Animal Spells

An "animal" is any non-magical (or mostly non-magical) creature with an IQ 7- and the Bestial or Pre-Sentient disadvantages which is capable of naturally reproducing itself. By this definition dolphins, gorillas and griffins are all animals. Intelligent creatures such as unicorns are not, as are mindless magically created creatures and undead or artificial animals, such as animated skeletons or golems. If there is any doubt over whether or not a creature is an animal, the GM decides. Characters with Animal Empathy will be able to determine if a creature is sentient or not if they can make an IQ roll when meeting an unfamiliar creature.

Recommended Changes to Spells from GURPS Magic

Beast Possession - For 50% more, the mage's body remains semi-conscious, though effectively mindless (functional IQ 2). It will stay still but will present the illusion of full consciousness during that time. It will eat and drink if food is provided for it. It will move itself to a safe place if threatened by an environmental hazard (such as sunburn, fire, drowning, etc.), flee to safety if attacked, and do anything else that a trained animal of IQ 2 could do. Note that the mage cannot attack.
In other respects, this spell is like the Permanent Beast Possession spell.

Beast Seeker - Allow the mage to make one try per day to detect common sorts of animals or for a specific animal which regularly appears in the area.

Beast Summoning, etc. - Cost to cast the spell is per 10 miles of radius. If the mage specifies, he can exclude known animals of a given type or certain animals of a given type or further limit the range and direction of the spell.

Bird Control - This isn't a very useful spell. It should be combined with the Mammal Control spell if the GM doesn't combine all the Control spells.
GMs who wish to give their players a break can rule that Insect Control, Fish Control, Mollusk Control, Reptile Control, Bird Control, and Mammal Control are all just variants of the Beast Control spell which default to one another. To balance things out the GM may make the generic Beast Control spell M/VH and he can also rule that animals roll vs. HT rather than Will to avoid being controlled. See below for my version of this idea.

Fish Control - See Bird Control. If the GM rules that this is still a separate spell, the GM should allow this spell to work against all forms of aquatic life including things like sea turtles (reptiles), frogs (amphibians), and whales (mammals).

Insect Control - See Bird Control.

Mammal Control - See Bird Control.

Master - Drop requirement that the mage maintain eye contact as long as he maintains concentration. Darkness doesn't break the mage's control as long as he has a decent idea of where the animal is by means of some other sense. If the mage has no way of knowing where the animal is, then control is lost.

Mollusk Control - See Insect Control. This is a useless spell. Incorporate the ability to control mollusks into the Fish Control spell and drop this spell.

Reptile Control - See Insect Control. This isn't a terribly useful spell. It should be combined with one or more of the other animal control spells. "Control Lesser Life Forms" which combines Reptile and Insect Control seems logical for GMs who don't want a single animal control spell.

Rider - The mage can use the animal in any way that is appropriate for a domestic beast of that (or similar) type. For example, hawks can be used for hunting; camels can be used as beasts of burden, etc. Note that this spell does not give the mage the ability to ride a given sort of animal!

Rider Within - The mage must make an IQ (or Naturalist or Zoology skill) roll in order to use and interpret non-human senses, such as sonar or Infravision.

Shapeshifting - Six Animal spells are required as prerequisites, not just any six spells. For 1 extra point (plus 1 extra point to maintain) the mage is not subject to IQ loss for the duration of the spell. The GM should feel free to create whatever variants of this spell he desires and let his players come up with any variation which seems reasonable and which they are willing to pay for. Cats, Wolves, Eagles, Horses, Bears, and Fish are all common variants. For 1 point per 10 pounds of equipment, packs, etc. are not dropped onto the ground when the subject turns, but are absorbed into the subject's body.

Shapeshift Others - For 1 extra point (plus 1 extra point to maintain) the subject is not subject to IQ loss for the duration of the spell. If the subject is shapeshifted into a form which will quickly kill them (like shapeshifting someone into the shape of a fish in the middle of a desert) then the GM should give them a second roll vs. HT. Malicious mages have variants of this spell which will turn their victims into pigs, dogs, frogs, lizards, insects, small birds, or goldfish. For 1 point per 10 pounds of equipment, packs, etc. are not dropped onto the ground when the subject turns, but are absorbed into the subject's body.

Recommended Changes to Spells from GURPS Grimoire

(Animal) Control - Most of the new variants listed are utterly worthless. They should be variants of a more powerful spell. See Insect Control above.

Beast Rouser - This spell can also be used to spook animals. Every point of energy put into the spell gives -2 to the creature's Fright Check. How the beast reacts depends on the nature of the beast and the situation. Cornered animals that are frightened might attack!

Partial Shapeshifting - The variants of this spell should be Mental/Hard skills, not Mental/Very Hard. Minor changes or less effective variants of existing versions (such as the Flying Squirrel's Patagia variant, below) can have a Base Cost of 2 and a Maintenance Cost of 1.

Elephant's Nose (addition) - The trunk acts like an Extra Arm with the subject's ST, but with -4 to DX for fine manipulation. It can be used as a weapon to strike or grapple, but it can't hold weapons.
The trunk has the same HT and HP as the character's arm. It is targeted like an arm. It is crippled if it take more than 1/3 HT in damage. If it takes cutting damage equal to 1/2 HT in a single blow it is completely severed and extra damage "blows through". This ends the spell and permanently lowers the subject's Appearance by 2 levels (to a minimum of Hideous), since he is now missing his "real" nose.
The trunk gets +4 to DX or ST rolls to break free of Grapples or Arm Locks since it has no bones or joints in it. It can't be used to perform martial arts Maneuvers unless the subject knows the Non-Striker Blow (Trunk Strike) maneuver.
In addition, the trunk can act as a snorkel, allowing the subject to breathe as the trunk is held above water and the rest of his body is no more than 3' below the surface of the water.
If the character sucks water up his trunk, he can produce a harmless, but inconveniencing spray of water when he blows it out again. This spray has a reach of 2 hexes and hits if the subject can make a successful DX roll. It can't be Parried, but it can be Blocked or Dodged. On a critical hit, the subject is hit in the face and gets -2 to Vision on the next turn.
While this spell is in effect, the subject's appearance is lowered by one level, to a minimum of Hideous.

Snake's Fangs (Addition) - The subject's mouth and jaw also enlarge and change to resemble that of a poisonous snake. The subject's appearance is lowered by 2 levels (to a minimum of Hideous), but his bite does Cutting damage in addition to the Venom. In addition, the subject's mouth and throat become flexible enough that he can engulf objects as big as his head, albeit slowly, and digest them with no ill effects.

Permanent Beast Possession - For 50% more, the mage's body remains semi-conscious, as for the Beast Possession spell additions, above.

Repel (Animal) - The various Repel (Animal) spells should be combined into a more powerful and generic "Repel Creature" spell. Normal animals are automatically repelled, but animals under the control of someone else roll vs. the Will of the person controlling them, rather than the animal's HT. Created or Illusionary creatures are immune to this spell. Magical or intelligent animals are not checked by this spell, but they will know that the ward is there. Finally, if the mage desires he can tailor the spell so that certain types of animals, or certain individual animals are not blocked by this spell. For example, the mage could specify that wolves are repelled, but dogs are not or that only the mage's cats are repelled while other cats are not.

Spider Silk - If the mage is lowering himself or an object using a strand of spider silk, there is no limit on the length of the strand of silk he can produce.
The mage can fire as many strands of silk as he has hands, non-human mages with more than two hands can fire extra strands at the normal cost.
Multiple strands fired at the same location can be "braided" on the next turn so that they form a larger rope that has the combined ST and load bearing capacity of all the strands.
The mage has the option of making the strands stretchy (so that they will stretch up to 20% of their original length if stressed beyond their working load) or non-stretchy. He also has the option of making the strands sticky or non-sticky.
If used against a living creature or moving object, the mage can keep the target from moving farther away if he can win a Contest of ST. If the mage fails the contest, he is dragged along behind the target at the target's speed. The mage must make a DX roll to keep his feet, but his weight counts as additional Encumbrance for the target.
If the target is not fleeing, the mage jerk the target off balance if he can win a Contest of ST. For every point by which the mage wins the roll, the subject is at -1 to DX. If the mage wins the contest by 4 or more points, the subject must roll vs. DX to keep his feet.
In either case, if the mage wins the Contest of ST, he can try to pull the subject closer to him on the next turn. If the mage wins, the subject is dragged 1 hex closer. If the mage wins the contest by 4 or more points, the subject is dragged 2 hexes closer. For every additional 4 points by which the mage wins the contest the subject is dragged an additional hex that turn. If the subject has fallen, his effective ST is halved to resist being pulled towards the mage.
If cast on a solid, inanimate object, such as a wall, this spell will act as rope which the mage can climb or use to break his fall. In this case, the strand will support up to 1,000 lbs.
There are variations to this spell:
Multiple Strands - The mage can fire multiple strands from his hands. Extra strands beyond the first have double the base cost. Each multiple strand is at -4 to hit, per extra strand.
Extra Length - The mage can shoot longer threads at a cost of 2 points per every 5 hexes beyond 30 hexes.
Strong Strands - The mage can make his strands thicker and stronger. Each extra point gives +1 ST to the "tip strength" of the missile, 5 ST to the strand strength, and allows the strand to hold an addition 250 pounds.

Animal Spells in GURPS Magic

Beast Link
Beast Possession
Beast Seeker
Beast Soother
Beast Speech
Beast Summoning
Bird Control
Fish Control
Insect Control
Mammal Control
Mollusk Control
Reptile Control
Rider Within
Shapeshift Others
Create Animal - Illusion and Creation

Animal Spells From GURPS Grimoire

(Animal) Control
Beast Rouser
Great Shapeshifting (VH)
Hybrid Control (VH)
Merging Shapeshifting (VH)
Partial Shapeshifting (VH)
Permanent Beast Possession (VH)
Permanent Shapeshifting (VH)
Repel (Animal)
Repel Hybrids (VH)
Spider Silk

Animal Spells from the Codex Arcanum

Bone to Ivory - Necromantic
Create Bait - Illusion & Creation
Create Herd - Illusion & Creation
Delactation - Body Control
Find Familiar - Enchantment
Form Lock - Metaspells
Howl - Sound
Lactation - Body Control
Lame - Body Control
Plague - Necromantic
Protection from Slimes - Protection & Warning
Purge Parasites - Healing
Repel Parasites - Healing
Secrete Venom - Body Control
Silversilk - Making & Breaking
Tentacles - Illusion & Creation
Wereshape(VH) - Enchantment
Winged Flight - Movement
Worms of Death - Necromantic

Afflict Animal Regular; Resisted by HT

This spell allows the caster to lessen the quality of the breeding and confirmation in an animal. This will reduce the value (or character points) of the animal by up to 30%. Animals can be made non-productive (for example cows could be made to not give milk or chickens to not lay eggs) for cost equivalent to a 10% reduction in value.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 5 per 100 lb. of animal per each 10% decrease in value.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, Create Animal
Item: Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. Usable only by a mage.

Alter Behavior Regular, resisted by Will

This spell lets the caster temporarily change an animal's behavior. For example, a rabbit could be made to not fear foxes, a dog could be made not to bark, or a cat could be made to eat a food which it didn't like (but which it could eat). Each casting of this spell removes, adds, or changes one specific, instinctive (or learned) habit. This spell cannot be used to implant behaviors which are grossly self-destructive or which the animal is not naturally capable of doing. For example, a cat couldn't be given the urge to jump into fires or drive a car.
Wild animals can be made tame or domestic animals can be made wild by means of this spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain (add 1/2 point to base cost for every hex of creature beyond 1 that the creature occupies)
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Prerequisite: Master
Item: Staff or Wand that allows the user to cast the spell. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Animal Aging Regular, resisted by HT

This is the reverse of the Animal Youth spell. Each application of this spell ages an animal by the equivalent of one year of human age.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 3 per 50 lb. of animal (minimum of 5 points), can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Afflict Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points. Mage only.

Animal Attraction Area, resisted by Will

This spell creates an area of musk, pheromones, or other chemicals that have the effect of arousing or enraging creatures that are susceptible to pheromones. The mage can select the sort of creatures he wishes to effect and what sort of emotion he wishes to invoke, limited only by what chemicals the creature would naturally respond to. For example, the mage could produce the chemical that causes bees to become angry and defend their hive to enrage a colony of bees. He could produce deer musk to attract stags to a hunting blind, or he could produce scent markings that mark a certain territory as belonging to a specific wolf.
It is up to the GM to determine how domestic animals might react to scents. For example, the scent of a mare in season might make a knight's stallion fractious and hard to manage, while the smell of a tomcat might only make a dog pause for a moment to investigate. Intelligent creatures (IQ 7+) get a Will roll to avoid their "natural" reactions, though pheromones can be used to get a +1 to the appropriate Reaction roll, skill, or Suggestion spell in all cases. (Assuming that the creature would naturally respond to the chemical.) For example, pheromones can be used to make members of the opposite sex more relaxed and happy giving +1 to Reactions and Sex Appeal rolls.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell and an Air spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Base Cost: 4 per hex, same to maintain
Prerequisite: Musk, Perfume, Mind Control
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500. (b) Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Animal Cavity Regular, resisted by Will

This spell creates a hollow space inside an animal that it cannot feel. It works only on large animals with big bodies, such as horses, rhinos or whales. In spite of the cavity, the animal's body continues to function normally though the extra weight of any "riders" will add to its Encumbrance.
Anyone who touches the animal and concentrates will be magically transported inside the cavity unless it is already full. Characters entering the cavity can bring anything they are wearing and holding, up to Heavy encumbrance. The moment the spell ends or the animal dies, the riders are instantly expelled.
The cavity's size is based on the animal, the cavity is 1 cy in size for every 1000 lbs. that the animal weighs or for every 2 hexes that the animal takes up (round up), whichever is less. Animals less than 2 hexes in size can have this spell cast on them, but the cavity created is likely to be too small for any but the smallest creatures to enter.
For example, a 1,000-lb. 2 hex pony could have a cavity 1 cy in size created inside it. It could carry a child, midget or halfling in relative comfort, or an adult human who was willing to curl up. A 3 hex, 2,000-lb. warhorse would have a cavity 1.5 cy in size, in which an adult human could lie down. Large animals such as elephants, whales or dragons could conceivably hold dozens of people.
The cavity is not illuminated, but it is dry and warm and it has an inexhaustible air supply. Passengers must remain relatively quiet and inactive to avoid upsetting the animal that can detect loud noises and sudden motions. The walls of the cavity are hard (DR 8) but not immune to injury. Yelling, slashing the walls with a sword, or setting a fire will cause the beast to panic. The effects of this are up to the GM. Characters inside a charging or bucking animal are likely to be slammed into one another (the cavity doesn't have hand holds) or get motion sickness. If the cavity is targeted from outside the animal, it is considered to be located in the animal's Body. However, any shots to the cavity must first penetrate the DR of hide, the animal's and then Blow Through the animal's body. Any damage left over must penetrate the DR of the cavity before people inside can be hit. Creatures in the cavity are hit on a roll of 9 or less, and specific body locations can't be targeted.
Animal spells cast on the animal are more effective when cast from inside it. In addition to giving the animal -4 to Resistance rolls. Animal spells cast on the beast last twice as long and require half their normal energy to cast (minimum of 1 point, unless the mage has mastered the spell to the point where he can cast it with no fatigue).
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 1 per hex of animal size; 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Rider Within, Alter Body
Item: (a) Jewelry or Clothing. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Harness, saddle or other riding equipment. When placed on an animal, it becomes the subject of this spell.
Author: Adapted from Net

Animal Emotion Regular, Resisted by Will

The caster can implant the emotion of his choice in an creature or a group of small creatures by means of this spell. Typical emotions are lust, fear, irritation, rage, curiosity, calm etc., higher emotions such as guilt or nostalgia will not have an effect. This spell will have the effect of lowering or raising an animal's reaction rolls by plus or minus twice the energy put into the spell if the mage desires it.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 1 per hex of creature, 1 to maintain
Prerequisite: Beast Soother
Item: Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Clothing. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Animal Messenger Regular

This spell allows a caster to summon a small creature (up to 20 lb.) who will carry a message or a very small object to a destination and person (or class of person) chosen by the caster.
The caster can summon any nearby bird or animal (or a reasonable substitute). The caster can attach or give a written message or other small object to the animal. The animal will then go at a brisk pace to the location named by the caster and either wait with the message until the spell ends or leave the message, as determined by the caster.
If the caster specifies, the animal will allow the recipient of the message to take the message from it's body. If the spell runs out before the message is delivered, the animal will drop the message and go about its business. The animal will not take undue risks while delivering the message, but will do its best to follow the caster's orders.

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Beast Summoning
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points., 300 points if the item will only summon a specific type of creature.

Animal Plague Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell causes the subject (which can be a person or object) to become incredibly attractive to one broad class of creatures, such as insects, rodents, birds, or fish. As long as the spell is in effect, animals of the given sort will constantly try to get at the subject. They will swarm over him, not necessarily doing him any harm, but causing all sorts of problems.
For double cost, the subject becomes incredibly tasty to the animals in question, or drives them into a rage. In either case, the animals will constantly attack the subject until he has been killed or the spell ends.
The categories for this spell are the same as for Beast Summoning. Note that this spell will not work if the specified type of animal is not present or if they can't travel to the subject's location within the duration of the spell.

Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain. Halve the cost if the of type of animals summoned are very rare, or very weak. Double cost if the animals will attack the subject, or if the animals summoned are extremely powerful or dangerous, or are very valuable.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisite: Attract Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Item symbolic of the creatures to be summoned, such as a nut for rodents, or a feather for birds. Summons creatures to the presence of the item. Depending on the nature of the item they may, or may not attack the holder of the item. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points for an item that summons innocuous creatures (such as rodents, small fish or insects). 150 points for an item that summons animals that can be used for food, or which have some combat potential (such as birds, large fish, or most mammals). 250 for an item that summons powerful, valuable or dangerous creatures (such as bears, ermine, or poisonous snakes). Double costs if the creatures will attack the subject.

Animal Sleep Regular; Resisted by IQ

The subject animal falls into a deep sleep until it is disturbed or naturally awakens at the end of the spell. This spell is identical to the Mind Control spell Sleep, but it will only work on unintelligent or Presentient creates with IQ 7 or less.

Duration: 8 hours (or until the creature is disturbed).
Cost: 4 (for each hex of animal size), can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisite: Master.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Collar. Makes the wearer (who must be an animal) fall asleep when a command word is spoken. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Ellion

Animal Warning Area

This spell causes animals around the area of spell to make warning cries when a triggering event, specified by the caster occurs. The event must be something an animal would notice, like a certain person or sort of creature entering the area or a certain position of the sun.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 12 hours
Base Cost: 1/2 (minimum 1), same to maintain. Can be made permanent for 50 points per hex.
Prerequisite: Beast Soother
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Animal Youth Regular, resisted by HT

This spell permanently removes the animal equivalent of 1 year of human age from a single animal. For example, if one "human year" is equal to 7 "dog years" then one application of this spell would reduce a dog's effective age by a bit less than 2 months (in "human years").
An animal can be made into a newborn (or just hatched) baby, but it can't be reduced to an embryo or fetus.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 5 per 50 lb. of animal (minimum of 5 points), can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Improve Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 3,500 points. Mage only.

Attract Animals Area, Resisted by Will

This spell will attract all animals within a 1-mile radius to an area specified by the caster. The animals will move at their normal speed towards the point, and may take several hours to appear. The caster may specify or exclude certain species of animals or specific individual animals when the spell is cast.

Duration: 12 hours
Base Cost: 6 to cast, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Beast
Item: Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points., 250 points. if it only summons one species of creature.

Beast Control (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

For GMs who don't like the various "control" spells, this spell allows characters a bit more flexibility. If this spell is used, the GM should not allow any of the various "Control" spells in the game.
This spell allows the mage to control the actions of any one large animal or up to about 100 lb. of smaller creatures. Concentration is required.
Each Order of animals is a different variation of this spell and the different variants default to each other at -4. The mage should assume that one variant is his "base" skill level and the other spells default from that. The variants can be improved up to the base level by the normal means, or the base level can be improved which improves all the other skills, just like regular defaults between similar skills.
The specializations available within the Animal Control Spell are:
Mammals: Mammals and marsupials, including sea-going and flying mammals. Any warm-blooded creature with fur or hair. At the GM's option, fantastic or giant mammalian beasts can be controlled with this spell.
Birds: All warm-blooded creatures with feathers, including flightless birds, but excluding bats. Fantastic birds, such as Rocs or the Phoenix, giant birds, or birdlike monsters might also be included in this spell at the GM's option.
Insects: All flying, swimming or crawling arthropods and invertebrates including arachnids, centipedes, worms, mollusks, protozoa and other creepy crawlies. This spell might include giant types within the category, and fantastic insects or insectoid monsters, at the GM's whim.
Fish: All aquatic or mostly aquatic creatures including aquatic arthropods like crabs, invertebrates like sponges, mollusks like shellfish and squid, marine mammals, aquatic amphibians and reptiles, and so forth. Note that there is some overlap between this spell and the Control Insect spell. At the GM's whim, this spell might include aquatic monsters.
Reptiles: Any cold-blooded scaly or slimy terrestrial vertebrate including lizards, snakes, frogs and salamanders. At the GM's whim, this spell might include giant reptiles, reptilian monsters and the like.
The GM can come up with other appropriate variants for any special types of creatures on his own world, for example. "Slime Control" could be used to control large amorphous creatures with corrosive saliva or similar attacks (such as Reeks) in a world where such creatures exist. Hybrid Control could be used to control magical hybrids (such as griffins, which combine the features of mammals and birds,) which have animal intelligence.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain
Prerequisite: Beast Soother
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. for an item which can control one specific type of creature. 800 points. for an item which can control all creatures of a given class. 2,500 points. for an item that can control all sorts of animals.

Beast Image Information, resisted by IQ

If the mage has a bit of fur, bone or dung or if he can touch a track left by the creature, this spell allows him a brief mental vision of the animal from who left the sample or track. If the spoor was actually produced by a mage or someone trying to lay a false trail, they get a resistance roll vs. IQ. Alternatively, the mage must win a contest of spell skills if he is trying to overcome another spell.
Whether or not the mage can identify the animal if he sees it again is up to the GM. If there is any doubt, roll vs. IQ.
This is also a Knowledge spell.

Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Call of the Wild Regular, resisted by IQ

When cast on any domesticated or trained creature (usually a normal animal) the subject creature is irrevocably returned to a wild state, and can no longer be trained or tamed. The animal will try to escape to the wilderness at the first opportunity. The animal can resist with IQ, but few will want to. Note that this does not give the skill to live in the wild, so some animals (i.e., sheep) may not fare so well.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Beast Speech, Repel (Animal type)
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Ellion

Call Swarm Regular

Author: S. John Ross (GURPS Russia)

Carnivore Attraction Regular, Resisted by HT

This spell will make the subject seem particularly tasty to carnivorous animals, making them more likely to attack and causing them to attack the subject by preference. Carnivores react at -4 to the subject and always attack him in preference to other possible targets.

Duration: 12 hours
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Magery, Summon Beast
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Can't be removed. Always on. 250 points.

Celtic Shapeshift Others Special, Resisted by IQ

Author: GURPS Celtic Myth

Celtic Shapeshifting Regular

Author: GURPS Celtic Myth

Change Animal Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to change an animal from one species to another. The new animal will have all the characteristics of a normal animal of its type. The original creature is allowed a resistance roll vs. HT to avoid the change.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 2, plus 1 per every 100 lbs. the original animal weighted and 1 for every 100 lbs. of difference between the original form and the new form. Same to maintain. The change can be made permanent for triple the normal cost.
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Magery, Alter Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. Works for mage only.

Change Coloration Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to change an animal's coloration to any color or pattern naturally found in creatures of that species. For example, a cat could be turned from black to gray tabby, but it couldn't be turned purple. This spell won't work on any creature with an IQ of 7 or better.

Duration: 1 week
Cost: 1 per 100 lb. of animal (minimum 1 point), same to maintain. Color changes can be made permanent for 10 times the base cost.
Prerequisite: Alter Animal
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Collar. Works for wearer only. Always on. Turns wearer color specified by mage when the item is enchanted. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points. points.

Create Blob Regular

Creates an smelly, amorphous, creature which eats a certain type of material and which is immune to certain types of damage. Blobs have ST 6, DX 10, HT 12/10, IQ 1 and Move 3. Blobs do 1 point of damage per turn that they remain in contact with a sort of material they eat. Unless it is completely sealed, armor only protects for turns equal to DR, then the blob's pseudopods wriggle through the gaps.
Red: Eats ferrous metals. Immune to metal weapons and fire.
Green: Eats flesh and wood, only vulnerable to fire.
Gray: Eats Stone and Flesh, immune to stone weapons.
Brown: Eats flesh, can only be killed by being hacked or blown to bits.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 5, same to maintain. Can be made permanent for 50 points.
Prerequisite: Create Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points.

Create Faerie Animal Regular

This spell creates a small animal (no more than 20 lb.) which has supernatural or "faerie" properties. It is possible that this spell doesn't actually summon the creature, just transports one that already exists somewhere in the world.
The animal can't have an IQ above 6. Its ST can't exceed 10 and it can have no more than 20 points in Natural Attack or Super advantages, Super Powers, innate spells or innate Psionic powers and skills. Any innate spells or powers can't exceed a skill level of 12. Beyond this, the appearance of the animal can be anything that the mage can imagine or any type of faerie with which he is familiar.
Note that when the animal is created (or summoned) it is a free-willed creature. It must immediately make a Reaction Roll to the mage, and possibly its new surroundings (and those in it). On any result less than a Good reaction, it will attempt to flee or hide.
The GM is free to limit the number of a given type of faerie creatures the mage can create at any given time or to have faerie animals react negatively if they are (or likely will be) abused. The GM should also feel free to give faerie animals unexpected powers (such as the Curse or Invisibility spells as an innate magic) and quirky personalities. Faerie should always be strange and unpredictable!
This is also a Gate spell and a Metaspell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, Sense Faerie or Sense Gate, Create Animal.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. Mage Only.

Create Giant Spider Regular

This spell creates a giant (5 foot tall) hunting spider with ST 16, DX, 15, IQ 6, HT 14, Move/Dodge 7/7, PD/DR 2/2, Damage: 1d imp (half damage if strongly poisonous, see below), Reach: C, Size: 2 hex, Weight: 200 lb.
For an additional cost, the spider will use a strong poison (Type F Venom) otherwise, it uses type A Venom. Both types of venom are described in GURPS Compendium II. The spider can a jump up to 3 times its own length and attack when it lands on the target. Treat this attack as a flying tackle (see p. B113). In other respects, this spell is like the Create Animal spell.
Venom Type A: Roll against HT-4 immediately. Failure causes 1d+1 damage. Critical failure causes death. Roll vs. HT-4 again at the beginning of the each day for the next 3 days. Modifiers to the HT roll: +1 if the venom is sucked out within 5 minutes. If all rolls are successful, the venom has no effect.
Venom Type F: Roll against HT-6 immediately. Failure causes 2d damage. Critical failure causes death. Anyone taking damage is nauseated and dizzy; -3 to all attribute checks and skill rolls for 1d hours. If the HT-6 roll is made, no damage is taken, but the victim still feels sick for 3d minutes; -3 to all attribute checks and skill rolls as above.
A variant of this spell exists which allows the mage to create a giant scorpion, as described in GURPS Fantasy Bestiary. A giant scorpion costs as much to create as a giant spider with strong venom.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4 or 6 with strong venom, half to maintain
Time to Cast: equal to cost, in seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, IQ 13+, Create Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Peter Brodt

Create Meat Regular

This spell will create a quantity of raw meat from an animal specified by the mage when the spell is cast. Though the mage may specify the cut and quality of the meat, this spell does not create cooked meat, for that the mage needs the Create Food spell.
This spell is also a Food spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1 per pound of meat. Double cost if rare or fine-quality meat is to be created. Halve costs if low-quality meat (suitable for animal feed only) is to be created (minimum cost: 1 point). Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: 3 Animal Spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Create Small Animal Regular

This spell allows the caster to create any non-magical animal that he is familiar with up to about 50 lb. The animal disappears if it is killed.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 1 plus 1 per 20 lb. beyond the first 10 lb. (maximum 3 points for 50 lb.), 1 to maintain
Prerequisite: Create Vermin
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry or Clothing (typically a hat). Energy Cost to Create: 350 points., 150 points if it will just create one type of creature.

Create Vermin Regular

This spell allow the mage to create any sort of small creature with which he is personally familiar, which weighs no more than 4 oz.
If the mage has the Naturalist skill (or a similar skill such as Zoology or Biochemistry) he can get extremely specific about the type of creature he wishes to create. He can create diseased, genetically engineered or rabid vermin if he makes his skill roll by 3 or more.
Up to one vertebrate creature (mouse, rat, toad, etc.) or one ounce of insects or similar small creatures can be produced with this spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1 point
Item: Vermin Bag GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 86. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Creature Horde Regular

Creates a 1 hex horde of stinging or biting creepy-crawlies: rats, insects, spiders, snakes or whatever which are under the control of the caster. The horde attacks and defends normally and will cause damage and distraction to unprotected foes. The caster has his choice of any sort of creepy-crawly in the area. The statistics for a given type of horde can be found in the Bestiary.
At the GM's option, each type of horde can require a different variant of the spell in order to cast.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain. Each doubling of cost adds one more hex of creatures.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Prerequisite: Control Animal, Control Insect, Summon Animal or Call Swarm.
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry that allows the user to cast the spell. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points., 250 points if it will just summon one sort of creature.

Cure Were-Sickness Regular, resisted by HT

When cast on a person who has been infected by the bite of a were-creature, this spell will cure its disease, eliminating any shapeshifting abilities within 24 hours. The subject must be present for the duration of the spell, and the mage must touch the subject at the end of the spell.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 20 points
Time to Cast: 1 hour
Prerequisite: Magery, Prevent Shapeshifting, 5 Healing Spells
Item: Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points. Usable only by a mage. Such items are extremely rare and are hated by most weres.

Darting Fish Area

Summons up a school of small fish that will surround the caster darting in every direction. This has the effect of obscuring the caster and confusing opponents. The caster is at -2 to be targeted by missile weapons and gets +1 PD as long as the fish surround him. His attacks are not affected by the fish.
This is the aquatic version of the Insect Swarm spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Base Cost: 3 per hex, 1 to maintain
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisite: Beast Soother, Beast Summoning
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Death Scarab Regular

The caster creates a small, magical beetle that burrows into the victim's body, gradually eating its way to the victim's heart. The scarab crawls from the caster's hand to the victim's body (the caster must touch the victim to do this, but he gets multiple tries). Once the scarab is on the victim, it finds an unprotected spot and starts to burrow.
The scarab will immediately begin burrowing towards the warmest part of the victim's body, which is usually the victim's vitals. Unless the victim is wearing sealed armor, armor just keeps the scarab from doing damage for turns equal to the armor's DR. After that, the scarab will find a place where it can bypass the armor.
Each minute that the scarab feeds, it does 1 point of damage to the victim's body and will move one hit location closer to the victim's vitals. For example, a scarab that enters by the foot will attack the foot first, then the leg, then the abdomen, then the chest, then the vitals. Attacks to the vitals have damage tripled, just like normal. If the scarab is placed on the victim's head, it will burrow into the victim's Brain rather than his vitals, doing triple normal damage to the brain.
When the scarab is on the skin it may be picked off (roll vs. DX to avoid having them attack the hand!) or burned off. A scarab that is still in a limb may be cauterized or excised. In both cases, a roll vs. First Aid-4 or Surgery is required to kill the scarab, and the victim takes full damage from the flame and/or knife.
Once the scarab has entered the victim's abdomen or chest cavity only surgery can save the victim and all Surgery rolls is at -4 (due to the necessarily hasty nature of the surgery and the difficulty of finding the scarab). Scarabs have PD 3, DR 2, and 1 HP.
Super-medicine can stop or remove the scarab before it can kill the subject but it is far simpler to use Psionic Healing or the Cure Disease spell to destroy the parasite. Low Tech medicine is helpless to cope with the scarab once it's gotten into the chest cavity.
An alternate way to deal with the scarab fool it into burrowing out of the body by making the victim's skin the warmest spot on his body. This can be accomplished by means of the Fever spell or by holding a torch or similar very hot object to the subject's flesh (enough to do 1 point of damage per minute). If the heat source on the victim's skin is hot enough to do damage, when the scarab gets close to the skin, it will take damage and die.
If the victim is turned to something other than flesh (stone, wood, water, etc.) the scarab will become dormant. Likewise, if the victim is placed in stasis, the scarab will also become inert.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Permanent, until victim is dead.
Cost: 6, can't be maintained
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, Shapeshift
Item: A jewel or semi-precious stone carved into the shape of a scarab that is activated by body heat or a command word. When the victim is dead, the scarab turns back into a jewel. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Detect Animals Information

This spell is a limited version of Sense Life that only detects the presence of creatures with an of IQ6 or less. In other respects, it is identical to the Sense Life spell.
The mage can choose to detect a specific type or class of creature. He can also exclude known individuals of the type he wishes to seek if he specifies them before casting.
This is also a Knowledge spell.

Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 2 points
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points, or 75 points if it detects only one sort (or a few sorts) of animals.

Enrage Animals Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell acts like the Beast Summoning (or Fish Summoning spell if the subject is in water) but the spell makes the subject incredibly offensive to all animals within a 1/2 mile.
Any animals in the area move as fast as they can to attack the subject, to stopping until the victim is dead, unconscious, or has fled the area. If the victim tries to hide the animals will hunt him down and try to break into his hiding place.
For the duration of the spell the animals will do nothing but try to attack the subject of the spell. They will ignore animals of a different species, but will cooperate with other animals of their own species if they would do so ordinarily. They will not attack the character if it means certain death (i.e., they would have to plunge through roaring flames to get to the character) but otherwise they will attack fearlessly.
The GM must determine what sort of animals appear, depending on the terrain and the animals available. In any case, the subject will be attacked by 1d-3 (minimum 1) Hordes of insects, small animals, and similar creatures. In a wilderness area with many big game animals, the victim could be attacked by dozens of large animals.
If he specifies before this spell is cast, the mage can exclude animals or fish of a given type or size.

Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 8 points, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, Master, Summon Animal, Animal Emotion, Carnivore Attraction.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer as if the spell were cast on him. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points

False Prey Regular

This spell creates the prey animal of the caster's choice. It will behave like a normal animal of its type, except that it will never stray from the area set by the mage when the spell is cast and it will wink out of existence when it is "killed". In other respects, it is like a normal animal of its type. It can "fight" if the mage wishes it to do so, but any damage it inflicts is illusionary and vanishes when the spell ends. If the mage is "killed" or "knocked out" by the animal, the spell automatically ends.
The mage can use this spell to create any sort of animal he can imagine, as long as it exists in his world. However, the animal can only be seen by the mage and by those who he wishes to also see it. Likewise, it can only affect those people who can see it. Anyone who doesn't wish to participate in the "hunt" can automatically disbelieve the animal's existence. The only exception to this are hunting animals (such as hawks and hounds) under the mage's control.
This spell is extremely popular among huntsmen, since it allows them to hunt and "kill" rare and exotic prey, or prey that is out of season. This spell can be used (and is preferred) by mages with Animal Empathy and Beast Kin, since they aren't harming a real animal. Since the animal isn't "real" those advantages give no bonuses to reaction rolls from the animal, though they still apply to Animal Skills skill rolls and to IQ rolls to figure out what the animal will do next.
This is also an Illusion and Creation spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Cost: 1 for a tiny creature (like a mouse or bird), 2 for a small creature (like a rabbit, duck or fox), 3 per hex of larger creature, half base cost to maintain (minimum 1).
Prerequisite: Complex Illusion, Summon Animal.
Item: Hunting Horn. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

False Trail Area, Resisted by IQ

The mage removes all signs of the subject's trail and replaces it with the trail of some other creature with which he is familiar. The GM may require a roll against Naturalist, Tracking or Survival skill if there is any doubt.
If the mage fails his skill roll, the trail still appears, but doesn't look realistic to anyone who can make a successful Tracking roll. If the mage doesn't care about being realistic, he can let his imagination run wild. Making false human (or humanoid) trails do not require a Naturalism roll, unless, perhaps, the mage isn't human).
If there is more than one trail in the area of effect, they may also be changed for the same cost as it cost to change the first trail. In addition, by paying the base cost again, the mage can add false trails to make it appear that more than one creature passed along an existing trail. For example, the mage could spend 10 Fatigue and generate the impression that 10 men passed where only one person actually went. Extra trails parallel the "real" trail as closely as possible and conform to the terrain so that they look realistic.
The GM can also require the GM to pay double or even triple the base cost to alter the trail of a large or especially destructive creature like a bulldozer or a fire elemental.
The trail the subject leaves must be reasonably possible to detect by sight and/or smell - no trails of fleas or air elementals! Also, the trail created is a real alteration of the landscape, it is not illusory and cannot be dispelled, nor can it be detected by magic, smell, or Infrared vision.
This affects not only footprints, but scent and other traces of passage, such as broken branches. It does not make the subject harder to track, but will fool most trackers into thinking they are following the wrong trail. It can also be used to lure hunters and their dogs.
This is also a Plant spell and a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 30 minutes
Base Cost: 1, same to maintain. For double the base cost an additional trail can be falsified or a false trail can be laid which parallels a real trail.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Beast Summoning or Shape Plant.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing, Jewelry or Footgear. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann, Net.

Fertilize Eggs Regular

This spell makes any egg that is whole, and not broken, cooked or rotten, fresh and viable. If properly incubated and tended, eventually they will hatch. If not properly tended, they will eventually die or rot, though this spell can be used to refresh the eggs again.
This is also a Food spell and a Technology (Biotech) spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1 per dozen eggs (or fraction thereof) the size of hen's eggs or fewer eggs of a larger size, 2 for a single large egg (such as that of an ostrich, lizard man or dinosaur), 3 for a huge egg (like that of a dragon).
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points. (b) Basket or similar container. Any eggs put into this item have this spell cast on them. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Fisherman Regular or Area, resisted by HT

This spell causes any fish in the area to immediately swim into the mage's net, bite on his fishing line, or jump onto the bank, pier, or ship where he is standing. If he specifies before this spell is cast, the mage can exclude fish of a known type and size.
This spell allows the mage to catch one or more fish, as if he had made a successful Fishing roll.

Duration: 15 minutes
Cost: 1 to enchant a fishing line, 3 to enchant a fishing net or trap, 3 per hex of radius to attract all fish to a given location. Can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Beast Soother
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Fishing line or net. Works for user only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Force Shapeshifting Regular, resisted by HT

When cast on a were-creature or similar shapeshifter, this spell forces them to undergo metamorphosis into their other form or forces them to remain in their current form. For example, a werewolf in wolf form would be either forced to metamorphosis back into his human form or prevented from doing so for the duration of the spell.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: Permanent, until next change
Cost: 5, can't be maintained
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, Shapeshift
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. Usable only by a mage. (b) A piece of clothing or jewelry which blocks transformation into a were's other form costs 200 points.

Foul Scent Regular, resisted by Will

When the mage casts this spell, the subject emits an unbelievably foul scent that is only detectable by carnivorous animals.
In most circumstances, the odor makes predators avoid you. However, if they are extremely hungry or angry, they can attack you if they make a Will roll. Magically controlled or created animals ignore this spell as do animals with No Sense of Smell. In some cases a predator might accidentally attack you (for example, if you are attacked by a jaguar leaping on you from above). In this case, the predator must make a Will roll to continue with the attack, just as if you were protected by the Foul Taste smell.
The scent extends to a radius of 5 hexes around the subject, giving some protection to people near the subject. However, a predator does not need to make a Will roll to attack someone within the scent area who does not have this spell cast on them. A negative side effect of this spell is that as long as it is place, a predator can automatically detect the subject's location or trail by scent.
The mage can tailor the scent so that it is inoffensive to animals specified by the mage when the spell is cast. This allows the subject to ward off predators while retaining good relations with inoffensive carnivores such as dogs and cats.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Prerequisites: Foul Taste
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Some versions are Always On and Cannot be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.

Foul Taste Regular

Causes the subject's body to taste horrible. Any creature biting the subject must make a Will roll to make a second or subsequent bite attack, though it can make other kinds of attacks.
Animals and other creatures with the Discriminatory Smell advantage can determine the fact that the subject is bad to eat. They react to the character at +4 or -4 (with reactions being modified towards "Doesn't Attack"). Other interactions with animals aren't affected.

Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Prerequisite: Beast Soother
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Clothing. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Giant Animal Form (VH) Regular

This spell allows the mage to turn into a giant animal of some sort. Normally this is a "giant" version of an insignificant creature, like an insect or small animal - "giant" versions of large animals are likely too expensive to assume!
Each variant of this spell is a separate spell. In other respects, this spell is identical to the Shapeshifting spell, including potential IQ loss.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 3 per 50 lbs. of weight of the form assumed, half to maintain. For one extra point, the mage is no vulnerable to IQ loss.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Shapeshifting, Giant Insect
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.

Giant Animal Form Other (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to turn the subject into a giant animal of specific type. In other respects, it is identical to the Giant Animal Form spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 3 per 50 lbs. of weight of the form assumed, half to maintain. For one extra point, the mage is no vulnerable to IQ loss.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Giant Animal Form
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.

Giant Insect Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows a mage to make a normal insect into a giant insect (about 100 to 200 lb. depending on the basic size of the insect) or turn a giant insect into a normal sized insect. Giant insects are under the command of the mage. This spell will also work on any other non-sentient beast which have a normal weight of less than 1/2 lb. such as a small crab, spider, or mouse.
Statistics for giant insects are found in the GURPS Bestiary. For other animals, the GM should assume that HT, DX, and IQ remain the same, but that ST is increased to at least 20 and Hit Points are increased to at least 10. Giant arthropods will have at least PD 1, DR 1 from their exoskeletons. Move is extrapolated from the creature's normal Move. Slow creatures have a Move 2. Normal creatures have Move 5. Extremely fast creatures have Move 7+. Flying creatures have double their ground Move or 10 whichever is more.
Damage can also be extrapolated from the creature's normal abilities though for convenience, the GM can just assume that the creature has at least one effective close-combat attack which does 1d points of damage if it hits.

Duration: 1 minute (giant insects reduced to normal size are reduced permanently).
Cost: 6, 3 to maintain (4 points to reduce giant insects to normal size).
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Prerequisite: Enlarge Beast.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 600 points. (b) Collar, which makes a creature, giant-sized as long as it is worn. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Goose Chase Area; Resisted by IQ

The Goose Chase spell is much like the False Trail spell, except that it produces a false trail just in front of any trackers - so that pursuers will be led astray while their quarry makes it's escape.
When this spell is cast, anyone searching for the subject of the spell must make an IQ roll or follow a false trail that is magically laid just in front of the tracker.
This trail is always appears to be that of the subject and it is always laid in a way that makes it appear to be realistic, other than that, it goes randomly. For example, it will not cross barriers that the subject could not cross or go in "illogical" directions.
If it is not possible for the trail to continue in a way that makes sense to the trackers, it will simply stop dead or continue in an unrealistic fashion - mage's choice at time of casting.
This is also a Plant spell and a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 30 minutes.
Base Cost: 2, same to maintain. For double the base cost the mage can hide the path of another subject.
Time to Cast: 6 seconds.
Prerequisites: False Trail, Any 3 Animal or Plant spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Guardian Beast Regular

This spell is like the Animal Warning spell, but it is cast on a small animal (no larger than 20 lbs.). The animal will only guard an area 20' in radius or objects in its line of sight, whichever is smaller. Alternately, the animal will guard a specific person or item within the area.
When the spell is triggered, or the person or object the animal is "guarding" is threatened, the animal turns into a giant and ferocious beast. Small dogs turn into huge wolves, cats turn into tigers, etc. Once the threat has passed, the animal returns to normal and the spell ends.
It is up to the GM to determine the type of animal that the guardian creature turns into. If there is not an appropriate creature, the GM can rule that the guardian turns into another creature entirely or grows to gigantic size, as per the Giant Insect spell.
If the mage wishes, he can have the animal monitor a smaller radius or guard two or more people or objects in the spell's radius.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell and a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 2 points, plus 1 point per every 50 lbs. of mass or 1d of natural attacks that the animal will have in its enlarged state, 2 points to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Magery, Master, Animal, Animal Warning, Growth (Body Control) or Giant Insect.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Statue, Jewelry or other object in the shape of an animal. Always On. When a command word is spoken, the item will "guard" an area. When the spell is triggered, the statue will transform into an animal as described above. Energy Cost to Create: 50 times base cost to cast the spell. (c) This spell can be cast permanently on a beast. As long as the beast stays in the area where the spell was originally cast, it will always transform as described above. Energy Cost to Create: 25 times the base cost of the spell.

Harness Regular, Resisted by Will or Skill

This spell allows riding or load bearing equipment to be properly put on or taken off even the most unwilling beast. The equipment remains on the creature until removed by a second application of this spell or by non-magical means.
If this spell is cast on a beast under the control of a rider or master, roll vs. either the owner's Will or the appropriate Animal skill (usually Riding, Teamster, or Packing), whichever is higher.
If this spell is used to unbuckle a saddle and bridle, the rider must roll vs. Riding skill to keep his seat. If cast on an animal in harness, the driver must roll vs. Teamster skill to keep control of the animal.
This is also a Making and Breaking spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1 point, 2 points if cast offensively.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Prerequisite: Master
Item: Equipment for one type of animal. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Hasten Steed Regular, resisted by HT

When cast on a horse or other unintelligent mount, the steed's Move is increased for the duration of the spell. However, when the spell ends, the beast immediately takes 3d points of damage due to exhaustion and must roll vs. HT or die on the spot! The beast always gets a roll vs. HT to resist this spell. If cast on an intelligent creature (IQ7+) this spell automatically fails.
For double cost, the spell can be made non-lethal. In this case, the mount takes 1d-1 points of damage and loses all its remaining Fatigue. Until the mount regains its Fatigue, it can't bear any weight beyond No Encumbrance. Usually this will force the rider to dismount, and possibly unload the animal.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 2 to cast, half to maintain. Each multiple of casting cost increases speed doubles Move (so paying the base cost doubles move, paying twice the base cost quadruples Move and so forth). For double cost, the spell can be made non-lethal.
Prerequisite: Dangerous Haste, Rider, Spook
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Saddle, bridle, whip or other piece of riding equipment. Casts the spell only on the animal that it is used on. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.
Author: adapted from Net (as Burst of Steed)

Hatch Eggs Regular

This spell makes the embryo inside an egg develop at an extraordinary rate until it comes to term and hatches.
For base cost the time required for the embryo is quartered. Each doubling of energy quarters the time that it takes to develop again, though for small eggs the mage can increase development time over the base amount by casting the spell on fewer eggs at a time. So rather than waiting 1 week to incubate a dozen hen's eggs, the wizard could develop 6 in 1/4 the time, 3 in 1/8 the time, or 1 in 1/16 the time - about 3 days, 18 hours, or 8 hours respectively. If the mage doubles the energy put into the spell and concentrates it all on one egg, the GM can assume that any embryo with a gestation period of 2 months or less hatches instantly. A common party trick among apprentices who know this spell is to "hatch" a chick from a freshly laid egg. A common practical joke is to turn all the eggs in the kitchen into baby chicks!
Assume that most bird's eggs and small reptile eggs will hatch in about a month. The eggs of larger creatures (ostriches, alligators, and turtles) can take several months to develop. The eggs of fantastic creatures might take years to develop.
This is also a Food spell and a Body Control spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 for a dozen eggs (or fraction thereof) the size of hen's eggs or fewer eggs of a larger size, 2 for a single large egg (such as that of an ostrich, lizard man or dinosaur), 3 for a huge egg (like that of a dragon). Each doubling of cost quarters the gestation time again.
Prerequisite: Fertilize Egg
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Basket or similar container. Any eggs put into this item have this spell cast on them. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Hold Animal Regular, Resisted by HT

This spell stops an animal in its tracks for duration of the spell. The animal can fight where it stands or do other things, but it can't turn in the hex or move. The spell does not require the concentration of the caster once it is cast. If the caster or anyone else attempts to harm the animal while it is held, the creature immediately gets another roll vs. HT.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 1 per hex of creature, half to maintain
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Prerequisite: Master
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Horsemanship Regular

This spell temporarily gives the subject a Riding skill of 12 (if he doesn't have that skill at a better level) and increases the speed of any beast he is riding by 10%.
In spite of its name, this spell can be used to give the ability to ride any creature that could normally be ridden. However, sentient creatures do not get the bonus to speed.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, same to maintain. For double the base cost, the speed of the mount can be increased by 25%.
Prerequisites: Mammal Control.
Item: (a) Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Saddle or other riding tack. Works for user only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: adapted from Greg Littmann

Human Form Regular, resisted by HT

This spell shapeshifts an animal into a human being. However, though the animal's form is human, its mentality and some of its physical attributes and advantages are those of its original form.
Very large or strong creatures retain their original Hit Points and HT score but their ST is adjusted to fit a human scale. Small or weak creatures base their hit points on their base HT score rather than their Hit Points while in human form and their ST is scaled up to better fit human norms. In all cases, ST and HT are based on human perceptions of that animal's strength and endurance. This spell also allows an animal to speak while in human form, but their conversation will be limited by their IQ.
For example, an elephant turned into a human would still keep its original HT and Hit Points, but its ST would be "reduced" to 18-20, very strong by human standards, but weak for an elephant. A mouse turned into a human would use its HT score for its Hit Points and would have its ST increased to ST 8-9, fantastically strong for a mouse but "mousy" by human norms.
Animals also retain their intellect, their DX, their Mental Advantages and disadvantages, and some of their Physical advantages as well. For example, a cat turned into a human would have a high DX and might very well have the Perfect Balance, Combat Reflexes and Night Vision advantages. It definitely retain its original IQ and mental disadvantages such as Laziness.
In addition to their mental and physical advantages, animals also retain some "animal" features while in human form. For example, a bear turned into a human would have a stocky build, lots of body hair, and a low, rumbling voice.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 5 for an animal up to 100 lbs., 7 for an animal up to 500 lbs., 10 for an animal of any weight. Half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Major Alteration, Human Speech
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Human Speech Regular

Author: GURPS Japan

Hunter's Sense Information, resisted by IQ

The subject of this spell knows when any animal (a creature with IQ 7-) comes within 30 hexes of him. If he concentrates for a moment he will know its type, its motivations and emotions, and its rough distance and direction from his location. The animal resists being detected with its IQ. If it moves out of the range of the spell and back into range again, it gets another IQ roll to resist.
The subject can "screen out" information about animals that he is not interested in. For example, a hunter who was after deer could screen out information about all other animals.
This is also a Knowledge spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, 5 Animal Spells
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Identify Species Information

This spell allows the mage to identify the species of any living creature. Sentient creatures will be identified by race, sub-race and ethnicity. Nonsentient creatures will be identified by their full Latin name (if any) and common names. If the creature has not been officially classified, the caster learns what general class of animals it belongs to (as defined by the Control Animal spell in Grimoire and Magic). If the creature is unknown to science, the mage will know this fact.
This is also a Knowledge spell.

Cost: 2 points
Time to Cast: 1 second per hex of creature size.
Prerequisites: Seek Beast
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Imprint Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell makes a baby animal, or a group of babies from the same litter or nest imprint on a subject specified by the mage. For the duration of the spell, the babies see the subject as their mother and will act accordingly. The subject does not need to return the babies' attentions!
This spell can also be used to create a permanent bond between the subject and an animal that forms a mental, emotional or magical bond with a single person. In order to use this version of the spell, the subject must meet the standards the animal uses to imprint, and the animal must be in an impressionable state. For example, if Klontarfian Meercats only imprint on towards people with psi powers and a pure of heart by the light of the crescent moon, these conditions must be fulfilled before the spell will work. If the basic conditions are met, all further chance is removed from the bonding process. When the mage casts the spell, the creature will bond with the subject if it is capable of doing so.
Depending on the campaign, this spell might summon a Familiar to the mage. In this case, it replaces the Find Familiar spell.
If either the animal(s) or the subject are unwilling, they get a roll vs. IQ to resist. If this spell is cast on a clutch of babies, roll vs. the IQ of the smartest animal in the bunch. If either party resists, the spell fails.

Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 1 point, 1 to maintain. This spell can be made permanent for 5 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Alter Behavior.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Improve Animal (VH) Regular

Allows the caster to improve the breeding and confirmation of an animal. This will increase the value (or character points) of the animal by up to 30%. This spell won't reverse aging or permanent injury to the animal. The mage must touch the animal in order to cast this spell.
Note that most of the character point increase will come in the form of ST increases and improvements to Appearance (if possible). Domestic animals will also be made more productive or more tractable by means of this spell, by up to 30%. It is up to the GM to determine which qualities are improved.
In some breeds DX, HT, Hit Points, IQ and Move can be increased. DX, HT, Hit Points, IQ or Move can't be increased by more than 30%. HT or DX can't be increased by more than 2 points. IQ can't be increased by more than 1 point, to a maximum of IQ 7.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 10 per 100 lb. of animal (or fraction thereof), per each 10% increase in value.
Time to Cast: 1 hour
Prerequisite: Magery, Create Animal
Item: Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Clothing. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Insect Feast Regular, resisted by HT

This gruesome spell fills the target's stomach with insects of the mage's choice. The insects do no damage, but unless the victim makes his resistance roll, for the duration of the spell, he can do anything more than vomit up bugs. During this time, he is at -4 to ST and ST and all physical skills, and he is at -2 to IQ and all mental skills.
After they are released from the victim's stomach, the bugs may act normally. For double cost, the mage can make the bugs behave as a swarm under the mage's control.
This spell is very disconcerting, in most cases the victim and any viewers must also make a Fright Check at +2. The only exception is a variant of this spell that produces butterflies.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain. For double cost, the insects form a swarm after they are released.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Retch (Body Control), Insect Swarm or Call Swarm.

Insect Swarm Regular

Creates a 1 hex swarm of normal, insects that are under the control of the caster. The exact type of insects is up to the caster and the sort of insects that are in the area. Most insects will do no damage but will cause any character who is not in completely sealed armor or which doesn't have at least one point of Toughness or natural DR distraction and inconvenience. They must make a Will roll each turn that they are in the swarm or perform any task that requires concentration at -4.
If the insects summoned actually has an effective attack against human-sized foes (like wasps or poisonous spiders), then the cost of the spell is increased to 4 to cast, 2 to maintain. In this case, the swarm statistics are taken from the Bestiary.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 2 to cast, same to maintain. Double costs for poisonous insects.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds
Prerequisite: Control Insect, Summon Animal
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points., 200 points. if the item can only summon one type of insects. Halve costs again if the item can only summon non-poisonous insects.

Instructions Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell allows an animal to perfectly understand and remember instructions or orders given to it by the mage, no matter how complex they are. Whether or not the animal carries out the instructions depends on its temperament, its relationship to the mage, and its training. This spell won't allow an animal to do something it ordinarily could not do, but if the animal is physically capable of performing a task and is willing to do so, it will perform that task. Unwilling animals get a roll vs. IQ to resist this spell.
The magic of this spell allows the animal to "fill in" ambiguities in the mage's command as well as a human could. For example, if the mage were to tell an animal to "Get help." The animal will know exactly what sort of help the mage needs.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds, plus the time needed to give the animal the instructions.
Prerequisites: Magery, Master
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Collar or Harness. Works for wearer only (who must be an animal). Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Intelligent Beast Regular, resisted by Will

This advanced form of Beast Speech spell gives an animal an IQ score of 10 and the ability to speak the caster's language. The animal's memory extends back 24 hours, beyond that an IQ roll is required for each attempt for it to remember something, at -1 for every day that has passed.
Although this spell is handy when a mage needs to get information from an animal, it is not foolproof. The animal's Reaction Roll towards the mage (and the party) determines how cooperative it will be, and even an intelligent animal might not be particularly aware of, or concerned about, things that don't directly interest it. In addition, an animal's psychology might be very different from a human's, making conversation difficult.

Duration: 5 minutes.
Cost: 1 per hex of animal size, half (minimum 1) to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Beast Speech
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Collar, harness or other piece of equipment. Works only for the animal that wears it. Some version are always on. Cost: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Invertebrate Regular, resisted by HT

The mage alters the subject's body so that it becomes Invertebrate, as the disadvantage. While this is normally used as an attack spell, it can also be used to squeeze into small places or escape from bonds.
Alternately, the mage can cast this spell on part of the subject's body such as one limb or the head. It is also possible to make a small portion of the body such as a finger invertebrate, should the mage have cause to do so.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6 for the whole body, 3 for a limb, 1 for a small part of the body. Half (rounded up) to maintain. Half costs if the mage casts this spell on himself.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Alter Body or Partial Shapeshifting.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Invisibility to Animals Regular, Resisted by Will

This spell causes non-magical, non-sentient creatures to completely ignore the caster. Magical creatures are not affected by this spell. Normal creatures under the influence of magic spells are, unless they are being actively controlled by a spell-caster who can see the subject.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisite: 3 Control Animals spells.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Leash Regular, Resisted by Will

This spell keeps a domestic animal, or a friendly wild animal (either tamed, or under influence of a spell) from moving more than 100 feet (or less if desired) from the caster. Additionally, the spell will make the animal stand stationary, sit, keep station, or heel when caster desires it.
The mage can change the distance of the "leash" by concentrating. If the mage "pulls in" the leash, the animal will move towards the mage at its maximum movement rate. If the Leash would put the animal in actual danger, it gets a Will roll to resist the spell each turn until the spell is broken or the threat dissipates. If the animal would be put in danger because of a "short leash", the spell won't vanish if the animal makes its roll, it will just "lengthen" sufficiently to allow the animal to get out of danger.
Alternately, the mage can choose an object or hex as the focus of the spell. In this case, the animal can't move more than 100 hexes (or less, if the mage specifies) from that object or hex. The mage can also make certain areas within the area of the leash "off limits" to the animal, if he specifies them when the spell is cast.
Other than the movement restrictions placed on the animal, the animal is free to move and act as it pleases.

Duration: 4 hours
Cost: 1 per every 2 hexes the animal takes up, (minimum of 1), 1 to maintain
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Prerequisite: Master
Item:(a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) A collar, which can be used to affect a single animal that wears it, costs 50 points to create.

Magic Beast Regular, resisted by Spell

This spell gives an animal limited magic resistance. Spells that affect "animals only" (or creatures with IQ 7-) don't affect it unless the mage casting the spell wins a contest against the spell skill of the mage who cast the Magic Beast spell.
This is also a Metaspell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 1 per 50 lb. of animal (minimum 1), half to maintain (minimum 1). Can be made permanent for 10 times the base cost.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: 5 Animal Spells or Magic Resistance.
Item:(a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) A collar, which can be used to affect a single animal that wears it, costs 250 points. points to create.

Major Alteration (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

As the Minor Alteration spell, but this spell allows major changes to be made to the subject's body. Magical abilities can't be created, but anything else goes. For example, the subject could be given the forelimbs and shoulders of a lion to give him a strong, effective claw attack or he could be given the tail of a fish to allow him to swim through water.
Use the Partial Shapeshifting spell variants as a guide for alterations that can be made with this spell. The only limitation is that the mage can't alter his body in ways that he has never seen or which he is unfamiliar. For example, a mage who doesn't know about electricity (or who has never encountered an electric eel) couldn't give himself the Electricity natural attack form.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 8, 4 to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Minor Alteration, 8 Animal Spells
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Many Tracks Regular

This spell allows the character's footprints and scent (for tracking purposes) to be that of an animal, furthermore, the tracks and scent left by the character will change on a random basis. This gives -6 to all tracking rolls.
This is also a Plant spell and a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 12 hours
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: False Trail.
Item: Jewelry or Footgear can be enchanted so that the wearer's tracks will constantly vary. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Mass Animal Control Area, Resisted by IQ

For every animal control spell there is an equivalent Mass Animal Control spell, each of which must be learned as a different spell, known variants are Mass Bird Control, Mass Beast Control, Mass Reptile Control, and Mass Fish Control. The spell allows the mage to take control more than one creature at a time. The mage can either give a command which all the animals must obey ("Attack", "Sit", etc.) or he can direct the actions of one specific animal while the others continue with a previous action. Each individual animal is allowed an individual resistance roll.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, same to maintain. (Minimum of 2 hexes.)
Prerequisite: Magery, Appropriate Animal Control spell.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Mass Animal Summoning Area

For every animal summoning spell there is an equivalent Mass Animal Summoning spell, each of which must be learned as a different spell, known variants are Mass Bird Summoning, Mass Beast Summoning, Mass Reptile Summoning, and Mass Fish Summoning. The spell allows the mage to summon more than one creature at a time. Once they are summoned, the mage can either give a command which all the animals must obey ("Attack", "Sit", etc.) or he can direct the actions of one specific animal while the others continue with a previous action

Duration: 1 minute
Base Cost: 4, same to maintain. (Minimum of 2 hexes.)
Prerequisite: Magery, Appropriate Summoning spell.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. Usable only by a mage.

Mass Shapeshift Others (VH) Area; Resisted by IQ

Author: Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights)

Mighty Mystic Mouse Summoning Special

This spell summons a tiny, snow-white mouse with golden eyes and wings.
It ST1, DX12, HT10/1, and IQ 10. It has PD 4; DR 0. It runs at Move 1 and flies at Move 6. It can become Invisible and Insubstantial at will.
Its only defense is Dodge at 5. It's attack is a bite doing 1 point of damage (skill 20) and containing a powerful sleep venom. Victims who are bitten must immediately roll vs. HT-2. If the Resistance Roll fails, the subject sleeps soundly as if he were affected by the Sleep spell. Those who make their Resistance Roll are groggy, and get -1 to all attribute and skill rolls (including subsequent roll to resist the sleep poison) for 30-HT rounds. The mouse will target weak spots in armor, bypassing DR unless the armor is completely sealed. The mouse will also do the caster's bidding, and he may see through the eyes of the mouse as if he had cast the Rider Within spell.
This is also a Metaspell.

Duration: 2 minutes
Cost: 8, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Rider Within and 5 other animal spells, 2 Metaspells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Cost: 750 points. (b) An ivory mouse, permits the user to cast the spell once. Energy to create: 100 points.
Author: Adapted from S. John Ross (adapted from Arduin Grimoire)

Mighty Vorpal Rabbit Summoning Special

This spell summons a cute, fuzzy white rabbit with evil pink eyes and vicious, pointy fangs.
It has ST3, DX12, HT 10/2, and IQ6. It has PD4; DR0. It runs at Move 7 and flies at Move 15.
Its only defense is Dodge at 5. It's attack is a bite which does 1d Cutting damage. Since it can fly, it will attempt to attack vulnerable spots on human-sized targets, such as the throat. In some cases, the rabbit can take a man's head off in one bite.
The rabbit will do the caster's bidding, and the mage may see through the eyes of the rabbit as if he had cast the Rider Within spell.
This is also a Metaspell.

Duration: 2 minutes
Cost: 8, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Rider Within and 5 other animal spells, 2 Metaspells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Cost: 750 points. (b) An ivory rabbit, permits the user to cast the spell once. Energy to create: 100 points.
Author: Adapted from S. John Ross

Minor Alteration (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is the "Polymorph" equivalent of the Partial Shapeshifting spell.
It allows the caster to make some small alteration to his body so that it has the attributes of some type of normal animal known to the caster. For example, the caster could alter his ears to those of a stag to get the stag's Keen Hearing, or his eyes to those of a cat to get the cat's Night Vision. Details of exactly what alterations are allowed and what advantages they give are up to the GM. In no case can natural weaponry, magical abilities, improved reflexes, increased musculature, or new internal organs be generated by use of this spell. A character with an obvious alteration looks very peculiar indeed. Fright Checks might be in order for anyone seeing the subject in an altered state.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery, Beast Hide, 5 Animal Spells
Item: Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Clothing. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Mists of Change (VH) Area, resisted by HT

This powerful and peculiar spell creates an area of opaque fog that turns anyone who ventures into it into a random sort of animal appropriate to the terrain. The mage has no control over the forms the subjects of this spell will assume. Subjects who remain in the spell area will shift to a new form every minute unless they can make a HT roll to keep their current form.
To determine the form that a person assumes, the GM should either create a table of animal forms or else he should roll 3d. In the latter case, a very low roll means a powerful or useful animal shape (like a large carnivore) and a very high roll indicates a weak or vulnerable animal shape (like a toad or a slug). However, no matter what form the subject assumes, they keep their own HT, IQ, mental advantages and skills. ST is that of the animal form. DX is that of the animal modified by that of the subject.
The fog generated is identical to that created with the Fog spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 6 (minimum of 2 hexes), same to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Fog, Polymorph Other or 3 Shapeshifting spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.

Miraculous Egg Regular

This spell allows the mage to create an adult creature of any mundane species he is personally familiar with from a normal egg. The only limits are that the creature must be small enough to fit inside the egg and it must be from a species that normally hatches from an egg. Large creatures can only be created from large eggs, such as ostrich or dinosaur eggs.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1 for a small creature (up to the size of a snake or chicken), 2 for a larger creature (such as an eagle or large snake).
Prerequisite: Hatch Egg, Create Small Animal
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points if the item will only create one sort of creature, 250 points if it will create any sort of creature. (b) Basket or similar container. Any egg put into this item have this spell cast on them. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points if the item will only create one sort of creature, 200 points if it will create any sort of creature.

Moral Shapeshifting Regular, resisted by Will

This spell turns the subject into an animal that best matches his personality and the current environment. For example, a bloodthirsty brigand would become a ravening wolf or a weasel, a clever, curious scholar would become an ape, and so forth. In other ways, this spell is identical to the Permanent Beast Form spell. Unwilling victims may roll vs. Will to resist.
This is also a Metaspell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Aura, 3 Permanent Shapeshifting variants.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects the wearer with this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Morph (VH) Regular

This spell grants the subject the Morph advantage. Only one form may be taken per casting, so in order to change form more than once, multiple castings are required. Use normal distance modifiers to the thing being morphed, if it is not in contact with the subject.
The subject choose the thing he wishes to Morph into, and when he transforms.
In other respects, this spell is like the Shapeshift Other spell.
This is also a Body Control spell and an Illusion and Creation spell.

Duration: 5 minutes.
Cost: 4; 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Alter Body, Shapeshift Other, Perfect Illusion
Item: (a) Staff Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Clothing, Jewelry or Headgear. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith

Neuter Regular, resisted by Will

Makes an animal (IQ 7-) infertile until the spell is removed. While affected by this spell, the animal behaves as if it were surgically neutered or spayed.
This spell can be countered by spells that improve the quality or fertility of an animal, or by Remove Curse or Counterspell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 2 points per 100 lb. of animal.
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Alter Behavior
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. Usable only by a mage. (b) Collar. Affects any animal that wears it with this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Partial Shapeshifting (New Variants)

Some other variations include:
Alligator Tail: The subject grows a long, massive reptilian tail that he can use for swimming or striking. If used as a weapon, it does damage as a Crushing Striker doing Swing/Thrust damage based on the subject's ST to any creature the subject's rear hexes. It also gives +2 to Swimming rolls and improves Move 1 by one level while swimming. Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Bat Sight: This spell gives the mage the Radar advantage with a 10 hex range for the duration of the spell. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Bear Paws: The subject's arms and hands turn into massive bear-like paws tipped with sharp claws. For the duration of the spell, the subject does double normal cutting damage with bare hand attacks. However, he temporarily suffers from the No Fine Manipulators disadvantage. Cost: 5 points, 4 to maintain.
Bloodhound's Nose: The subject's face and ears turn into those of a bloodhound. For the duration of the spell the subject is Ugly (as the disadvantage) and suffers from the effects of Bad Sight (Nearsighted), but he gains Acute Taste/Smell +3 and Discriminatory Smell, and Tracking-18. The subject also gains Ultrasonic Hearing. These advantages only work when the subject is sniffing an object or the ground.
If the subject already has the Bad Sight disadvantage, all Vision rolls are at an additional -2. Glasses will not fit onto the subject's altered face. Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Bug Eyes: The subject gains the Peripheral Vision advantage and gets +2 Acute Vision to see anything within 10 hexes, but becomes Nearsighted for the duration of the spell. While the spell is in effect, the subject's eyes are replaced by giant insectoid compound eyes. This reduces Appearance by two levels to a minimum of Hideous. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Cat Feet: This spell allows gives the subject two levels of the Silence advantage for the duration of the spell. In addition, his fingers and toes sprout retractable claws that add +1 to normal punching or kicking damage. The subject also gets +2 to DX rolls to keep his footing on narrow surfaces or while climbing. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Cat's Eyes: The subject gains the Night Vision advantage, but becomes Colorblind for the duration of the spell. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Crayfish Antennae - This variant allows the mage to grow two large, feathery antennae from his forehead that he can use to sense changes in air or water pressure. The mage can detect movement in water at distances up to 15 yards on a roll of 16 or less. He can also sense changes in air pressure - but not as accurately - he can detect the movement of a human-sized creature at up to 10 yards on a roll of 12 or less. He will not be able to sense anyone who remains perfectly motionless.
Crayfish antennae can substitute for vision, rather like the Faz Sense advantage, however, the mage is at -4 to hit while on land if he is trying to detect his foe using only his antennae. Each antennae can take up to 3 points of damage before it is destroyed. Destroying the antennae doesn't damage the mage, but loss of one antennae gives the mage -4 to sense motion or to hit targets while blind. If both antennae are lost, the mage is effectively "blind". Cost: 3, 2. Author: Self, adapted from GURPS Fantasy Bestiary.
Dolphin Sight: This spell gives the mage the Sonar advantage with a 10 hex range for the duration of the spell. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Dragon's Tail: Gives the mage a long, powerful tail that can be used to lash out at foes in his rear hexes. Anyone in the mage's rear hexes can be targeted. The tail does Thrust/Crushing damage based on the subject's ST and anyone hit by it must roll vs. DX or be knocked down by it. Cost: 4, 2 to maintain.
Dragon Scales: Subject is covered in thorny horns, bony plates and thick leathery scales. These provide PD 2, DR 3. While this spell is in effect, the subject looks very peculiar. Reduce Appearance by 1 level to a minimum of Hideous. Cost: 5, 4 to maintain.
Eagle's Talons: The subject grows claws which give +2 to damage from bare-handed attacks, but while the spell is in effect, the subject suffers from the Poor Grip disadvantage. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Fish Skin: The subject's body becomes scaly and streamlined and is coated in a thick layer of smelly mucous. The slimy coating and scales prevent chafing, and gives -2 to all attempts to grapple the subject. The streamlining and other effects give +2 to Swimming rolls. Appearance is reduce by 1 level to a minimum of Hideous while the spell is in effect. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Mole's Paws: This spell allows caster to dig through earth with his hands at twice the rate he could move earth with an iron shovel. For the duration of the spell the caster's hands have PD 1, DR 1 and are greatly enlarged and non-human looking, like the paws of a mole. This gives the caster -4 to all fine manipulative tasks while the spell is in effect. Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain
Monkey's Tail: The subject grows a fully prehensile tail. This is treated as a limb with half the subject's ST with the Extra Flexibility advantage and the No Fine Manipulators disadvantage. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Octopus's Tentacles: Turns the mage's arms into long tentacles which can be used to grapple and constrict foes.
For double cost, the mage can create two extra tentacles so that he has four tentacles in all.
The tentacles have a Reach of 2 hexes, and the Mage's ST +2 when used to grapple or constrict. They are long enough to constrict man-sized targets.
The limbs are useful for manual tasks that don't require fine manipulation; they can't do much that requires manual dexterity (-4 to DX). They are mostly useful for lifting, throwing and prying things apart.
In combat, the arms can be used to flail at an enemy (reach C or 1, DX-2 to hit, crushing damage), but cannot hold shields or other weapons effectively. However, the wearer gets +1 per arm used to grapple a foe, to a maximum of +6 (if all four octopus tentacles plus the subject's two natural arms are used). Each arm has DR2; if it takes 6 hits of cutting damage at once it will but severed. If it takes 6 points of cumulative damage, it will be crippled. Damage to tentacles doesn't affect the subject, except for Stun effects.
Octopus tentacles are considered to be Extremely Flexible (+4 to DX to reach into tight spaces, etc.) as the advantage. Because of their invertebrate nature, arm locks are not effective against them. Cost: 4, 3 to maintain (8 points, 4 to maintain for four tentacles).
Flying Squirrel's Patagia: The subject grows gliding membranes similar to those of a flying squirrel, allowing the subject to Glide as if he possessed that advantage. Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Porcupine's Quills: This spell will cause the subject's body to become covered with long, sharp quills like those of a porcupine. Any creature roughly touching the subject will be stuck by one or more spines and must roll vs. Will to continue holding the creature. If the creature is stuck by many spines (say, a slam attack against the subject by an unarmored man,) then the spines do 1 point of whole body damage to the attacker. The spines are immediately visible and they make the subject look very peculiar (Subtract one level of Appearance to a minimum of Hideous.) The spines also have PD 1, DR 1. Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Rabbit's Ears: The subject's ears elongate to become large, flexible rabbit ears. For the duration of the spell, the subject gets Ultrasonic Hearing, Directional Hearing, and 5 levels of the Acute Hearing advantage. Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain.
Ram's Horns: Like the Stag's Antler's spell (q.v.) but the horns do Thrust/Crushing damage and Knockback damage is tripled if the blow connects. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Rhino Hide: Gives subject a thick, tough skin like that of an rhinoceros. The skin has PD 1, DR 2 and will obviously be non-human, while the spell is in effect, the subject's appearance is reduced by 1 level, to a minimum of Hideous. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Spider's Eyes: The subject sprouts 6 additional eyes giving him the 360-Degree Vision advantage. Some of the eyes appear on the side and back of the casters head, so the subject cannot wear anything which covers the side or back of his head or neck if he wants to benefit from the additional eyes. If the back (but not the side) of his head is covered, he still gets the effect of Peripheral Vision.
This spell makes the subject look very peculiar while it is in effect, since the extra eyes are large insectoid, composite eyes. Appearance is reduced by two levels (to a minimum of Hideous) and Fright Checks might be in order! Cost: 3, 2 to maintain
Stag's Antlers: The subject grows a large rack of deer's antlers from the top of his head, and his neck and back muscles are strengthened so that he can make an effective head butt. The subject can make a head butt at -2 to hit and if he succeeds, he does Thrust/Impaling damage based on his ST. Cost: 4, 2 to maintain.
Wings: The caster grows large bird-like or bat-like wings, which he can use to glide or fly. The caster can fly at Move 10 under his own control, but is not as maneuverable as a mage using the Flight spell, due to his large wings. The wings have PD 1, DR 2 and are obviously non-human. Since the wings have at least a 20-foot span, this spell isn't suitable for use indoors or underground. In other respects, this version of the Partial Shapeshifting skill is like the Winged Arms variant, except that the mage retains his arms as manipulative limbs. Cost: 4 to cast, 3 to maintain
Wolf Fur: The subject grows a thick pelt of fur that has DR 1 and which will act as winter clothing. It will be miserably hot in warm weather. Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Authors: Self, Ellion, Peter Brockt

Pegasus Regular, resisted by Will

When cast on a horse or other mount, this spell causes it to sprout wings of any type that the caster can imagine. In addition, the mount is enchanted so that it is comfortable with its new wings and can use them to fly.
A winged mount has its normal ground movement, but must move a minimum of 1/3 its Move every turn as long as it is in the air. Its Flying skill is equal to its DX+3, or 12, whichever is less. The rider can ride and control his mount in the air as well as he could on the ground. For example, a bronco will still try to buck its rider off its back once it is airborne.
When less than a minute remains of the spell's duration (or longer if it would take longer to get to safety), the mount will disobey all orders except to move at its maximum safe speed towards the ground. If the spell ends or is dispelled while the mount is still in flight, both rider and mount take normal falling damage for a fall from that height.
In combat, the wings can be targeted at -2 to hit. If they take damage equal to HT, they are destroyed and the mount and rider will fall. If they take more than 1/2 damage, they are crippled, and the mount must descend to the ground at its maximum safe speed. Once at ground level, the mount must roll vs. DX or stumble. If the mount stumbles, it takes damage as if it had fallen from 2 yards. The rider must make a Riding roll to keep his seat, or he is thrown and takes damage as if he had fallen from 3 yards.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 4 per hex of creature affected, half to maintain. Each doubling of cost increases the mount's flying Move by one multiple (so double cost gives double movement, quadruple cost gives triple movement and so forth).
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Partial Shapeshifting (Wings) or Winged Flight
Item: (a) Staff, wand or jewelry. Mage only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Saddle, bridle or other riding tack. Only works for the mount that it is placed on. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Perfect Beast (VH) Regular

This spell turns an animal into a paragon of its species making it perfect in every respect. The GM should adjust the beast's statistics, advantages and disadvantages accordingly. The price of such a beast will be at least double the normal cost for a normal animal of the same species and might be considerably higher for some types of animals.
Note that this spell only grants physical perfection, the beast receives no extra training due to this spell. However, if IQ or DX are increased, skills based on those attributes will rise as well.
A beast's ST and Hit Points can't be raised by more than 100%. A beast's DX, HT, and Move can't be raised by more than 50%. A beast's IQ can't be raised by more than 25% (minimum 2 points) to a maximum of IQ7.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 10 points per 100 lbs. of animal or fraction thereof.
Time to Cast: 1 hour
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Improve Beast, Major Alteration
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 10,000 points.

Permanent Alter Behavior Regular, resisted by Will

This spell allows the mage to permanently add or remove one instinctive or behavioral trait in an animal.
For example, a cat could be made to not spray or scratch the furniture or a wolf could be permanently tamed. Up to -5 points of Odious Habits, Compulsions, or similar mental disadvantages and quirks can be removed per use of this spell. An animal can also be made permanently tame or wild.
This spell can also be used to quickly teach the animal certain "tricks" which are based on natural behaviors. For example, a dog could be made to come on command (since packs of canines have a "summon the pack" behavior), but it couldn't be made to scale a ladder, bark three times, and then trip a light switch with its nose. That isn't a natural behavior. Likewise, a horse could be made to run when it hears a certain sound (since running away from unknown things is a natural equine behavior) but it couldn't be made to accept a man on its back, since being saddle-trained is not natural behavior for horses.
Simple tricks can be implanted automatically, tricks that are more complex take multiple castings of the spell and lots of normal animal training. This spell halves the time it takes to teach an animal complex tricks and gives a person with Animal Handling skill +4 to their rolls to teach an animal tricks.
In other respects, this spell is like the Alter Behavior spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 6 per 100 lb. of animal (minimum of 6).
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Magery, Alter Behavior
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points, 200 points if just one species is affected. (b) Collar. Will implant one behavior, specified when the item is created, in any creature who wears it. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Permanent Splice Fetus Regular; Resisted by Mother's HT

This spell is a more powerful and wicked version of Splice Fetus. Using this spell, the mage permanently shapeshifts the fetus into any animal he is familiar with or any fantastic animal hybrid he can imagine (within the limits of what forms he can create with the prerequisite spells). The resulting monster will then grow normally in the womb and is delivered just as if it were a normal baby.
The resulting monster grows "normally" and has abilities and statistics based on the GM's interpretation of the mage's wishes. Animal-human hybrids are likely to be retarded by human standards and they are also likely to have undesirable "bestial" behavior traits, but anything the GM finds interesting is possible.
This is also a Body Control spell and a Technology (BioMagic) spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 20 points
Time to Cast: 2 hours.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Enchant, Partial Shapeshift, Shapeshift and/or Alter Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Pest Bane Area, Resisted by HT

This spell causes small animals (less than 5 lb.) of the type or types specified by the caster to flee the area or sicken and die within 5 minutes. The spell then prevents new creatures from moving into area for the duration.
The caster can exclude certain creatures or certain individual creatures when the spell is cast. The mage can also cast a non-lethal version of this spell that just makes pests flee and avoid the area for the duration of the spell. Creatures get a HT roll to avoid dying. They don't get a HT roll to avoid fleeing.

Duration: 12 hours
Base Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain, can be made permanent for 25 points per hex.
Prerequisite: Beast Soother
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, Jewelry, or Incense Burner. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry which keeps wearer pest free. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) Clothing can be made permanently pest free for 25 points per item.

Polymorph (VH) Regular

This spell allows the mage to change into any species of living creature, including outward duplication of the forms of people and animals that have been seen and remembered by the caster. Unlike the spell shapeshifting, the alternate forms are not limited to normal animals, they can include "monsters" and sentient races. Each variant of Polymorph must be learned as a different spell.
Damage taken in other forms is retained when the caster returns to his normal form.
Natural physical abilities possessed by creature and physical advantages and disadvantages are assumed when the mage takes the new form. Inherent mental advantages and disadvantages are not included. For example, a mage who polymorphed into a minotaur would have the minotaur's increased ST and horns, but he wouldn't necessarily have the Bad Temper disadvantage, nor would his IQ decrease or his personality change.
Magical abilities not necessary for the new mage's survival in the new form or which are not physically obvious are not included, nor are any skills or abilities. For example, if a mage were to polymorph into the shape of a Water Elemental, he would be able to breathe water and to swim, since those are obvious and necessary properties of a water elemental. However, he wouldn't get the ability to shape water (unless he had that spell himself) or to regenerate hit points when he is in water since those properties aren't immediately obvious nor are they crucial to everyday survival. If there is any question whether or not a new form should have some natural ability, assume that the form does not have it.
Unlike the Great Shapeshifting spell, this spell does not allow the mage to transform into non-living objects, nor does it allow the mage to switch forms without recasting the spell.
In other respects, this spell is identical to the Shapeshift spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 6 to cast, 3 to maintain
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery 3, IQ 13+, 3 Shapeshifting Spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points if it allows the mage to cast one variant of this spell, plus 250 points for each additional variant. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points plus 100 points per each additional variant. Some versions are hexed so that they are Always On and are Hexed.
Author: Self, Keith Bisset (Revenant).

Polymorph Other (VH) Special; Resisted by IQ

This spell allows the caster to transform the subject into one specific creature. Unlike the spell shapeshifting, the alternate forms are not limited to normal animals, they can include "monsters" and sentient races. Each variant of Polymorph Other must be learned as a different spell.
In other respects, this spell is identical to the Shapeshift Other spell.
This is also an Illusion and Creation spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 6 to cast, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds
Prerequisite: Polymorph
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points. Usable only by a mage.
Author: Self, Keith Bisset (Revenant).

Preening Regular

This spell instantly cleans, preens, and arranges the subject's fur, feathers, scales or hide, as if they had just performed any necessary species-specific grooming rituals.
If the species gets psychological benefits from such grooming rituals, this spell provides those effects as well.
For humans there is little effect of this spell, except that the subject's hair is neatly combed (or arranged) and any parasites like lice, ticks, or fleas are removed from the subject's body.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Cost: 2 points, can't be maintained.
Prerequisites: Either Beast Soother or Bathe

Repel Creature (VH) Area, Resisted by Will

This is the "generic" version of the Repel (Animal) spell. Each order of animal is a variant of this spell and the different variants default to each other at -4. In other respects, it is like the Repel (Animal) spell.

Duration: 1 hour
Base Cost: 4, 2 to maintain. Can be made permanent for 100 points the base cost.
Prerequisite: 2 Animal Ward Spells
Item: (a) Wand, Staff or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing that keeps all animals at least 1 hex away from the wearer. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. If only one type of creature is blocked by the magic item, halve costs.

Resurrect Animal (VH) Regular

This spell allows the mage to bring a dead animal back to life if he has a relatively recent, undamaged corpse to work with. It will automatically fail if it is cast on a creature that had an IQ of 7 or better. In other respects, this spell is like the Resurrection spell., and can be used as a prerequisite for the Resurrection spell.
This spell is also a Healing spell and a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 5 per 100 lb. of animal (minimum 5 points)
Time to Cast: 10 minutes
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Create Animal
Item: Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points.

Shades of Prey Regular

This spell allows a piece of food or meat (or a can of food for high tech mages) grow legs and run and leap about like a deranged rodent. This allows housebound pets or animals that won't eat dead food to "hunt" their food.
Dead food creatures are temporarily reanimated by means of this spell. They are obviously dead to a close inspection, but they will move and behave like they did while they did in life.
This is also a Food spell and a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 10 minutes
Cost: 1 per 10 lb. of food, half (minimum 1) to maintain
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points. (b) Food Bowl. Anything placed in the bowl is affected by this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points
Author: adapted from Revenant

Shapeshifting (Dragon) (VH) Regular

This spell allows the mage to shapeshift into a dragon, as described in GURPS Magic (p.25 for Shapeshift) and GURPS Fantasy (p.126 for Dragons).
The basic version of the spell allows the mage to turn himself into a hatchling dragon. For extra energy cost, he can turn himself into a dragon of larger size.
The Hatchling dragon for has DX 11, HT +2, Move 5 (10 while flying), PD 1, DR 2, and claws and teeth that do Cutting damage in close combat. The mage's dragon form is unusually dexterous for an animal; while it can't use weapons, he may grasp objects in his claws, with -4 to manipulate fine objects. Likewise, dragon form can speak though without a great deal of practice it will lisp (equivalent to the Stuttering disadvantage).
Note that the dragon form has no inherent breath weapons, magical abilities or other inherent capabilities (for that, see True Shapeshifting, below).
If he knows it, the mage can cast the Flame Breathe spell at +4 to skill and without gestures or words while in dragon form. To cast other spells in dragon form, the mage must know the spell sufficiently well to cast the spell without words in Hatchling form. At larger sizes, there is no limit to the mage's spell use and the dragon form doesn't have the Stuttering or Mute disadvantage.
Casting time and fatigue cost are reduced normally by the effective increase in skill.
Unlike other animal forms, dragons are sentient, so the mage can't actually lose IQ. However, mages who remain in dragon form must make Will rolls each hour or begin to take on the mental disadvantages of a dragon (Greedy, Miserliness, Bad Temper, Self-Centered, Overconfident). Each failed Will roll gives cumulative -1 subsequent Will rolls to resist the "draconic" personality. The worse the Will roll, the more severe the "draconic" personality becomes. If the mage's effective Will drops to 7 or less, the dragon personality takes over completely and the character permanently turns into a dragon NPC.
The mage may turn into a dragon of larger size by paying increased Fatigue cost. (As a variant, the GM can require Enlarge as a prerequisite to Shapeshift to a dragon form that is larger than man-sized.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 12 to cast, 4 to maintain. Multiply the base cost and add 2 points to maintenance cost for each size of dragon beyond "Hatchling" to a maximum of 60 points to cast and 14 points to maintain for a "Monstrous" dragon - the GM set's the final ST. Alternatively the GM may allow the player to specify the ST (and thus size) of the Dragon. This costs 1 energy per point of ST with a minimum of 12 energy.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, 4 Shapeshift Variants (one winged variant) or Great Shapeshift, Alter Body and Power.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points or 25,000 points if it allows the mage to turn into a dragon larger than Hatchling size. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 3,500 points or 1,500 points if the wearer can turn into a large dragon. Add 1,500 points if the item also gives the subject the ability to breathe fire.
Author: Thomas Ackermann, Thomas Barnes, Web.

Shapeshifting (Golem) (VH) Regular

Allows the mage to shapeshift into a Golem, as described in GURPS Magic (p.25 for Shapeshifting and p.116 for Golems). Each different version of golem is a different spell.
In addition to the prerequisites listed below, the mage must also have the following prerequisites: Bronze or Iron Golem: Body of Metal, Crystal Golem: Body of Earth, Wood Golem: Body of Wood.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 12 to cast, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, 4 Shapeshift variants or Great Shapeshift, Alter Body and Golem. See above for others.
Author: Thomas Ackermann, Thomas Barnes

Shapeshift Other (Dragon) (VH) Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell is identical to the Shapeshift (Dragon) spell except that it can be used on others.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 12 to cast, 4 to maintain. Multiply the base cost and add 2 points to maintenance cost for each size of dragon beyond "Hatchling" to a maximum of 60 points to cast and 14 points to maintain for a "Monstrous" dragon - the GM set's the final ST. Alternatively the GM may allow the player to specify the ST (and thus size) of the Dragon. This costs 1 energy per point of ST with a minimum of 12 energy.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Shapeshift (Dragon)
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points or 25,000 points if it allows the mage to turn into a dragon larger than Hatchling size. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 3,500 points or 1,500 points if the wearer can turn into a large dragon. Add 1,500 points if the item also gives the subject the ability to breathe fire.
Author: adapted from Thomas Ackermann, Web.

Shapeshift Other (Human) Regular; Resisted by IQ

Author: Elizabeth McCoy and Walter Milliken (From Student's Guide to New Magical Opportunities at Illuminati University, Pyramid 23)

Shapeshifting (Human) Regular

Author: Elizabeth McCoy and Walter Milliken (From Student's Guide to New Magical Opportunities at Illuminati University, Pyramid 32)

Snake Eyes Regular; Resisted by Will

This spell draws the subject to within striking distance (as defined by the mage when the spell is cast) and holds him there as long as the mage can concentrate and maintain eye contact with the subject.
After the spell is cast, the first being that makes eye contact with the mage triggers the spell. If he fails his resistance roll, he will immediately move towards the mage at a slow walk (half-normal Move, minimum 1). When he reaches the range set by the mage, he will stop moving and stare blankly into the caster's eyes until eye contact is broken or the mage ceases to concentrate.
When concentration or eye contact is broken, the victim must roll vs. IQ or stand mentally stunned for one turn. If any attack is mage on the subject, the spell is automatically broken, but he must still roll to avoid mental stun.
While under the influence of the spell, the subject will be completely unaware of anything but the mage's eyes. When the spell is broken, he will be completely unaware of the passage of time and won't remember anything except the hypnotic stare.
If the caster knows the spell at skill 15 or better, he may move at 1 hex per turn while concentrating on the spell. The subject will follow the mage, allowing him to slowly lead the subject.
This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: Until eye contact or concentration is broken.
Cost: 4 points, plus 1 per minute of concentration.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Fascinate and Lure or Partial Shapeshifting
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) Mirror, painting or statuette with a snake motif. Always on. Anyone who sees the object must roll vs. Will or stand staring at the object until their eye contact is broken. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Emily Smirle (Sailor Squasher).

Snaky Arms Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell turns the subject's arms into snakes that can bite and constrict. The subject's snaky arms have double his normal reach, and the mouths of the snake have ST equal to 1/2 the subject's ST. The subject can use these mouths to manipulate objects as if he had Tentacles with the Poor Grip disadvantage, though these mouths can't wield weapons.
The snakes also have their natural attacks. The mage has his choice between constrictor snakes with double the subject's ST and a Constriction attack or venomous snakes which have ST equal to the subject's ST and who can bite to inject Type F Venom. The subject must roll vs. Brawling skill to target the snakes' strikes.
In addition to their attacks, the mage can also uses the snake's eyes and other senses. If he lays his arms on the ground, he gets the Motion Detector advantage. In addition, if he also gets the Discriminatory Scent, Night Vision and Infra Red Sight advantages, though he must roll vs. IQ to figure out how to use each of these advantages.
If the subject is unwilling, he can roll vs. IQ to resist this spell. In certain situations, this spell might be considered frightening, and require the subject and/or the viewers to make a Fright Check.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Partial Shapeshifting
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Snaky Hair Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell is identical to the Snake Arms spell, except that this spell turns the subject's hair into a nest of small snakes that can bite and constrict. The spell produces 2d+4 snakes. Each snake has Reach 1, and 1 HP and ST equal to 1/2 the subject's ST. The mage has a choice of two attack options - the snakes can bite (as a collective whole, attacking one target per turn) doing 1d+2 Cutting damage, or they can Bite for 1d6-3 collective damage and inject (as a group) Type F Venom.
Attacks aimed specifically at the snakes are at -5 to hit. Thrusting attacks and missile weapons will kill a maximum of 1 snake per turn, Swinging attacks will kill one snake per point of damage they do. Each die of damage done to the subject's Head, Brain or Face will also kill one snake. The Hit Points of the snakes are counted separately from those of the subject, thought the subject takes normal Stun and Pain effects on the turn after one or more serpents are killed. When all the snakes are killed, the spell automatically ends.
In addition to their attacks, the mage can also uses the snake's eyes and other senses. If he lays his arms on the ground, he gets the Motion Detector advantage. In addition, if he also gets the Discriminatory Scent, Night Vision and Infra Red Sight advantages, though he must roll vs. IQ to figure out how to use each of these advantages.
If the subject is unwilling, he can roll vs. IQ to resist this spell. In certain situations, this spell might be considered frightening, and require the subject and/or the viewers to make a Fright Check.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Partial Shapeshifting
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Spider Web Regular

This spell creates a perfectly ordinary spider web of any type familiar to the mage in the location of the mage's choice. Variations of this spell can be used to create other, similar objects, such as caterpillar cocoons.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 point.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Spider's Nest Regular, resisted by HT

On the turn this spell is cast, it causes a small pimple to grow on the victim's body. On the next turn, this boil will burst open and 1d small spiders will emerge. The spiders do no damage, but the victim and any viewers must make a Fright Check at +2. Even if he passes the Fright Check, he still must take 1d turns to brush the spiders off his body.
For double cost venomous spiders can be created. These will bite if harassed. It requires a Zoology (Entomology) or Animal Handling roll to get them off without them biting. Spiders have 1 HP each and Move 1. However, they are at -6 to hit with most weapons. Venomous spiders have Venom Type F.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 second, plus 1d seconds.
Cost: 2, can't be maintained. For double cost, venomous spiders can be created.
Prerequisite: Create Small Animal, Blemish (Body Control)
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Spiderbolt Missile

When this spell is cast, hundreds of tiny spiders shoot from the caster's hand covering the victim. The subject can Dodge or Block this attack, but PD from body armor does not apply. The spiders will immediately attack, doing damage just like a Swarm of spiders (damage as below, 5 points of damage to disperse). Completely sealed clothing and armor protects the subject from taking damage, otherwise armor protects for turns equivalent to its DR, then the spiders get through and start doing damage.
Multiple swarms don't do any extra damage, however, they do add their HP to disperse. When the spell ends, the spiders drop dead, vanish, or disperse.
The spiderbolt has SS 13, Acc+1, 1/2D 20, Max 40.

Duration: 10 seconds
Cost: 2 for spiders doing 1d-1 damage pr turn. 3 for spiders doing 1d. Cannot be maintained.
Prerequisite: Arachnid Control
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Peter Brodt

Splice Fetus Regular, Resisted by Mother's HT

Splice Fetus is the sort of spell that gives mages a bad name.
This spell transforms a fetus into an animal (or some other creature which the mage is familiar with) or an hybrid of an animal and a human (or two animals) killing it in the process. The fetus is then spontaneously aborted within 1d days. The resulting miscarriage does 1d-3 points of damage to the mother and will incapacitate her for at least a day.
This is also a Necromantic spell and a Technology (BioMagic) spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 2 hours.
Prerequisites: Magery, Shapeshift or Partial Shapeshift
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Spontaneous Generation Regular

This spell allows a creature to spontaneously generate from material that would "naturally" generate it according to traditional beliefs. For example, rotting meat could be made to generate maggots that would turn into flies, or horsehairs in water would spontaneously generate into worms. Generally, only "lesser" creatures can be created in this manner, but the GM might rule that larger animals can be spontaneously generated from some materials. For example, mice could be generated from moldy grain.
In order to generate a particular sort of creature, the mage must have a quantity of the substance that is believed to create that creature.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1 to generate small creatures such as worms or flies, 2 to generate slightly larger creatures such as fish, lizards or toads, 5 to generate a large creature.
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisites: Magery
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Sticks to Snakes Regular

This spell turns a large stick (at least 1" thick and 3' long) into a snake which is under the control of the caster. Snakes created by this spell are normal in all respects and have ST3 + 1 per foot, DX13, IQ2, HT 12/3 + 1 per yard, and Move 3. Poisonous snakes have Type F venom.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 2, 1 same to maintain. Add +1 to costs to create poisonous snakes.
Prerequisites: Magery, 3 Animal spells
Item: (a) Staff or Wand that will turn into a serpent on command. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Staff, wand or jewelry. Cost to Create 300 points. Usable only by a mage.

Surrogate Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell allows an animal of the same or different species to properly care for a litter of offspring. For the duration of the spell, the babies treat the creature as their mother, and the "mother" will treat the babies as its own. It will also behave in the appropriate ways to protect and nurture "its" young.
Note that this spell won't have much effect if the "mother" and babies aren't relatively compatible in size and ecological niche. For example, a mouse wouldn't be able to adequately take care of a baby elephant, or a crocodile couldn't adequately take care of a lamb.
Unwilling creatures resist with IQ. A group of babies resists with the IQ of the smartest member of the group.

Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Alter Behavior.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Tail Regular, resisted by HT

This allows the subject to grow a functional tail or converts his tail from one form to another. The various options are as follows:
Normal Tail - The subject grows a tail that can be used for balance (+1 to DX to keep his footing on narrow ledges and the like) and for signaling. Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prehensile Tail - The subject grows a tail that can be used as a hand! Treat this as an extra hand with no attack and Poor Grip (DX-4). It has a reach of 1 hex. Each extra hex of reach costs 1 point. Cost: 3, 2 to maintain, plus the cost of extra reach. (This applies to maintenance as well as base costs.)
Smashing Tail - The subject grows a tail that can be used to smash to his side and rear hexes. The tail does Swing-1 Crushing damage and has a reach of 1. The subject uses Brawling skill to strike with the tail unless he has been trained in a martial art that includes tail strikes. All attacks are at -4 unless the subject is familiar with using a tail as a weapon. (It takes 10 hours of practice to buy off each -1 penalty). In addition, unless the subject is specifically aiming his tail, all tail strikes are considered Wild Swings.
Every extra point of energy gives the tail 1 extra hex of reach. A tail with 2 hexes of reach can strike into the subject's front hexes. Each extra hex of reach also gives +1 to the damage done, up to a maximum of +2. Cost:3,2 to maintain, plus the cost of any extra reach.
Slashing Tail - The subject grows a long tail with a hard, cutting tip on the end. This tail is exactly like the Smashing tail except that the damage type is Cutting. Cost: 4,3 to maintain, plus the cost of extra reach.
Impaling Tail - Like the Slashing tail, but all damage is impaling. Cost: 5, 4 to maintain. plus the cost of extra reach.
Stinger - Like an impaling tail except that any successful strike requires the victim to roll vs. HT or suffer the effects of Type A venom. Cost: 6,4 to maintain, plus the cost of extra reach.
If the subject already has a tail, he may subtract 2 from the base cost of the spell and 1 from the maintenance cost, to a minimum of 1 point in each. (However, the cost to change his tail from one type to another is still 2 points, plus 1 point to maintain).
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: Variable, see above.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisite: Claws
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Tentacle Arms Regular, resisted by HT

The mage's fingers and arms lengthen to become tentacles.
If the mage turns his hands into tentacles, each finger becomes a separate manipulative member with 1/3 the mage's ST and a reach of 1 (so the mage's arms have a cumulative Reach of 2). However, while the fingers are turned into tentacles, the mage can't punch with his fists or wield weapons. However, the tentacles can use small, light weapons (such as daggers or pistols) or tools. These small tentacles give the mage the Extra Flexibility and 2 levels of Improved Manual Dexterity for the duration of the spell.
If cast on the mage's arm(s) his arms turn into huge octopoid tentacles with a Reach of 3 and ST equal to that of the mage. These tentacles have the Poor Grip disadvantage, but have Extra Flexibility and can make Constriction attacks.
Also Body Control spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain (3, 2 to maintain for just one arm or one hand). Double cost for each doubling of reach.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds
Prerequisites: Partial Shapeshifting (Octopus' Tentacles) or Tail
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.

Trainer Regular, resisted by HT

This spell temporarily turns an untrained animal into a trained one.
The first application of this spell gives the animal "Basic Training" if the animal doesn't already have it - a dog understands basic obedience commands, a horse is saddle broken. The next (and subsequent) applications of this spell give the animal a skill level of 12 in a skill it would normally be able to learn. For example, a dog could be "trained" to be a trained tracker (with skill level 12) or a horse could be trained for combat (Combat Training 12) or as a packhorse (Under Pack 12).
Alternately, multiple levels of this spell give +4 to (to a maximum skill of 20) in one skill that the animal already knows. If an animal already has "Basic Training", the first level of this spell gives a skill level of 12, and subsequent levels give +4 to skill, or a score of 12 in a different skill.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: 2 points per 100 lb. of animal, half to maintain. Can be made permanent for 25 times the base cost.
Time to Cast: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Leash
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. 500 points. (b) Leash, Saddle or Harness. Works for wearer (which must be an animal of the appropriate sort) only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points for Basic Training only, 500 points for Basic Training plus a specific skill, add 150 points for each additional skill.

True Shapeshifting (VH) Regular

This spell allows a mage to shapeshift into a true form, allowing for special abilities and inherent capabilities of species. This includes the breath attack of dragons and other special effects.
Everything of the normal Shapeshifting spells applies as well. Only Duration, Cost and Time to cast are changed. Also there may be additional prerequisites for special abilities (like Breathe Fire for
On a Critical Failure, the character permanently assumes the desired Form. This can only be canceled by Counterspell, Remove Curse or any Wish. Until cancellation, the character becomes an NPC under GM's control.
True Shapeshifting (Monstrous Dragon): Cost: 80 to cast, 14 to maintain. Additional Prerequisites: Shapeshifting (Dragon) and Breathe Fire.
True Shapeshifting (Flaming Golem): The mage assumes the form of a golem, except that the flaming golem form does 1d-1 flame damage by touch and will set flammable objects on fire. In addition, the mage is treated as if he has the Body of Flame (CI) advantage, except that he can carry (non-flammable) objects and takes normal damage from weapons. Cost: 16 to cast, 6 to maintain. Additional Prerequisites: Shapeshifting (Golem) and Body of Flames.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 16 to cast, 6 to maintain - or more, depending on Form (see underlying Shapeshifting spell). For races creatures with a known point cost, the base cost is ((racial template cost)/20) with a minimum of 16. For each additional multiple of 16, add 2 to the maintenance cost. For example, Blue Dragons from Technomancer have a cost of 20 to cast, 6 to maintain. A Kromm-Dragon created with 1400 points will have a cost of 70 to cast, 12 to maintain (if the GM allows such a variant).
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Alter Body, four types of Shapeshifting, including Shapeshifting (Form). At the GM's option, some forms require additional prerequisites appropriate to the form to be assumed (i.e., Breathe Fire for dragons).
Author: Thomas Ackermann

Tupilak (VH) Enchantment

Author: GURPS Fantasy Bestiary

Vermin Regular, resisted by HT

This spell afflicts the subject's body with parasites of the mage's choice - such as fleas, ticks, or mites. These creatures are completely ordinary and do not carry disease - at least initially.
The exact consequences of this spell depend on the subject and his situation. In polite company, people are likely to react at -2 or more to anyone who is obviously vermin-infested. Most parasites cause severe itching, so the victim might also be at -1 to Will to hold still or to avoid scratching himself due to itching.

Duration: Permanent
Cost: 2 points
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.

Verminous Death Regular, resisted by HT

Unless he makes his Resistance Roll, this gruesome spell fills the victim's stomach and bowels with supernaturally voracious and vicious vermin such as insects, maggots, snakes, lizards, spiders or mice. On the turn after the spell is cast, these creatures will begin to chew their way to freedom, doing 1d-3 damage per turn to the victim's vitals (so damage is tripled). In addition, he must roll vs. HT or be at -4 to IQ, DX, ST and all skills due to the incredible pain.
On the turn after that the victim dies, the creatures are assumed to have finally chewed their way through the subject and burst free. Anyone seeing this horrifying sight must make a Fright Check at -4. Once they are free, the creatures will randomly attack other living creatures. The creatures are treated as a Swarm of normal animals of the appropriate type and may be destroyed or dispersed by normal means.
The creatures created by this spell are magical. Cure Disease, Remove Curse, Cure Poison or Repel Animals will cancel this spell, as will a Counterspell. Healing spells will undo the damage done by the creatures, Slow Disease and Slow Poison will halve the rate at which the creatures do damage.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 8, 6 to maintain
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Insect Feast
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Cup or other drinking vessel. Anyone who drinks from the cup must make a resistance roll or be affected by this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Verminous Speech Regular, resisted by IQ

Whenever the subject speaks in a way specified by the mage when the spell is cast, small, creatures (such as lizards, toads, insects, etc.) magically fly from the subject's mouth. People who see this must make a Reaction Roll at -2 or a Fright Check at +2, depending on the circumstances.
The sort of speech that will trigger the spell, and the type of creatures produced are up to the mage. For example, a person could be cursed so that that lizards fly from their mouth when they say something nasty, or when they tell a lie, of when they mention a certain person's name!
If the mage knows some appropriate spell (such as Detect Lies) then the conditions can be made even more elaborate. For example, a subject could be affected so that they produce butterflies when they tell the truth, but toads when they tell lies!
The mage must be familiar with creatures produced by this spell and only relatively common, harmless, non-magical creatures can be produced. The creatures produced are permanent but ordinary in all respects.
This is also a Communication and Empathy spell.

Duration: 1 minute
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain
Time to Cast: 3 seconds
Prerequisites: Magery, Create Small Animal or Insect Feast, Detect Lies (Communication and Empathy) or Truthsayer place complex conditions on the spell.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Wave of Serpents Area, resisted by DX

This powerful spell creates roiling mobile wall of venomous serpents. The wave stands 6' high and moves at up to Move 4 in a line roughly moving away from the mage. It will "flow" over or around solid obstructions, though it can't get into closed areas. Likewise, the wave can't cross deep water or terrain that would be harmful to the snakes - such as pools of acid or walls of fire.
Those in the path of the wave must roll vs. DX each turn or be constricted and bitten by the snakes for 1d each turn. For double cost, the snakes can be made venomous (Type F venom).
The wave can be halted in a given hex as long as it remains contiguous with adjacent hexes. Otherwise, the wave must move away from the mage, as he directs.

Duration: 10 seconds
Cost: 4 per hex, 3 to maintain. Double cost for poisonous snakes.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Mass Summon Animals (Reptiles)
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Web Area, resisted by DX

Web covers an area in Spider Silk. Those in the area of effect may roll vs. DX to dodge out of the way, at -1 for each hex between them and the outermost edge of the area of effect. For example, someone 3 hexes from the edge of the area of effect would be at -3 to DX to avoid this spell.
In other respects, the webs are like those created by the Spider Silk spell. See the variations to the Spider Silk spell in the Changes to Spell in GURPS Magic, above for web variants.

Duration: 1 minute.
Base Cost: 2, (minimum 4), half to maintain. An area can be permanently affected by this spell for 50 times the base cost. Increasing cost allows variants as described for the Spider Silk spell.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Spider Silk
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann and Revenant.

Web Bolt Missile

This spell allows the caster to throw a sticky blob of goo. When it hits, it will explode to engulf the hex it hits and all adjacent hexes, possibly trapping any creature caught in the web. The web has SS 13, Acc +1, 1/2D 15, Max 30. It is targeted using DX-2 or the Spell Throwing (Web Bolt) skill.
If the web hits a the target, he must roll vs. DX-2 or be trapped in the web as if the Spider Silk spell had been cast on him. Characters in adjacent hexes must roll vs. DX to avoid being trapped. A "near miss" (DX check failed by 1 or 2) means that the subject is only partially trapped and has one or more limbs immobilized by the web.
Alternately, the web can be thrown across a narrow area (like between two trees in a forest, or across a corridor in a building) to act as a trap. In this case, the web bolt has the same effects as the Spider Silk spell.
Webbed creatures must roll vs. ST-4 to break free. They may do this once per turn, but each failed ST roll gives a -1 cumulative ST penalty to subsequent checks. When the penalty to ST rolls is equal to the victim's ST, he is completely helpless until he is rescued by someone else. If the victim is covered with large amounts of oil, he gets +6 to ST rolls to break free. Spells such as Dispel Magic, Slippery Body and the like will also free a stuck character.
A standard web bolt will hold up to 500 lbs. Heavier creatures get +1 to their ST rolls to break free for every 100 lbs. of extra weight.

Duration: Instantaneous, effects last for 1 minute.
Cost: 5 points, can't be maintained. The strength of the web can be doubled (1000 lbs., ST-8 to break free) for every doubling of cost. Webs can also be made flammable (doing 1d points of fire damage to all trapped creatures if ignited) for 2 extra points. If a web is set on fire, it is immediately destroyed.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Web.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Keith Bisset (Revenant).

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