Body Control Spells

This is a large and powerful group of spells, though there are many minor spells as well. GMs should carefully limit the total number of Body Control spells available.
Note that Body Control spells will work on any creature with a corporeal body that is at least partially made from flesh, bone, or similar organic material. They will not work on incorporeal creatures or creatures that are not made of flesh (such as robots or golems). Creatures made of magical "flesh" (such as incorporeal undead in a materialized state or flesh golems) can be affected by Body Control spells although they are not, technically, "alive".

Changes to Spells in GURPS Magic

Alter Body - Can be used to alter Appearance as above, but whole body changes can be made. Up to one level of the Fat disadvantage can be effectively removed by means of this spell (by altering the subject's height and body shape) as can the Skinny disadvantage. These effects remove reaction penalties only, they don't change the underlying physical condition.
Item: (b) Any, but usually clothing, jewelry or a mask. Improves or reduces the subject's Appearance (for his whole body) by some set amount. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. per +1/-1 of Appearance bonus up to +/-5.

Alter Visage - The mage can also improve or damage the subject's existing features allowing increases or decreases in Appearance. The social implications of this spell (with or without modification) are immense. The GM should carefully limit its use unless he wants everyone who can afford it to be Very Handsome/Beautiful with the option of changing their face at will.
Item: (b) Any, but usually clothing, jewelry or a mask. Improves or reduces the subject's Appearance by some set amount. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. per every level of appearance above or below Average, up to Very Handsome/Beautiful or down to Monstrous.

Climbing - If the subject doesn't already have the Climbing skill, this spell temporarily gives him Climbing-12 in addition to the other effects of this spell. However, for the spell to be effective, the subject must have both hands and feet free. Encumbrance beyond None is counted against Climbing skill just like normal. This spell also gives the subject a bonus to DX or ST to grasp or hang onto the surface he is climbing or to grab climbing equipment like thrown ropes.

Deathtouch - Deathtouch is a jolt of pure magical energy that damages anything with a physical body, including undead, robots, golems, and inanimate objects. It does its damage by causing tissues to shrivel and wither away leaving behind visible, gaping, unpleasant wounds! It is not subtle at all. Because of its magical nature Deathtouch can't be targeted at a specific hit location, it does generalized damage. However, it causes the normal special effects associated with wound, including Bleeding. (Source: Sean Punch).
Deathtouch is also a Metaspell, but not a Necromantic spell.
For GMs who are dissatisfied with the "official" version of the spell there are other variants that differ only in their effects on the victim. If the GM allows multiple variants of Deathtouch, then each version of the spell defaults to the others at -3 to skill. They are:
Brain Death - This version of Deathtouch is identical to the Heart Attack variant, but it attacks the Brain instead of the Vitals. Victims who die from this variant of Deathtouch appear to have died from a massive stroke or aneurysm. This spell is occasionally used by healers to painlessly euthanize terminally ill patients.
Disintegrate - This variant does whole body damage. However, if the victim dies he turns into dust. If he takes enough damage to reduce him below -HT x 10 even the dust vanishes.
(GMs can charge extra for this variant of the spell since it's handy to get rid of those inconvenient corpses that crop up in adventure games . . .).
Disruptor - This is the basic Deathtouch variant. Parts of the victim's flesh are ripped out leaving a messy, bleeding hole behind. The victim must roll vs. HT normally to avoid Bleeding from the wound. Victims who die expire because of blood loss, tissue damage or loss of vital organs.
This spell can be targeted against any part of the body that the mage can touch (or see, if this spell is being cast from a distance). This means that internal organs such as the brain, vitals, or kidneys can't be intentionally attacked with this spell. (However, organs such as the groin or eyes can be targeted - a truly nasty attack.).
Explosion - The victim's flesh explodes outwards from his bones, making a bloody mess and leaving behind a very grisly skeleton. Victims who survive take damage as if they suffered from the Disruptor variant of Deathtouch (see above). Victims who die explode from the inside out, covering everything in their hex and adjacent hexes with gore. Fright checks might be required.
Note that the exploding bodies are just a special effect, the flying bits of grue don't pack enough force to do damage.
Heart Attack - The subject's heart takes damage from this spell. If the subject lives, he merely takes damage to his heart (not multiplied for hits to the vitals) which can be recovered normally. If he dies, he suffers a massive heart attack and will die shortly thereafter. Attempts to revive the character with high-tech First Aid are at -6 to skill.
GMs who don't want to bother with these effects can just rule that victims who die just "keel over" - dead from some immediately lethal and unspecified ailment.
At the GM's option this variant of Deathtouch can cost less to cast - because it's less dramatic and doesn't necessarily violate the laws of physics, or it can cost more - because it's a more subtle way to kill a person. "Honest, all I did was shake his hand and he just fell over dead!".
Melt Body - The subject's body melts from the skin inward. If the subject lives, this damage is only cosmetic. If they die, they turn into a puddle of foul-smelling (but still recognizably human) goo. Fright checks might be required.
Wither Body - The subject's body is withered, twisted and aged by this spell. If the victim lives, this damage doesn't have any special damage effects other than temporary cosmetic damage. However, if the victim dies he rapidly ages to extreme senescence before shriveling into a mummy-like husk. Fright Checks might be required.

Dexterity - (b) Item: Book or other item. Grants a permanent increase in DX after it is read or used for 4d hours. Energy Cost to Create: 500 times the base cost of the spell. (c) An attribute can be permanently bestowed on a character for a cost equal to the character point cost of the increase/. 02. For example, an attribute increase, which costs 15 character points to learn, would cost 750 points.

Might - If the GM is using the GULLIVER rules, ST increases are based on starting ST. Use a base Cost of (starting ST/10), with +2 per 10% ST increase. For simplicity, use Combat ST/10for the base cost; the additional 10% increase affects both Combat ST and Load ST. Let the maximum increase be +50% ST. Source: T. Bone.
(b) Item: Book or other item. Grants a permanent increase in DX after it is read or used for 4d hours. Energy Cost to Create: 500 times the base cost of the spell. (c) An attribute can be permanently bestowed on a character for a cost equal to the character point cost of the increase/. 02. For example, an attribute increase, which costs 15 character points to learn, would cost 750 points.

Rooted Feet - This spell will work on any animate creature (including undead or golems). The cost to cast is reduced to 2. If the subject fails three consecutive ST rolls, he is permanently rooted until the spell ends. The mage can also trade off energy for skill to better control strong creatures. For every extra energy point put into this spell, the mage gets an effective +3 to his skill with this spell for purposes of contests of skills only.

Spasm - This spell can affect any muscle in the subject's body making him nod, blink, twitch, stutter, stumble or perform any other short, involuntary muscular action.

Stun - The subject is at -2 to HT rolls to resist or recover from stun for every extra point of power put into this spell.

Tanglefoot - The subject is at -1 to DX rolls to avoid tripping for every extra point of power put into this spell. If the subject falls, he falls flat on his back (falling backward) or face (falling forward) as the mage desires. If the subject was moving quickly, he might take damage from his fall.

Vigor - (b) Item: Book or other item. Grants a permanent increase in DX after it is read or used for 4d hours. Energy Cost to Create: 500 times the base cost of the spell. (c) An attribute can be permanently bestowed on a character for a cost equal to the character point cost of the increase/. 02. For example, an attribute increase, which costs 15 character points to learn, would cost 750 points.

Changes to Spells in GURPS Grimoire

Alter Voice - The mage can also imitate non-human voices, as long as they fall within his normal vocal range. For example, the mage could honk like a goose or squeal like a dolphin, but he couldn't make ultrasonic dolphin noises unless he could normally speak in the ultrasonic range.

Cadence - Any skill, which mostly consists of tool use and repetitive motions, can benefit from this spell. Specifically, artistic skills such as Artist, Calligraphy, and Sculptor skills can be speeded up. Outdoor skills such as Rowing or Hiking can also be improved. Speed of ordinary writing or typing can also be doubled. Skills that require frequent pauses for thought or which rely on mostly mental activity (such as Architecture, Accounting, or Writing skill) can't be improved. For double cost speed of work can be tripled, but this costs the subject 1 extra fatigue per hour.

Choke - For double cost the subject can actually be strangled as if by a man with ST equal to the mage's skill. Item: (b) Rope, Garrote, or Scarf that will automatically begin to strangle the subject when wrapped around his neck. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Control Limb - The head can be controlled, but the subject cannot be made to speak involuntarily. A controlled head can be made to turn or the eyes or mouth can be forced open or closed, but the subject can't be made to bite himself.

Decapitation - The subject can detach any limb. Detached limbs move at half normal Move and have half strength (1/3 ST for hands or feet). For 2 extra points, this spell can be made into a blocking spell. When a blow aimed at a body part hits the mage, it does no damage, and it just "severs" the body part according to this spell. This spell may be cast on an unwilling subject but the victim gets a roll vs. HT to resist and the mage must touch the subject.

Enlarge/Enlarge Other - The Fatigue cost for this spell is much too low for the effects. Change the fatigue cost to 1 point per 10% increase in height. This change also allows the mage to slightly enlarge people rather than just making them gigantic. GMs who feel that this cost is still too low can use the same revised formula as for the Enlarge Object (making spell), as follows:.
Cost: 1 per pound of object + weight multiplier/2. This makes the cost for weight multipliers equal to: Weight Multiplier: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, etc.
Fatigue Cost: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, etc.
Example 1: a 1 lb. object, doubled 5 times up to 32 lb. Cost = 1 + 16 = 17.
Example 2: a 16-lb. object, doubled once to a 32-lb. one. Cost = 16 + 1 = 17. (Source: Sean Punch) Mass (and volume) of an enlarge creature is cubed as height is squared, so doubling a person's height would give them x8 the mass, tripling height would give x27 the mass, and so forth. Strength is increased proportionately to allow the magically-enlarged creature to support its own weight, and magic makes truly gigantic creatures possible (realistically, they'd collapse under their own weight, even if they were super strong).
If the GM is using the GULLIVER rules, let the spells adjust Size directly. Set the Cost of the spell to some base cost, plus additional cost per level of Size change, as follows: (Cost for Enlarging spells = 4 x target's Linear Scale, + 2 per level of Size change).
Take a target's Linear Scale from its Size for creatures, or from weight if Size is not certain. Growing a small elephant (Size +3) two Size levels costs (4 x 3) + 4 = 16 fatigue.
Conduct all scaling in conjunction with GULLIVER rules. Load ST needs to scale with the square of linear dimension, and food requirements as GULLIVER Book 6 outlines. Sensory or IQ deterioration from size change should be ignored, as should major debilitating problems like blood transport difficulties in a scaled-up human. Other drastic effects, like natural encumbrance, heat loss and fatigue issues, and "cube-square" exposure-related effects, are up to the GM -- use if you like, or ignore for cinematic simplicity.
Without cinematic benevolence, smart versions of Enlarge might include the effects of Might, to let the subject handle his new size. In this case, the GM should add Might and Beast of Burden (q.v.) to the prerequisites for Enlarge.

Fumble - See also Bobble.

Hair Growth - Hair can be made to grow on any part of the subject's body. The color, texture and length are determined by the caster within the limits of the spell. Multiple castings on the same location will produce longer hair.
Item: (b) Jewelry, Comb, Brush or Clothing which allows user to grow hair on any part of their body that they wish. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (c) Ointment or shampoo that will grow 1 foot of hair on a part of the subject's body which would normally have hair (like the scalp). Good for one use only. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points.

Haircut - Hair can be trimmed or removed from any part of the subject's body.
Magic Item (b) Jewelry or Clothing (usually a cap) which will magically trim subject's hair to a set length. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.

Hold Breath - This is also an air spell.

Hunger - The subject also feels intensely hungry and must roll vs. Will to resist eating any seemingly palatable food that is placed in front of them.

Lengthen Limb - The subject can lengthen his neck so that he can peek over walls, around corners and so forth. Lengthened limbs are at -4 to target, or half of their normal "to hit" penalty, whichever is more. Lengthened limbs can also be used to constrict if they are long enough and if the subject has sufficient strength to do damage.

Perfume - This spell can be used to change the subject's natural smell making it more difficult to track him by scent (-4 to Tracking rolls). Scent cannot be eliminated by means of this spell. The maximum reaction penalty for a foul smell is -2. Pleasant smells can make the subject more appealing but don't affect reaction modifiers.

Retch - If cast on an unconscious person or a person in a weightless environment, they must roll vs. HT or begin to Suffocate. In order for this spell to be used as an effective emetic, the mage must first make a successful Diagnosis or Poisons roll to determine the type of poison the subject has ingested. If the poison ingested can be purged by vomiting, a casting of this spell gives the subject +4 to HT rolls to resist the poison if its effects haven't taken hold yet. If the subject is already suffering symptoms, this spell will give +2 to HT to resist future effects of the poison.

Sensitize - The benefit of this spell is that the subject gets +2 to Touch sense rolls.

Shrink/Shrink Other - If the GM is using the GULLIVER rules, let the spells adjust Size directly. Set the Cost of the spell to some base cost, plus additional cost per level of Size change as follows: (Cost for shrinking spells = 4 x target's Linear Scale, + 2 per level of Size change).
Take a target's Linear Scale from its Size for creatures, or from weight if Size is not certain. Shrinking a human down 9 Size levels costs (4 x 1) + 18 = 22 fatigue.

Strike Anosmic - At the caster's whim, the subject's sense of taste, sense of smell, or both senses can be struck.

Strike Barren - If the subject is willing, the mage can "transfer" the power to reverse the spell to the subject, allowing it to become an effective contraceptive. However, once the spell has been removed, it must be recast. It can't be turned back on unless the Suspend spell is used. In addition, at the mage's option, the subject can be made impotent and incapable of sex.

Thirst - The subject also feels intensely thirsty and must roll vs. Will to resist drinking any seemingly palatable beverage that is placed in front of them. Two castings of this spell cancel the Voice advantage and make it impossible for the subject to speak above a whisper. Skills, which require articulate speaking or movement of the mouth (including Singing and most musical instrument skills), are at -2 per casting of this spell.

Tickle - The subject gets +4 to resistance rolls if he is in combat or any other high-stress situation.

Body Control Spells from GURPS Magic

Alter Body
Alter Visage
Paralyze Limb
Resist Pain
Rooted Feet
Strike Blind
Strike Deaf
Strike Dumb
Total Paralysis
Wither Limb

Body Control Spells from GURPS Grimoire

Alter Voice
Boost (Attribute)
Control Limb
Corpulence (VH)
Decapitation (VH)
Enlarge (VH)
Enlarge Other (VH)
Gauntness (VH)
Hair Growth
Hold Breath
Lengthen Limb
Shrink (VH)
Shrink Other (VH)
Stop Spasm
Strike Anosmic
Strike Barren
Strike Numb
Weaken Blood

Body Control Spells from the Codex Arcanum

Accelerate Pregnancy - Healing
Active Pregnancy - Healing
Angelic Aspect - Necromantic
Animate Body - Necromantic
Balance - Movement
Body Clock - Mind Control
Body of Rubber- Protection & Warning
Boost Drug - Healing
Brachiation - Movement
Chill Flesh - Fire
Crawl - Movement
Create Limb - Healing
Create Organ - Healing
Death Aspect - Necromantic
Demonic Aspect - Necromantic
Ease Labor - Healing
Endurance - Movement
Escape Artist - Movement
Falter - Mind Control
Fast Draw - Movement
Fertility - Healing
Field Sense - Protection & Warning
Fleshgap - Protection & Warning
Flexible Clothing - Movement
Free Action - Movement
Glutton's Delight - Food
Graft Limb - Healing
Heat Flesh - Fire
Kill (VH) - Necromantic
Leprosy (VH) - Necromantic
Lightning Reflexes - Protection & Warning
Marathon - Movement
Miscarriage - Necromantic
Monk's Rest (VH) - Mind Control
Nap - Mind Control
Peripheral Vision - Protection & Warning
Permanent Strike Sonar-Sound
Polarized Vision - Light and Darkness
Prevent Nausea - Healing
Prosthesis - Healing
Quick Death - Necromantic
Rapture of the Deep-Water
Relieve Pain - Healing
Remote Touch - Making & Breaking
Remove Fetus - Healing
Resist Drain - Protection & Warning
Satisfy Addiction - Healing
Second Stomach - Food
Seizure - Mind Control
Sensory Deprivation (VH) - Mind Control
Sensory Overload - Mind Control
Sleepless - Mind Control
Slow March - Movement
Stand - Movement
Store Health - Healing
Strike Sonar-Sound
Surefooted - Movement
Survival - Healing
Tar Baby - Movement
Trencherman - Food
True Stand - Movement
Vertigo - Mind Control Veteran-Mi
Waking Dream (VH) - Mind Control
Winged Flight - Movement
Wound - Necromantic
Wound Missile - Necromantic

Accelerate Growth Regular, resisted by HT

This spell hastens (or restarts) maturation of the subject. If cast on a creature that has not yet reached full maturity it will speed the creature towards adulthood. If cast on an adult, it will gradually turn the person into a biological giant (as the Gigantism disadvantage). It may be cast multiple times, but never more than once a day.
When cast successfully, subject physically ages 100 days in that day. Thus, if the spell were cast successfully every day, it would take about 2 and a half months to raise a newborn baby to a physical age of 20.
If this spell is cast on a fetus, but the mother must roll vs. HT or suffer 1d Crushing damage for every 100 days that the fetus is aged beyond the time when it would normally be brought to term. (The normal gestation period for a human infant is approximately 270 days.) This assumes that she is attended by someone who rolls successfully against Physician skill. If she is not, then she must roll against HT-2. If she does roll successfully, she still takes 1 point of damage per die of damage she avoided.
A baby's ability to learn is also magically accelerated by the spell, but to a lesser extent than if the child learned naturally. A newborn baby aged to adulthood will have rudimentary speech (sort of like Tarzan in the movies) and will have "basic skills" appropriate for a child in their culture. They also have 1 character point to spend on skills for every casting of this spell. However, they are prone to mental disadvantages reflecting lack of experience with the world such as Gullible, Cowardice, Delusions, Bad Temper, and Weak Will. The GM should design the newly "developed" baby as an NPC.
If cast on an adult, this spell makes them start to grow again as if they were still in puberty. Each application of the spell adds 1/4" of height. Weight is increased proportionate to height. Once the subject reaches 7" tall (or 120% of the normal height for their species or race) they suffer from the Gigantism disadvantage.
For every 6" over 7' tall the subject is at -1 to DX and -1 to HT. ST is increased proportionately, with +1 per 6"over 7' tall. Even so, a very large biological giant won't be able to sustain their weight without magic.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Magery, Alter Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Ache Regular, Resisted by HT

This spell inflicts painful, continuous ache on some part of subject's body. This ache is not crippling, but is very uncomfortable. It acts as a distraction (-1 to physical skills or -1 to mental skills for a headache) as well as limiting the use of the afflicted body part (-1 to DX and ST).
Multiple castings of this spell "stack" giving the subject up to -4 to skills.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 250. (b) Jewelry. Afflicts wearer with the effects of this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Advantage Regular, Resisted by HT

Any physical advantage or disadvantage can be turned into a spell. Each advantage or disadvantage is a different spell. If bestowed on another person, the subject must be touched for the spell to be effective.
The GM should take care that powerful advantages or crippling disadvantages are not abused by turning them into spells.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: (1 point per +5/-5 points that the advantage/disadvantage costs, minimum 1 point), half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, 4 Body Control spells.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand that allows the user to cast the spell Energy Cost to Create: Point cost of advantage x 400 points. Usable only by a Mage.(b) Jewelry or Clothing that gives the wearer the appropriate advantage. Energy Cost to Create: Point cost of advantage x 200 points.

Bald Regular, resisted by HT

Causes hair to fall out and cease to grow on any part of the subject's body, as specified by the caster. This spell can also be used to remove the fur from hides, shear sheep, or pluck fowl. No skill roll is necessary.
Note that this spell prevents hair from growing on the subject unlike Haircut.

Duration: 1 week (hair falls out within 1 minute).
Cost: 1 for a small area (the head), 2 for a man-sized creature, 2 points for each additional hex of creature. Same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Haircut.
Item: (a) Razor or Scissors. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry which will keep wearer from growing hair on a specific part of the body. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (c) Ointment or shampoo that will remove hair from parts of the body to which it is applied (such as the chin or legs). Good for one use only. Energy Cost to Create: 10 points.

Bathe Regular, resisted by Will

Removes dirt and grime from subject and grooms him. Subject gives the appearance of having recently bathed, shaved, shampooed, brushed his teeth, combed his hair and otherwise paid attention to his personal hygiene.

Duration: Permanent, until subject gets dirty again.
Cost: 2 per hex of creature.
Item: (a) Basin, Wash Cloth, Scrub Brush or similar item. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Beast of Burden Regular

This spell gives the subject one level of the Extra Encumbrance advantage per level.
If the GM is using the GULLIVER rules and rules that Enlarged creatures don't automatically get Extra Encumbrance to support their new mass, the mage can cast this spell at the same time as he casts Enlarge or Enlarge Other for 1 point per level of Extra Encumbrance, over the base cost of the spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 points per level, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Might.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing, Jewelry, backpack or similar load-bearing equipment. Works for wearer/user only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points per level of advantage bestowed.
Author: Adapted from T. Bone.

Beauty Regular, resisted by Will

This spell increases the Appearance level of the subject for the duration of the spell, up to a maximum of Very Handsome/Beautiful. Only Appearance is improved, basic height, weight, body shape and coloration stay the same. Scars, tattoos and other marks do not vanish if they don't interfere with the beautification process. Disfiguring scars and marks don't entirely vanish while this spell is in effect, but they become far less obvious and unpleasant.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per level of improved appearance, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Fair Skin.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Increases appearance by some set level. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points per level of improvement.

Birth Control Regular, resisted by HT

Cast on a female, this spell acts either to prevent fertilization of eggs or implantation of the fertilized egg in the womb (or whatever). If cast on a newly-pregnant female, this spell induces spontaneous abortion of a fertilized egg, that is less than 1 month old.
If cast on a male this spell makes his sperm non-viable for the duration.
If the subject is unwilling, they roll vs. HT to resist. A willing subject can cancel this spell at any time after 1 day.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: Permanent (for spontaneous abortion), 1 week (for birth control).
Cost: 1 point, same to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. (Some versions are also Hexed so that they can't be removed.) Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Blackout Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject feel faint and might even cause him to "black out" for a few moments. If the subject makes his HT roll he is Mentally Stunned for 1d-3 seconds, and must roll vs. Will each turn to recover. If he fails his HT roll, he faints and falls unconscious for 2d seconds.

Duration: 2d seconds.
Cost: 4, can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Stun.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Bleeding Regular, Resisted by HT

This spell makes the victim begin to bleed. If the victim fails to make a HT roll to resist, he takes 1 point of damage. Each minute thereafter he must successfully roll vs. HT or take another 1 point of damage. Bleeding only stops when the target makes a critical success on his HT roll or when a spell such as Stop Bleeding is cast on the subject.
Since the bleeding is from many different points (including internal bleeding), simple bandaging or First Aid will not work, though high-tech medicine may be effective.
This spell will not work on creatures that do not bleed. It causes Hemophiliacs no extra damage and they can roll vs. HT like anyone else to stop the bleeding.
For double cost, the mage can cause bleeding damage every turn, rather than every minute. In this case, the victim gets a HT roll to stop the bleeding every turn as well.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Variable, see above.
Cost: 2 points, can't be maintained. For double cost, the rate of damage can be increased. See spell description.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Weaken Blood.
Item (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Any item. Casts this spell on anyone who touches, wears, or uses the object. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Blister Regular, resisted by HT

When the mage touches the clothing or skin of the subject, his touch raises large, pus-filled blisters on the victim's skin. This does 1d-3 points of damage to the victim and lowers his Appearance by one level (to a minimum of Hideous) for each touch. In addition, the blisters make the subject's skin painful and tender, temporarily giving the subject the Low Pain Threshold advantage (or negating the High Pain Threshold advantage). Unless the blisters are carefully drained and bandaged under sterile conditions, the victim must roll vs. HT or his wounds become infected. In hot, humid, or dirty conditions, the GM might require a penalty to the HT roll.

Duration: Permanent, until healed.
Cost: 3, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Irritating Touch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Gloves. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Greasy contact poison that causes effects of this spell on any bare flesh it touches. The poison can be applied to blades and other non-porous surfaces and will last until it touches a suitable target. Then the magic in the poison is consumed and it becomes inert. Must be applied with gloves or some other tool or it will affect the person who is attempting to apply it! Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Block Regular

This spell increases the subject's Block score by +1 per level. Each doubling of cost gives an additional +1 to Block.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2, same to maintain. Each doubling of cost gives an additional +1 to Block.
Prerequisites: Magery, Lend Skill or Dexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Increases Block by set amount. Always On. 100 points for +1, 250 points for +2, 500 points for +3, or 1,000 points for +4.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1

Bobble Regular, resisted by DX

This spell makes the subject fumble any object he is holding in his hand, bobbling it for 1d seconds before he can catch it again. At the end of the spell, the subject must make another DX roll, if the roll fails, he drops the item he was holding in an adjacent hex.

Duration: 1d seconds.
Cost: 3, can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Jewelry or clothing. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (c) Any item can be made so that it will be Bobbled if it is picked up. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Body Heat Regular, resisted by HT

When cast on an undead or cold-blooded creature, their bodies temporarily become as warm as a human's body, their hearts beat (or beat faster), and they show up on infrared scans. Undead register as "alive" when Detect Undead or Detect Life spells are cast on them. Cold-blooded creatures under the influence of this spell do not become torpid in cool conditions and can better withstand extremes of heat or cold.
Any creature gets +4 to resist the effects of natural cold. Cold-blooded creatures may temporarily ignore the effects of the Cold Blooded disadvantage.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Fever.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing which makes the wearer warm-blooded (or seem to be warm-blooded) when worn. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Bones to Jelly Regular, resisted by HT

Causes the subject's bones to temporarily turn to jelly. The subject falls to the ground and cannot move except by crawling at Move 1. The subject can still talk and can still move his limbs slowly but cannot use most tools. ST is halved. Gives +6 to Escape skill. Cancels DR of skull.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 8 to cast, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Wither Limb.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Boneshatter (VH) Regular; Resisted by HT

Caster must touch one of the subject's limbs. Neither passive defense or damage resistance protects.
If the spell succeeds, the limb targeted is broken and splintered, resulting in an automatic crippling (Basic p.127).
The target takes the minimum amount of damage sufficient to cripple the limb (round down and ignore DR).
If aimed at the torso or the head there is no immediate effect, but the subject takes 1d points of crushing damage to the appropriate location. He must also roll vs. HT or suffer an additional 1d points of damage to the Brain or Vitals.
A given body part may not be Boneshattered again until it heals.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 5 points, can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Wither Limb or Brittlebone.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Item: Staff or other crushing weapon. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from D. Barrett (adapted from D&D version).

Borrow Limb (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

Using this spell, the mage can temporarily "borrow" one or more appendages from the subject!.
When the spell is cast, the mage specifies which limb(s) he wishes to take. If the subject is willing (or if an unwilling subject fails his resistance roll), the limb magically vanishes from the subject's body and reappears on the mage's body fully attached and functional. The mage can take multiple limbs in one casting of the spell, as long as he specifies which limbs he wants in advance, and can pay for the transfer of all the limbs.
For the duration of the spell, the subject doesn't have the borrowed limbs, and the place where the limb was is replaced by smooth flesh, as if he never had a limb at all. In most cases, this will temporarily give the subject a disadvantage such as One Leg, or One Arm.
While the limb is attached to the mage's body, it functions normally, though it might not be able to function in some situations. The ST of the limb is that of the original owner, but it only applies to actions performed with just the borrowed limb. Physical advantages inherent in the limb (like Claws or Venom) also transfer. However, the GM might rule that advantages such as Super Running or Flight don't work as well if wings or legs are transferred to a much bulkier or larger creature. Note that the transferred limbs don't give the mage to make any extra attacks, unless the mage has the Coordination advantage or casts the equivalent spell.
Damage taken by the limb applies to the mage while the limb is attached, but when the spell ends, any damage (and crippling effects) to the limb is transferred from the mage to the subject. Alternately, when the spell ends, the mage can "transfer" the injury from the borrowed limb to another one of his limbs. Pre-existing damage can't be transferred in this way (i.e. from the subject, to the mage).
Heads and internal organs cannot be borrowed using this spell.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6 per limb, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Decapitation, Reattachment, Minor Healing.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Breed Curse Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows an offspring to show its parent's worst traits, by altering the fetus while still in the womb. Only "genetic" disadvantages and reduced attributes can be bred for, and they can only be bred for it they are present (or possibly present) in a parent or grandparent. If the mother of the child is not present, there is a -4 penalty to skill, in addition to any normal long-range penalties.
This is also a Technology (Biotech) spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 5 for minor traits (hair color or texture, eye color), 10 for major traits like sex selection, 2 points for every point of disadvantages or reduced attributes to be given (or every point of advantages to be removed).
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, Seek Gene, Weaken Blood.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Brittlebone Regular, resisted by HT

The subject's bones become brittle and subject to breakage. All cutting damage is multiplied by 1.5. All crushing damage is multiplied by 2. Any called shot against an area not protected by bones, such as the throat or vitals, is not effected by this spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 4 seconds.
Prerequisites: Alter Body.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Calluses Regular, resisted by HT

Causes the subject's hands, feet and body to become callused, tanned, and work-hardened, allowing the character to work with tools or rough materials or walk long distances without getting blistered or severely sunburned. Doesn't confer the Toughness advantage.
For double strength, this spell will make the character's body callused and tough all over, giving him the Toughness advantage. For triple cost, the subject can be made Very Tough.

Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain. For double cost, the subject can be given the Toughness advantage. For Triple cost, he can be given the Very Tough advantage.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing which gives the wearer the benefits of this spell. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points for no Toughness, 250 points for Toughness, 350 points for Very Tough.

Catfall Regular

This spell temporarily gives the mage the Catfall advantage.
If the spell is successful, the mage subtracts 5 yards from the distance of any fall. For double cost, the mage can subtract 10 yards from the falling distance.
This spell can either be cast as a Blocking spell or a regular spell. If cast as a Blocking spell, the mage can cast it on himself "instantly" when he begins to fall. If the mage wishes to cast the spell on others, it is treated as a Regular spell, but lasts for 1 minute.
This can be treated as a variant of the Bestow Advantage spell.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: Instantaneous (or the duration of 1 fall) or 1 minute.
Cost: 1 to cast as a Blocking spell, or 2 point, 1 to maintain if cast as a Regular spell.
Prerequisites: Dexterity or Apportation.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points (c) Cat's Paws, GURPS Magic Items I, p. 32. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Self, Anthony Jackson, GURPS Magic Items 1.

Cat Feet Regular

Increases the subject's sense of balance and footing, making it harder for him to fall. For every point of energy put into this spell, the subject gets +1 to DX, but only when making rolls to avoid falling, stumbling, or losing his balance.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 to 5 to cast, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Climbing.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (c) Shoes or other footwear. Always on, wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 per point of increase (maximum 5) the item can give.
Author: Adapted from Sakura

Chastity Regular, resisted by Will

This spell is the opposite of the Priapus spell. When the spell is cast, the subject is rendered incapable of feeling sexual arousal and their genitals shrink to the point where sexual intercourse is virtually impossible.
They are at +4 to Will to resist Sex Appeal skill (or the effects of the lecherous disadvantage), but they are completely incapable of sexual performance. This gives them -2 to Sex Appeal skill and -4 to Erotic Art skill.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Priapus.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b). Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Chilly Regular, resisted by HT

Causes subject's body temperature to drop by 2 degrees. Makes subject very cold, causes shivering. Might aid in causing frostbite or hypothermia. Subject is at -1 to skill which require fine motor control due to shivering. The subject also gets -1 to HT rolls to resist the effects of cold and frost. However, he gets +1 to resist the effects of natural heat.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Vigor.
Item: Staff or Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Claws Regular

The subject's finger bones protrude from the tips of their fingers and take on a sharp edge, acting as short claws (+2 damage). For double cost, the bones in the subject's forearms grow out to become long claws (punch does cutting damage).
This is also an Animal spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain. Double costs for long claws.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Alter Body.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Clean Body Regular, resisted by HT

For the duration of the spell the subject's body does not sweat or excrete. In all respects, they are treated as if they had the Clean Body advantage.
Rolls to track the character by scent are at -4.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Groom.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points

Clench Regular, resisted by ST

This spell forces the subject to clench his hand around the next thing he grasps for the duration of the spell. The only way to free the hand is to either cast Remove Curse, Counterspell, destroy the object, or cut off the subject's hand!.
This spell can be used as a prerequisite for the Hex spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clenching Ring. See GURPS Magic Items I. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1

Clothing Allergy Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject violently allergic to any material touching her skin.
Until the spell is dispelled, wearing cloth, leather or metal of any sort causes the victim to break out in an itchy, painful rash that reduces IQ and DX by 2. The rash appears within 1d minutes after the material touches the skin. It lasts while the clothing is touching the skin and for 1d hours afterwards.
In addition to Counterspell, the Remove Curse spell will end this spell. The Control Allergy spell will relieve symptoms of the spell for as long as the Control Allergy spell lasts.

Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 4 points, 2 to maintain. For 20 points, this spell can be made permanent until dispelled.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Itch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer as if this spell had been cast on him. Some versions are always on and can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (c) Dissolving Dress. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 53. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Clothing to Flesh Regular, resisted by HT

The clothing the subject is wearing becomes his skin. Only clothing and equipment made of natural, non-mineral materials will work. Unless the spell is maintained for over a day, the clothing looks and feels the same. (After a day, a close examination reveals a pulse, tiny veins on the surface, a few hairs, etc.).
If the clothing had DR or PD, the subject retains that protection as natural Toughness. As flesh, the clothing can be injured. It heals at the subject's normal rate.
Teleportation is easier since backpacks and leather armor no longer count as encumbrance. The subject can't undress. Urination may be possible, but the subject will not be able to defecate without minor surgery. The clothing also sweats, forcing the subject to bathe without disrobing.
This is also an Illusion and Creation spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 5 to cast, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Alter Body.
Item: None.
Author: Adapted from Net

Clumsy Regular, Resisted by HT

Causes temporary spasm over victim's entire body. The subject must roll vs. Will to keep his concentration while casting spells or performing psionic abilities. He must also roll vs. DX-2 to avoid falling or tripping and DX-4 to avoid dropping held items. If he is in combat, he is at -2 to all attacks and active defenses for the next turn even if he avoids falling.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 4, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Coma Regular, resisted by HT

This spell puts the subject into a deep, dreamless sleep from which they cannot waken. Unless the subject resists with HT, he will fall unconscious. If this spell is maintained long enough, the subject will die of dehydration or starvation, although this spell doesn't make them grow hungrier or thirstier any faster than they would normally. While in a coma, the subject does not require Sleep.
This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 4 points, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Fatigue, Foolishness, Death Touch.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.

Comfortable Seat Regular

Allows the subject to sit still for the duration of spell without getting cramped or suffering any other ill effects. This removes any fatigue costs for being confined in cramped conditions or in an uncomfortable position.
This spell can also make a saddle, chair, or similar seat extremely comfortable. Characters using the item will suffer no discomfort or strain. Likewise, if this spell is cast on a pack or similar load-bearing equipment it prevents chafing and discomfort to the wearer.
This spell will negate any Fatigue caused by uncomfortable or cramped seating (such as in a vehicle) or reduces Fatigue from Riding by 2 points. This spell will reduce fatigue from being ridden (or carrying a pack or heavy load) by 1 point.
This is also a Movement spell and a Making and Breaking spell.

Duration: 8 hours.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Comfortable Object, Vigor.
Item: (a) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Chair or other piece of furniture. Only works for person sitting in it. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) Saddle or other load bearing equipment. Casts this spell on both the rider (if any) and the wearer. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Continual Repetition Regular, Resisted by HT

As the Repetition spell, but the effects are permanent, until a Remove Curse spell is cast.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 30 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Repetition.
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Control Bodily Cycle Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to stop, start or reschedule one or more of a person's internal cycles.
If used to alter a person's circadian rhythms, this spell can be used to make a person feel sleepy or wakeful when they otherwise would not be. (This gives -1 or +1 to Will to stay awake respectively). High tech mages find this spell handy for combating jet lag.
Mages can also use this spell to change a woman's menstrual cycle for the month. In the early stages of pregnancy, this spell effectively acts as an abortificant. In addition, by altering the stage of the menstrual cycle, it can act as a birth control method (albeit an uncertain one). Symptoms of the menstruation (cramps, PMS, etc.) can be increased, reduced or eliminated by means of this spell.
The GM should decide the effects of other bodily cycles or even create bodily cycles, such as biorhythms.
Unwilling subjects are allowed a roll vs. HT to resist.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 cycle (1 day for circadian rhythms, 1 month for menstrual cycles, etc.) or until the spell is cast again).
Cost: 2 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Control Digestion Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to control the subject's digestive tract. This allows the mage to make the subject queasy (roll vs. Will every 10 minutes or Retch as if affected by the spell), constipated, flatulent, or whatever else the mage can imagine. If the subject has an ulcer or other digestive disorder, this spell can soothe or aggravate the condition as the mage wishes.
This spell can be used to speed or slow the effects of ingested poison. At the GM's whim the subject gets +2 or -2 to resist the effects of ingested poison or caustic materials.
Unwilling subjects resist with HT.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Retch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Control Hair Regular

Allows the subject to consciously control his hair. This spell can be used to keep hair in place in high winds, to quickly create complex hairstyles, or even to grasp small objects if the subject's hair is long enough. Strands of hair have ST 1 and DX 8. Unless the subject has unusually long hair, he can only use his hair at close combat range.
Hairstyle generated by means of this spell stay combed and in place for up to 12 hours after the spell ends.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Item: (a) Comb or Brush. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. Jewelry, Ribbon or hair ornament. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Create Addiction Regular, resisted by Will

This spell causes the subject to become addicted to the drug of the mage's choice. Unless the subject can make a Will roll, he immediately begins to suffer from either the Alcohol or Addiction disadvantage, at the level determined by the mage when the spell is cast. Optionally, this spell can be used to make the subject addicted to some drug-like substance, such as Virtual Reality in a ultra-tech campaign.
The victim gets +4 to his Will rolls if he has never encountered the drug before. He gets +2 to Will rolls if he is not under the effects of the drug when the spell is cast. The mage must also be familiar with the drug to which he wishes to addict his victim.
This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: Equal to half the negative character point cost of the disadvantage (minimum of 5 points).
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Agonize, Hunger and Enslavement (Mind Control).
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Instrument for delivering an addictive drug. Anyone who takes drugs with this implement must make a resistance roll or become addicted. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Damage Absorption Regular

This spell gives the subject extra hit points for the duration of the spell. Unlike the Vigor spell, damage absorbed by these extra HP vanishes when the spell ends.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 per extra hit point, can't be maintained.
Prerequisites: Magery, Vigor.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Deadeye Regular

This spell temporarily modifies one of the subject's eyes into an organ that works very much like a telescopic scope. This allows the subject to reduce range penalties to hit any target he can see with a non-magical ranged attack. In order for the spell to work, the subject must be able to see the target he is aiming at, wild shots and indirect fire at hidden foes aren't allowed.
The first level of this spell halves range penalties for aimed shots. Subsequent levels halve range penalties again. (So, double fatigue gives 1/4 range penalties, triple fatigue give 1/8 etc.) .

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2, same to maintain for 1/2-range penalties. Each doubling of cost halves range penalties again.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Dexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points per level.

Deathcurse Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is identical to the Deathtouch spell, only the mage need not touch the subject of the spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 to 4 points.
Prerequisite: Deathtouch.
Item: As per Deathtouch only without the touch requirement.

Decapitation Regular; Resisted by HT+2

Author: S. John Ross (GURPS Russia)

Decrease Mass Regular, Resisted by HT

This spell reduces the subject's mass. The lost mass is subtracted from the character's encumbrance. If his Encumbrance level is negative, he gains one or more levels of the Negative Encumbrance advantage, and gets +1 to Move for every level of negative encumbrance (up to a +3 bonus). In addition, each 10% decrease in mass gives the subject +1 to Swimming skill, or any other skill where lack of mass would be an advantage (such as some uses of the Flight or Stealth skills).
Falling damage is based on the new mass, as are Jumping distances. In effect, a character with this spell on him is treated as if he were in a Low Gravity environment (see GURPS Compendium II).
However, for every 30% decrease in mass, the subject also suffers from one level of the Decreased Density advantage, and his reduced weight reduces his effectiveness (and increases his vulnerability to) Slam attacks. Knockback distance is increased based on the character's adjusted weight. (So, a character that only weighed 50% of normal would be knocked back 1 hex per every 4 points of damage, rather than for every 8 points of damage.
In addition, if the character's mass is reduced to less than 30% of normal, he must roll vs. DX (or Free Fall skill) each turn that he moves at more than 1/2 his normal (unadjusted) Move.
This is also a Force spell and a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, plus 1 point for every 10% reduction in mass, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy spent.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Lighten Burden, and 3 spells from each of the Body Control, Movement and Force colleges.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points per 10% reduction in weight.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Defecate Regular, resisted by HT

The subject of this spell defecates for the duration of the spell. If the spell is maintained it will become obvious that more is coming out than the subject could naturally hold.
This spell is likely to be extremely embarrassing any sentient subject and might (at the GM's option) require the victim to make a roll vs. IQ to resist being mentally stunned. Anyone in the subject's immediate area will react to the subject at -2, or -4 in highly formal (or intimate!) situations.
This spell is mostly used as an a practical joke or an attack spell, but clever mages will find other uses for it, such as relieving constipation or creating fertilizer in large quantities.
A variant of this spell causes the victim to urinate uncontrollably.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Retch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Some versions are hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Delactation Regular, resisted by HT

This spell will cause any mammal that is currently giving milk to stop producing until the milk flow is resumed, either by magic or as a natural consequence of childbirth. Unwilling creatures resist with HT.
This is also an Animal spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2 points.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Delay Fatigue Regular

The subject takes no fatigue while the spell is in effect. Once the spell passes, all cumulative fatigue is assessed at once and it is possible that the subject will fall unconscious. If the subject loses more than -ST in fatigue points, they will take 1 point of damage for each multiple of negative ST. For example, if Ferd has ST 12 and uses this spell to delay 36 points of fatigue, he would be rendered unconscious and would take 2 points of damage. This is because his final ST score would be -24 points, which is two multiples of his negative ST).
Fatigue lost due to spellcasting or psi use can't be delayed by means of this spell nor can the base cost of this spell be reduced to less than 1 point of Fatigue.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain (1 minimum).
Prerequisite: Magery, Vigor.
Item: Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Destroy Organ (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

This extremely deadly spell will destroy one of the target's organs. Loss of an eye will blind, lungs, heart, or brain will kill almost immediately, any other organs will usually cause slow death. The victim may resist with HT.
Destroying a supernatural creature's organs will not necessarily kill him automatically. Loss of major organs causes 5d of aggravated damage to Vampires and Garou. Loss of a minor organ (pancreas, kidney) will do 3d damage.
Victims are allowed a roll vs. HT to resist.
This is also a Body Control spell.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 6 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Deathtouch.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from J.C. Connors (GURPS Mummy)

Devolution (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT

This spell causes a creature to devolve into form possessed by its distant genetic ancestors. For example, a modern man could be devolved into a proto-human hominid, or a horse might be devolved into an eohippus. Generally, this will result in a reduction in IQ and HT, DX and ST might be reduced, increased, or unchanged depending on the specific race. Advantages and disadvantages might be changed, as can racial skills, however, individual skills and disadvantages and advantages can't be altered. In some cases, "devolution" of badly devolved or inbred species will actually produce an individual with superior IQ and HT. Extremely old or stable races might be immune to this spell. The exact details are up to the GM.
It can only be cast in a laboratory situation where the caster has no outside influences and the creature is constrained or confined. The spell scans the creature for any aspects that can be described as a product of evolution or environment in any form, whether normal or magical. This includes ST, DX, IQ, and HT, advantages, disadvantages, behavioral patterns and so forth. Also, the caster is able to determine what the lowest base form of the creature would be like if all abilities were reverted back to the most common ancestor of a varied species. So, all dragons would eventually become some prehistoric lizard, horses would become miniature prehistoric ponies, etc.
At the end of the analysis, the wizard may "devolve" the creature as he sees fit. However, many characteristics are linked. For example, if a mage wanted to devolved a dragon back to its prehistoric lizard form, the resulting reduction in size would reduce its ST, and the resulting reduction in IQ would destroy most of its innate spell-casting abilities (if it had them). Again, the exact details are up to the GM. For each "devolution" the mage wishes to attempt, the creature gets a roll vs. HT to resist the change. On a critical failure on the HT roll, the mage accidentally uncovered a latent lethal mutation and the victim dies.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 200 points. per hex of creature plus 10 points per character point gained or lost.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Alter Body, 10 Body Control spells.

Distort Body Regular, resisted by HT

The subject's body is grossly distorted as if it were a reflection in a funhouse mirror.
The subject's height and weight remain the same, but his height can be reduced by 50% or increased by 200% and the subject's body can be made to look grotesquely fat or thin. The GM should determine any new disadvantages the subject has based on their new appearance.
Extremely tall characters get the Gigantism disadvantage. Extremely short characters get the Dwarfism disadvantage. Characters who appear to be Very Fat or Skinny get any reaction penalties (but no other effects) of those disadvantages (-2 Reaction penalty, -10 points for Very Fat, -1 Reaction -5 points for Skinny).
The subject's appearance is likely to be severely affected. Any levels of Good Appearance are reduced by 2 levels to a minimum of Plain. If the subject has Average or worse appearance, they only lose 1 level of appearance, to a minimum of Hideous.
The subject might also have other disadvantages, and possibly a few advantages. Tall characters are likely to have Long Arms and Long Legs. Short characters are likely to have Short Arms. There are no "internal" disadvantages. For example, a freakishly skinny character could still eat and breathe although his neck was pencil thin.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain. Can be made permanent for 20 points.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Alteration.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Some versions are hexed, always on and affect the subject as if this spell were cat on him. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points (c) Funhouse Mirror GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 53 Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Dispel Fatigue Regular

The mage can use this spell to remove normal fatigue from a subject. Fatigue lost due to spellcasting or psi use can't be regained using this spell, nor can the mage cast this spell on himself. Unlike other spells, the base energy cost of this spell can't be reduced.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1, plus 1 point per 2 points of Fatigue restored. (Can't be reduced.).
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Recover Fatigue, and 5 Body Control spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Dodge Regular

This spell increases the subject's Dodge score by +1 per level. Each doubling of cost gives an additional +1 to Dodge.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 4, same to maintain. Each doubling of cost gives an additional +1 to Dodge.
Prerequisites: Magery, Dexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Increases Dodge by set amount. Always On. 250 points for +1, 500 points for +2, 1,000 points for +3, or 10,000 points for +4.

Drain Blood Regular; resisted by HT

This spell magically drains a pint of blood from the subject, which causes weakness, loss of hit points and an overall reduction of HT. For each application of this spell, the victim loses 1d-2 HP, 1 ST and 1 HT. The victim can roll vs. HT each hour to recover the ST and HT loss. The blood drained by this spell can be captured in a container if caster wishes.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2, can't be maintained.
Prerequisites: Fatigue.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Dysentery Regular, resisted by HT

This spell afflicts the subject with uncontrollable diarrhea. The subject must make a Will roll every 10 minutes to avoid defecating. They must also make a HT roll once an hour or lose a point of ST due to fluid loss. When ST reaches half, the subject starts losing HT instead. All HT rolls are at -2 if the weather is above 80 degrees and are at -4 if the weather is above 100 degrees.

Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 5 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Defecation, Pestilence.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Enhanced Agonize (VH) Regular, resisted by Will

This spell will send the victim into a seizure of agony that lasts for a full minute. The victim is allowed a Will roll to reduce the effect of the spell to that of the Pain spell. The spell ignores all PD and DR.
Prolonged exposure (more than HT minutes continuous exposure) can have catastrophic effects on the victim's central nervous system and psyche. Each HT minutes the victim must roll vs. HT. For each point by which the resistance roll is failed, the victim acquires 1 point in disadvantages of the GM's option: possibilities include loss of HT, DX, or IQ, or new physical or mental disadvantages.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Agonize.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 (b) Agonizing Whip, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 98 Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points

Evil Eye Regular, resisted by HT

This is a limited form of the Minor Alteration spell that allows the mage to make one of the victim's eyes swell to become huge, misshapen and grotesque. Appearance is lowered by 2 levels to a minimum of Hideous.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, same to maintain.
Prerequisites: 3 Body Control spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Evolution (VH) Regular, resisted by Will

This spell is used to advance the target up the evolutionary scale of development, whether known or imagined by the mage. In order for the spell to work, the subject must be present and the mage must touch the subject, though the subject need not be willing or even conscious. Creatures that undergo metamorphosis can be advanced to a later stage of development with this spell. (For example, tadpoles could be turned into frogs.) Other creatures can be improved as if they were the result of dozens of generations of selective breeding.
In game terms, this means that virtually any advantage, attribute, skill, power, or ability, that the GM deems reasonable can be bestowed as a "Racial" ability. However, not only does the mage have to pay for any improvement in the subject, but the subject must use any character points earned in the future to pay off the cost of such improvements, if they are made permanent.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 200 points, plus 10 points per character point of advantages gained.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Devolution

Exercise Regular, resisted by IQ

Gives the subject the effects of a whole-body workout session appropriate for their age, sex, species, and level of ability. This costs the subject 2 Fatigue in addition to the cost of casting the spell, but it gives subject the physical and psychological benefits of exercise.
The subject cannot gain ST, DX, or HT by means of this spell, but won't suffer deterioration of attributes due to inactivity, as long as this spell is cast faithfully.
This spell can only be cast once per day per person. Subsequent attempts to cast it on the same person on the same day will automatically fail.

Duration: Instantaneous. (Effects last for 1 day).
Cost: 2, can't be maintained. Subject also takes 2 Fatigue.
Prerequisite: Might or Vigor.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Fair Skin Regular, resisted by HT

Causes subject's hand, feet, and body to become smooth, uncallused, and pale, as if the character lived indoors and didn't do manual labor. Good for making robust types fashionably pale.

Duration: 12 hours.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

False Eye Regular

This spell allows the subject to "see" from a missing or damaged eye for the duration of the spell. No other benefits are bestowed except to cancel the effects that the One Eye or Bad Sight disadvantage has on vision. Blindness becomes the One Eye disadvantage. This spell can't be cast on two eyes at once.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Cure Blindness.
Item: Ocular Patch, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 49 Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1

Fat Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject gradually gain weight. Each week that this spell is in place, the subject must roll vs. HT or gain 10% of his weight as Fat encumbrance, up to a maximum of 300% of the subject's normal body weight. Weight gained due to this spell is permanently gained, but can be lost by normal means or by the Wasting spell.

Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 8, 6 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, 5 Body Control Spells.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (a) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. Per each 10% increase in weight.

Fever Regular, resisted by HT

Raises subject's temperature by 3 degrees. Makes subject uncomfortably hot and might cause heat injury or brain damage if cast on someone who is already running a high fever (1d points of damage per 10 minutes). This spell also gives the subject -1 to all HT rolls to resist heat. However, they get +1 to HT to resist the effects of cold or hypothermia.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Vigor.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Filthy Regular, Resisted by HT

Makes subject smelly and dirty as if he hadn't had a bath, washed his hair or brushed his teeth for a month. Any hygiene conscious creature with a nose must make a reaction roll at -2. Less hygiene-conscious folk must make a normal reaction roll. Only notably filthy people (i.e. Orcs, hermits) are unaffected.

Duration: Permanent, until washed off.
Cost: 2.
Prerequisite: Itch.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Affects wearer only. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Fingernail Claws Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell makes the subject's fingernails grow into claws, giving him the first level of the Claws advantage. This gives him +2 punching or kicking damage, and +1 to Climbing skill. However, the claws give the subject -2 to rolls fine motor control, as if he had the Poor Grip disadvantage.
This damage bonus is cumulative with bonuses from the character's naturally existing claws (which get longer) but not with the Iron Hand spell or advantage.
Unwilling subjects resist with IQ.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisite: Hair Growth.
Item (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) This spell can be made permanent on the subject for 100 times the base cost.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson

Flesh Box Regular, resisted by HT

This spell enables the caster to place an item inside of his body. In order to do this, the item must be theoretically capable of fitting inside the subject's body. That is, its dimensions cannot exceed those of the largest part of the subject's body (typically the torso), and its weight and volume cannot exceed the weight and volume of the subject's body. The subject can place an object in somebody else's body, but unwilling subjects get a roll vs. HT to resist the spell.
If these conditions are fulfilled, the item magically "sinks" into the subject's flesh where it will remain until the spell ends or until the subject wills the item to emerge. When commanded to reappear the object will pop out in the same condition it was in when it was placed inside the subject. While in the body the item retains its mass and chemical composition, but doesn't interfere with the functioning of the body unless the item is actively poisonous or the creature has a Vulnerability to that item. For example, a sword could be placed inside the body of a large man. While the sword is inside his body it will not cut him and it will magically bend as he moves. However, if the sword is envenomed, the "host" must roll vs. HT to avoid being poisoned!.
Items hidden inside a body are undetectable in contests of Holdout skill vs. Vision. However, they are visible to creatures with Penetrating Vision or to high-tech scanners such as x-rays. If a dangerous item is placed inside the subject's body, Danger Sense or Detect Foes will register some sort of danger, but the presence of the Flesh Box isn't revealed. Items inside the subject when the spell ends are harmlessly expelled from the body.
This spell can be cast on an unwilling victim. In this case, the only person who can remove the implanted item is the spell caster (or a mage who successfully casts a counterspell) and the victim gets a roll vs. HT to resist the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 per pound of material, half base cost to maintain. (Minimum 3, 2 to maintain.).
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Alter Body.
Item: Any item can have this spell permanently placed on it so that it can be sunk into the user's flesh at will and be retrieved with a command word. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points per pound of material (minimum of 250 points.).

Flexible Regular

The subject's body becomes unbelievably flexible as if he had the Flexibility advantage. The subject can squeeze into tight spaces, wriggle out of restraints, and slip out of wrestling holds like an eel. While the spell is in effect, the subject gets a +4 bonus to escape grappling holds, and the Escape and Contortionist skills at level 12, or +4 to his existing skill level, whichever is higher.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Limber.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Foulbreath Regular, resisted by HT

The subject of this spell will acquire unspeakably foul breath for 1d minutes. The breath is powerful enough to make anybody in the hex adjacent to the user feel ill or even faint dead away. Each individual in proximity to the victim (within 1 hex) must make a HT roll every turn; those in the same hex as the victim roll vs. HT-3. If the roll is failed the bystander faints; if it succeeds, he merely loses 2 ST and 2 DX for 1d minutes. The drinker is immune to his own breath. Those who survive react to the subject at -3.
Those beyond 1 hex will be able to detect the smell and will not voluntarily get closer to the subject. In any closed area, the subject's natural breathing will eventually make the air so foul that other creatures in the area will leave. Once they notice the source of the odor, they will react to the character at -3. Social skill rolls will automatically fail as long as this spell is in effect, and any other skill that requires a good reaction from an audience is at -3 to skill.
Creatures who do not breathe or who are unaffected by poison gas are immune to this spell.
This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1d minutes.
Cost: 5,can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Halitosis.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Halitosis Tankard. GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 42 Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Free Movement Regular

The subject's body and clothing become incredibly slippery, allowing him to wriggle out of bonds, Glue, Webs, and Grappling holds. In addition, the spell improves the traction of his skin, especially on the hands, elbows, knees and feet.
For the duration of the spell, the subject gets +4 to skill or attribute rolls to avoid being grappled or entangled, and +4 to wriggle out of fetters or to squeeze through tight places.
This spell will cancel the effects of magically created Webs, Glue, and other restraints if the mage can win a Contest of Skills. It will also counter spells that reduce traction, such as Ice Slick or Grease.
Finally, this spell gives the subject +2 to rolls to resist spells that interfere with movement, like Rooted Feet, Paralysis, or Hinder.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Hinder, Freedom.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for Wearer only. Some versions are Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Full Coordination (VH) Regular

Grants the subject one level of the Full Coordination advantage. This spell may be cast multiple times on the same subject to grant multiple levels of the advantage, but all castings must come from the same mage.
The number of attacks that the subject can make in one turn is limited by the number of usable limbs (or effective attacks) the character has.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 4; 3 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Ambidexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Giant Fists Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject's hands and forearms increase in size until they are the size of giant's fists.
These grotesquely enlarged fists double the subject's Punching damage. The fists are so heavy, however, that they throw the subject off balance unless he's very large or very strong.
The subject must make a ST roll, at -1 to his effective ST for every 30 lbs. he weighs less than 240 lbs. every time he punches, blocks, parries or grapples with his hands. For every point by which the ST roll is missed, he is at -1 to DX and all DX-based skills on the next turn and the turn thereafter.
Note that the character's enlarged hands look grotesque. People will react to the character at -1 as long as this spell is in effect and he will be very distinctive. Also, ordinary armor, gloves, clothing, etc. won't fit (items worn when this spell is cast magically disappear for the duration of the spell while still imparting any PD and DR they might have had).
The enlarged hands make tasks that require fine manual dexterity more difficult. All "ordinary" manual tasks are at -2, all fine manual tasks (such as typing, lock picking or watch repair) are at -4.
However, the extra hands make certain tasks (such as grappling) easier. The GM should give a bonus of +1 to +4 to any skill where huge hands (albeit slow-moving ones) would be an advantage.
Clever mages will find other uses for this spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Growth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.

Giant's Might (VH) Regular

This spell multiplies the subject's ST. If the subject is also the subject of Might, his Strength is multiplied first, then Might is added in. Note that the increased ST has no impact on Fatigue.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 8 for each multiple of ST (so 8 points doubles ST, 16 triples it and so forth), half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 second per energy point used to cast the spell.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Might, Enlarge, 5 other Body Control spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith (as Ogre's Strength).

Groom Regular, resisted by HT

This spell acts as a combination of the Bathe, Remove Blemish, Fair Skin, Haircut and Makeup spells. In addition to being faster and cheaper to cast than its various component spells, the cumulative effects give the character +1 to reaction rolls in situations where hygiene and grooming are important.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points, can't be maintained.
Prerequisites: Bathe, Remove Blemish, Fair Skin, Make Over and Haircut.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Grow Limb Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is a limited version of the Major Alteration spell that allows the subject to grow an extra limb and gives him the ability to use it for routine tasks.
An extra limb has the same PD, DR, and HP as the subject's non-magical limb and takes damage accordingly. However, if it is crippled or severely wounded, so that it becomes a danger to its owner, the spell will end and the limb will disappear. When the limb vanishes, half of any damage it took vanishes as well. Damage from bleeding, shock and other causes remains behind.
An extra arm gives the subject +1 to skills where an extra arm would be useful. In combat, the extra arm gives +1 to Grapple. There is no benefit beyond that unless the mage pays extra for a fully-coordinated arm. A fully-coordinated arm allows the mage to make an extra attack or defense and gives +1 to some combat skills. Note that an extra arm will interfere with the use of most clothing or armor.
This spell can also be used to create an extra leg. A spare leg gives the mage +1 per leg to DX rolls to keep his feet. It also increases his Speed by 10% per leg, up to 20% maximum.
See the Extra Limbs section in GURPS Compendium 1 for further details.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. For double cost, the mage can have an arm with Full Coordination.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Alteration.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.

Hairball Missile

The mage gags up a large hairball, which magically flies towards the target doing damage. The missile does 1d-1 per point of Fatigue put into the spell to a maximum of 3d. The missile has Acc 0, SS 12, 1/2D 10 Max 20.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 1 per 1d-1 of damage, up to 3d-3 maximum.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of Fatigue.
Prerequisite: Minor Alteration, Fur (as a natural advantage) or the Hairy spell.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Halitosis Regular, resisted by HT

This spell fills the victim's mouth with filth and makes his breath smell incredibly foul. Anyone who can smell the character reacts to him at -2, as if he had been covered in Filth (see A Note on Filth). Anyone who is forced into close proximity with the character must roll vs. HT+2 or react as if he had been affected by the Retch spell.
This is also an Air spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery, Perfume.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. When worn it affects the wearer as if this spell was cast on him. Requires Remove Curse to remove. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from Emily Smirle

Hand Tool Regular, resisted by HT

This spell turns one of the subject's hands into a (one-handed) hand tool or weapon of the mage's choosing.
Though the subject can't use the transformed hand for anything else, he does get the benefit of a weapon or tool that can't be lost and won't turn in his hand. Unwilling subjects roll vs. HT to resist.
The item created is normal in all respects. However, since it is melded to the user's body, it can't be lost or knocked away. If it breaks, the spell ends and the subject takes no damage. However, the user's hand (below the point where it melds with the weapon) remains vulnerable to damage.
The tool created has the same PD, DR and HP of an ordinary weapon or tool of the same type. Note that while the "tool" can have moving parts, any "expendable" supplies (such as nails, grinding wheels, bullets, etc.) must be supplied by the mage.
Note that high-tech power tools can't be created with this spell. Use the Partial Mechamorphosis spell instead.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. Double cost for weapons or tools with moving parts.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Minor Alteration.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Bracers. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points if the subject can specify the type of weapon he creates or 150 points if just one sort of weapon can be created. This magic item commonly has other enchantments placed on it to improve the quality of the created weapons.

Hands Regular

This spell turns the mage's forelimbs into human-like hands for the duration of the spell. This cancels any levels of Increased Movement the mage may have but eliminates penalties for the No Fine Manipulators or No Manipulators advantage.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. Double cost if the mage has no forelimbs!.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Minor Alteration.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Heat Stroke Regular, resisted by HT

This spell reduces the subject's fluid level, lowers their electrolyte balance and greatly increases their body temperature, causing them to react as if they had a severe heat injury. Each minute the victim must roll vs. HT or lose 1d-3 points of Fatigue and suffer the effects of Heat Cramps and Heat Exhaustion. When Fatigue reaches 3, the victim must roll vs. HT each minute to remain conscious and HT is lost instead of Fatigue.
If the ambient temperature is more than 70 degrees, the subject is at -1 to HT to resist. If the temperature is more than 90 degrees, if the humidity is high, or if the subject has been exerting himself, he is at -2 to HT rolls!.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Fever.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry which allows the spell to be cast. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points.

Heavy Hand Regular

Each point invested will inflict 1d+2 of pseudo-damage, which does not actually harm the target, but which does normal knockback. Every 8 hits will move the subject 1 hex directly away from the caster in a straight line. Though there is no direct damage, being pushed into a stone wall or similar obstacle would cause damage as per falling. DR does not protect vs. the knockback effect, but it does protect against collision damage. The mage must touch the subject in order for this spell to work.

Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 1 to 3; each point does 1d+2 knockback damage.
Prerequisites: Might.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points.
Author: Adapted from D. Barrett (adapted from Vibrating Touch on GURPS BBS)

Hesitate Regular, resisted by Will

Forces the subject to roll vs. Will or hesitate for 1 round before taking any new action. For example, a character under the influence of this spell must hesitate for one round before attacking each new foe. However, once he began attacking a foe, he would not have to roll vs. Will until he attempted to break off combat or attack a new foe. This spell halves the subject's basic Speed when determining Initiative.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry, Weapon, or Clothing. Affects wearer or user only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Hiccup Regular, Resisted by HT

Gives subject a bad case of the hiccups. This can disrupt spells which must be spoken (the caster must roll vs. Will every second or disrupt their spell casting) and cancels the effects of the Voice advantage. It also gives -2 to use skills which require use of the voice like Fast-Talk, Bard, or Singing. Skills that require breath control, fine motor control, or inconspicuousness like Swimming, Surgery or Shadowing will also be at -2. The GM may also rule that some skills, such as Breath Control or Stealth are impossible while the subject has the hiccups.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Hold Person Regular, Resisted by HT

The subject can't move his feet from ground, as per the Rooted Feet spell, but he gets no subsequent roll to break loose. If the initial resistance roll is failed, the victim is stuck for the duration of the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 per 50 lb. of body weight, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Rooted Feet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Hyper Metabolism Regular, resisted by HT

Gives the subject the Hyperactive advantage (see Compendium 1) for the duration of the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Vigor, Dexterity, Might.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Hypothermia Regular, resisted by HT

This spell reduces the victim's temperature to a dangerously low level. Each minute the subject must roll vs. HT or lose 1d-3 points of Fatigue. They will also be at -3 to DX and IQ due to severe shivering and reduced mental capacity. When Fatigue reaches 3, the victim must roll vs. HT each minute to remain conscious and HT is lost instead of Fatigue.
If the ambient temperature is below 50 degrees, the subject is at -1 to HT rolls to resist this spell. If the temperature is below freezing, if the subject is soaking wet or has not been active, he is at -2 to HT rolls!.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Chill.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Ignore Wounds Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell is similar to the Resist Pain spell, but the subject doesn't feel the effects of his wounds at all.
For the duration of the spell, the subject takes no Shock penalties, and cannot be Stunned or rendered unconscious by injury. He is also immune to ultratech stunners, neural weaponry, and similar attacks that stun the victim by affecting his nervous system.
The drawback of this spell is that the subject doesn't know how badly he's hurt. The GM keeps track of any wounds the character receives while he affected by the spell, keeping the results secret from the player. The character must roll vs. IQ (or vs. a skill such as Diagnosis or First Aid) to estimate the seriousness of his injuries.
Unwilling subject roll vs. IQ to resist.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6 to cast, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Vigor, and Resist Pain.
Item (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Imitate Person Regular

This spell allows the mage to assume the appearance and voice of a specific person known to him. He does not acquire the victim's abilities, skills, memories or mannerisms. Note that the mage must have previously seen the subject and heard him speak in order to use this spell. The mage is at -6 to skill if he has only seen the subject from a distance (or on TV for high-tech mages), or at -4 if he has only had brief, impersonal contact with the subject.
This is also an Illusion and Creation spell and a Communication and Empathy spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Alter Body, Alter Voice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand of Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Can only imitate one famous (or well-known) personage. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Impediment Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell makes the subject's actions slower and less efficient halving the speed at which he works at most Craft skills. Other skills that mostly rely upon physical, repetitive motion can be affected by this spell, but skills that rely entirely on repetitive motion (like Running or Rowing) are not affected.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Hinder.
Item: (a) Staff or Wand. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Afflicts wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.

Implant Object Regular, resisted by Will

This spell allows an inanimate item to meld into the subject's body becoming a part of its physical structure for the duration of the spell. For example, a saddle could be melded to a horse's back so that it would never come off and would become part of the horse's body. Items melded into the body become partially alive and are naturally cleaned and healed by the body. However, they can't be removed. Damage taken by a melded item which surpasses its PD or DR is taken as damage by the creature that is wearing it. Damaged items can be fixed with healing spells while they are implanted. Magic items retain their powers while melted. Held items that are implanted can't be knocked loose unless the limb holding them is crippled. The spell doesn't give the subject the ability to feel sensations through the implanted item.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Flesh Box.
Item: Any item can have this spell permanently placed on it so that it can become part of the user's flesh at will and released with a command word. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. per pound of material (minimum of 250 points.).

Increase Mass Regular, resisted by HT

This is like the Increase Burden spell, except that the actual mass of the subject is increased. The subject's appearance does not change, they just get heavier. Additional weight is counted as encumbrance.
This is also a Force spell.

Duration: 1minute.
Cost: 1 point for every 25 pounds of mass; half to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery, Increase Burden, and 5 Body Control spells.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net

Inversion (VH) Regular, resisted by HT + Will

Causes the subject's body to turn inside out, killing them within 1 minute (1d points of damage per turn until the subject is dead). This spell is very gruesome, anyone who sees the victim must make a Fright Checks.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 10 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Alter Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Iron Hand Regular, resisted by Will

This spell gives the subject the Iron Hand advantage for the duration of the spell.
The subject's hands and feet become extremely tough, allowing him to do +2 to punching damage, +1 to kicking damage, and giving him DR2 to his hands and feet. The subject has -1 to DX rolls for fine motor control with his hands, and is at -3 to Touch perception rolls with his hands.
The effects of this spell are not cumulative with claws, fist-loads, gauntlets, or other advantages that increase punching or kicking damage. The effects are cumulative with bonuses for high skill with unarmed combat skills.
If the mage wishes, he may affect only one of the subject's hands.
Unwilling subjects get a resistance roll vs. Will.
This is also an Earth (Metal) spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3; 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Might, Resist Pain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith, Anthony Jackson, and Thomas Barnes.

Iron Stomach Regular

Allows the subject to consume any substance and derive sustenance from it. This affects the entire digestive system, including the ability to chew any material.
This is also a Food spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Create Food, Weaken.
Item: a liquid, when drunk will endow the consumer with Iron stomach for 1 hour. Energy Cost to Create: 100.
Author: Adapted from D. Carter

Ironbone Regular

The subject's bones become hard and resist breakage. Cutting damage is -1 per full four points applied before the cutting modifier. Crushing damage is halved rounded down. Twice as much damage as normal is required to cripple a limb. Any called shot against an area not protected by bones, such as the throat or vitals, is not effected by this spell.
This spell temporarily cancels the Fragile disadvantage and negates the Brittlebone spell.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 second.
Prerequisites: Magery, Set Fracture, and Brittlebone.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann.

Irresistible Dance Regular: Resisted by Will

The subject feels an uncontrollable urge to dance and he will do so unless he resists. Each turn, he may make another resistance roll. Should he fail, he moves one hex in a randomly determined direction, otherwise he can control the direction of his movement (though he can't shake off the effects of the spell). Dancing characters can do nothing but dance, their Move is halved and DX and ST are reduced by -2. All skills (except purely mental ones) and Active Defenses are reduced by -2. The subject must also roll vs. HT every minute or lose a point of fatigue. This will definitely spoil a wizard's spellcasting unless he can cast a spell without having to gesture. On the positive side, the subject temporarily gets the Dance skill at level 10 if he didn't already have it.

Duration: 1 minute or until subject falls unconscious.
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Repetition.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Musical Instrument that forces everyone who hears it (20 hex radius) to make a resistance roll or start dancing. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry that forces anyone who wears it to dance. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Irritating Touch Regular, resisted by HT

The subject's body is covered with a powerful caustic oil similar to that produced by poison ivy. When the mage touches the victim's bare flesh, that person must roll vs. HT or begin to suffer from an intense itching that gives -2 to ST, DX, and IQ. If the subject had extensive contact with the mage (or vice-versa) they must roll vs. HT-2. If the subject is grappling the mage, they must roll vs. Will each turn in order to continue grappling. Clothing and armor give a bonus to HT equal to the DR of the armor and prevents damage for as many seconds as the armor has DR. So, DR 2 armor would give +2 to HT rolls to avoid damage and would completely protect against damage for 2 seconds. Completely sealed armor, such as ultra-tech battlesuits or vacc suits give complete protection. Several hours after the initial contact, large blisters will erupt on the victim's body in any location where they had contact with the mage. These blisters do 1 point of damage per hit location touched, or the GM can assume that the subject was touched in 1d-3 (minimum 1) locations for casual or brief contact or 1d+1 locations for close contact.

Duration: 10 seconds (effects are permanent).
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Itch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Clothing. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Greasy contact poison that causes effects of this spell on any bare flesh it touches. The poison can be applied to blades and other non-porous surfaces and will last until it touches a suitable target. Then the magic in the poison is consumed and it becomes inert. Must be applied with gloves or some other tool or it will affect the person who is attempting to apply it! Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Juggler Regular

This spell enables the subject to juggle with amazing speed, accuracy, and style. He gets the Juggling and Team Juggling skills at DX+5, and can reroll any failed skill rolls as long as the spell is in effect. Only on a critical failure of his skill roll will he make a serious mistake and for most purposes he need not make a skill roll at all.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. Each additional point of energy added to the base and maintenance costs gives an additional +1 to skill.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds plus 1 second per additional point of energy.
Prerequisite: Dexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing, Jewelry or match pair of rings, bracelets or bracers. Works for wearer only. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Keen Senses Regular

This spell will enhance one or more of the mage's sense for the duration of the spell, as long as he has some ability in that sense to begin with. Note that this spell only improves one sense, and that sense still won't function if blocked in some way (like trying to see in the dark). Multiple senses can be improved by application of the same spell. It is up to the mage to determine how the bonuses to senses are split up. This is also a Knowledge spell and a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 point per every +1 increase to each sense, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Two spells that improve the senses, such as Keen Ears, Keen Nose or Hawk Sight.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Kicker Regular

This spell increases the amount of damage that the subject does with his feet.
Kicking damage is increased by +2, as is the DR of any footwear the subject is wearing, but only for deflecting damage to the legs and feet caused by kicking a solid (or armored) object. If the subject is barefoot or his shoes don't provide any DR, this spell gives DR 2 to the feet and lower legs.
For double cost this spell doubles kicking damage and doubles the DR of any footwear worn. If the subject isn't wearing footwear, his bare feet get DR 4.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. (6 points, 3 to maintain for double strength version).
Prerequisite: Might, Resist Pain, Power Blow.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points (b) Footgear or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Lactation Regular, resisted by Will

This spell causes a mammal to begin producing milk, as if it had recently given birth. This spell allows women (or men!) to wet nurse babies without having to give birth themselves. It is also extremely useful in dairy farming or for wet-nursing unexpected babies. Milk production is equal to that of a normal female member of that breed and species. Milk production can be increased beyond this by increasing the energy put into the spell, but this is extremely painful for the subject. They must make a Will roll or be at -1 to IQ and ST.
This is also a Food spell and an Animal spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain. Each doubling of cost doubles milk production. For double cost a non-mammalian creature can be made to give milk! For triple cost, a non-living object can be made to give milk!.
Prerequisite: 3 Body Control spells.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Affects wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Lame Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject go lame for the duration of the spell.
Move is halved, as is the subject's ability to carry weight. Other tasks that involve the feet (such as kicking or climbing) are at -4 to skill or ability.
For horses and beasts of burden this spell is extremely serious. The animal takes 1d-1 points of damage to one leg (chosen randomly). Until this spell ends and the beast heals naturally, they can move at no more than a slow walk, and they can carry only a quarter of their normal load.
Each day the animal must roll vs. HT or take an additional point of damage to the leg. If the animal traveled or worked the previous day, it must roll vs. HT-2. When the leg takes enough damage that it is crippled, the beast cannot move and nothing short of magical healing can restore the animal to health. (At this point, without magical healing, the animal is usually killed.).
This is also an Animal spell.

Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery, Pain, Hinder, and Minor Alteration.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Harness or Jewelry. Casts this spell on any beast of burden that the item is attached to. Always On. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points

Lethargy Regular, resisted by HT

Similar to the Fatigue spell, but this spell interferes with the subject's ability to regain fatigue.
For every 2 points of energy put into this spell, the subject's base Fatigue score is reduced by 1 point. Fatigue above this reduced level isn't lost, but the victim can't regain Fatigue above the reduced level for the duration of the spell. For example, if the victim had ST 12, and the mage put 6 Fatigue points into casting this spell (reducing the subject's Fatigue by 3), then the subject's base Fatigue, once reduced to 9 or less, couldn't exceed 9 for the duration of the spell.
In addition to blocking natural Fatigue recovery this spell blocks the use of the Recover ST spell. However, more powerful spells such as Lend Strength will work if they can win a contest of spell skills vs. the Lethargy spell.
If the subject's Fatigue pool is reduced to 0, they fall unconscious for the rest of the spell's duration. Fatigue can't be reduced below 0.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per 1 point reduction in Fatigue score, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Fatigue.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Reduces wearer's Fatigue by a set amount. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Lifter Regular

This spell multiplies the subject's ST for lifting or pulling, multiplying all the wearer's encumbrance values by 10 (it does not multiply damage). It costs the subject 1 fatigue to lift items no matter how many objects the he lifts.
This spell can help the subject throw heavy objects but doesn't add to damage done when using weapons. Extra ST is for lifting and short term carrying only.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Might.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points

Limber Regular, Resisted by HT

Makes all the muscles in the subject's body relaxed and limber. This reduces muscular tension, prevents sprains, counters the Rigor and Ache spells and makes the subject Double-Jointed as per the advantage.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Affects wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Locked Limb Regular, resisted by Will

Locks one or more of the subject's joints in place (number and position determined by caster). A locked joint gives -4 to most physical skills, -10 to skills that require full flexibility like typing or acrobatics. However, locked joints give +1 ST to hold things up or apart.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain, add 1 point for each major joint (or group of minor joints) locked beyond the first.
Prerequisite: Rigor.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Long Paralysis Regular, Resisted by HT

As Paralysis, but the duration is longer. The spell can be nullified by a Freedom, Remove Paralysis or Remove Curse spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 6, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Total Paralysis.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Major Addition Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is identical to the Minor Addition spell, except that the mage can add, subtract or multiply organs and limbs in whatever way he can imagine. The only limitation is that new limbs and organs must duplicate the mage's natural limbs and organs. Other than that, anything goes. Multiple additions can be made at once, but sequential additions require multiple castings of the spell. (For example, a mage could use this spell to grow four extra arms and an extra head, all at once. However, if he first wished to grow the extra arms, and then the extra head, he would have to cast the spell a second time.
The exact effects of various additions is up to the GM. As a general guideline, the character can temporarily gain up to 30 points in advantages or 50 points in disadvantage per application of this spell. More extreme changes require multiple spell castings. Also note that though the mage can create multiple limbs, other spells are required to allow him to make multiple attacks with those limbs!.
This spell can be cast on others, but any additions are under the control of the mage casting the spell. Unwilling subjects get a roll vs. HT to resist.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 6, 5 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Minor Addition.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Major Rearrangement Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows mage to rearrange his body in any way his wishes. The number of limbs and organs must remain the same, but other than that, anything goes. The rearranged body parts function normally in their new locations and the basic functioning of the mage's body isn't disturbed in any way. However, it is up to the GM to determine how things work and to hit penalties to target the rearranged parts. Unlike the Minor Rearrangement spell, the changes don't have to make anatomical sense. For example, the mage could transfer his face to his hand or his head to his belly. He could switch the locations of his arms and legs or he could transfer all his vital organs from his chest to his legs. Applications of this spell are limited only by the mage's imagination and the GM's tolerance.
Note that each separate rearrangement of the body requires a different application of this spell, though multiple changes can be made at once. For example, a mage could transfer his vital organs to his legs, move his shoulder blades so that they covered the organs and move one of his eyes to the back of his head all in one rearrangement. However, if he wished to do each of those things sequentially, he would have to cast this spell three times.
It takes 1d seconds for the various changes to take effect. In some cases, the sight of the mage's body parts "flowing" over the mage's body to their new locations can be quite disconcerting (viewers must make Fright Checks at +2). During this time the mage may not move or attack, though he can defend normally.
This spell can be cast on others, however, all alterations to be made are under the control of the mage who cast the spell! Unwilling subjects get a resistance roll vs. HT. Changes last for the duration of the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 5, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds (plus 1d seconds for changes to take effect).
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Minor Rearrangement.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Mote Regular, resisted by HT

This spell inserts a tiny sharp bit of metal, glass or stone into the victim's eye.
Unless he makes a save, the object gives him -4 to all Vision rolls and any skills that rely on vision, including melee weapon attacks. In addition, the mote is painful and distracting. The victim is at -2 to all IQ or Will rolls to concentrate (-1 for High Pain Threshold, -4 for Low Pain Threshold).
If the subject isn't in combat, or an immediately threatening situation, he will ignore other tasks to get the mote out of his eye. In this case, the subject must make an IQ roll (Add +4 for Common Sense). If he fails by 4 or more, he will begin to violently rub at his eyes, which will cause 1 point of damage as the mote gouges his eye. On a critical failure, he takes 2 points of damage to the eye and blinds himself. Damage to the eye heals normally.
On any other result, the victim will use less self-destructive means to get the mote out of his eye. In any case, he will be extremely distracted, and might distract others around him as they try to help him. The victim (who is still at -4 to Vision rolls) will be at an additional -2 to all Sense rolls while he concentrates on clearing his eye, as will anyone helping him.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, can't be maintained. For 2 extra points, both eyes can be affected simultaneously.
Prerequisite: Tear.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works on wearer only. Always on. Some versions are hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points or 300 if both eyes are affected. (Note that the high price of this item come from the fact that since it is Always On and likely to be hexed, eventually the victim will gouge his eyes out!)

Make-Over Regular

This spell allows the caster to make minor changes in his appearance, like changing his eye or hair color or making his skin more pale or more tanned. Any change that could be achieved with normal, modern cosmetics is allowed. Make-up can also be instantly applied using this spell, as long as the subject has the proper materials at hand, though no special skill at applying the make-up is granted. (The subject must use his own Disguise, Performance, or Fashion skills.).

Duration: 1 hour (make-up applied is permanent until it wears off or is removed).
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Item: Jewelry or Cosmetics Tool. Works for wearer or user only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Mass Rooted Feet Area, Resisted by ST

Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Usable only by a Mage. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.
Source: Pyramid Magazine

Melt Regular, resisted by HT

This wicked spell causes the victim's body to melt like wax and flow away, ultimately killing the subject.
If the spell is successful, the victim takes 1d points of damage per turn until his body is utterly destroyed. Those observing the subject might have to make Fright Checks.
The subject is allowed a HT roll to resist.

Duration: 1 minute, effects are permanent.
Cost: 10 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Deathtouch.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.

Minor Addition Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to add one or more minor body parts to his body. For example, using this spell, the mage could "grow" a third eye, an extra arm joint, or extra fingers. Major organs and new limbs can't be created using this spell, nor will this spell repair damage or crippled limbs and organs (though to some extent this spell allows such damage to be ignored, just by its very nature).
The exact effects of such additions are up to the GM, but as a general guideline, this spell temporarily allows the mage to gain up to 15 points in physical advantages or disadvantages. The new body parts must duplicate existing body parts, the mage can't create new senses or new types of limbs.
Note that only one change (or multiple changes of the same type) can be made per casting of this spell. Multiple additions require multiple spell castings.
This spell can be cast on others, but any additions are under the control of the mage casting the spell. Unwilling subjects get a roll vs. HT to resist.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 per alteration, 2 to maintain. (2, 1 for very minor alterations such as growing an extra finger).
Prerequisites: Alter Body.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Minor Rearrangement Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to make minor alterations to the location of his body parts. For example, the mage could transfer an eye to the back of his head so that he can't be surprised from behind. Alternatively, he could transfer his mouth and esophagus to his hand so that he can eat and drink through his fingers! The mage can alter his body in any way that he can imagine and which the GM will allow, within the following parameters:.
The basic size, shape, and function of the mage's body can't be changed.
The mage can't change the location or function of his major limbs or organs.
Any changes must "work around" existing body structures. (For example, if the mouth were routed to a hand, then the esophagus would have to be routed around bone, muscle and nerve).
The mage's body can't be altered so that the parts do something that they could not do before. (For example, a mage couldn't "rewire" his lungs and his skin so that he could breathe through his skin.).
No more than one alteration can be made per casting of this spell. Multiple changes require multiple castings. (For example, a mage could move one eye to the back of his head, but not both of them, unless he was willing to cast this spell twice).
Sense organs, extremities, and joints can be moved freely using this spell.
This spell can be cast on others, except that all changes to be made are under the control of the mage who cast the spell. Unwilling targets get a resistance roll vs. HT.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Alter Body.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Monk's Vigil Regular

Allows subject to ignore hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleepiness, minor pain and discomfort, etc. for the duration of the spell. The spell doesn't prevent Fatigue loss from these causes, it just allows them to be ignored for the duration of the spell, or until the subject falls unconscious, whichever comes first. The subject is at +4 to Will to resist urges to eat, sleep, drink, or be affected by pain. This spell does not allow the subject to ignore the effects of Fatigue lost due to spellcasting or psi use.

Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Delay Fatigue.
Item: Jewelry, Clothing or Meditation Mat. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Morgorn's Spell of Red Death (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

The subject is turned inside out, which will kill most things immediately. Any observer not expecting this should make a fright check at -5.
This spell is identical in effect to the Inversion spell.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 25 points.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Alter Body, and Apportation.
Author: S. John Ross (adapted from Arduin Grimoire)

No Sweat Regular, resisted by HT

The subject stops sweating for the duration of the spell. This makes the subject slightly harder to track by scent (-2 to skill rolls) and might help with certain skill rolls where not sweating is an advantage, but it can be dangerous in hot climates. The subject is at -3 to HT to resist the effects of hot weather, -6 if they are exerting themselves.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Chill.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Some versions are Always On and Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Noseplug Regular

The subject's nostrils and mouth become impermeable to water. Normal air breathing is not impeded, but no oxygen is extracted from "breathing" in water. Holding one's breath is still recommended; the spell costs 1 extra ST for each deep breath taken underwater. As a side effect, the subject's ears are also made impermeable to water. While this doesn't help the subject to hear any better while underwater, it does keep water out of his ears.
The effect of this spell is to give the subject +4 to his Swimming roll to avoid drowning when he first enters the water and +2 to all subsequent Swimming rolls to avoid drowning. In addition, the subject never "swallows water" on a critical failure on the Swimming roll.
On land this spell also has its uses. It gives the subject +1 to all rolls to resist the effects of strong scents (such as the Stinking Cloud spell), gasses, and loud noises.

Duration: 1 hour .
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Item: Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
Author: Adapted from Bob Traynor (From "Minor Magics for GURPS")

Offhand Regular, resisted by Will

When this spell is cast, the subject's dominant hand switches. Right handers become left-handed and vice-versa. This spell is useful if the subject's master hand is crippled or if the subject is trying to imitate another person or use tools designed for the opposite hand.
It can also be used offensively against a one-handed foe.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Dexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Always on. Reverses wearer's handedness while worn. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Omnivore Regular

This spell gives the subject the Gnawing, Devouring, Universal Digestion, and Cast-Iron Stomach advantages. This allows them to chew through anything, eat anything, and digest virtually anything.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 4, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Might, Vigor, Resist Poison.
Item: Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.

Overrider Regular, resisted by Will

This spell gives the subject the Incapacity Override advantage for the duration of the spell. The character's behavior when he is incapacitated must be specified by the character before he falls unconscious. If no instructions are given, the override's default reaction is to retreat from danger to the nearest safe place. If retreat is unavailable, then the override is programmed to go Berserk, as per the disadvantage.
The spell lasts until the subject dies from his wounds, regains consciousness, or the duration ends, whichever comes first.
The mage may cast this spell on himself, but he may not maintain it if he is unconscious, even if cost is 0, unless he is using a self-powered magic item.
This is also a Mind Control spell.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 5; 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds, during which instructions are given.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Berserker, and Sleepwalker.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith (as Incapacity Override).

Pain Mirror Regular, resisted by HT

This spell mystically reflects the effects of any Pain or Stunning felt by the subject back onto the character who caused the pain. The attacker may roll vs. HT to resist. If he fails, the attacker takes Shock and Stun penalties equal to those inflicted on his target.
This spell takes normal range penalties, so it is usually ineffective against missile attacks. The spell also doesn't protect the subject from pain from previous injuries, magic, or other sources. It also doesn't protect the subject against self-inflicted damage or damage from accidents or natural causes.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Pain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Palsy Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the victim tremble uncontrollably. This halves Move, gives -2 to DX and gives -6 to DX or skill for tasks that require fine manual dexterity. In addition, the victim is afflicted with the Stuttering disadvantage for the duration of the spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Spasm.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Paragon (VH) Regular

This spell acts like a combination of the Vigor, Might and Dexterity spells. Each level of this spell improves the subject's ST, DX, HT and all physical skills by 1. In other respects, it is like the spells it is based on.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 per +1 increase in attributes.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Vigor, Might, Dexterity.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.

Parry Regular

This spell increases the subject's Parry score by +1 per level. Each doubling of cost gives an additional +1 to Parry.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 2, same to maintain. Each doubling of cost gives an additional +1 to Parry.
Prerequisites: Magery, Lend Skill or Dexterity.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Increases Parry by set amount. Always On. 100 points for +1, 250 points for +2, 500 points for +3, or 1,000 points for +4.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1

Partial Mechamorphosis/TL (VH) Regular; Resisted by IQ

Author: David Pulver (GURPS Technomancer)

Permanent Anosmia Regular, Resisted by HT

Destroys the subject's sense of smell and/or taste, inflicting the Anosmia disadvantage on them.

Duration: Permanent, until cured by magic.
Cost: 6.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Strike Smell/Taste.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points. (b) Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Usually combined with the Hex spell to make a cursed item, but un-Hexed versions are sought after by people who work at smelly occupations. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Permanent Blindness Regular, Resisted by HT

Strikes subject permanently blind, as per the Strike Blind spell.

Duration: Permanent, until cured by magic.
Cost: 15.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Strike Blind.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.

Permanent Deafness Regular, Resisted by HT

Strikes subject permanently deaf.

Duration: Permanent, until cured by magic.
Cost: 15.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Strike Deaf.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Permanent Dumbness Regular, Resisted by HT

Strikes subject permanently dumb as per the Strike Dumb spell.

Duration: Permanent, until cured by magic.
Cost: 10.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Strike Dumb.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Permanent Poor Vision Regular, Resisted by HT

The subject is afflicted with Poor Sight, either Near-Sightedness or Far-Sightedness depending on the whim of the caster. Effects of Poor Vision are as per the disadvantage.

Duration: Permanent, until cured by magic.
Cost: 6.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Strike Blind.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Permanent Raceshifting (VH) Resisted by Will

This spell is identical to the Raceshifting spell, but its effects are permanent.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 20 points, plus 1 point per character point of inherent racial advantages, disadvantages, or skills for that species.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Raceshifting.
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Permanent Sex Change Regular, Resisted by HT

Causes subject to permanently change sex while maintaining their current race and age. If the subject is unwilling the spell can be resisted with a HT roll and it can be removed by a Remove Curse spell.

Duration: Permanent, until cured by magic.
Cost: 10 points.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Sex Change.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Permanent Skin Dye Regular, resisted by Will

This spell is identical to the Skin Dye spell except that the effects are permanent until dispelled by magic.
Unwilling subjects resist with Will.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points.
Prerequisite: Skin Dye.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1

Poisoner Regular, resisted by HT

This spell poisons the subject. If the victim fails to make a HT roll to resist, he takes 1d damage. Each minute thereafter he must successfully roll vs. HT or take another 1d damage. Poison damage only stops when the target makes his HT roll or when a he is affected by a spell such as Cure Poison.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Variable.
Cost: 3 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Poison Food, 4 Body Control spells.
Item (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points. (b) Any item. Casts this spell on anyone who touches, wears, or uses the object. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Poison Hands Regular, resisted by HT

This spell covers the caster's hands with a powerful contact poison.
If the caster touches bare flesh with his hands, the victim must roll vs. HT or take 1d points of venom damage. The GM should assign a "to hit" penalty based on how much bare flesh is exposed on the victim's body.
If the subject is wearing normal clothing or is covered with fur or other natural body covering (any clothing or protection with a DR of 1 or less), the poison will penetrate 1d seconds after the mage touches the victim, but will only deliver 1d-2 points of damage. DR from Toughness does not assist in this case. DR from natural armor does protect. In addition, non-porous clothing or armor (such as plate armor or raincoats) will completely prevent the poison from penetrating.
If the subject is grappling the mage, unless he is extremely well protected, the GM should give the mage +4 or more to his DX or skill roll to touch the victim. Note that this spell can be combined with a normal unarmed attack, such as a punch, kick or grapple. Regardless of the number of attacks that the subject can make in a turn, this spell will only deliver 1d of poison damage to the subject per turn for the duration of the spell.
The caster is not affected by his own poison.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds. Prerequisite: Poison.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Gloves. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Power Fist Regular

Each point on energy (up to 3) invested in this spell will add 1d of damage to the next punch, kick or unarmed attack thrown by the caster. If the attack misses, the extra damage is lost and the spell ends. However, unlike missile spells, this spell can be held until it is needed.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: From 1 to 3; the punch will add 1d damage for each energy point, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 second for each point of energy used.
Prerequisite: Might.
Item: Bracers or gloves. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Ellison

Practice Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell is nearly identical to the Exercise spell, but it can be used to keep the subject's skill with a physical skill (or any mental skill which relies upon manual dexterity or physical conditioning ) from deteriorating due to lack of use.
The spell costs the subject 1 Fatigue in addition to the costs to cast the spell, but gives him the benefits of a workout session appropriate for his level of ability in one physical skill. For example, this spell could be used to give a pianist the benefit of playing several hours of scales or a martial artist the effects of a training session in the dojo.
The subject cannot gain levels of skill by means of this spell, but he won't suffer deterioration of his skills due to inactivity, as long as this spell is cast faithfully.
This spell can only be cast once per day per skill per person. Subsequent attempts to "work out" the same skill on the same day will automatically fail.

Duration: Instantaneous. (Effects last for 1 day).
Cost: 2, can't be maintained. Subject takes 1 Fatigue.
Prerequisite: Exercise.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. If the item only works for one skill (specified when the item is enchanted) Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Works for one skill only (specified when the item is enchanted). Always on. 500 points. to create.

Priapus Regular, resisted by HT

This spell greatly enhances the subject's physical sexual performance. For the duration of the spell, the subject remains in a state of physical sexual arousal, their sexual features are slightly exaggerated and sensitized, and their sexual stamina and performance is greatly increased.
These effects give the subject -1 to Will to resist the Sex Appeal skill, but gives them get +2 to their Erotic Art and Sex Appeal skills.
The effects of this spell are cumulative with the Mind Control spell Arousal.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain. Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Shape Body, Vigor.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. These items are in very high demand!

Pugilist Regular

This spell increases the amount of damage that the subject does with his bare hands.
Unarmed Punching damage is increased by +2, as is the DR of any gloves or gauntlets the subject is wearing, but only for the purpose of deflecting damage to the hands and lower arms caused by punching a solid (or armored) object.
If the subject is barehanded or his gloves don't provide any DR, this spell gives DR 2 to the hands and lower arms.
For double cost this spell doubles punching damage and doubles the DR of any hand wear worn. If the subject isn't wearing anything on his hands, his bare hands get DR 4.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 10 seconds.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain. (6 points, 3 to maintain for double strength version).
Prerequisite: Might, Resist Pain, Power Blow.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points (b) Gloves or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Puppet Regular, resisted by Will

This spell turns one of the subject's hands into a puppet of any sort. The puppet can be anything from a simple sock puppet to an extremely realistic depiction of a real creature. As long as the spell is in effect, the subject can "speak" through the puppet's mouth, see through its eyes, etc.
The only side effect is that the puppet has its own personality, along with advantages, disadvantages and skills to match. These attributes are either chosen by the mage or left to the subject's whim. The Puppet can't have any attribute higher than the character's, DX can't exceed the character's DX-4, and the puppet's ST can't exceed half the subject's ST. It can't have more than -40 points in Disadvantages, it can't have any Advantages or skills (except for Social and Performance skills - typically Ventriloquism and Bard) that the subject does not possess. It can have no natural attacks, and the total character point value of the puppet can't exceed 25 points.
For the duration of the spell, the subject effectively has a "Split Personality" between the puppet and the character. If there is any possibility that the subject's desires and the puppet's desires conflict, the subject must make a Will roll to have the puppet (and the arm that the puppet is on) to as he wishes. This doesn't count against the puppet's disadvantage total.
Note that for the duration of the spell, the subject can't do anything with his hand or arm, since it forms the body and head of the puppet. If the puppet has a mouth or arms it can hold items, but it effectively has Poor Manual Dexterity (-4 to the character's effective DX) and half the ST of the subject.
The puppet has the same PD and DR as the subject's arm or hand (including any armor that the subject might be wearing on the arm). Damage done to the puppet is also done to the subject's arm. The puppet is "killed" if the subject's arm is crippled. In this case, the subject must roll vs. Will or be mentally Stunned for 1d turns.
This spell is mostly used for entertainment, but it does have its practical uses: the puppet can look around corners for the character, and sometimes a puppet can say things that the character can't.
If cast on an unwilling character, the mage can make the puppet into a hindrance, though the subject can roll vs. Will to resist. Puppets with Cowardice, Disturbing Voice, Stubbornness and OPH: Never Shuts Up disadvantages are a common variant. These puppets also have also have Fast-Talk, Bard and Punning skills. If played correctly (by the GM) a PC afflicted with this spell will almost be willing to cut off his own hand to be rid of the obnoxious puppet.
This is also a Mind Control spell and an Illusion and Creation spell.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 4 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Control Limb, Bestow Disadvantage (any variant), Suggestion, and Complex Illusion.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Glove, Gauntlet or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Some versions are Always On and are hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points (c) Perfect Puppet. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 103 Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Puppet Master Missile, resisted by Will

This spell allows the mage to shoot 5 needles from his outstretched hand. Each needle trails a thin wire, if the needles hit their target, the target must roll vs. Will or fall under the control of the mage.
If the victim fails a Will roll to resist, as long as the mage keeps concentration, he can make the subject move as he wishes, as long as the mage remains within 60 hexes of the victim. The victim keeps his own mind, but the mage completely controls the victim's body, and can make the victim move, fight, etc. using the victim's normal skill level.
The spell ends when the mage drops concentration, one or more of the wires are cut or broken, or the spell ends. A wire is at -5 to hit, and can only be damaged by cutting or crushing weapons. It takes 2 points of damage to cut a wire. The victim can't voluntarily try to break the wires, but accidents (such as characters running into the wires or a door slamming) might accidentally sever the wires.
A mage with two hands can control two people with this spell. As long as the mage can see both victims at the same time, he can continue to concentrate on controlling both of them. If the mage wishes, he can make the victims interact or even fight.
The needles are magic and completely ignore PD and DR. Active defenses, such as Block, Dodge and Parry still work, but are at -1 because of the multiple needles.
The missile has SS12, Acc2, 1/2D n/a, and Max. 60. The combined impact of the needles does 1 point of damage unless the victim has at least 1 DR of armor or Toughness.
This spell can also be used to animate recently dead (no more than 1 day old) corpses that are relatively intact. In this case, the bodies get no saving throw to resist, and are treated as Zombies, but they use the mage's combat skills to fight. Since the bodies are not actually being animated by summoning a spirit into the body, they can't be turned or affected by holy magic like other undead. For this reason, this spell is not a Necromantic spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Control Limb, and Puppet.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 750 points.

Raceshifting (VH) Regular, resisted by Will

This spell turns the subject into a member of a different sapient, humanoid race. For example, an elf could be turned into a dwarf, a human, or even an ogre or ellylon. Unwilling subjects get a roll vs. Will to resist this spell.
The subject gains any inherent racial advantages and skills as well as any inherent physical disadvantages. Their inherent racial mental disadvantages and individual mental and physical disadvantages remain unchanged. However, the GM may rule that some mental disadvantages are physically inherent in the race and must be taken while in that form. For example, a GURPS Kobold or Hobgoblin might be inherently incapable of understanding the concept of money or a GURPS Minotaur might be inherently Cannibalistic.
There is a drawback, though. Each hour a roll against Will must be made. If it is failed, the character loses 1 point of Will, and gains -5 points of disadvantages specific to the race. If Will drops below 7, the caster is trapped in his new form, and gains all the mental disadvantages he didn't already have. Only Remove Curse or an appropriate Shapeshift Other (Race) can return the caster to his original form, and the original spell will resist either casting.
For every 5 levels of skill in the spell, the caster may specify one adjective that describes the form when he casts it. The GM sets the appearance of the form, subject to the adjectives the player has specified. Example: Mark the Mad knows Raceshifting (Human) at skill 16. He casts it on himself, and specifies "Female," "Beautiful," and "Buxom." and becomes a comely-looking wench. Alternatively, he could have specified "Old", "Wall-Eyed", and "Dangerous" and become a psychotic-looking elderly fellow, or "Mottled," "Emaciated," and "Boil-ridden" to take on the appearance of a plague victim.
The mage may choose to "Memorize" a specific form for later use, by making an IQ roll, and spending 1 character point. This roll has a -1 penalty for every hour since he has stopped maintaining the spell. Failure means that the pattern weakens in his mind, and applies a -5 to all further attempts to memorize that form. Multiple failures are cumulative!.
Each different species is a different spell. Changing the appearance of a member of one species to the appearance of a member of a different ethnic group or subspecies within the same species (like changing the someone's appearance from that of an Asian to Caucasian human, or changing a dolphin from Atlantic to Pacific subspecies) is covered by the Alter Body spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 8 points, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Alter Body, and 12 other Body Control spells.
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points. Usable only by a mage.
Author: Thomas Barnes, Nana Yaw Ofori

Rapid Intoxication Regular, resisted by HT

This spell greatly reduces the subject's alcohol tolerance. Each alcoholic beverage has double its normal effect and alcohol takes twice as long to be purged from the body. This spell is often used as a prank or as a crude seduction or interrogation ploy, but it could be deadly if the subject drinks heavily.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Clumsy.
Item: Cup (or other vessel). Affects anyone who drinks an alcoholic beverage from it. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Raspberry Regular, Resisted by HT

Causes a sudden, severe attack of intestinal or gastric gas, which the victim feels compelled to release in a loud and vulgar manner. This causes anyone who can hear the subject to react to them at -1 (-2 in refined company).

Duration: 5 seconds.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.(b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (c) Cushion, which casts this spell when someone sits on it. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Reconditioning (VH) Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell is identical to the Exercise and Practice spells, but it can be used to regain levels of physical attributes or skills that have been lost due to inactivity or disuse. Attributes or skill levels lost due to age, injury, disease or magic cannot be restored.
Each use of this spell will restore lost levels of a single attribute or physical skill. In no case can it be used to improve the subject's attributes or skills beyond their previous, natural level.
The spell costs the subject 4 Fatigue in addition to the costs to cast the spell, but gives him the benefits of an intensive "retraining" session over several weeks.

Duration: Instantaneous. (Effects are permanent.).
Cost: 4, can't be maintained. Subject takes 4 Fatigue.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Exercise and Practice.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,500 points. If the item only works for one skill (specified when the item is enchanted) Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Reduce Block Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell reduces the subject's Block score by up to 6 levels (a -6 penalty).

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points for every level by which the subject's Block score is reduced, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Hinder.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points per level of reduction.

Reduce Dodge Regular, resisted by DX

This spell reduces the subject's Dodge score by up to 6 levels (a -6 penalty). This spell has no effect on Passive Defense.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 points for every level by which the subject's Block score is reduced, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Hinder.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 75 points per level of reduction.

Reduce Parry Regular, resisted by IQ

This spell reduces the subject's Parry score by up to 6 levels (a -6 penalty).

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points for every level by which the subject's Block score is reduced, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Hinder.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points per level of reduction.

Relaxation Regular

This spell relaxes the subject's muscles, relieves minor aches and pains and generally provides the effects of a good, long massage or hot bath.
The subject regains 1 point of Fatigue except for Fatigue lost due to lack of Sleep or 2 points if the Fatigue loss was suffered as a result of cramped or uncomfortable conditions (such as riding in a vehicle).
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 minute (effects last longer).
Cost: 2 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points

Remove Blemish Regular, resisted by Will

Permanently and painlessly removes scars, warts, birthmarks, acne or tattoos. Counters the Tattoo and Wart spells.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 for a small area, 2 for extensive blemishes, 3 for a man-sized target, 3 for each additional hex of creature.
Item: Staff, Wand, Jewelry or Wash Cloth. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Repetition Regular, Resisted by HT

Causes subject to helplessly repeat either the last action they performed before the spell was cast on them or some other meaningless, repetitive action chosen by the caster when the spell is cast. Subjects cannot be made to deliberately do harm themselves or others, though clever casters will find ways to get around this limitation. (For example, a subject affected by this spell couldn't be made to stab himself repeatedly, he could be made to dance helplessly into the path of an oncoming truck. .) .

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing, Tool, or Jewelry. Affects user or wearer only. The victim will either repeat an action specified when the item is created or they will repeat the first action they make with a tool. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Resist Intoxication Regular, resisted by Will

Makes the subject immune to the effects of alcohol for the duration of the spell. At the caster's option, the subject can have complete resistance beyond a certain level while still enjoying (or suffering) the effects of intoxication below the threshold level. If the Intoxication rules from GURPS Compendium II are used, the mage can determine the maximum Intoxication Level (from 0 to 15) that the subject can attain, otherwise the GM must judge the effects.
Cancels the effects of the Rapid Intoxication spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Rapid Intoxication.
Item: Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points.

Reverse Maturation Regular, resisted by HT

This spell reverses the effects of puberty, though it does not affect aging. An adult subject gradually loses height, body mass and adult characteristics. Each application of this spell removes one month of maturation for a human (assuming maturation ends at age 18), creatures with longer or shorter development periods are affected proportionately.
This spell can also be used to undo the negative effects of Accelerate Maturation spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points.
Time to Cast: 5 minutes.
Prerequisites: Accelerate Maturation.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points

Rigor Regular, Resisted by HT

Causes all the muscles in the subject's body to contract. This will cause the subject to fall to the ground and remain motionless in a fetal position for the duration of the spell. For the duration of the spell the subject is affected as if he was being Suffocated (see GURPS Basic), and he will die if the spell is maintained for a sufficient length of time. (This simulates the fact that the spell "freezes" the muscles of the diaphragm, so the victim can't breathe.) In addition the spell will cause 1d-2 Crushing damage as general body in muscle damage to the subject, per application. This damage persists even if the suffocation doesn't do any lasting harm.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast, 3 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Magery, Hold, and Spasm.
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.

Saddle Sore Regular, resisted by HT

This spell gives the subject intense saddle sores after riding for at least 1 hour. This can be either horseback riding or any other sort of travel where the subject sits on or astride a vehicle or mount.
The sores are very painful and make it impossible for the subject to sit down for 2d hours. In addition, DX is reduced by 2 for tasks such as Climbing or Dodging (but not for tasks involving just manual dexterity). If the subject tries to ride again while the spell is in effect, he is at -8 to his effective skill due to pain.
This spell will not work if the subject is riding inside of or on top of a vehicle or mount where the character has a solid, reasonably comfortable seat, such as inside a car or train, or in a howdah.
This is also a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Pain, and Hinder.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing, Jewelry or Saddle. Casts this spell on the subject. Some versions are Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points

Scat Jet Missile

This foul spell allows the mage to squirt scat at a foe. This missile does 1d damage to the victim and affects him, and anyone in the hexes adjacent to him as if the Retch spell had been cast on them. (Roll vs. HT to avoid its effects.) In addition, the horrible smell lingers in the hex and adjacent hexes (and on the victim's body) as if the Perfume spell had been cast on the area. Anything with a nose reacts to the victim (and those adjacent to the victim) at -2.
The missile has Acc 1, SS 12, 1/2 15, Max 30.
This is also a Making and Breaking (Filth) spell.

Duration: 1 second. Perfume effects linger for 1 minute.
Cost: 3, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Retch, Perfume.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Scalp Regular, resisted by Will

This spell allows the mage to painlessly remove all the hair from the subject's head leaving behind a hairless, bald pate.
The subject takes no damage from this spell, but without the aid of magic, hair will never grow on his head again. The scalp hangs together by a thin layer of skin and looks very much like a wig, although much more fragile.
While removed from the subject the scalp is dead and will cease to grow. However, if it is ever placed on the head of a person who has suffered from this spell, it will magically graft itself to the subject's body and begin to grow again. If the subject doesn't wish this to happen, they may roll vs. Will to prevent the grafting from taking place.
In order for the spell to take effect, the mage must grasp the victim's hair with his hand (roll to hit the Head at -3).

Duration: Permanent (effects are instantaneous).
Cost: 2 points, can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Bald.
Item: Jewelry or Glove. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Sealed Body Regular, resisted by HT

All the victim's orifices, including his mouth, nose, pores, etc. can be sealed. He will quickly suffocate if his mouth and nose sealed.
If the victim's pores are sealed, in hot weather he will be at -2 to HT rolls to avoid heat injury. If the victim's nose is sealed he has the No Sense of Smell disadvantage for the duration of the spell. If his ears are sealed he is Deaf for the duration of the spell. If his eyes are sealed, he is effectively Blind.
If the victim's urethra and/or anus are sealed he will eventually die as his internal organs rupture. Each day the subject must roll vs. HT. On a failed HT roll, he takes 2d to his vitals, must to roll avoid Infection at HT-4 each day.
If victim's mouth or nose is sealed, he can cut open his mouth or nose to breathe. This does normal cutting damage to the victim's face. The subject must do at least 2 points of damage to open a breathing hole. Since this hole has no lips the subject can't hold his breath. A successful First Aid or Surgery roll by another character can cut open the subject's mouth with a minimum of damage (i.e., exactly 2 points).
It's possible that some applications of this spell will actually be beneficial (for example, keeping someone from being deafened by loud noise by temporarily blocking their ears) but mostly the spell is offensive and cruel.
If the victim's mouth, nose, or ears are sealed, the spell can be dispelled by the appropriate Cure Sense (Cure Blindness, Deafness, Anosmia) or by a counterspell.
A positive use of this spell is to seal over wounds using the subject's own skin. This doesn't repair damage to tissue underneath, but will slow or stop bleeding (+4 to HT to stop bleeding) and will prevent infection after the wound is closed. If the wound was already infected an abscess might develop unless the wound is cleaned.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 3 points, 2 to maintain for one orifice (just pores, ears, eyes, etc.), 4, 3 to maintain for two or more orifices (ears and eyes), 5, 4 to maintain to seal the nose and mouth. For 5 times the normal cost this spell can be made permanent.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery, Minor Alteration.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. Some versions will only seal one orifice. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer as if this spell had been cast on him. Always On. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points if just one orifice is affected. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points if all orifices are sealed.

Sealed Heart Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is a subtler form of the Sealed Body spell, which seals all the valves of the victim's heart shut, causing quick death due to heart failure.
If the HT roll is failed, the subject must make a HT roll each turn to stay conscious. On a failed roll, he collapses and takes 1d damage to the heart. Each minute that the spell persists, the subject must roll vs. HT, with a cumulative -1 penalty or die. If the subject does not die, he takes another 1d damage to his heart.
Once the subject reaches -5 x HT damage he automatically dies and his heart unseals, leaving behind an intact corpse.
Note that this spell does not work against creatures that don't rely on a heart to circulate their blood, such as those with the No Vitals or Doesn't Bleed advantages or the Unliving disadvantage.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 5 points, 4 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Sealed Body.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects wearer as if this spell had been cast on him. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Secrete Venom Regular, resisted by HT

The mage creates venom within his mouth. The venom may be of any class, and may be either ingested or contact. Each type of venom (i.e. Class C, Ingested) must be learned as a separate familiarity of this spell, based on Secrete Venom -4. No familiarity can be learned to a higher level than the base skill level.
An ingested poison will do no harm to the mage unless swallowed again, but a contact poison will still damage the mage unless he spits it out immediately (within 10 seconds) or is immune to its effects. All poisons produced with this spell are clear and odorless. However, if the poison is one that takes immediate effect, then the subject will taste (ingested) or feel (contact) the poison.
It is very difficult to transfer contact poison from the mouth to a weapon or object, so Venomous Touch is preferred when a mage needs to apply a contact poison. The GM might require the mage to make a DX check to transfer contact venom to a jar or cloth without getting it on his lips or hands.
The mage can spit the venom at DX, but only to a distance of 1 hex. Contact venom will have an effect only if it strikes flesh. Ingested venom will have an effect only if it strikes an open mouth and is then swallowed. This is quite tricky unless the victim cooperates! It is more effective to discreetly spit into the victim's drink or onto his food.
The poison will evaporate about as quickly as water would, and can be wiped off just as easily. Once the poison evaporates or is wiped off, it is completely harmless.
This is also an Animal spell.
Venom strength is as follows: A = 2d, B = 2d-2, C = 3d, D = 0, F = 3d, G = 4d (fatigue), H = 4d, J = 3d, K = 0, X = GM's discretion.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 per dose. For every 2 extra fatigue spent, the mage can make the poison more powerful. Either HT rolls may be made at -1 or damage can increased by +1 (every 3 points of extra damage is converted into another die of damage) each time it is taken. The mage may pay even more Fatigue to get both benefits and multiple levels. Can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 4 seconds.
Prerequisites: Alter Body, Deathtouch or Partial Shapeshifting.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Self Control Regular

This spell allows the subject to completely regulate his bodily functions - heartbeat, breathing, blood flow, etc. This spell effectively gives the subject the Cinematic version of Self-Hypnosis and the Breath Control skills at 15. In addition, the subject gets +4 to HT to other rolls to regulate his body, such as to avoid severe bleeding or to ignore pain.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Might, Vigor.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Sever Limb Regular, resisted by HT

A cruder version of the Decapitate spell, the Sever Limb spell will magically sever a body part in the normal fashion. If a limb is severed, the damage done is equal to the amount of damage needed to cripple the limb and the subject must roll vs. HT to avoid Bleeding. If the head is severed, the victim dies. Armor does not protect, but the mage must actually touch the body part to be affected.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Instantaneous, effects are permanent.
Cost: 5 to cast, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Wither Limb.
Item: Staff or Wand. Must touch the subject. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Sex Change Regular, Resisted by HT

Author: Phil Masters (GURPS Arabian Nights)

Shrink Limb Regular, resisted by HT

This is a limited form of the Major Alteration spell. It allows the mage to shrink one of the victim's arms or legs to the size of an infant's limb. Arms crippled in this manner are treated as Short Arms and have ST 3. Legs shrunk with this spell become so short that the victim effectively has the One Leg disadvantage for the duration of the spell. Shrunken limbs have no effective attack and they cannot be used to wield melee weapons.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, same to maintain.
Prerequisites: Minor Alteration.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Skin Death Regular; resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject's skin die at an accelerated rate, causing sores, raw spots, minor damage and unsightly appearance. Unless the subject resists with HT, they take 1d-2 points of damage. In addition, they temporarily lose one level of the Toughness advantage, and one level of Appearance, to a minimum level of Hideous. Lost advantages are regained when the damaged heals.
This spell can only be cast once, although it can be recast once the victim heals.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 4 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisite: Blemish.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Skin Dye Regular, resisted by Will

This spell dyes the hair and/or body of the subject in the color(s) specified by the mage. The effect lasts for 2d days. When the spell is about to expire, the dye will visibly fade. Unwilling subjects resist with Will.

Duration: 2d days.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Make Over.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Slayer (VH) Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the target of the spell to die unless they roll vs. HT to resist. There are no damage effects, the subject just dies. An autopsy will reveal no cause of death.
This spell is not effective against unliving beings (such as robots, golems, or undead creatures), creatures that don't have a physical body (such as ghosts or astral creatures), and magically created beings (such as elementals). Creatures that are only partially solid, highly magical, or whose metabolism is very different from that of a human get a bonus of +1 to +4 to their HT rolls to resist this spell.
This spell may be used on a swarm (up to 100 lbs.) of smaller creatures in a single hex.
This is also a Necromantic spell.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 10 points, can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 3, Deathtouch.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 5,000 points. (b) Any item. Casts this spell on anyone who touches, wears, or uses the object. Energy Cost to Create: 3,500 points.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Sleep Venom Regular, resisted by HT

This spell envenoms a weapon with sleep poison. Anyone hit by the weapon must roll vs. HT or fall asleep as if the Sleep spell had been cast on them.
Characters who make their roll by less than 2 points are affected as though the Daze spell had been cast on them. Dazed victims get a roll vs. HT every minute to shake off the effects of the venom. Until they do so, they are at a cumulative -2 to HT rolls to resist falling asleep from subsequent hits from the envenomed weapon. Characters who make their HT roll by more than 2 points are completely unaffected. On a Critical Success, the victim is immune to the poison.
If an envenomed weapon encounters any armor (any clothing or armor with a DR of 1 or more) or is Parried, the user must roll vs. DX or the poison is stripped off the weapon and it has no further effect. In addition, each attack made with the weapon, whether successful or not, gives subsequent victims +1 to their HT rolls to resist the effects of subsequent hits.

Duration: 1 minute. (Effects last longer).
Cost: 2 points to envenom a missile, 1 to maintain. 4 points to envenom a melee weapon, 3 to maintain. The mage can restore the poison to full potency for 1 point extra at any time while the spell is in effect.
Prerequisites: Sleep or Poison Hands.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (c) Any melee weapon. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points d) Any missile. The enchantment ends after the missile hits any target. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.
Author: Adapted from GURPS Magic Items 1.

Sleepwalker Regular, resisted by Will

Allows the subject to continue an easy, monotonous task (such as walking, cleaning, or doing simple chores) after falling asleep or falling unconscious due to fatigue. Use the Air Golem spell as a guideline for what tasks are allowed.
When the spell is cast, the subject has the option of instantly falling asleep, otherwise the spell takes effect any time that the subject falls asleep or unconscious while the spell is still in effect. Once he is unconscious, the subject can only be awakened with the Awaken spell.
While this spell is in effect, the subject can continue the task that they were performing before they fell asleep, but they only regain Fatigue at half the normal rate. The mage may cast this spell on himself, but he can't maintain it (since that would require concentration on his part). Nor does he regain any Fatigue while he is asleep (though he doesn't lose any Fatigue due to staying awake either).
This spell won't work on a character that falls unconscious due to damage.
The time to cast the spell is equal to the time it takes to go through one iteration of the task to be performed, with a minimum of 1 second.
The Fatigue cost is equal to the fatigue cost for one hour of the activity, with a minimum cost of 2.
This is also a Mind Control spell and a Movement spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: See above (minimum 2), same to maintain.
Time to Cast: See above (Minimum 1 second).
Prerequisites: Recover Strength, Sleep, Fatigue, and either Air-golem or Animate.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. The task to be performed must be specified before the subject goes to sleep. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points or 150 points if the item only allows the subject to do one preset task.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith

Slow Growth Regular, resisted by Will

Allows the mage to slow the growth of an immature creature or a plant by up to 50%. Adults are not affected. Unwilling creatures may roll vs. Will to avoid the effects of this spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 per 20 lb. of subject per each 10% reduction in speed of development. (10 minimum) .
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery, Alter Body.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 3,000 points.

Sober Regular, resisted by Will

Causes subject's body to immediately throw off the effects of drugs or alcohol and eliminates hangovers. It also counters the Drunkenness spell. Any drug that affects the central nervous system can be purged. However, each different drug requires a different casting of the spell.
This spell is designed so that it can be cast without words or gestures. As long as the mage is conscious, he can cast this spell on himself, though at a penalty to skill if he is mentally impaired.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 2, can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Vigor, Drunkenness.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Jewelry. Works only for wearer. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (c) Cup (or other vessel). Affects anyone who drinks from it. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Speed Growth Regular, resisted by Will

Allows the mage to speed the growth of an immature animal until it reaches full growth. Unwilling, intelligent creatures may roll vs. Will to avoid the effects of this spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 per 20 lb. of subject per each 10% increase in speed of development. (10 minimum) .
Time to Cast: 1 minutes.
Prerequisite: Magery, Slow Growth.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 3,000 points. Usable only by a mage.

Spitting Venom Regular, resisted by HT

The mage produces a type S venom that he can spit in a wide, powerful spray aimed at the victim's eyes. The venom is spat at DX-3 (or uses the Breathe Spell skill), and has SS 12, Acc 12, Max 5. Because it is a spray, there is no penalty to target the eyes.

Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 3 per dose. For every extra 2 fatigue spent, HT rolls may be made at -1, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Secrete Venom.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Greg Littmann

Sticky Fingers Regular

This spell makes the palms of the subject's hands slightly sticky, as if they were coated with half-dry rubber cement.
This gives +2 to DX to any task that requires a firm grip with the hands, such as holding onto a sword, and gives +1 to any task where the GM rules that the stickiness is an aid. Examples include, dealing cards, picking pockets, palming small objects, picking up small objects, or turning the pages of a book. Note that the glue on the subject's fingers is not transferred to any object that the subject touches. In addition, the subject can easily release any item they grasp if they wish to do so.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2, 1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: Rooted Feet.
Item: Jewelry or Clothing. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Sticky Hands Regular, resisted by HT

For the duration of the spell, the subject's hands and feet sweat adhesive material at will. If the mage is barehanded and bare-footed and at least three limbs are in contact with the wall, the effect is as if the mage had the Clinging advantage. If only two bare limbs are in contact with the wall, then the mage has the Clinging advantage, but may only move at half the rate. If only one is in contact with the wall, the mage will not fall, but cannot go anywhere.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: Magery, Sticky Fingers, and 4 other Body Control Spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Steal Limb Regular, resisted by HT

This spell lets the caster to temporarily remove a piece of the subject's body and keep it alive until the spell ends. The stump left behind is clean, healthy and healed over, as if the subject had been born without the limb.
While it is separated from his body, the victim can't feel the limb and takes no damage if it is damaged, but can't control the severed limb. Anyone who touches the stolen limb can tell it is alive. The owner of the limb can sense the stolen limb when he is within 10 yards of it and can magically reattach it to his body.
Injuries to the limb damage it normally, and if the limb takes twice as much damage as is needed to cripple it, it is destroyed. Damage to the limb is applied to the subject when the limb is reattached.
At the end of the spell's duration (if less than 24 hours have passed) if the limb is still intact, it instantly disappears from its current location and reappears on the subject's body in its proper place. If more than 24 hours have passed since the spell was cast, when the spell ends the body part withers and dies, lost forever (or until a Regeneration spell can be cast).
The energy cost to cast the spell is 2 points for a finger, thumb, penis, nose, tongue, or ear, 3 points for a eye, foot or hand, or 4 for a leg, arm, wing or tail. This spell can't be cast on the torso, eye, or head. The caster must touch the limb during the casting of the spell and pull it off when the ritual is complete.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points for a finger, nose, tongue, or similar small appendage, 3 points for a eye, foot or hand, 4 for a leg, arm, wing or tail, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of energy spent.
Prerequisites: Magery, Sever Limb.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.
Author: Adapted from the Net.

Steel Grip Regular, resisted by Will

This spell makes it impossible for the subject to release his grip with one hand. If he is holding a weapon, he cannot be disarmed while this spell is in effect. If cast on the subject's hand before he grabs an object or makes a grappling attack, he gets +3 to his effective ST to maintain his hold (or +6 if cast on both hands).
If cast on an empty-handed subject, this spell will affect the first thing they grip with that hand, which can be very inconvenient.
This spell can be thrown using Curse Missile.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3; 2 to maintain. Each multiple of cost allows the mage to affect an additional hand.
Prerequisites: Magery, Might, Spasm.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Many versions are Always On and are Hexed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.
Author: Adapted from Steven Andrew Smith

Stop Growth Regular, resisted by HT

This spell can only be cast on an immature creature. Unless it makes a HT roll, it stops growing and will never reach physical maturity. However, the body will still age, so the subject will eventually have to make Aging rolls.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 1 per 20 lbs. of creature (minimum of 10).
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisites: Magery, Slow Growth.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 4,000 points, (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only, unless the wearer weighs more than the limit of the enchantment. Always on. Energy Cost to Create: 200 times base cost of the spell.

Stretch Body Regular, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to stretch and shape his body in any way he can imagine, as long as his body still retains the same basic shape. The mage can stretch his arms and legs as if he had cast the Lengthen Limb spell, bend his torso into a pretzel or do anything else he can imagine.
For the duration of the spell the mage has the Flexibility advantage and gets the advantages of the Flexibility and Lengthen Limb spells. He also gets +1 to Dodge, Acrobatics, and other skills and abilities where extreme flexibility is an advantage.
The disadvantage is that the character has only half his normal ST and 1/2 his normal Move while under the effects of this spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4, 3 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 5 seconds.
Prerequisite: Magery 2, Flexibility, and Lengthen Limb.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Stun Missile Missile, resisted by HT

This spell allows the mage to enchant a stone or some other small, heavy object so that it will stun anyone who it hits. The rock is thrown with Throwing skill and does normal damage, but if it hits someone they must roll vs. HT or be Stunned as the spell.
In other respects, this spell is exactly like the Stun spell.
This is also a Force spell.

Duration: 10 seconds (spell effects last longer).
Cost: 2 points.
Prerequisite: Stun.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points, (b) Boggling Brick. GURPS Magic Items 2, p. 100. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points

Stuttering Regular, Resisted by IQ

Causes subject to Stutter, as the disadvantage. Cancels Voice advantage.
This is also a Sound spell and a Communication and Empathy spell.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Affects wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Sweat Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject sweat profusely, producing rivers of sweat.
Hygiene-conscious folk react to him at -1 and he is a -2 to use skills where a firm grasp is crucial.
The subject also becomes thirsty twice as fast. The only good effect is that the subject gets +1 to HT to resist the effects of heat, though he dehydrates more quickly than normal.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2,1 to maintain.
Prerequisite: No Sweat.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Tattoo Regular, Resisted by HT

Painlessly creates or removes tattoos on subject. Color, location and design determined by caster. The skill of the final tattoo is determined by the Artist skill of the mage unless the caster has a picture or pattern to work from.

Duration: permanent until removed.
Cost: 1 for a small area (part of an arm, shoulder), 2 for a large area (back, chest, entire limb) 3 for an entire man-sized creature, 3 for each additional hex of creature.
Prerequisite: Skin Dye.
Item: Inking needle or pen. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points.

Tears Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject shed copious tears as if they were crying.
This spell gives -2 to Vision, but gives +2 to HT or skill rolls to flush chemicals and foreign objects from the subject's eyes. Unwilling subjects resist with HT.
The character might also suffer penalties to other skills. For example, he might be at a penalty to his Intimidation skill roll to face down a street gang if it looked like he was blind or crying.
Characters get +1 to all rolls to avoid the effects of gasses or similar irritants that affect the eyes - the tears help keep foreign material out.
For double cost, this spell makes the subject's eyes water at an unnatural rate, so that water appears to stream down from his eyes. This version of the spell gives -4 to Vision rolls. It also increases any skill penalties over the basic version of the spell, but gives +4 to rolls to keep foreign material out of the eye or to First Aid and Physician rolls.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 point, 2 points for unnatural tears, same to maintain.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Tears of Blood Regular, resisted by HT

When this spell is cast streams of blood flow from the subject's eyes. This does 1 point of damage, gives the subject -4 to Vision rolls and forces the victim, as well as any observers, to make a Fright Check at +2.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Pain, Tears.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Temperature Tolerance Regular

Each level of this spell gives the subject one level of the Temperature Tolerance advantage for the duration of the spell. It is up to the mage to determine if the Temperature Tolerance is for higher temperatures, or lower temperatures or for both extremes.
This is also a Fire spell and a Water spell.

Duration: 10 minutes.
Cost: 2 per level, half to maintain.
Prerequisite: Chill, Fever.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points.

Temporary Sobriety Regular, resisted by Will

This spell temporarily frees the subject from the incapacitating effects of drugs or alcohol. However, at the end of the spell, they return to their inebriated state. Unwilling subjects get a roll vs. Will to resist.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 1 point, same to maintain.
Prerequisite: Drunkenness.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 100 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points.

Tentacle Hair Regular

This spell causes the subject's hair to grow and animate.
The hair, as a mass, has ST equal to the user's ST. If the subject wishes, this ST may be divided among multiple tentacles, as long as each tentacle has a minimum ST of 1. Tentacle hair cannot strike, but it can be used to grapple in close combat. If the hair is at least 1 hex in length it can deliver a constriction attack. If used in combination with the subject's arms, the hair gives +2 DX and ST for grappling attacks. Note that this spell does not grant the subject any extra actions.
Each tentacle has HT equal to half its ST (minimum 1). If the tentacle takes damage equal to its HT, it is destroyed and can't be used.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 points, plus 2 points per hex of reach. Half cost to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 second per point of base cost.
Prerequisite: Minor Alter Body or Control Hair.
Item (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (c) This spell can be made permanent on the subject for 100 times the base cost.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Third Eye Regular

This spell allows the subject to "see" from an invisible "third eye" set into the middle of his forehead or some other part of his body. Characters with the normal sight get the Extra Eye advantage. For other characters with missing or damaged eyes this spell also acts as the False Eye (q.v.) spell.
Multiple castings of this spell allow a character to have four or more eyes for the duration of the spell. Extra eyes created by this spell can't be targeted or damaged in combat since they are completely magical, rather than being actual organs.
This is also a Protection and Warning spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Prerequisites: False Eye.
Item: Ocular Patch, GURPS Magic Items 1, p. 49 Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.

Throwing Regular

This spell gives the subject Throwing 12 (if he doesn't have that skill at a higher level) and improves his ST by 2 when calculating the distance he can throw objects and the damage they do.
If the subject already has the Throwing skill (or a Thrown Weapon skill) at a higher level, he uses his normal skill level. However, he still gets the ST bonus from this spell.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Strength, Lend Skill.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points.

Tone Regular

While this spell is in effect, the subject's skin looks healthier and tauter, his muscles look bigger, minor wrinkles vanish, his hair looks healthier and fuller, and he generally looks younger, healthier, and more fit.
In situations where physical appearance matters, this spell gives +1 to Appearance for the duration of the spell, up to a maximum of Handsome/Beautiful. The only limit is that the subject's appearance can't be worse than Unattractive to begin with, and he can't have the Skinny or Fat disadvantage.
This is also a Healing spell.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 points, 1 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 200 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points

Toughen Flesh Regular

This spell gives the subject of the spell the Toughness advantage (DR1) for the duration of the spell. Damage Resistance granted by this spell is cumulative with natural DR or the subject's innate Toughness.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain. Double cost for Toughness 2 (DR2).
Prerequisite: Resist Pain.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points times the base cost.
Author: Adapted from Anthony Jackson.

Trade Limbs Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is identical to the Borrow Limbs spell, except that it can only affect limbs that the mage and the subject have in common. If the spell succeeds, the subject's limbs appear on the mage's body and the mage's limbs appear on the subject's body for the duration of the spell.
Damage to the limbs applies to the user of the limbs while the spell is in effect, but is transferred back to the original owner when the spell ends.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 4 per limb, same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Borrow Limb.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Tumble Regular, resisted by HT

Causes the subject to tumble head over heels. The subject must roll vs. DX or he falls flat on his face in a violent fashion, taking damage (2d-2 points) as if he had fallen from a distance of two yards.

Duration: Instantaneous.
Cost: 3 points. Can't be maintained.
Prerequisite: Tanglefoot.
Item: Staff, Wand, or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 500 points.

Ugly Regular, resisted by Will

This spell Decreases the appearance level of the subject for the duration of the spell, down to a minimum of Hideous (a character can't be made Horrifying or Monstrous by means of this spell). Only Appearance is improved, basic height, weight and coloration stay the same.

Duration: 1 hour.
Cost: 2 per level of decreased appearance, half to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Calluses.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 150 points. (c) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Always on. Decreases appearance by some set level. Energy Cost to Create: 25 points per level of improvement.

Venom Spray Regular, resisted by HT

The mage may secrete a contact poison as per Secrete Venom, and then spray it as per Spitting Venom. Since the venom created is a contact poison, the venom does not have to strike the target's eyes, just his bare flesh. This gives the mage +4 to hit.
In other respects, this spell is like the Spitting Venom spell.

Duration: 1 second.
Cost: 3 per dose. For every 2 extra fatigue spent, the mage can make the poison more powerful. Either HT rolls may be made at -1 or damage can increased by +1 (every 3 points of extra damage is converted into another die of damage) each time it is taken. The mage may pay even more Fatigue to get both benefits or multiple levels. Same to maintain.
Time to Cast: 2 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery 2, Spitting Venom.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 450 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Venomous Touch Regular, resisted by HT

The mage secretes a contact poison onto the palm of one of his hands. Unless the mage is naturally immune, he will quickly take damage from the venom unless he quickly (within 10 seconds) wipes it from his hand. The mage may wipe the venom onto a weapon in 3 seconds.
In other respects, this spell is identical to the Secrete Venom spell except that only contact poisons may be produced and the mage can't spit the venom. Strength is just as for Secrete Venom: A = 2d, B = 2d-2, C = 3d, D = 0, F = 3d, G = 4d (fatigue), H = 4d, J = 3d, K = 0, X = GM's discretion.

Duration: 1 minute.
Cost: 3 per dose. For every 2 extra fatigue spent, the mage can make the poison more powerful. Either HT rolls may be made at -1 or damage can increased by +1 (every 3 points of extra damage is converted into another die of damage) each time it is taken. The mage may pay even more Fatigue to get both benefits or multiple levels. Can't be maintained.
Time to Cast: 3 seconds.
Prerequisites: Magery, Secrete Venom.
Item: Clothing or Jewelry. Works for wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 350 points.
Author: Adapted from Greg Littmann

Warp Fetus Regular; Resisted by mother's HT

(b) Clothing or Jewelry. Affects any baby she is carrying as if this spell were cast on her. Always On. Can't be Removed. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.
Author: David Pulver (Pyramid Magazine)

Warts Regular, Resisted by HT

Causes subject to develop a harmless but unsightly skin condition any place that the mage specifies. Causes warts, severe acne, large birthmarks, eczema or scarring, as the caster desires. Cancels good appearance, makes bad appearance even worse, to a minimum of Hideous.

Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 2 for every -1 reduction of Appearance, half to maintain. This spell can be made permanent for 5 times the base cost.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 400 points. (b) Jewelry. Affects wearer only. Energy Cost to Create: 50 points per -1 reduction in appearance.

Wasting Regular, resisted by HT

This spell makes the subject gradually waste away. Each week that this spell is in place, the subject must roll vs. HT or lose 10% of his weight. When the subject loses enough weight that he is 10% below his "ideal" body weight, he must roll vs. HT or take the Skinny disadvantage. He must also roll vs. HT or lose 10% (minimum of 1 point) of his ST. Each 10% reduction beyond the first requires another HT roll to avoid losing another 10% of ST, at -2 to HT to resist per 10% reduction.
When the victim's weight goes down to 70% of what it should be, he must roll vs. HT or he loses HT in addition to ST! When either the subject's HT or ST reach zero he dies. Fat lost due to this spell vanishes, never to return. ST and HT lost due to this spell return at a rate of 1 point (or each) per week of proper rest, care, and nutrition.
In its benevolent form this spell is used as a cure for obesity, however it is just as commonly used for malignant purposes.

Duration: 1 week.
Cost: 10, 8 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 1 hour.
Prerequisite: Magery, 5 Body Control Spells.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 2,000 points. (b) Jewelry or Clothing. Affects wearer only. Always on. Some versions can't be removed. Energy Cost to Create: 1,000 points.

Wetskin Regular

A very handy skin for creatures with skin that must be kept moist. This spell keeps the subject's skin at their preferred level of moisture for the duration of the spell, preventing damage from exposure to dry air. Attacks that dry out the skin (such as fire) ignore this spell.
This is also a Water spell.

Duration: 1 day.
Cost: 3, 2 to maintain.
Time to Cast: 10 seconds.
Prerequisite: Create Water.
Item: (a) Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Energy Cost to Create: 300 points. (b) Clothing or Jewelry. Works for Wearer Only. Energy Cost to Create: 250 points.

Xenograft Regular, resisted by HT

This spell is exactly like the Graft Limb spell, except that new limbs and limbs from different creatures can be grafted onto the subject. As part of this spell, any underlying musculature, blood supply, and nerves required to support the new limb are automatically provided.
This spell will not allow the mage to transplant internal organs. If the spell fails, there is no damage to the subject, but the limb to be transplanted is destroyed.
If the graft is successful, the GM should charge character points for any new advantages or attribute increases or require that any disadvantages which are removed to be bought off.
This is also a Technology (Biotech) spell.

Duration: Permanent.
Cost: 15 points.
Time to Cast: 1 minute.
Prerequisite: Magery, Graft Limb, and Transplant Organ.
Item: Staff, Wand or Jewelry. Mage Only. Energy Cost to Create: 1,500 points.

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