Well, they aren't exactly NEW.  These races are from the STAR FRONTIERS game (which was also produced and is out of print by TSR), and have been converted to GAMMA WORLD (1st Edition).


During the time of the Ancients, before the Apocalypse and the Shadow Years, mankind made contact and became allies with several other races.  Over time, these races established compounds and/or residences on Gamma Terra.  These are the decendents of the once proud, star faring races which remain after the cataclysm.


average size:
average mass:
average lifespan:
body temperature:
1.3 m tall, 1 m wide
65 kg
250 years
hermaphroditic, budding
30 C


Physical Appearance and Structure

Dralasites are short, rubbery aliens that have no bones or hard body parts. Their skin is a flexible membrane that is very tough and scratchy. It generally is dull gray and lined with dark veins that meet at the Dralasite's two eyespots.

The internal structure of a Dralasite is very different from the other races. The Dralasite's central nerve bundle (brain), numerous small hearts and other internal organs float in a pudding-like mixture of protein and organic fluids. Dralasites breathe by absorbing oxygen directly through their skin, so they have no lungs. They are omnivores, but eat by surrounding their food and absorbing it, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines.

All Dralasites go through male, female and neutral stages during their lives.  These phases can be controlled with medicines, but these medicines are very hard to find in Gamma Terra. Males release spores into the air, which drift until they become attached to a female. A young Dralasite then ''sprouts'' from its mother, eventually maturing and dropping off.  Since Dralasites can be any of the three stages (male, female and neutral), they are usually referred to as "id", instead of "it".


1. Due to the physiology of Dralasites, ONLY Mental Mutations are allowed! Or if you really want to have physical mutations, only physical mutations which are "reasonable" are allowed, such as Skin Structure Change (D), Attraction Odor, Photosynthetic Skin, etc..

2. To play a Dralasite character, you must have a minimum DX of 9 (after Racial Modifier). (See Elasticity.)


The most important sense for a Dralasite is smell. They breathe directly through their skin, and the entire membrane is sensitive to odors. Their sense of smell is so keen they can identify persons by smell alone and can recognize familiar smells on objects or persons. The membrane also is sensitive to touch and to vibrations, allowing Dralasites to hear and feel.  Their senses of hearing and touch are equivalent to a human.

Dralasites see only in black and white. They see shapes and light and darkness very clearly, and can see a difference between distinct colors (blue and green, for example) because one is darker than the other, but they do not see actual colors.


Dralasites have a voicebox, but it works like a bellows because they have no lungs. A Dralasite's voice can vary from a soft whisper to a thundering roar and from a bass rumble to a piercing screech. Among themselves, they also use shapes, odors and touch to communicate.

Society and Customs

Dralasites are philosophical and thoughtful. Their communities are small, and many Dralasites prefer to live alone. Dralasites do not care about wealth, power or status symbols. They judge themselves by the quality of their ideas and their ability to discuss important ideas wisely. Dralasites often hold large public meetings to discuss new ideas. Discussions and debates are among their favorite ways to relax.

Steam baths are another favorite Dralasite recreation. They mix perfumes and intoxicants with the steam. These effect Dralasites the same way alcohol does a Human or Yazirian.

Dralasites are widely known for their strange sense of humor. They love old jokes and puns that make Humans groan. Many Human comedians who could not find work in Human communities have become rich performing in Dralasite towns.

Dralasites do not normally wear clothing, because it makes breathing difficult and interferes with their sense of smell. They usually carry their equipment on web belts. When they must wear clothing to protect themselves, they use special materials that let air reach their skin.


Dralasites are very fond of Vrusk, because they think Vrusk have funny shapes. They get along well with Humans but are careful not to upset Yazirians, who they consider too violent.

Special Abilities

Elasticity, Lie Detection.

average size:
average mass:
average lifespan:
body temperature:
1.5 m tall, 1.5 m long
85 kg
175 years
heterosexual, ovoviviparous
38 C

Physical Appearance and Structure

Vrusk look like large insects. Unlike insects, Vrusk have an internal skeleton to support their bodies. Eight legs grow from their abdomen, four on each side. Their torso is upright in front of the abdomen. The torso is humanoid, with two arms connected at the shoulders. The head is above the shoulders. Vrusk hands are circular pads with five fingers spaced evenly around the edge. A Vrusk's shoulders are double-jointed, so they can rotate their arms in a full circle without straining any muscles. They can reach any point on their abdomen or behind their backs easily.

A Vrusk's body is covered by a carapace (hard shell - AC 4). This shell is jointed at the Vrusk's elbows, hips, knees, etc. The carapace protects the Vrusk from bruises, cuts, scratches and other minor injuries.  Young Vrusk have a blue carapace with bright orange near the joints. As the Vrusk gets older, its carapace changes to dull green with yellow joints.

Vrusk have large eyes that are protected by a hard, clear covering. The mouth is surrounded by four eating mandibles. The two larger mandibles hold food while the small ones tear it apart and place it in the mouth. They are omnivores. Vrusk have lungs, and breathe through many small nostrils under their abdomens. This arrangement makes it difficult for Vrusk to swim.


Vrusk have very good color vision, but they see more of the short wavelengths (blue and ultraviolet light) than Humans do, and less of the long wavelengths (orange and red). Their sense of smell is centered in their antennae, and is slightly better than a Human's. They also can touch with their antennae. Their hearing is about the same as a Human's.


Vrusk speak by combining clicks produced by their mandibles and buzzes produced by a plate in their mouths.  They can speak the "Trade" speech.

Society and Customs

Vrusk are hard-working and practical. Their society is organized around independent businesses. To a Vrusk, the business he works for is his family and his nation. The company determines everything about the Vrusk's life; who he lives with, what his job is, where he travels, etc. Vrusk give their company name before their personal name.

Vrusk have two types of businesses: conglomerates and trade houses. Conglomerates have business interests in many areas. A single conglomerate might have divisions that build computers, operate farms, train lawyers and set up colonies. A Vrusk that works for a conglomerate usually works for only one division, and might not even know what other divisions the company has. Trade houses, which are more common, specialize in one type of business. Because all Vrusk working for a trade house do the same work, trade houses usually work together. For example, a trade house that builds farming equipment would hire accountants from an accounting house to keep their financial records. Business between companies is regulated by laws that are so complex no one besides Vrusk have ever fully understood them.

Vrusk also love beauty, harmony and order. The goal of most Vrusk is to become wealthy, collect art, and live in peace. Their love for beauty makes them unwilling to get into fights that do not involve their company. However, Vrusk that are defending their company will do anything to remove the threat permanently.

Vrusk adventurers, however, do not belong to a company. Some are independent businessmen, some are company employees who were fired and some are just too rebellious to put up with company rules. A few start their own companies and eventually become leaders in their communities.


Vrusk get along well with the other three races. They respect the Yazirian custom of choosing a life-enemy, and feel at ease around Dralasites because they are careful and skillful planners (though they are annoyed by the Dralasites' sense of humor). They understand Humans the least because, to a Vrusk, Humans seem unpredictable and a little lazy.

Special Abilities

Ambidexterity, Comprehension.

average size:
average mass:
average lifespan:
body temperature:
2.1 m tall
50 kg (male), 60 kg (female)
140 years
heterosexual, viviparous
39 C


Physical Appearance and Structure

Yazirians are tall, thin humanoids. They have long arms and legs and slender torsos. Two large flaps of skin grow on either side of their bodies, attached along their arms, torso and legs. When a Yazirian raises its arms, this membrane is stretched tight and forms a sort of wing. Under certain conditions (explained under Gliding). Yazirians can glide short distances using these wings.

Yazirians have muzzles and high foreheads, giving them an animal-like appearance. Their heads are surrounded by manes and collars of hair, which varies in color from glossy black to pale yellow. Their skin color ranges from gray to Iight tan. Because their bodies do not sweat, Yazirians pant to keep cool. They are omnivores.

Yazirians have four knuckles (one more than Humans) on their fingers and toes. The inside toe is opposed like a thumb, allowing them to grasp things with their feet. The tips of their fingers and toes end in broad, ribbed pads, giving them an excellent grip. These characteristics, combined with their animal-like appearance, earned them the nickname "monkeys".


Yazirians' senses of hearing, smell and taste are equivalent to a human's. Because they evolved from nocturnal hunters, however, their eyes are adapted to seeing in dim light. They can not see in complete darkness. They usually wear dark goggles when they must work in sunlight. In bright light, Yazirians without dark goggles must subtract -2 from their Dexterity score.  All Yazirian characters start with a pair of dark goggles.


Yazirians have no trouble speaking trade or "common". Their own language is a combination of Human-type sounds and snarls and growls.

Society and Customs

Yazirian communities are divided into large, loosely organized clans. All the members of a clan are related to each other. In the past, clan ties were very strong. During the Shadow Years, the clans had traditional enemies and allies, and they struggled constantly for power and land. Lately, they have learned to cooperate more and the clans have become less important. Despite this, Yazirians still have a reputation as proud, fierce fighters.

A custom Yazirians have kept intact is the selection of a life-enemy. When a Yazirian chooses a life-enemy, he dedicates his life to destroying, overcoming or outdoing that enemy as completely as possible. In the past, a Yazirian would choose an enemy clan or clan member as his life-enemy, but now the choice is much wider. A Yazirian scientist could name an incurable disease as his life-enemy, or a Yazirian trader could choose a competing trader. The scientist would try to find a cure for the disease; the trader would try to build up his own business so it is more powerful than his enemy's, or even try to drive the other trader out of business.  Sometimes this puts them into direct competition with Vrusk interests.

A Yazirian gains honor by striving to defeat his enemy. Yazirians with powerful life-enemies are respected and admired. A Yazirian that defeats its enemy does not need to choose another, but some Yazirians do. There is no set point in a Yazirian's life when he must choose a life-enemy, and some Yazirians never choose one. A Yazirian that dies without having chosen a life-enemy is considered unlucky.

Typical Yazirian clothing is a large, brightly colored cape and tunic, a waist belt and two belts crossed over the chest. Dark goggles are worn in the daytime. Yazirians do not like shoes, but when necessary they wear mitten-like shoes.


In general, Yazirians like Vrusk and Humans. They occasionally lose their patience with Dralasites, because they are slow and would rather discuss ideas than act on them.

Special Abilities

Battle Rage, Gliding, Night Vision


Choose a race and create a character using the regular "Character Creation Rules".  Add the below modifiers for race and any special abilities.

These are STABLE GENOTYPE races.  The following statistics are for the "Pure Strain" race.  If playing a Pure Strain, roll 1d8 per point of Constitution for hit dice. For example, if your character has a Constitution of 13, you would roll 13d8 for your hit points.

You may also play mutated versions of these races.  All mutated characters still get the Racial modifiers and Special abilities, but roll 1d6 per point of Constitution for hit dice. For example, if your character has a Constitution of 13, you would roll 13d6 for your hit points.

For Mutated Characters, roll 1d4 for Physical Mutations & 1d4 for Mental Mutations. Dralasite characters only get Mental Mutations. (See Dralasites)

Racial Modifier Table

Racial Special Abilities (%)
Race Special Ability
Dralasite Lie Detection (5%), Elasticity
Vrusk Comprehension (15%), Ambidexterity, Full Carapace (AC 4)
Yazirian Battle Rage (5%), Gliding, Night Vision


Ambidexterity: All Vrusk are ambidextrous (they can use both hands equally well). Players with Vrusk characters do not need to choose whether their character is right or left handed. Vrusk can use weapons, throw grenades, write, catch or grip with either hand. This is similar to the "Duality" Mutation.

Battle Rage: Yazirians train themselves to go berserk in battle. A berserk Yazirian gets a bonus of +2 to hit in melee.  Yazirian characters start with a Battle Rage score of 5%, with a 5% chance to go berserk at the start of a battle.  Battle Rage lasts as long as the Yazirian keeps fighting; it ends when the Yazirian rests for five minutes.

Comprehension: Because Vrusk have such a complicated society, they are able to understand all sorts of social dealings. All Vrusk characters start with a Comprehension score of 15. This score is the character's percent chance to figure out any type of social dealing that the player himself can not. For example, a Vrusk is following a Human he thinks is a spy for another company. He follows the Human into a bar and sees him talking to a group of rough-looking Yazirians, occasionally glancing over his shoulder. Then the Human hands some money to the thugs and leaves the bar. The Vrusk player is not sure what the Human was trying to do, so he tells the referee he wants to use his Comprehension ability. If he rolls 15 or less on a d100, the referee will tell him that the Human paid the Yazirians to attack the Vrusk if he tried to follow the Human from the bar.

Elasticity: A Dralasite's skin is stretchable and supported by a complex muscle structure. This allows them to change the shape of their bodies, within limits. They can "grow" arms and legs to use for walking and handling tools and weapons, and re-absorb limbs when they are not needed.

A Dralasite can have a number of limbs equal to its Dexterity divided by 3, rounded up. The player must decide
whether a limb is an arm or a leg when it is grown. For example, a Dralasite with a Dexterity score of 15 can control up to five limbs. "Id" could have three legs and two arms, two legs and one arm, no legs and five arms, or any other combination adding up to five or less.  Dralasite characters must have a minimum DX score of 9 (after Racial Modifier).
Max # of Limbs

Growing or absorbing a limb takes five minutes. Only one limb can be grown at a time. A limb can be up to 1 meter long, and no less than 10 cm thick. "Fingers'' for handling items can be up to 10 cm long and no less than 1 cm thick.

Even though a Dralasite can have many arms, id can not use more than two weapons at once. When a Dralasite player creates limbs, he must specify one as the dominant limb, the same way a Human must choose to be either right or left handed. Also, despite a Dralasite's stretching and shrinking, the pattern of veins and ridges on ids skin does not change, so they have a permanent "fingerprint" for identification.

Gliding: Yazirians can glide short distances using the membranes along their sides. A Yazirian can glide 1 meter for every meter he is above the ground when he starts. He must start at least 10 meters above the ground.

Lie Detection: All Dralasite characters have a 5% chance to realize when someone is Iying to them. The Dralasite must be communicating face to face with the character, and the Dralasite player must tell the referee he is trying to detect a lie. The referee rolls d100 secretly. If the result is 5 or less, the Dralasite knows whether the person is telling the truth. If the die roll is 6 or more, the Dralasite does not sense that the person is Iying.

Night Vision: Since Yazirians evolved from nocturnal hunters, their eyes are adapted to seeing in dim light. They can not see in complete darkness. They usually wear dark goggles when they must work in sunlight. In bright light, Yazirians without dark goggles must subtract -2 from their Dexterity and "to hit" scores.  All Yazirian characters start with a pair of dark goggles.


For each 10 experience points you wish to expend, you may add 1% to a Special Ability.  A character may only expend a maximum of 100 EP per Rank/Level to improve a Special Ability Score by 10%.  This can be done all at one time (100 EP) or in part (50 EP, then 20 EP, then 30 EP, etc.) Special Abilities without scores may not be improved.  They are "natural" abilities.

For example, Frank is playing a Yazirian character and wishes to spend 30 EP on his Battle Rage Score.  His current Battle Rage Score is 5%.  His character's Battle Rage Score is changed to 8%.

That's it! Have fun! Try playing a mutated Yazirian!

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