
Purgative - Food
Rehydrate - Water
Relaxation - Body Control
Repel Filth - Making & Breaking (Filth)
Resist Drain - Protection & Warning
Resurrect Animal (VH) - Animal
Return (VH) - Necromantic
Seek Filth - Making & Breaking (Filth)
Seek Genome - Technology (Biotech)
Shape Bone - Necromantic
Tears - Body Control
Tone - Body Control
Transfer DNA - Technology (Biotech)
Causes a fetus to vanish from the mother's womb. If the mother is unwilling, the spell is resisted by HT.
In some versions of this spell, if the fetus is capable of surviving on its own without special medical care it also gets a HT roll to resist.
Though this spell is common among hedge witches and the like, but its use it extremely controversial. This spell might be illegal in some areas.
See also the Remove Fetus spell.
This spell is also a Necromantic spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
In order for the spell to work, the mage must touch the subject. Unwilling subjects get a roll vs. HT to resist.
Note that while early labor can be induced by this spell, the speed at which labor proceeds is not accelerated. For this, use spells such as Remove Fetus or Ease Labor.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Variable, effects are permanent.
Author: David Pulver (Pyramid Magazine)
This spell eliminates all of the minor physical problems of being pregnant. For the duration of the spell, the expectant mother does not appear to be pregnant. She is also immune to inconveniences such as morning sickness, water retention, hormonal imbalances, etc. Most importantly for adventurers, the expectant mother is not encumbered by the growing fetus. The mother does not suffer any penalties to abilities or skills due to her pregnancy.
This spell does not prevent medical complications to the pregnancy due to pre-existing conditions or injuries. It does protect against complications that might be brought on by physical hardship or an extremely active life. A mother with this spell on her will never be bedridden due to her condition.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Variable (Term of the Pregnancy).
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Relieve Pain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell allows a limb to be cleanly amputated. The limb is bloodlessly removed, and proper suturing and bandaging magically appear on the stump.
This spell gives +4 to HT to avoid infection or other post-surgical complications from an amputation. The spell can only be cast on a willing subject and only if the limb to be amputated has taken enough damage to cripple or destroy it.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
This spell causes a willing subject to fall into a semi-conscious state. While under the influence of this spell, the subject feels no pain and is completely relaxed. He remains dimly aware of his surroundings, but is content to lie in a blissful state of utter relaxation.
Attempts to do even the most simple task not immediately related to survival require a Will roll at -6. Due to the properties of this spell, the subject is at -6 to DX and ST and -4 to IQ.
This spell allows conventional modern surgery to be performed at +1 to skill rolls, since the magical anesthesia is superior to most normal forms of anesthesia. Low Tech surgery can be performed without penalties due to a struggling patient.
If the subject becomes aware of an immediate threat to his life and can make a Will roll, or if the mage commands it, the patient can immediately return to consciousness. Otherwise, the patient gradually awakens from this spell as if he were in a deep sleep, fully awakening 2d minutes after the spell ends.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Local Anesthetic.
Item: Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Headgear. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell will clean, suture, and bind a wound.
It gives +1 to Surgery skill and can substitute for a First Aid roll to bandage a wound. The patient gets +4 to HT to avoid infection or other complications from the wound if this spell is used.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 point
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell blocks spells and other magical effects that cause the subject to age unnaturally (such as Steal Youth).
In order to affect the subject, these spell must win a Contest of Spells between the Block Aging spell and the other spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 points, same to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery, Major Healing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects Wearer Only. Some versions are always on. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) This spell can be permanently cast on a subject for 100 points.
This spell is cast on the intended recipient of a drug. The next drug administered to the subject will have its effect doubled in some way. This might be duration, damage done (or relieved), two HT rolls for Revive, etc. Multiple castings have no extra effect, and only one aspect is doubled.
The definition of "drug" is left to the GM, but all pharmaceuticals in GURPS Space and GURPS Ultra-Tech count, as do alcohol and other addictive substances. Additional castings on the same subject suffer penalties in the same manner as Minor Healing.
This is also a Body Control Spell.
Duration: The drug must be administered within 20 seconds.
Cost: 4 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, 3 spells each from the Healing and Body Control colleges.
Item: A hypo or pneumospray hypo could be enchanted to deliver double doses at all times for 1,500 energy.
Author: Adapted from S. John Ross (White Wolf Magazine #34)
This spell allows an offspring to show its parent's best traits, by altering the fetus while still in the womb.
Only "genetic" advantages and attributes can be bred for, and they can only be bred for if they are present in a parent or grandparent. For the spell to work, the caster must know which trait he is trying to select and the mother of the child must be present and willing to undergo the selection process. (Animals need not be willing, but do need to be present.)
See also the Manipulate DNA (BioMagic) spell.
This is also a Technological (BioMagic) spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 for minor traits (hair color or texture, eye color), 10 for major traits like sex selection, 2 points for every point of advantages or attributes to be given (or every point of disadvantages to be removed).
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, Major Healing, Strike Blindness, Strike Deafness, and 5 other Healing spells.
Item: Altar, Baptismal Font or similar large, bulky object. Energy Cost to Create: 10,000 points.
This spell will clear any foreign or unwanted matter from the subject's body. It can be used to relieve congestion, constipation or choking, among other applications. This spell can also be used to remove foreign matter (including dust) from the victim's eyes, mouth, lungs, or stomach.
This spell will not remove objects larger that are too small to be seen with the naked eye (bacteria, gas molecules, etc.). It also won't remove objects from a passage that doesn't naturally occur in the victim's body, such as clearing dirt or foreign objects from a wound.
This spell will automatically clear the airway of someone who is choking on an object lodged in their throat. If this object was placed there because of magic, the Clear Obstruction spell must win a Contest of Skills. It will also cure other medical conditions caused by internal blockage. If used to treat the symptoms of a disease (such as drawing the fluid from the lungs of a pneumonia patient), the GM should give any subsequent First Aid or Physician rolls a +1 to +4 bonus.
Duration: Instantaneous (effects last for 8 hours).
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Bandage.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell will temporarily cure poor vision short of outright blindness.
While this spell is in effect, the subject is not affected by disadvantages that affect vision, such as Night Blindness, Poor Sight, or Color Blindness.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. Poor vision may be cured permanently for 250 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
This spell is similar to the Share Strength spell. The difference is that it can involve more than one cooperative person besides the mage and the subject and it must be cast ceremonially.
Though only the mage needs to know the spell in order to cast it, all the members of the group lose a point of Fatigue. If all the members of the group all the members of the group know the spell at skill 12 or better, the mage gets +1 to his effective skill. If all the members of the group know the spell at skill 15 or better, the mage gets +2 to skill.
In order to cast the spell, all the members of the circle, including the mage and the subject, must touch one another, usually by linking hands. If any member of the group is killed, knocked out, or breaks contact with the other members, the spell automatically fails. On a critical failure, all members of the circle (including the subject) lose 2 Fatigue and must roll vs. IQ or be mentally stunned for 2d turns.
If the spell succeeds, each member of the group (except the subject) loses a point of fatigue, but they can donate up to half their total ST (and fatigue) to the subject. The recipient of this ST can use it in any way he wishes - including spell-casting.
The donors recover their Fatigue normally, by resting. ST gained by this spell vanishes after 10 minutes.
This is also a Metaspell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 1, plus 1 point from each member of the casting group in addition to ST donated to the subject. Can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery, Share Strength.
Item: Altar, stone column or other bulky object that weighs at least 500 lbs. Willing participants who touch the object can donate ST to one of their number who must be designated in advance. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
If cast on a bleeding target, this spell makes their wounds clot immediately.
No actual HT damage is healed, but the subject takes no further HT damage due to Bleeding.
If the bleeding was caused by a magic spell then the mage must win a Contest of Skills against. the other mage's spell.
See also the Stop Bleeding spell (GURPS Grimoire).
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 point to stop minor bleeding associated with a normal wound, 3 points to control severe bleeding that causes HT loss.
Prerequisite: Lend Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on allowing wounds to close automatically. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from Bob Traynor (From "Minor Magics for GURPS" (c) 1990 by Bob Traynor).
This spell will reduce one wound regardless of severity. It is otherwise the same as Major Healing in that it restores damage equal to twice the fatigue spent, an runs the same risks for multiple castings.
If the advanced healing rules or the optional "I'm Not Dead Yet" rules from GURPS Compendium II, are not being used, this spell will heal 3d points of damage (or 12 points of damage if the GM uses fixed healing rates).
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Major Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Requires either Magery or Physician 15+ to use. Energy Cost to Create: 4,000 points.
Author: Adapted from John M. Ford.
This spell is creates a dose of any pharmaceutical with which the mage is personally familiar within (or on) the subject's body. If there is any doubt whether a mage can administer a specific drug, the GM may require a skill roll against the appropriate skill (Pharmacy, Poisons, Physician, Veterinary, Nursing, etc.).
In for the spell to work, the mage must cast the spell and then touch the subject's bare flesh with the tip of his finger (at -1 to -10 if the victim does not want to be touched, based on how much clothing they are wearing). Unwilling subjects get a roll vs. Will to resist.
Multiple castings have no extra effect, unless the mage chooses to administer a different drug, or unless cumulative doses of the drug have extra effect. The definition of "drug" is left to the GM, but all pharmaceuticals in GURPS Space, GURPS High Tech, and GURPS Ultra-Tech count, as do alcohol, addictive substances, and non-magical Low Tech preparations. Poisons cannot be created with this spell, though it is possible to poison someone with an overdose (multiple castings) of a therapeutic drug.
Additional castings on the same subject suffer penalties in the same manner as Minor Healing.
Duration: 10 seconds, or until the drug is delivered, whichever is less. The drug's effects last for their normal duration.
Cost: 3 points, can't be maintained. Double cost for incapacitating, debilitating, or dangerous drugs.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Boost Drug, and Dose.
Item: (a) Wand, Hypodermic needle or Pneumospray. Will deliver any drug the user names. Magery or appropriate skill at 12+ is required to use. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Drug container (e.g., asthma inhaler, pill bottle, etc.). By grasping the item and speaking a command word, the user can cast this spell on himself. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points for 1 drug, 500 points for a range of drugs (up to 6 different types), or 1,000 for any drug. Legitimate versions of this item typically will not dispense addictive or potentially lethal drugs. "Street" versions often dispense just one illicit drug and sell for exorbitant prices.
This spell is identical to the Create Organ spell, except that this spell allows the mage to create a limb of any sort with which he is personally familiar.
If the mage touches the subject, he can recreate an exact duplicate one of the subject's limbs, or a limb that the subject has lost. If the mage doesn't have a subject to work from, the limb he creates is "generic" for the appropriate species.
Note that the created limb is not attached to the subject. If the mage wishes to attach the limb, he must use a different spell to do so.
Unwilling subjects roll vs. HT to resist.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Permanent (the limb will deteriorate normally).
Cost: 3 points. Double cost to create rare or magical limbs or limbs that impart unusual advantages to the subject.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Healing or Minor Alteration.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (b) Large, covered glass jar. When filled with purified water or any sort of preservative solution, it will produce an limb of the user's choosing. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell allows the mage to create a healthy organ (or other internal body part, such as bones) of any sort that he is familiar with. The GM may require the mage to roll vs. Physiology or Xenology skill if there is any doubt.
When created, the organ will be extremely fresh, just as if it had been plucked from the body of the appropriate type of creature. However, unless precautions are taken, the organ will quickly die and will eventually rot, just like a normal organ. Spells such as Preserve or Prevent Rot spells will prevent decay. Chilling the organ will slow deterioration.
If the mage is touching a subject when he casts the spell, he can duplicate an organ within the subject's body. This organ can either be an exact duplicate, or it can be a healthy copy a diseased organ. If the subject is unwilling, he is allowed a roll vs. HT to resist. If the mage does not have a subject present when he casts the spell, the organ created is "generic" for the appropriate species.
Note that the created organ is not attached to the subject. The mage must use the Transplant Organ spell or mundane surgery to do this.
Normally this spell is used as a humane way of getting organs for the Transplant Organ spell (q.v.) or for High Tech transplant surgery, but creative mages will find other uses.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Permanent (the organ will deteriorate normally).
Cost: 3 points. Double cost to create rare or magical organs or organs that impart advantages to the subject.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Healing or Minor Alteration. (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (b) Large, covered glass jar. When filled with purified water or any sort of preservative solution, it will produce an limb of the user's choosing. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
For the duration of the spell, the subject is immune to the symptoms of any allergies they might suffer, including asthma, hives, eczema, and the like. If cast on a character suffering from anaphylactic shock, they will recover completely within 3d seconds after the spell is cast.
This spell gives temporary immunity to the effects of irritating plants such as nettles, poison ivy, or shellac. It doesn't counter the effects of spells that magically cause allergies or skin irritation.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2 points, 1 point to maintain. Allergies may be permanently cured for 50 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Neutralize Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
This spell temporarily heals nerve damage allowing the subject to function normally.
Note that this spell doesn't heal brain damage or damage to the eyes, nor does it give strength to atrophied or deformed limbs.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 5, 3 to maintain. Natural paralysis can be permanently cured for 250 points. Magical paralysis can be permanently cured for 20 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Major Healing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell heals sprains, torn ligaments, and other minor injuries to tendons, muscles, and ligaments.
This spell heals 1 point of damage from these types of injuries and immediately cancels their crippling effects.
This spell will not cure chronic conditions, such as the Bad Back or Lame disadvantages, but it will relieve pain and other effects associated with a single episode of pain or immobilization.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
This spell keeps the subject from dying because of wounds.
This spell can be cast instantly, even out of turn, whenever the subject would have to make a HT roll to avoid death.
Except for the shorter duration, this spell is identical to the Delay Death spell in other respects.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Delay Death.
Author: Adapted from Hansen, Peter Brodt.
This spell keeps a person from dying (by failing HT rolls to stay alive) as long as their body is capable of sustaining life (down to -HT x 5 HP).
While this spell is in effect, the subject immediately falls into a deep, deathlike trance that lasts as long as the spell is maintained. While unconscious, he loses no further HT from Bleeding and does not have to make any HT rolls to stay alive or conscious. He takes no further damage from poisons, disease, radiation, and other attacks that attack the body internally. Acids, bases, fire and physical attacks will still damage the character, but their effects don't take effect until the spell ends.
While the subject is in the trance, his food, water, and oxygen needs are 1/10th of normal.
At the end of the spell if the subject's injuries are not treated, he will take any damage that was postponed by this spell. He must also make any HT rolls required to prevent further injury. This includes HT rolls to stay alive.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. For double cost, the subject is not placed in a trance and can function normally while this spell is in effect.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Resist Death.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) Mortal Coil. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 68. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Self, Anthony Jackson, GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell allows the mage to perform any dental work. He can use this spell to painlessly clean, remove, repair, improve or straighten teeth.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 for routine care (such as cleaning), 2 to repair a tooth (either to fill a cavity or fix a chipped tooth), 3 points per tooth to remove, replace or straighten teeth.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Minor Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Dental Tool. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell lets the caster know if there are any diseases within 10 hexes of his location. If he wishes, the mage can exclude known disease carriers or known types of diseases if he specifies them before he casts the spell.
If there are any diseases, the spell will tell the mage the general type of disease and the vector. On a critical success, the mage will know the exact source(s) and types. This spell will identify sick people (or creatures) within the spell's radius, though characters that wish to hide their illness may roll vs. IQ to resist.
If the disease is one with which the mage is not familiar, the spell will give basic information about the disease, such as its vector, severity, and communicability.
When trying to diagnose or detect an unknown disease, this spell gives the mage +4 to his Physician, Diagnosis, or Epidemiology skill rolls.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Diagnosis skill or Magic Diagnosis.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (c) For 100 times the base cost, this spell may be permanently cast on an area 10 hexes or less in radius. Any disease vector that enters the area will glow in the color specified by the mage.
GURPS AztecsThis spell keeps harmful bacteria and viruses from entering an area, preventing infection. Non-harmful bacteria and viruses are not affected.
Diseased creatures can move into the area without penalty. They are not cured of their illness if they do this, but while in the area they are not contagious to others. It is impossible to be infected or to catch an illness while in a Disease Warded area.
Magic spells that transmit disease can be cast in a Disease Warded area, but they must win a Contest of Skills against the Disease Ward spell before they can affect the victim.
When a diseased creature enters the warded area, the mage who cast the Disease Ward spell will immediately become aware of the presence of the creature, though the mage might not know who is infected, or what diseases they carry. Unwilling creatures resist detection with IQ. They can't overcome the disease warding properties of the spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 3, same to maintain. This spell can be made permanent for 100 times the base cost.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Sterilize.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Creates a mobile Disease Warded area centered on the subject. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Though the mage doesn't really need to be a god to cast this spell, its effects mimic godly powers, hence the name.
This spell is identical to the Great Resurrection spell, but there is no penalty to skill due to the length of time that the corpse has been dead or the condition of the body. If the mage had a fragment of a skeleton millions of years old, he could resurrect the body.
Duration: Until killed again.
Cost: 1,000 points. One try per mage.
Time to Cast: 8 hours.
Prerequisites: Great Resurrection, Planar Summons, and at least 2 Spells from each of the 15 colleges.
Item: Altar, Fountain, or Huge Cauldron. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000,000(!) points or more. The GM can rule that such items don't exist in his campaign.
Author: Self, Greg Littmann, Net.
In order to cast this spell, the mage must have the drugs he wishes to administer in his hand when he casts the spell.
When the spell is cast, the drugs vanish "into" the mage's hand. By touching the subject's bare skin, he can magically administer them to the subject. Unwilling subjects resist with Will.
In order to "deliver" the drugs, the mage must touch the subject's bare skin with his hand. If the victim does not wish to be touched, the mage is at -1 to -10 to his "to hit" roll, based on how much clothing the victim is wearing.
If the spell is cast successfully, the drugs are painlessly and safely incorporated into the subject's body just as if they had been administered in the prescribed fashion. If the spell fails, the drugs vanish.
The definition of "drug" is left to the GM, but all pharmaceuticals in GURPS Space, GURPS High Tech, and GURPS Ultra-Tech count, as do alcohol, addictive substances, Low Tech preparations and magical substances such as potions. Poisons cannot be administered with this spell, though it is possible to poison someone with an overdose of a therapeutic drug.
Duration: 10 seconds or until the mage touches the subject. The drugs administered last for their normal duration.
Cost: 1 point, same to maintain.
Item: Wand, Spoon, Lancet, Hypodermic Needle or Pneumospray. Will deliver any drug the tip of the item is touched to when the spell is cast. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Author: David Pulver (Pyramid Magazine and GURPS Technomancer)
The subject of this spell must be pregnant. While the spell is in effect, the pregnancy will be free complications, and the baby Will be born painlessly, at the proper time, and without complications. In addition, all the advantages of the Active Pregnancy spell are included in this spell.
If cast during the first trimester of pregnancy, this spell will prevent or cure birth defects. If the spell is cast after that, existing birth defects will not be cured, though this spell can undo the effects of hostile magic such as Alter Fetus.
While this spell is in effect, both the mother and the baby get +4 to all HT rolls related to the pregnancy, the delivery, or recovery (including post-partum complications).
This spell also gives +4 to the relevant skill rolls (e.g., Midwife, First Aid, Veterinary or Physician skills) of anyone assisting with the birth.
Finally, hostile spells that affect the fetus or the success of the pregnancy must overcome the Easy Birth spell in a Contest of Skills.
See also the Ease Labor (q.v.) spell.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: The duration of the pregnancy, plus 1 week after the delivery.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Ease Labor, Active Pregnancy.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (c) Potion or elixir. Must be consumed by the expectant mother. Energy Cost to Create: 250 energy points.
Author: Adapted from the Web.
This spell allows an otherwise infertile creature to procreate (if it has the necessary organs to do so) and greatly enhances fertility. In addition, this spell makes it more likely that a female will have an uncomplicated pregnancy and that she will have twins or triplets.
If the subject engages in sex while this spell is in effect, they will automatically become pregnant (or impregnate their partner) unless they are infertile or are using magical or High Tech contraceptives that prevent ovulation or sperm production. Other normal methods of contraception will fail.
A female who becomes pregnant while this spell is cast on her gets +2 to HT rolls to resist complications during her pregnancy. If she wishes, she may roll vs. HT to conceive twins or triplets. If she makes her HT roll, she will have twins. If she makes her HT roll by 4 points or more, she will produce triplets.
Unwilling subjects roll vs. HT to resist. If there are existing contraceptive spells on the subject (such as Infertility or Birth Control), the Fertility spell must overcome the resistance of that spell.
Animals are always assumed to be willing subjects unless they are not in conditions favorable to reproduction (such as periods of overpopulation or starvation). They will always attempt to increase the number of offspring they bear by rolling vs. HT. In animals that produce multiple young, a result of twins means that normal litter size is doubled. A result of triplets means that litter size is tripled.
This is also a Body Control spell and a Technological (BioMagic) spell.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 2 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Birth Control.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (c) Potion or Elixir. Must be consumed by the subject. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
This spell gives the subject a bonus to his HT roll to recover from the effects of poison, infection, injury or disease.
When the spell is cast, the GM rolls 1d-3 (minimum 1). The subject gets a bonus to his HT rolls equal to the die roll. If the subject suffers from multiple problems, roll randomly for each condition. For example, if a character suffers from poisoning and infection, roll two dice. Apply the result of the first die to roll to resist the effects of poisoning, and the second to die rolls to resist the effects of infection.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Lend Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (b) Fortifier. GURPS Magic Items I, p. 48 Energy Cost to Create: 800 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell allows the mage to magically graft a limb from one creature into another creature.
When the limb is grafted, it will magically attach itself to the subject, without any possibility of subsequent rejection by the subject's immune system. To graft a limb, the mage must touch both the donor and the recipient who will donate the limb. If the limb is not attached to its donor, the mage must hold or touch the limb in his off hand as he casts the spell. If either the donor or the recipient are unwilling they may roll vs. HT to resist.
The limb to be grafted must have a suitable attachment point on the donor's body (such as the stump of an amputated limb). It must also be a limb of the appropriate sort from a member of a roughly similar species. For example, the mage could graft the hand of an elf onto a human who was missing a hand, but he couldn't graft a dolphin's flipper or a human foot in the same place. The ST and HT of the new limb will be that of the limb donor. The DX is that of the recipient. If the donor's size, ST and HT aren't roughly similar to those of the recipient, the grafted limb will look very peculiar. In this case, the subject might suffer from the Unnatural Feature disadvantages, or similar problems.
This spell doesn't allow the mage to graft limbs that aren't normally present on the recipient's body. For example, the mage couldn't add wings to a member of species that doesn't naturally have them. Nor will this spell allow the mage to transplant internal organs.
If the spell fails, there is no damage to the subject, but the limb to be transplanted is destroyed. If the graft is successful, the GM should charge character points for any new advantages or attribute increases or require any disadvantages which are removed to be bought off.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Transplant Organ.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
This spell cures any magical or organic infection, disease , poisoning or any other dysfunctional condition except wounds. Organs are restored to normal functioning. Diseases or physical dysfunctions of any sort are cured.
This spell can only be cast once per day on any given subject. In addition, the mage is at -1 to skill for each additional attempt to cast this spell in the same day, even if he casts it on different characters.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 20 points.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery, Major Healing, Neutralize Poison, and Cure Disease.
Item: Altar, Baptismal Font or similar large, bulky object. Energy Cost to Create: 25,000 points. Mage only.
This spell will cure any amount of damage. It will also heal limbs or organs that have been crippled or destroyed, as long as the limb hasn't already healed and isn't completely amputated.
In other respects, this spell is like the Total Healing spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Total Healing.
Item: Altar, Baptismal Font or similar large, bulky object. Energy Cost to Create: 25,000 points. Mage only.
This spell is identical to the Resurrection spell but the penalty to revive a corpse is -1 per month that the character has been dead, instead of -1 per day.
Unlike the Resurrection spell, multiple attempts to revive the dead can be made with this spell, but each failed attempt to raise the same person gives -1 to all future rolls to use this spell.
Duration: Permanent, until the character dies again.
Cost: 500 points.
Time to Cast: 2 hours.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Resurrection, and 10 other healing spells.
Item: Altar, Fountain, or Huge Cauldron. Energy Cost to Create: 100,000(!) points or more. The GM can rule that such objects do not exist in his campaign.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littman and the Net.
Cost: 1 per 2 fatigue spent.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Minor Healing, Resist Fire.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: Adapted from John M. Ford (GURPS Compendium II)
This spell will temporarily turn a normal hourglass into a magic item. If kept near a seriously ill person, it will behave like the Healer's Glass magic item described on GURPS Magic Items I, p. 48.
At higher TLs, this spell can be cast on a watch or a piece of high-tech medical monitoring equipment.
Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Death Vision.
Item: Healer's Glass. GURPS Magic Items I, p. 48 Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
To cast this spell, the mage must physically trace a circle on the ground with his finger or the tip of his staff before he begins casting. When cast, the Healer's Circle allows anyone who stands within it to heal 1 point of damage per minute, as long as the mage concentrates. If the mage loses his concentration, the spell ends.
Subjects may enter or leave the ring as they wish, but in order to benefit from the spell, they must stand motionless, one person per hex, for an entire minute. Characters can't crowd together to allow more people into the spell's area of effect.
This spell will not aid characters that can't benefit from normal magical healing. For example, a character that has already healed injury with the benefit of the Cure Minor Wounds spell, would get no benefit from this spell.
The mage can't benefit from his own Healer's Circle spell. He must stand outside the area of effect and concentrate.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 (minimum 2 hex radius), same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds, plus the time needed to trace the circle. The mage must concentrate for the entire duration.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Major Healing
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
This spell is similar to the Restorative Sleep spell. However, unlike the former spell, Healing Sleep allows the mage to assist the subject's healing.
For every hour the mage concentrates on the spell, the subject gets a roll at HT+2 to recover lost HP. For double cost, the subject can roll vs. HT+5!
When the mage stops, concentrating the healing effects end, though the subject will sleep normally for the remaining duration of the spell.
In other respects, this spell is identical to the Restorative Sleep spell.
Duration: 12 hours. The subject gets 1 HT roll per hour until the mage stops concentrating. He will then sleep for the remainder of the spell. Once healing effects end, the subject will sleep
Cost: 3 points, can't be maintained. Doubling cost gives the subject +5 to HT rolls.
Time to Cast: 1 minute, plus 1 hour of concentration per HT roll to be made.
Prerequisites: Diagnosis skill or Magic Diagnosis, Restorative Sleep.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Bed, Pillow, or Bedclothes. Casts this spell on anyone who sleeps in it. The "concentration period" is 1d-2 hours per night. If the roll is less than 1, no extra HT rolls are allowed, though the other effects of the spell are normal. Energy Cost to Create: 1,5000 points.
Author: Adapted from Kevin Sullivan.
This spell makes the subject immortal. He immediately gains the Unaging, Immunity to Poison, Immunity to Disease, Regeneration, and Regrowth advantages.
The character must pay character points for these new advantages. In addition, if he has it, he must buy off the Age disadvantage. Other advantages and disadvantages are not altered by this spell, nor are attributes.
This spell is extremely powerful and GMs should think carefully before allowing PC mages to have this spell. The GM can further limit this spell with one or more of the following restrictions:
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 10,000 points.
Prerequisite: Magery 3, Great Cure, Great Healing, Resurrection, and 15 other healing spells.
This spell makes the subject's wounds clot instantly. While the spell is in effect, the subject takes no damage from bleeding, as if he had the Injury Tolerance (Doesn't Bleed) advantage.
This spell will counter magic which causes bleeding, such as the Bleeding spell or the Blood Drinker enchantment. It also cancels the effects of the Hemophilia disadvantage, though this disadvantage must be bought off if this spell is made permanent.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Stop Bleeding.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) Heartstone. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 68. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. d) This spell can be made permanent on the subject for 500 points.
Author: Self, GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell temporarily makes the subject invulnerable to disease, as if he had the Immunity to Disease advantage.
The character does not have to have HT 12+ for the spell to work. This spell has no effect on someone who already has the Immunity to Disease advantage.
If cast on a person who is sick, this spell will not cure existing illnesses, but it will prevent them from getting worse. It will prevent the character from catching new diseases. If cast on someone who is affected by a magical illness, this spell will cancel the disease-causing spell if the mage wins a Contest of Skills.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Cure Disease.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Immunity Ring, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 54. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Self, GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell temporarily makes the subject invulnerable to poison, as if he had the Immunity to Poison advantage. This spell has no effect on someone who already has this advantage.
If cast on a person who has been poisoned, this spell will not cure them, but it will prevent their condition from worsening. It will prevent the character from being affected by new poisons, or additional doses of the same poison. If cast on someone who is affected by a magical poison, this spell will cancel that spell if the mage wins a Contest of Skills.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6 points, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Neutralize Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell requires a male and a female creature of species that are capable of interbreeding. If the mage wishes, s/he may be one of the partners.
Both subjects and the wizard (or the wizard and the subject) must touch each other while the spell is cast. If either subject is unwilling, they get a roll vs. HT to resist. If either subject makes their resistance roll, the spell fails.
If the spell succeeds, the female magically becomes pregnant by the male, if both are capable of producing children. Birth control measures will not work unless the subjects are using magical birth control or high tech mundane birth control measures that interfere with ovulation or the production of sperm. Other methods of contraception fail.
Birth Control and Infertility spells can be overcome with this spell. Treat this as a Contest of Skills between the two mages.
Once impregnation succeeds, the pregnancy will advance normally.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Fertility.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. (some versions are enchanted to be Always on and are hexed to be unremovable). Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell restores all youth lost by the subject, returning them to an age specified by the subject (or the mage) when the spell is cast.
Any casting of this spell after the first, whether successful or not, on the same subject, is at a cumulative -1 to skill. This penalty accumulates no matter who casts the spell. For example, the second casting of this spell on the same person is at -1, the third at -2, and so on.
A critical failure with this spell adds as much age to the victim as they were trying to lose. The subject must immediately make Aging rolls, as appropriate. If they die due to failed aging rolls, they are considered to be "dead" for one year per aging roll not yet taken when they die. This might make it impossible to Resurrect the body.
On a natural 18, the subject dies instantly, crumbling into dust and can never be resurrected. The mage casting the spell takes 2d damage, is Stunned for 1d minutes, and permanently loses 1d-2 (minimum 1) points of HT.
If a character regularly uses this spell, the GM might require them to buy the Extended Lifespan advantage, with the appropriate limitations.
Duration: Permanent (the subject ages normally from their "new" age.)
Cost: 200 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 week.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Youth, and Resurrection.
This spell keeps an otherwise fertile person from producing children, as if they had the Sterile disadvantage. Unwilling subjects get a HT roll to resist. (The GM should assume that animals are always unwilling).
This spell will cancel the Fertility spell and might counter the effects of such spells as Implant Embryo or Impregnate. In these cases, the mage must overcome the existing spell in a Contest of Skills.
This spell can be reversed at any time by the mage who cast it at no cost. If another mage attempts to reverse the spell, he must win a Contest of Skills.
Also, see the Neuter spell in the College of Animal Magic.
Duration: Permanent, until reversed.
Cost: 8 points, 2 to reverse.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Birth Control.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Some versions are Hexed so they can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Curtis M. Scott (GURPS Conan)Author:
Elizabeth McCoy and Walter Milliken (From Student's Guide to New Magical Opportunities at Illuminati University, Pyramid 32)This spell makes a Life Token, as described on GURPS Magic Items I, p. 49.
This is also a Knowledge spell.
Cost: 200 points.
Prerequisites: Sense Life, Sense Danger, and Link.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
When the mage holds an object that belongs (or belonged) to a subject personally known to him, he can predict the subject's approximate lifespan. This estimate is based on conditions in the subject's immediate environment, based on the statistical likelihood of death, and the GM's judgement.
If this spell is used to predict a person's natural lifespan, the spell will be vague and will return an estimate based on the approximate age at which the subject will die of old age. For example, in a low-tech setting without much magical healing or life-extension magic, the spell would say that an adult male will probably live to be 50 to 70 years old.
If used to predict how long the subject might survive in a dangerous, but not inevitably lethal situation (such as a battle against anything but a doomed fight to the death) the spell will also return a vague result, but with the additional information that the subject could be killed at any moment. In this case, the mage will get a rough sense of the probability of the subject dying in the near future. This is a very common result when this spell is cast on adventurers. The GM should make up some probability of the character being seriously injured based on the character's current surroundings.
This spell actually becomes useful when it is used to determine the condition of someone who will inevitably die if their current circumstances don't change. In this case, the spell will return a detailed answer, which will only change, if the subject's circumstances change. For example, if the mage uses this spell to determine how long an ally who was stranded in a blizzard, trapped in a cave-in, or caught in a villain's fiendish death trap could survive, he will get a very good sense of how much time he has to mount a rescue, based on the GM's best estimate of the situation.
The item used to establish the connection to the subject can be anything that establishes a connection between the subject and mage, no matter how tenuous. For example, the object could be a rock or twig that the subject briefly held, claimed, and then gave to the mage.
Unlike other spells, this spell does not have long range penalties. As long as the subject is on the same planet as the mage (or a parallel plane known to the mage) this spell will work.
This is a also a Knowledge spell.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Sense Life, Sense Danger or Sense Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. When worn, this spell allows any mage specified by the subject to cast this spell on him.
This spell allows the subject to regrow minor body parts, such as fingers, ears or toes, even if the injury has previously healed. Eyes can't be regenerated with this spell.
The cost of this spell is per body part to be regrown. For example, the cost to regenerate two fingers would be 10 points. The body parts visibly start to grow when the spell is cast. They grow back completely in about a day. This spell will also heal scarring, although the Cure Blemish Body Control spell is cheaper.
Duration: Permanent. (Body parts are completely restored in 1 day.)
Cost: 3 points per body part to be restored.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell relieves pain in one part of the subject's body. The subject can feel pressure on the area but can't feel minor sensations and will not notice pain. This gives him +4 to HT and Will rolls to resist pain in that body part, either from damage or injury, or from spells.
Unwilling subjects resist with HT.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 1 point, 1 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points if the wearer can cast this spell on any part of his body, 50 points if he can only cast this spell on one body part specified when the item is enchanted.
This spell grants the subject the Longevity advantage for its duration.
If a character spends only part of a year under the influence of the spell, the GM must pro-rate the effects of the Longevity advantage for that year.
Unlike other Regular spells, a single casting of this spell does not count as an "on" spell when determining penalties for spell use. Multiple castings of the Longevity spell do count as "on" spells.
It is common for powerful mages to learn this spell at extremely high levels so they can cast (or maintain) the spell on themselves for relatively little cost, essentially getting the Longevity advantage free. Unlike other advantages gained by spell use, the mage does not have to pay for the Longevity advantage if he learns this spell. This is because of the minor game effects of the advantage, the drain of constantly casting (or maintaining) the spell, and the other drawbacks of using a spell to duplicate the effects of an advantage.
This spell can be used as a prerequisite for the Youth or Temporary Youth spells.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 10 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery, Restoration, and 5 other Healing spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects Wearer Only. Some versions are always on. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points, 200 points for the "Always On" version. (c) This spell can be permanently cast on a subject for 250 points.
This spell replaces and is superior to the Diagnosis skill. If the spell is cast successfully, the mage knows exactly what illnesses or conditions ail the subject, and what caused them. Mental, physical, emotional or magically-caused ailments can all be detected with this spell.
If the subject is unwilling, he rolls vs. IQ to resist. If the mage is attempting to diagnose a magically-based condition, he must win a Contest of Skills against the other mage's spell to determine that the illness is magically-induced.
If the mage has the Diagnosis skill at 12 or better he gets +1 to cast this spell. If he has Diagnosis at 15 or better, he gets +2 to cast this spell.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Diagnosis skill 10+
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell allows the caster to remove defective organs or (or parts of organ) or large tumors from the subject's body. It also allows the mage to reconstruct or remove damaged or dysfunctional body parts.
The subject must be present and willing while the spell is cast and must lie down quietly for the entire duration of the spell while the mage touches him. Since this spell is somewhat painful to the subject, a conscious subject must make a Will roll to lie still and cooperate with the mage. For this reason, most mages combine this spell with the Anesthetic spell. If the spell is interrupted, there are no harmful effects, but the subject doesn't get any benefits of the spell either.
The mage does not need surgical tools to use this spell, and no matter how complex the operation, it only takes 1 hour to complete. Because the patient's body is never opened, there is no risk of post-operative infection for elective surgery, and no bleeding.
If this spell is used for emergency surgery, the mage gets +4 to his Surgery skill to treat the patient, and the patient gets +2 to HT rolls to avoid infection and other post-operative complications.
Other uses of this spell are up to the GM. Essentially, the spell allows the mage can anything that a TL 7 surgeon can do, from brain surgery to liposuction.
Duration: Instantaneous. Effects are permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Surgery, and Surgery skill 12+.
Item: Wand, Jewelry or Surgeon's Tool. Must have Surgery skill 12+ to use. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell is identical to the Cure Disease spell except that it will destroy harmful bacteria, parasites, or viruses in the area of effect.
Any pathogens of a type specified by mage in the area of effect die when the spell is cast. This will cure anyone (or anything) in the area of one specific disease or parasitic infection.
The mage is at -4 to his skill if he is unsure of what disease he's trying to destroy.
This spell will counter spells that cause disease or parasitic infestation, but the mage must win a Contest of Skills against the opposing spell, for each person in the area of effect, to see if his spell affects that subject.
Duration: Permanent.
Base Cost: 4 points, can't be maintained. For double cost, the mage can destroy any harmful pathogens in the area. In this case, the spell has effects identical to the Minor Sterilization spell.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Cure Disease.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.(b) Jewelry, Clothing, or Piece of Furniture. Works for Wearer or User only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell can restore mangled hands, crushed fingers, torn ears and other damaged extremities. No more than a few ounces of flesh can be restored with this spell, and organs such as eyes can't be healed.
Each application of the spell will restore one extremity (like one missing finger), multiple missing extremities require multiple applications of the spell. In other respects, this spell is like the Restoration spell.
See also Limited Regeneration.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 points per body part to be restored.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery, Minor Healing or Limited Regeneration.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell will destroy all harmful (or unwanted) bacteria, viruses and microscopic organisms within the area of effect. If the mage specifies when the spell is cast, he may choose to only destroy certain types of organisms while leaving others unharmed.
This spell will not remove sources of contamination (such as dirt or blood) from the area, though it will render them perfectly free of harmful organisms. If cast on a living being, the spell gives the subject +2 to HT rolls resist Infection, and +1 to resist Disease and parasitic infection for 1 hour if they move out of the area of effect.
Characters in the affected area can't be infected or infested, though they will not be cured of existing wounds or diseases, nor do they get any special protection against magic that causes illness.
This spell has no harmful effects on anything other than microorganisms.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 1 for a small area (about 1 square foot) or 2 for a person or 1 hex area. If cast as an area spell, the Base Cost is 2 points. Half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Minor Healing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Sealed Container. Any item placed inside the container has this spell cast on it. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) This spell can be made permanent on an area or an object for 25 times the base cost.
This spell allows the caster to perform any sort of minor surgery (e.g., surgery that doesn't involve the brain, opening the chest or abdomen, or risk of severe bleeding).
The subject must be present and willing while the spell is cast and must lie down quietly for the entire duration of the spell while the mage touches him. Since this spell is somewhat painful to the subject, a conscious subject must make a Will+2 roll to lie still and cooperate with the mage. For this reason, most mages combine this spell with the Local Anesthesia spell. If the spell is interrupted, there are no harmful effects, but the subject doesn't get any benefits of the spell either.
If this spell is used in an emergency, it gives the mage +4 to the mage's surgery skill to treat and close minor wounds. For this purpose, a "minor wound" is any injury that does less than 2 points to any target other than the eye, brain, or vitals and that does not cripple a limb or cause the subject to fall unconscious.
The mage does not need surgical tools to use this spell, and no matter how complex the operation, it only takes 10 minutes to complete. Because the patient's body is never opened, there is no risk of post-operative infection and no bleeding.
Other uses of this spell are up to the GM. Essentially, the spell allows the mage can any sort of surgery that a TL 7 surgeon could do using just a local anesthetic. For example, the mage can remove moles and minor tumors, sew up minor wounds, and perform minor cosmetic surgery.
Duration: Instantaneous. Effects are permanent.
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Minor Healing, First Aid skill 12+ or Physician or Surgeon skill.
Item: Wand, Jewelry or Surgeon's Tool. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
When this spell is cast, the subject becomes pregnant with whatever creature the mage desires - regardless of the mother's age, sex, species, or previous state of fertility - as long as the typical birth weight of the creature is no more than 1/4 the weight of the mother. For example, this spell couldn't be used to make a human give birth to an elephant, but it could be used to a cat could be made to give birth to a mouse.
For the spell to work, the mage must touch both the subject and a "father" - a living member of the species to be implanted. If either subject is unwilling, they get a roll vs. HT to resist.
If the exemplar and the subject are of the same species, the mage can specify that the offspring bear the genes of both the "father" and the "mother", though such mingling of genes will be random. Otherwise, the mage can't use this spell to specify the nature of the offspring to be produced. For example, the mage could specify that the subject will bear a human infant. He couldn't specify that the child be the genetic offspring of the King of Rufinia and the Queen of Khandar unless he has both of those characters present when the spell is cast. In the second example, there is no way that the mage could specify specific traits of the child, such as that it be male and have blue eyes.
The mage can combine this spell with the Implant Embryo spell to allow an embryo with the traits that he desires to be implanted into the subject. In this case, the mage must touch the embryo (or the mother or container carrying the embryo) and the subject. The mage can also use spells that alter the baby's genes to create a near "clone" of a an existing creature.
The fetus will grow in the subject's abdomen and will come to term very quickly. For each day of growth, the subject must roll vs. HT or take 1 HP of damage. If the subject dies, the fetus dies with it. However, if the subject survives, the creature it is carrying will burst forth after one month. Females will give birth normally, with all the attendant risks. The creature will rupture the belly of males doing 4d points of damage. Surgery or magic will reduce or eliminate this damage.
The newborn creature will be a typical infant of its species and will be normal in all respects, except for the peculiarity of its birth.
This spell can be cancelled at any time that the mage desires. It can also be dispelled by a Cure Disease, Birth Control, or Remove Curse spell.
Duration: 1 month. Effects are Permanent
Cost: 20 points. Can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Magery, Impregnation, Transfer Embryo, and Accelerate Pregnancy.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1, 500 points.
This spell removes Fatigue loss and skill and attribute penalties due to lack of sleep.
In order for this spell to work, the subject must make a successful roll vs. HT+2, plus any levels of Strong or Weak Will. If the subject makes the roll, they feel alert and refreshed. They can remove the Fatigue loss and ignore the penalties for a single missed night of sleep. Roll once per night of sleep missed. There is a cumulative -1 penalty to the HT roll per additional sleepless night after the first.
On a critical failure, the subject loses as much Fatigue as they regained due to this spell and they immediately fall asleep as if the Sleep spell had been cast on them. They will stay asleep for 8 hours per night of missed sleep. They can be awakened normally, but penalties due to lack of sleep stay in place until the subject gets sufficient rest.
This is also a Mind Control Spell.
Duration: Instantaneous. Effects last until subject becomes sleepy again (usually 16 hours).
Cost: 3 points, same to maintain.
Prerequisites: Recover Strength, Awaken, and Peaceful Sleep.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
This spell is a much less powerful version of the Resurrection spell. While it will restore life to a dead body, the soul is not restored. In order for the spell to work, the mage must have complete, fresh body.
If the mage makes his skill roll by 0-3 points, the body is alive but is in a permanent coma. If he makes his skill roll by 4 to 6 points, the body is "conscious" but has no personality and IQ 3. It will understand simple commands given in its native language but nothing more. It has no skills, no mental advantages, and cannot speak or act independently. It will follow the orders of anyone who commands it but will not attack anyone (including itself).
If the mage makes his skill roll by 7 or more, the body is conscious and has some of its previous memories. It can speak and it has all of its former skills, but it has IQ 8 and 5 levels of Weak Will (effective Will 3).
In addition, it has no mental disadvantages that are not inherent to its species, no personal memories (treat as Partial Amnesia), no emotions and very limited self-motivation. Treat the latter two problems as the No Sense of Humor and Slave Mentality, with a 50% limitation, that the body must make a Will roll every minute in order to do anything but the most pressing tasks.
While the body can defend itself, it is unlikely to attack or to defend others, since it has neither the desire or motivation to do so. It can't feel love or loyalty, or any other emotion.
On a critical failure, the body is animated but is promptly possessed by a powerful demon. In this case, the mental characteristics and skills are those of the possessor.
Because of its problematic nature, more ethical mages will have nothing to do with this spell.
This is also a Necromantic spell.
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Major Healing, Resuscitate.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell indefinitely preserves organic material against decay. The material can still be damaged by other means.
While this spell is intended to preserve bodies or severed limbs so that they can be magically restored or properly buried, it also has more mundane applications, such as the preservation if hunting trophies or biological specimens.
The mage can cancel this spell at any time. It is automatically canceled when the flesh is restored to life or chemically treated to prevent decay.
Spells such as Ruin or Decay must win a Contest of Skills before they can affect an object affected by the Preservation spell.
This spell is also a Necromantic spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 3 points for up to 1 lb. of material (e.g., a finger, or a tiny animal), or 6 points for up to 25 lbs. (e.g., a limb or small animal), 6 points per 50 lbs. of material to be preserved.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Prevent Decay or Suspended Animation.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) A box or coffin. Preserves any material placed in it. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points for up to 1 lb. of material, 150 points for up to 25 lbs. of material, or 50 times the base cost per 50 lbs. of material.
This spell prevents the subject from aging for its duration.
Unlike other spells, such as Youth, this spell doesn't restore youth. However, spells such as Steal Youth automatically fail while the spell is in effect.
This spell will prevent juvenile characters from growing up. Unwilling subjects get a vs. HT to resist.
Repeated castings of this spell give the character the effect of the Increased Lifespan or Unaging advantages. The GM might require characters that have regular access to this spell to buy a limited form of one of these advantage.
Duration: 1 month.
Cost: 10 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Youth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for Wearer Only. Some versions are Always On. This item is extremely rare and sought after. Wars have been fought over the possession of such items. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points.
This spell keeps organic matter from deteriorating for the duration of spell. The material can still be damaged by other means.
While this spell is intended to preserve bodies or severed limbs so that they can be magically restored or properly buried, it also has applications that are more mundane.
The mage can cancel this spell at any time. It is automatically canceled when the flesh is restored to life or chemically treated to prevent decay.
Spells such as Ruin or Decay must win a Contest of Skills before they can affect an object affected by the Prevent Decay spell.
This spell is also a Necromantic spell. It is also commonly associated with (though is not part of) the colleges of Making and Breaking, Plant, and Food magic.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 1 point for up to 1 lb. of material (e.g., a finger, or a tiny animal), or 2 points for up to 25 lbs. (e.g., a limb or small animal), 3 points per 50 lbs. of material to be preserved.
Prerequisite: Slow Decay.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) A box or coffin. Casts this spell on any organic material placed in it. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points for up to 1 lb. of material, 50 points for up to 25 lbs. of material, or 25 times the base cost per 50 lbs. of material.
For the duration of the spell, the subject is immune to all forms of nausea or non-magically induced vomiting.
This spell cancels the effects of Space Sickness, Free Sickness, and Motion Sickness. At the GM's option, it will also cure or reduce Time Sickness. This casting doesn't interfere with the subject's ability to vomit if it is necessary to purge poisons, alcohol, or bad food.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2, same to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell allows the caster to produce an artificial limb with all the flexibility of a normal limb that can then be grafted to the subject's body.
The resulting limb can be as realistic or artificial looking as the mage wishes and might even be an improvement over the natural limb. The only requirement is that the prosthesis be roughly the same size and shape as the original limb. The prosthesis spell grants the limb the flexibility and dexterity of a normal limb and makes it fit perfectly to the stump.
After the limb has been made, but before it has been fitted, the mage can enchant the prosthesis with other spell. If the limb is to be enchanted so that it is more effective than the subject's original limb, then the mage must use spells such as Might or Dexterity to enchant it.
Finally, once the limb has been fully enchanted, the mage joins the prosthesis to its owner's body. Except for the initial design session with the person who is to wear the prosthesis, this is the only part of the enchantment where the subject need be present. In this phase, the mage casts a permanent version of the Attachment spell that permanently grafts the artificial limb to the owner's body.
This spell can only be used to replace missing limbs or digits. It can't be used to graft new, artificial limbs to the subject's body.
See also the Heal Implants (Tech Magic) spell. Also, see the Go-Limb and Golem Limb spells for other variants on this concept.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Cost: 200 points, 5 points to attach the limb.
Prerequisite: Magery, Animate Object (Making and Breaking), Might, Dexterity, Attachment (Body Control) and Remote Control (Movement).
This spell makes the subject completely purge his body of all foreign matter. He will urinate and defecate, sweat profusely, and might vomit. The entire process takes 10 to 30 minutes. After a purge, the subject gets +5 to his next roll to recover from poisoning, disease or infection.
While the purge is going on the subject can't converse, cast spells, fight, use any skill, or move at a speed greater than 1. The mage can end the spell at any time (as can the subject, if he submitted to it) but the effects will persist for 1d minutes. If the spell ends before it has run its course, the subject gets no benefit.
Each subsequent casting (whether the first casting ran its course or not) on the same subject within a 24 hour period does 2 points of damage to the subject, unless they resist vs. HT.
Duration: 1d/2 x10 minutes (minimum 10 minutes), or 1d minutes once the casting is canceled.
Cost: 4, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Minor Healing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Purge Stone. See GURPS Magic Items I, p. 50. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell removes all parasites from the subject's body.
The parasites immediately vanish, as do all traces of their existence, such as eggs or blemishes caused by their activity. Damage caused by parasite activity is not healed.
This spell has no effect on harmless or symbiotic creatures native to the subject's body, if they are too small to be seen with the naked eye and they do not cause the subject distress.
If cast as an area spell, the spell will kill all parasitic organisms, their eggs and larvae, as well as microscopic creatures that cause allergic reactions, such as dust mites.
This is also an Animal spell.
Duration: Instantaneous. Effects last until the subject is infested again.
Cost: 1 point. If cast as an Area spell, Base Cost is 1/2.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points. (c) This spell can be permanently cast on an item or area for 50 times the base cost.
This spell keeps creatures with a communicable disease or parasitic infection from entering or leaving the area of effect. The caster must specify the type (or types) of disease or parasitic infestation, and the "direction" in which the spell works when the spell is cast.
For the duration of the spell, infected characters are trapped inside (or outside) of the area of effect. Unwilling creatures roll vs. HT to resist. If an infected character gets into (or out of) the Quarantined area, the mage will immediately know the fact.
If the mage doesn't know what sort of disease or infestation he's attempting to block, but only knows symptoms, he is at -4 to skill. If the mage attempts to block characters with non-communicable diseases (such as cancer) or systemic or congenital conditions that cause disease like symptoms, he is at -2 to skill.
The spell can also be cast "in reverse" to prohibit healthy people from going into an area of infection. This application only works if healthy characters would immediately be exposed to infection if they entered (or left) the Quarantined area. Note that this spell can't be used to trap healthy characters in the area of effect, unless they would immediately be exposed to a disease (or disease carriers) outside the protected environment. "Natural" disease risks inherent to the local environment don't count as "immediate exposure" for purposes of this spell.
If cast "in reverse," the spell can sense if a character is protected against the disease(s) in question. If a character has immunity, or is protected by vaccination, spells or by advantages such as Immunity to Disease, the spell can sense the fact, and will let them through. The spell won't let them out if they could infect others. For this reason, when this spell is used in a hospital environment, it is typically combined with permanent areas of the Minor Sterilization spell. This allows immune characters to sterilize their clothing and possessions before they leave a Quarantined areas.
Duration: 4 hours.
Cost: 3, 1 to maintain. For double cost, the spell can work both to keep people out and to keep people in.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magic Diagnosis, Disease Ward, and Force Dome.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) An area can have this spell cast on it permanently for 25 times the base cost.
The subject of this spell temporarily gains a form of the Rapid Healing advantage. They get +4 to effective HT to make healing rolls and to avoid infection.
Someone who already has the Rapid Healing advantage gets the Very Rapid Healing advantage. Characters with Very Rapid Healing get no extra benefits.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2, same to maintain. Double cost for Very Rapid Healing.
Casting time: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Lend Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Kevin Sullivan and others.
By casting this spell, the mage can reattach a severed body part. In order for this spell to work, the severed part must have come from the subject and it must be relatively intact.
A body part counts as "relatively intact" if it hasn't suffered massive damage (i.e., it can't be chopped up or squashed flat) and the tissue is still viable (i.e., it can't be cooked, frozen or decayed).
The part can't be reattached if it has been detached from the body for more than 4 hours. Each doubling of spell cost, doubles the time that a body part can be considered viable, as long as decay has not set in (more than 12 hours at room temperature, 24 hours in cool conditions).
Note that spells like Slow Decay or Prevent Decay "stop the clock" for the purposes of this spell. Slow Decay halves the rate of decay, allowing this spell to be cast at normal cost up to 8 hours after the body part was removed. Prevent Decay allows this spell to be cast at normal cost any time after the body part was severed, barring other problems.
When the body part is reattached, the limb is restored to full functionality if it was otherwise undamaged. Half of the damage the subject suffered when the body part was removed is immediately restored, the rest must be healed normally.
Note that this spell only reattaches body parts. It does not heal existing damage to the part to be reattached. If a body part was crippled before it was removed (e.g., a character's arm was crippled, then amputated), the character must still make HT rolls to avoid permanent crippling. Crippling effects associated only with the removal of the body part are immediately cured when the part is reattached.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points for a finger or other small appendage, 8 points for hand or foot, 12 points for an arm or leg. Each doubling of cost increases the time limit, as above.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Minor Healing, Regeneration
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Magery or Surgery-12+ is required to use this item. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
In non-Aztec campaigns, this spell can be used to treat illnesses caused by partial or full loss of the subject's spirit or soul. Details are up to the GM, within the outlines described above.
Note that this spell has no effect against Necromantic spells that steal or destroy the soul for purposes other than causing illness. For example, this spell would not aid a character whose soul had been sucked into a Soul Jar.
Author: GURPS Aztecs
This spell allows the subject to better resist the effects of cold, chills and arctic weather.
As long as this spell is in effect, the subject gets +3 to HT rolls to recover from diseases that involve fits of chills or loss of body heat. On a roll of 5 or less, the disease will vanish.
In cold weather, this spell will give the subject +3 to HT rolls to resist the effects of cold weather and cold injury.
This is also an Air spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Warm, Cure Disease.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Scarf, or other Winter Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell allows the subject to better resist the effects of high fever and hot weather.
As long as this spell is in effect, the subject gets +3 to HT rolls to recover from diseases that involve high fevers, and the disease will completely vanish on a roll of 5 or less.
In hot climes, this spell will give the subject +3 to HT rolls to resist the effects of heat and heat injury.
This is also an Air spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Cold, Cure Disease.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Fever Cloth. GURPS Magic Items I, p. 48 Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell grants the subject the Slow Regeneration advantage for the duration of the spell.
For double cost, the subject gets the Regular Regeneration advantage. For triple cost, the subject gets Fast Regeneration, and for quadruple cost, he can have the Instant Regeneration advantage.
Note that creatures that already have Regeneration have their effective level of Regeneration increased by one (or more) up to a maximum rate of Instant Regeneration. Creatures with Instant Regeneration can't benefit from this spell.
See also the Regeneration, Instant Regeneration, Invulnerability, Limited Regeneration, and Troll Skin advantages.
Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 5 points, same to maintain. Double cost for Regular Regeneration, Triple Cost for Fast Regeneration, and Quadruple cost for Instant Regeneration.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Major Healing
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 10,000 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points for Slow Regeneration. Increase costs accordingly for faster regeneration.
This spell, allows the consciousness and soul of a recently deceased person to be brought back in another body.
The new body can be that of any sentient or semi-sentient race present in the region where the victim died. The exact form of the body is up to the GM, however, it will not have more or less than 50% of the character points that the character originally had.
The character's IQ, Will, Mental advantages and disadvantages, memories and mental skills will automatically transfer to the new body. Some mental disadvantages or advantages might be lost, but as much as is possible, the personality and character of the new character will match that of the old. Physical skills, advantages, and abilities might be completely different. In game terms, this means that the GM will redistribute 50% of the characters points into new or different advantages, disadvantages, and attributes. (In some cases, 50% of the points may go just paying the base cost of the new race!).
If the subject's body is restored to life using the Partial Resurrection spell, the Reincarnation spell can be used to restore the subject's soul to the reanimated body. However, this process is extremely traumatic for the subject. The subject automatically resists. If he fails to resist being reincarnated in his old body, he must make a Fright Check at -10. Disadvantages gained as a result of a failed Fright Check will be related to the circumstances of the character's death and/or reincarnation.
A limited form of this spell allows the subject's soul to be reincarnated in a newly born baby or in the body of a non-sapient creature. In this case, the character's skills, attributes, advantages, and disadvantages are completely lost. The reincarnated soul will only be able to recall its past existence through magic, or via advantages such as Race Memory.
Note that in some campaigns, a departed soul might not be willing to return to a new body, or the nature of the afterlife makes return difficult. In this case, the subject gets a Will roll to resist or must make a Will roll in order to escape the afterlife. The GM must determine the exact details.
This is also a Necromantic spell. In some campaigns, it might also be a Metaspell (Clerical) spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 points to reincarnate the subject's soul in a newborn baby or non-sentient creature. 150 points to transfer the subject's soul and memories into their reanimated body, or the body of another creature.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Spirit, Major Healing, Regrowth, and Regeneration.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Keith Bisset (Revenant).
This spell eliminates any allergic sensitivity the subject might have to a single substance specified by the mage when the spell is cast.
For the duration of the spell, the subject can breathe, eat, and/or handle a material to which they would normally be sensitive. In addition, any previous symptoms of non-lethal allergies are removed (i.e., sneezing and rashes vanish).
If cast on a character who is suffering from a severe allergic reaction, such as anaphylactic shock, this spell gives them +4 to any subsequent HT rolls and to any Physician or First Aid rolls to avoid any further harm.
Duration: 8 hours.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. Add 1 point to base cost for each additional allergen treated.
Prerequisite: Relieve Irritation, Clear Obstruction.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) Any item. When placed on or around a source of allergens, the object becomes hypoallergenic. For example, a collar would make a cat or dog hypoallergenic. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points per 10 lbs. of material to be affected, minimum 50 points. (d) This spell can be permanently cast on a source of allergens, making it hypoallergenic, for 10 points per 10 lbs. of material (minimum 50 points).
This spell relieves irritation and pain due to minor sunburn, allergies, scrapes, insect bites and the like.
If an injury or condition gives a penalty of -2 or less to skills or attributes due to pain or itching, this spell will completely cancel the penalty.
The spell has no effect on injuries that give penalties of more than -2 due to pain. It also has no healing effect, or curative effect against severe allergic reactions. For example, if a character has a -4 penalty due to pain or severe allergic reaction, this spell has no effect at all. If he had just a -2 penalty, this spell entirely cancels the penalty, allowing the character to function normally.
This spell can be used to counter the Itch spell, if the mage wins a Contest of Skills.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 1 point, same to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.
This spell completely relieves the subject of chronic pain, and halves the Stun penalties from wounds. In addition, the character also gets +4 to Will and HT rolls to resist the effects of pain.
If the subject has the High Pain Threshold advantage, he gets no additional reduction of Stun penalties. He does get the additional +4 to resist severe pain, however.
If the subject has the Low Pain Threshold disadvantage, this spell cancels the effects of that disadvantage for the duration of the spell.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Local Anesthetic.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell removes any aging that has occurred since the spell was last cast on the subject, or returns the subject to the age specified by the mage when the spell is cast.
To cast this spell, the subject must be present for the entire enchantment and must be willing.
When the spell is finished, all the negative effects of aging are transmuted into a black pellet. If this pellet is shattered or is taken more than 30 yards from the subject, all the aging in the pellet returns. The subject must immediately make Aging rolls due to any restored age.
The pellet looks like a 1" diameter lump of charcoal, but with a smooth, non-reflective surface of inky darkness. It is fragile. If dropped or roughly handled, it will shatter on a roll of 10 or less. It can be targeted in combat at -10 to hit and is destroyed if it takes at least 1 point of damage of any sort. Spells to improve the pellet's HP, PD, DR, to make the pellet invulnerable to certain forms of attack and the like will automatically fail. Though the pellet strongly radiates magic, the presence of a No Mana Zone will not make it release its aging. If the pellet is shattered in a No Mana Zone, however, aging does not return to the subject until he leaves the Zone.
Age stored in a pellet can not be re-enchanted into another pellet, though the mage can cast this spell multiple times. Characters who know this spell and are careful might have age pellets stored all over their bodies, usually with elaborate physical protections.
When the character dies, all his age pellets shatter, rapidly aging the corpse to its "true" age. This might interfere with Resurrection spells and the like.
If a character regularly uses this spell, the GM might require them to buy the Unaging or Extended Lifespan advantage, with the appropriate limitations.
Cost: 100 points.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Youth, and Resurrection.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Author: David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer).
This spell cures starvation damage sustained by the subject.
Each casting of this spell gives the subject the nutritional equivalent of a full meal, along with and appropriate rest and regeneration of tissues. A sufficient number of spell castings will completely remove penalties to attributes as well as lost HP and lost body mass. It will also counter Fatigue loss due to missed meals.
This spell can only be cast on a willing subject. It also will only restore the subject to their ideal body weight. The spell can be used to allow a character to buy off the Skinny disadvantage, but it can't be used to give a character the Overweight, Fat or Very Fat disadvantages.
This spell will also counter the effects of the Hunger spell and the like.
Also, see the Relieve Starvation spell.
This is also a Food Spell.
Duration: Instantaneous. Effects last until the subject loses weight again.
Cost: 3 per missed meal, can't be maintained.
Prerequisites: Restore Strength or Create Food.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
Kirk Wilson Tate (GURPS Ice Age)This spell keeps the subject from being infested with internal or external parasites. Existing external parasites leave the subject for the duration of the spell.
This spell will also repel parasitic creatures such as leeches and mosquitoes.
This is also an Animal Spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Create Vermin or Minor Sterilization.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points. (c) This spell can be made permanent for 50 points.
This spell allows the subject to better resist Unconsciousness and Death when HT goes below zero.
Each level of this spell gives the subject +1 to HT rolls to resist unconsciousness or death due to wounds when his HT goes below 0. This spell has no effect on Stun penalties, injuries due to accumulated wounds, crippling, or other types of HT rolls.
There is a limit of 5 levels to this spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 1 point per level, same to maintain, up to 5 levels maximum.
Prerequisite: Lend Strength.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points per level.
This spell allows the a willing subject to rapidly heal damage as they sleep.
Once this spell is cast, the subject falls into a deep sleep as if the Sleep spell had been cast on them. If they are undisturbed, they will sleep for 12 hours.
While asleep, the subject can roll vs. HT+1 every 3 hours to recover 1 point of HT and 1 point of Fatigue, in addition to the normal Fatigue recovery for sleep. This spell automatically ends if the subject is wakened.
Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 3, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Diagnosis skill or Magic Diagnosis, Strengthen Body.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Bed, Pillow, or Bedclothes. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Kevin Sullivan.
Each application of this spell restores 1 pint of blood to the subject, up to the normal amount of blood in their system.
The first pint of blood given to the subject restores 2 points of damage due to blood loss. Additional pints of blood restore additional damage. When treating blood loss due to Bleeding, each additional point restores 2 points of damage, up to the amount of injury due to Bleeding. When treating burns or open wounds, each additional pint of blood restores 1 point of damage, up to half the total amount of injury done by the wound.
If the subject is below 0 HP due to blood loss when the spell is applied, the first pint of blood gives the subject +1 HT to resist the effects of Shock and to avoid Unconsciousness or Death. Each additional pint of blood gives another level of bonus, up to a maximum of +4.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points per pint of blood created.
Prerequisite: Minor Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
This spell restores a damaged or partial corpse to completeness.
This spell will reattach limbs, restore missing parts, close wounds, and so forth, leaving the corpse in perfect condition. The body will be suitable for resurrection, but will still be dead.
The mage is at -1 penalty to skill if one or more major body part that is missing when this spell is cast. He is at -3 to skill if the head is missing or if the body has been terribly mutilated, and he is at -5 to skill if the body has been completely obliterated.
Note that while this spell will restore a body to completeness, it will not reverse decay. Nor will it restore HP lost by animated corpses, such as undead, though it will restore missing body parts.
This is also a Necromantic spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 point for every multiple of negative HT the corpse suffered after death, to a maximum of 10 points, as long as the mage has part of the corpse to work with. (For example, a corpse that took -HT x 3 points of damage would cost 3 points to restore). If the body has been completely obliterated (i.e., cremated or blown to pieces), the cost is 15 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Prevent Decay, Reattach.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
This spell temporarily cures the Anosmia disadvantage. It also counters the Strike Taste/Smell spell.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Healing.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
This spell restarts the subject's heart and restores breathing.
The spell gives +4 to First Aid or Physician rolls to revive a patient whose heart has stopped, or who has stopped breathing. It will also substitute for high tech medical procedures like CPR or cardiac defibrillation.
If the subject's heart is not intact or if there is insufficient blood in the subject's body to circulate oxygen, this spell will fail. It will also fail if the subject's lungs can't get air, either because they have been destroyed or have collapsed, or if the victim has an obstructed airway.
If a subject has been reduced to 0 HP because of Cardiac Arrest (i.e., due to electricity), this spell will automatically restore half the victim's normal HP as long as the heart is intact.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points.
Resuscitate: Lend Health, Minor Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Each casting of this spell reverses up to 1 month of decay suffered by in a corpse. It also halts decay for the duration of the spell.
This spell will not restore a corpse to completeness. At best, the spell will make the body appear as it did just after death. If the subject was mutilated after death, this spell will not repair the damage.
Reverse Decay will make dead creatures (including undead) appear to be recently dead. However, a corpse made "fresh" by this spell will still look pallid and its flesh will remain cold to the touch. Even so, a quick medical examination is required to determine that a restored corpse is not alive, unless it has obvious injuries.
Mindless undead remain mindless, this spell does not restore mental capabilities.
This is also a Necromantic spell.
Duration: Permanent (decay is prevented for 1 day after the spell is cast).
Cost: 1 for a small creature that weighs up to 10 lbs., 2 for a creature that weighs up to 100 lbs., 3 per hex of large creature.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Prevent Decay.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann
This spell can revive a subject who has just died.
In order to benefit from this spell, the subject must meet the following criteria: death must have occurred very recently, the body can't be severely damaged and his body must be physically capable of sustaining life.
In game terms, the body can't be more than 4 minutes old before the spell is cast. The subject must not be below -HT x 3 when he died, and he must have enough blood in his body, and his heart, lungs, and brain must be reasonably intact.
If his body meets the requirements for the spell, and if the spell is successfully cast, the subject must make a roll vs. his unmodified HT. If the roll fails, the subject remains dead, though the mage may try to revive him again. If the HT rolls succeeds, the subject's heart starts beating again, he starts breathing, and sufficient brain function is restored to keep the subject alive.
It is possible to revive a victim who died of severe bleeding or poisoning, but unless these problems are dealt with immediately, the subject will have to make further HT rolls to survive, and might very well die again.
If the victim has been dead long enough to suffer severe brain damage or brain death (beyond 4 minutes in most circumstances) this spell will not work. Extreme cold sufficient to cause hypothermia, such as cold water, ice baths, or freezing temperatures will extend this duration by several minutes.
Spells such as Suspended Animation will "stop the clock" when determining the age of the corpse. Spells such as Restore Body will make a body physically capable of sustaining life, though they will not restore damage once the victim is revived. Note that the subject's body doesn't have to be intact for this spell to be cast. The subject can have missing limbs (or other body parts), as long as the heart, lungs, and enough of the brain are intact to allow life to be sustained.
If the subject fails his HT roll, the save, he will not revive. The mage may make up to 3 attempts to revive the subject, with an increasing Fatigue cost (+1 energy per repeated attempt) and -1 to the subject's HT rolls for each repeated attempt. Once the body is more than 4 minutes old or after the spell is cast 3 times, no further attempts to revive the corpse may be made. Note that in order to cast this spell, the mage must cancel any Suspend Animation spells placed on the body.
Anyone touching the subject (other than the caster) when the spell is cast, takes 1d-3 points of damage and will be thrown back k1 hex. The subject takes 1d-3 points of damage as well, put does not move. Damage done by the spell will not prompt further survival rolls, even if it reduces the subject's hit points to the point where they would normally have to make another HT roll to survive. Subsequent attempts to use the spell can be made even if a previous attempt to revive the victim took his Hit Points below -3 x HT, unless the previous attempt was a critical failure.
Duration: Instantaneous (Effects are permanent until the subject dies again.)
Cost: 3 points, can't be maintained (+1 to energy costs for repeated attempts to cast this spell).
Prerequisites: Major Healing, Awaken or Shocking Touch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Two metal plates with rubber handles, must be placed on subject's bare chest. Activated two seconds after the command word "Clear" is spoken. Magery or First Aid skill 12+ is required to use this item. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted from John Jackson.
This spell will partially replace a "daily dose" of some chemical required by the subject.
The subject will still feel the psychological effects of missing a dose, but will not suffer any physical damage from withdrawal. This spell is at a -4 penalty if the caster is casting it on himself, and a cumulative -4 penalty per consecutive day (thus, it gets harder and harder for the spell to replace the drug). In addition, the withdrawal penalty inherent to the drug is applied to any casting!
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 6. Cannot be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Neutralize Poison.
Author: S. John Ross (White Wolf Magazine #34)
This spell magically sews a wound shut so that it won't reopen, even if strained.
This spell gives +4 to the appropriate skill to close a wound (e.g., Surgery, Veterinary, or First Aid skill). It is complementary with the Bandage spell.
This spell does not heal damage, though it will stop Bleeding. If the wound is properly cleaned before it is sealed, the spell also gives +2 to avoid infection. This spell also halves the time it takes the character to physically recover from elective surgery, since the magical sutures are more effective than normal suturing techniques.
Note that this spell will not clean wounds. The mage must use another spell or mundane means to sanitize a wound before it is closed. This spell will allow proper drainage from a wound, even if it is otherwise sealed.
An unconventional use of this spell will restore physical virginity in females.
See also the Super Suture spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, Jewelry, or Needle. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points.
This spell is identical to the Resurrection with the exception that the resurrected character dies again at the end of the duration of the spell unless he performs a special task set by some higher power.
The task is determined by the GM and should be within the resurrected character's power to complete, though it will always be grand, difficult, dangerous and all-consuming. At the end of it, if the character escapes with his life and his intact body, he should count himself lucky. The mage who casts the Second Chance spell will know what the conditions are, but he does not have to tell the resurrected character. However, the revived character gets and IQ roll to determine the general nature of his quest. He also gets an additional IQ roll to get more information whenever he sees something that, in the GM's opinion, reminds him of his quest.
In addition, the character (and the mage) both get IQ rolls to determine roughly how much time the character has left to complete the task. However, only the GM should know for sure how long the spell's duration will be.
If the character fails in his task, he permanently dies when the spell ends. If he dies again before the spell ends, he can't be revived by any means.
Typical tasks include: drinking from a magical well, finding a special object, killing the subject's killer, saving a person, or some other task that the GM feels to be appropriate. In essence, you are resurrected in return for doing a big favor for some supernatural being.
People who wish to resist the quest imposed by the spell can roll vs. Will. In this case, the spell fails and they stay dead (though other Resurrection spells can still affect them).
Duration: 3d days, or as determined by the GM.
Cost: 30 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisites: Instant Regeneration, Summon Spirit, and Geas.
Item: Altar, Cauldron, or some other large, nearly immobile item which weighs at least 1,000 lbs. Anyone place on or in this item is resurrected, but the quest will always vary. This item is extremely rare and highly sought-after. Wars have been fought over the possession of such items. Energy Cost to Create: 50,000 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Author: David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer)
This spell gives the mage a rough sense of the subject's state of health. In game terms, this will reveal the subject's original and current HT and HP and Fatigue level, and will reveal any easily detectable diseases or medical conditions).
If the subject dies while being monitored, the mage must roll vs. HT or fall unconscious for 2d minutes.
Unwilling targets resist with IQ.
This is a also a Knowledge spell.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell allows the mage to painlessly, perfectly set a broken or dislocated bone by touching the subject.
The spell will not heal the break itself or restore lost HP, but it will make the pieces of the broken bone start to knit together. This gives +4 to subsequent First Aid, Veterinary, Surgery or Physician skill rolls to properly deal with the fracture.
This spell will not prevent subsequent damage to the wound. The fracture should be immediately splinted or set to prevent the benefits of the spell from being lost.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Minor Healing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Usable only by a Mage or someone with Physician 12+. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.(b) Painless Limb Setter. GURPS Magic Items I, p. 50. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Self, GURPS Magic Items 1
This simple, but effective, magic item is known only to low tech mages. The patient does not have to live at TL1 or 0 but if he does, he gets +1 to his HT rolls.
The mage must come from a culture at least one TL below the dominant TL of the campaign, which can't exceed TL5 in any case. If the mage does not have the Primitive advantage, he must live in a rural or wilderness environment for at least 3 months, using only "Low Tech" equipment before he can use this spell. Alternately, the mage must live in a "primitive" or "simple" fashion, as determined by the GM.
The most common form of sickness eater is a rattle made of sticks, bark, and nuts which is shaken over the afflicted person. It can also take the form of an amulet, a "hex" sign, or some other folk artifact believed to cure illness or ward off evil spirits. A Sickness eater will cure Infection (as the Sterilize spell, but the patient takes no damage) on a roll of 11 or less. It will Cure Disease on a 9 or less or Neutralize Poison on a 7 or less. On attempt is allowed per mage per patient. Each cure attempt, whether successful or not, uses one charge. A Sickness Eater will have 1d+2 charges rolled randomly when the item is created. On a critical success, it will have the maximum number of charges and will give +2 to die rolls.
Each spell cast through the Sickness Eater costs 30 points to enchant. Therefore, a Sickness Eater who just cures infection would cost 30 points, while a Sickness Eater that heals infection, disease or poison costs 90 points. Each additional 30 points used to enchant the device gives +1 to die rolls. For example, a Sickness Eater enchanted with 90 points of energy could either cure poison, disease, and infection or it could heal just poison and sickness at conditions at +1 to die rolls, or just infection at +2 to die rolls.
When a Sickness Eater has used its last charge it crumbles or breaks, and becomes non-magical.
Cost: 30 points per condition cured or per +1 to die rolls.
Prerequisites: Cure Disease.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell halves the rate at which the subject ages. Multiple castings of this spell on the same subject further slow the rate of aging, to a minimum of 1/8 normal. Unwilling subjects roll vs. HT to resist.
If this spell could somehow be permanently cast on a person, it would give them either the Longevity or Increased Lifespan advantage.
Duration: 1 month.
Cost: 8 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery, Major Healing, and 5 other Healing spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Anyone who wears the item is affected by this spell. This item is extremely rare and sought after. Wars have been fought over the possession of such items. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points.
This spell slows the rate of blood loss to 1/4 normal. In addition to slowing the rate at which the subject loses HP due to Bleeding, it also gives +2 to HT rolls to stop severe bleeding.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 1 point, same to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Bandage, Tourniquet, or similar object. When placed on a bleeding wound, this object will cast the spell on that wound. One Use Only. Energy Cost to Create: 10 points.
This spell reduces the rate at which plant or animal tissue decays.
If the spell is cast on a subject with a rotting disease, the subject gets +4 to HT to resist the effects of the disease, though it will not cure them outright. If cast on dead tissue, the rate of decay is reduced to 1/4 normal.
This is also a Necromantic spell. It is also commonly associated with the Food, Plant and Making and Breaking colleges, though it is not part of those colleges.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 1 per 10 lbs. of material.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
This spell slows the spread of an infection or disease to 1/4 normal. In addition to slowing the rate at which the subject loses HP and attribute scores due to infection or disease, it also gives +2 to HT rolls to shake off the effects of the ailment.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Lend Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Pill, Potion, or similar medicine. When consumed, the subject gets the benefits of this spell. One Use Only. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.
This spell slows the spread of a poison to 1/4 normal.
In addition to slowing the rate at which the subject loses HP and attribute scores due to poisoning, it also gives +2 to HT rolls to subsequent damage from the poison.
This spell will only protect the subject against the effects of one poison already in their body. If the subject is subsequently poisoned by a different poison, the previous casting of this spell has no effect on the second poison.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Lend Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Pill, Potion, or similar medicine. When consumed, the subject gets the benefits of this spell. One Use Only. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.
This spell immobilizes broken bones or other wounds so that they aren't aggravated when the subject moves or is transported.
Unlike normal splinting, there is no bandaging to interfere with movement. The splinted part is still immobilized, and can't be used, but non-injured parts of the same limb can still be moved.
Note that this spell does not treat the wound. If the Splinted wound is not properly cleaned and bandaged, or if a broken bone is not properly set, the wound might not heal properly, and could be infected.
This spell can only be cast on a willing subject.
Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 1 point, same to maintain. This spell can be made permanent, until the wound heals, for 6 points.
Prerequisite: Bandage or Set Bone.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. The item will automatically cast this spell on any wound on the subject's body. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
This spell allows a subject at or below 0 HP to make HT rolls to avoid death every 4 hours as opposed to every hour.
This spell has no effect on HT rolls to avoid Stun or Unconsciousness.
Duration: 8 hours.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Bed, Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer/user only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
This spell is identical to the Store Health spell except that it acts as a Fatigue battery. This extra Fatigue can be used for any purpose, including psionics or spells.
Replenishing the battery requires 2 points of Fatigue for every 1 point banked. The spell will also instantly draw power from Powerstones in the same way (2 for 1). This has the unfortunate side effect of making powerstones less useful if the "battery" isn't fully charged. As soon as Fatigue from the battery is used, it will pull power from any Powerstone within 6 feet to replenish itself.
Fatigue from the "bank" must be used first, before any of the user's normal Fatigue can be used. Fatigue lost to spells is also drawn from the "bank" first.
This is also a Metaspell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 5 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Lend Strength, Lend Health, and Powerstone.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Always On. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (c) Staminamulet. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 68. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
Allows the subject to "bank" HT up to double his normal HT. The stored HT doesn't add to HT rolls, but can be substituted for HT when the subject takes damage. When the "health battery" reaches zero, the spell ends and will no longer protect the subject.
In order to "bank" HT the subject must divert some of his own life force into the "battery"; every point stored by this spell costs the subject 2 HT (which can either be regained normally or through magical healing).
Each time the subject wants to bank HT in the "battery", he must make a HT roll. A critical success means that each point stored only costs the wearer 1 HT, while a critical failure means that the spell drains 2d HT from the user without recharging itself. An ordinary failure means that the spell won't recharge immediately and the subject must wait until the next day. This spell only allows the subject to bank HT equal to double his normal HT.
When injured, the subject can choose to use any amount of HT from the battery. It is most advantageous to draw HT from the battery first, since it can't be used to heal a victim who has taken real damage.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 5 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Store Fatigue.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Always On. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points. (c) Lifestone. GURPS Magic Items 2 p. 68. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell speeds the body's natural healing processes, speeding the subject's healing rate and boosting his immune response.
For every 4 hours this spell is in effect, the subject gets a HT roll to recover a point of damage.
In addition, while this spell is in effect, the subject gets +2 to HT to resist the effects of poison, infection, or disease.
Duration: 4 hours.
Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Minor Healing, Lend Health.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) Pill, Potion, or similar medicine. When consumed, the subject gets the benefits of this spell. One Use Only. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.
Author: adapted from Kevin Sullivan
This spell gives the subject +6 to HT rolls to avoid having his bones broken, either due to damage or due to spells.
If the character has the Fragile disadvantage, this spell will remove that disadvantage for the spell's duration.
If this spell is cast on a character that already has a broken bone, it gives them +4 to HT rolls to recover from the injury, and to avoid permanent crippling effects.
Finally, while this spell is in effect, the DR of the subject's skull (and other bony parts of his body) is doubled.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Set Bone.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (c) Pill, Potion, or similar medicine. When consumed, the subject gets the benefits of this spell. One Use Only. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.
This spell will completely and painlessly hold a wound closed until it heals, with no chance of the sutures tearing or becoming infected.
Using a Super Suture will give a wounded person +1 to his first 1d recovery rolls from any injury. It will also give a surgeon +3 to Surgery skill if used during surgery. The spell will also prevent a wound from being infected (though it will do nothing about pre-existing infection).
See also the Seal Wound spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Minor Healing, Sterilize.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Super Suture. GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 50. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell raises the subject's effective HT to make survival rolls to avoid dying, just as if he had the Hard to Kill advantage.
For each level of this spell, the subject gets +1 to his effective HT to avoid dying when he is reduced to HP 0 or less. Note that this spell won't help the subject if he is reduced below -HT x 5 hits, he will automatically die.
This is also a Body Control spell.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2 points per every +1 to effective HT. Can't be maintained.
Prerequisites: Magery, Lend Health, and Resist Pain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points per point of effective HT increase.
Author: Adapted from the Net.
This spell allows the mage to create a sealed environment where living things need neither food, water or air, and do not age.
When the spell is cast a clear dome or bubble appears at the perimeter of the affected area. Anything inside the area of effect does not age and doesn't need to eat, drink or breathe. The creatures inside still must sleep and they can be wounded or killed, although they are immune to disease.
The only drawback is that once inside the sealed environment they can't get out, nor can the container they're in be opened by anything other than magic. In addition, spells or psionic powers won't work inside or through the dome. In all respects, the dome combines the effects of a Force Dome and an Utter Dome.
Unless they have sufficient stimulation and the proper habitat, creatures trapped in a sealed environment will eventually have to make rolls vs. Will to avoid going crazy from isolation and boredom. People (or higher animals) that are trapped in a sealed environment together might eventually kill each other or commit suicide.
This spell can only be dispelled by a counterspell or by a spell such as Remove Curse.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 10 points per hex, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Utter Dome, Force Dome, Suspended Animation, Monk's Banquet, Cure Disease, and Youth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points (b) Perpetual Fish Bowl. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 85. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points for a small fish bowl, 250 points for an aquarium up to 50 gallons, or 500 points per hex. (c) This spell can be made permanent for 500 points per hex.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 2.
This spell is identical to the Resurrection spell but the subject is only temporarily revived from the dead.
While temporarily revived, the subject must make a HT roll each day. If they fail the roll, they die again. The subject will automatically die again when the spell ends. The subject can also be killed or can die again by normal means. If the subject dies because the spell ends, they die an instantaneous, painless death.
The Resurrection spell can be cast on a person who has been Temporarily Resurrected although they are alive. However, if the Resurrection spell fails, the subject dies immediately and cannot be raised again, either by Resurrection or by Temporary Resurrection.
If the subject dies or is killed again while the Temporary Resurrection spell is in effect, they can be Temporarily Resurrected again, but at -4 to skill for each death they suffered while affected by Temporary Resurrection. If they die because they failed their daily HT roll to stay alive or because the mage could not maintain (or chose not to renew) the spell, they cannot be revived using Temporary Resurrection, only the Resurrection spell will work.
Also note that each prior attempt to raise someone using Temporary Resurrection (whether successful or not) gives -4 to skill to cast Partial Resurrection, Temporary Resurrection or Resurrection on the subject.
Successfully casting Resurrection or Great Resurrection on the subject "wipes the slate" of any penalties or limitations imposed on Temporary Resurrection.
Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 10 points, cost to maintain is equal to the base cost plus 5 points for every day beyond the first.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Major Healing, 5 other Healing spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points.
This spell will temporarily make the subject younger, restoring attributes (and other abilities) lost due to age.
If used offensively, it can temporarily turn someone back into a child, or even a newborn infant (but no further than that). Unwilling subjects roll vs. HT to resist.
This spell can also be used as a prerequisite for the Youth spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 plus 1 point per 5 years (or fraction thereof) of age to be removed from the subject, half to maintain
Prerequisite: Magery, Major Healing, and 5 other Healing spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.
When this spell is cast, all the subject's wounds are healed, no matter how severe they might be.
This spell will only work once per day for any given subject. In addition, the mage has a cumulative -1 penalty to use this spell more than once a day.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Major Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 10,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Hansen, Peter Brodt
This spell allows the mage to transfer disease from the subject to himself or another willing subject.
To cast the spell, the mage must touch the patient and the recipient (if any). When the spell is cast, the caster (or the recipient) begins to turn gray -taking on damage and other lost attributes from the patient while the patient improves. When the spell ends the caster (or subject) has the disease and the patient is cured.
Though lost attributes and hit points must be restored normally, the recipient of the disease gets an immediate HT roll (modified normally for severity of the disease) to shake off the disease. If he is naturally Immune to Disease (or has the Immunity spell cast on him before the Transfer Disease spell is cast), the disease is automatically cast out of his body. Otherwise, he must make HT rolls to heal himself.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: None for the recipient of the disease. The patient (or the mage, if the recipient is a third person) takes 2 points of Fatigue which must be recovered normally. This cost can't be reduced by high skill levels with this spell.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Transfer Wound.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Lee Gold (GURPS Japan)This spell allows pain to be transferred from the mage to the subject (or between two subjects specified by the mage). Any pain that would be felt by the mage (or the first subject) is instead felt by the subject. Any penalties due to wounds, magic spells that cause pain, or disadvantages such as Migraines are transferred to the victim.
Unwilling characters resist with HT. If this spell is cast on two subjects either recipient of the spell (or both) may roll to resist.
For double cost, the mage can make it so that both subjects feel each other's pain equally. Any pain felt by one subject is also felt by the other. All pain effects are cumulative.
Though this spell is normally used offensively, this spell can be used to allow the mage to transfer another person's pain to himself, or to a willing subject.
Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain. Subtract 1 point from costs if all subjects are willing.
Prerequisites: Steal Strength, Pain or Restore Strength.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Casts this spell on the wearer when there is a person in pain within 5 hexes. Always On. Can't be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.
This spell is a reversed variant of Steal Health. Touching a wounded person sucks up to 10 points of damage from them. However, the mage must transfer the damage to another person or be affected by it himself if it isn't transferred within 1d minutes. This spell must be cast separately for each wound, and a mage can make only one attempt to transfer a given injury. A roll to hit is required if the mage is trying to transfer a wound to an unwilling victim. If the victim resists, the mage takes the damage himself. The mage can also cast this spell on himself and transfer his wound to another person.
Duration: 1 second (effects are permanent until the wound is healed, wound must be transferred within 1d minutes).
Cost: 1 point per 2 points of damage transferred (round up). Can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Steal Health or Lend Strength.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Casts this spell on the wearer when there is a person with an injury within 5 hexes. Always On. Can't be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (c) Wound Wand, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 50. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson, GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell allows the mage to magically implant an organ from one creature into another.
In order to cast this spell, the mage must touch both the donor and the recipient. If either the donor or the recipient are unwilling they are allowed a roll vs. HT to resist.
The mage can also use this spell to transplant an organ that he has created using the Create Organ spell or that he has previously removed from the donor. In this case, the mage must hold the organ to be transplanted in his off hand as he touches the recipient.
If the transplanted organ came from a member of the same species, or is so genetically modified so that it won't be rejected, the transplant is automatically successful. The mage can attempt to implant organs from a member of one species into the body of another species, but at -6 to skill. In this case, if the spell fails, the recipient takes 3d damage and the xeno-organ is rejected.
Attempting to transplant multiple organs of the same type into the recipient (such as adding an extra heart to a person's body) is also allowed, but at -4 to skill. If the spell fails, the recipient takes 2d damage and the duplicate organ is rejected.
Transplants that replace an existing organ with a "better" one are allowed, but if the spell fails the subject takes 3d damage and their existing organ is destroyed! In most cases, this is likely to be fatal.
If either duplicate transplants or xeno-transplants are successful, the character must pay for any advantages or improved attributes gained from the transplanted organ. If the transplant reduces attributes, or causes Disadvantages, GM should reduce the character's point total accordingly.
This is also a Technology (Biotech) spell.
Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Major Surgery or Transfer Pregnancy.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer).This spell allows subject to regain 1 HT per 10 minutes.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Rapid Healing, Major Healing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
This spell grants the subject the Unaging advantage for its duration.
Any spells that cause the subject to age unnaturally (such as Steal Youth) must win a Contest of Skills before they can affect the subject.
If a character spends only part of a year under the influence of this spell, the GM must pro-rate the character's aging rate. If a character regularly uses this spell, the GM might require them to buy the Unaging advantage, with the appropriate limitations.
Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 20 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: Halt Aging.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects Wearer Only. Some versions are always on. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (c) This spell can be permanently cast on a subject for 750 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.
This spell imbues ordinary water with the essence of vitality. In order to cast this spell, the mage must start with clean, pure water, and the water must be contained in a clean vessel.
Anyone who drinks a quart of Water of Life regains 1 HP and they temporarily gain +2 to HT to resist the effects of disease, parasites or poison. Additional doses don't give extra HT bonuses, but they do heal more damage.
If a person bathes in this water, they regain 1d HP per day. Bathing requires at least 2 gallons of water. Additional baths will restore additional HP.
If a quart of water is poured over a wound just before the wound is bandaged, the water heals 1 point of damage, and the subject gets +4 to HT rolls to resist infection.
This water also has potent effects against undead and "evil" creatures such as demons. For every quart of water which is splashed an evil or undead creature, they take 1d-2 points of damage. If they can feel pain, they must make a Will roll to avoid crying out due to pain. If an evil or undead creature ingests Water of Life, they take 2d damage, and are at -2 to all skills and attributes for 1 hour afterwards.
If Water of Life is mixed with any other liquid, it loses its effectiveness.
This is also a Water spell.
Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 points per quart of water (8 per gallon), can't be maintained. For 10 times the base cost this spell can be made permanent.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Minor Healing, Sterilize, and Purify Water.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Crystal goblet or decanter. Any liquid placed in it is turned into Water of Life. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points per quart of capacity. (c) Font, Well or Fountain. Must weight at least 500 lbs. Any water placed in it (or which flows through it) is turned into Water of Life. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points per gallon of capacity (or gallon of flow per minute for running water), minimum cost 1,200 points.
The subject's immune system is enhanced with this spell, giving him +2 to HT to resist non-magical disease.
In addition, when the subject must make a HT roll to avoid illness or infect, the subject may roll twice and takes the better of two rolls. However, the spell automatically ends if both HT rolls fail.
Duration: 1 week, or until a HT roll is failed.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. For double cost, the subject gets +4 to his HT rolls.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Minor Healing and Lend Health.
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.