New and Modified Forms of GURPS Advantages

List of the Official Advantages modified detailed below

Damage Resistance
Extra Fatigue
Manual Dexterity

List of the New Advantages detailed below

Immune to a Poison (5 Points)
Intensive Training, also known as Extensive Training (1 point per level)
Luck Type III or the The Luck Die (Cost is Variable)
Mechanically Inclined (5 Points/Level)

Damage Resistance
This one is too cheap when compared to extra hit points. It has been argued that extra hit points also apply to things like poison, Death Touch, etc. that are not protected by armor (and hence DR). However, it is my experience that the "average PC" gets hit multiple times (saving a hit point per point of DR every time) before they get damage that by passes armor once. Additionally this is strictly a supers/racial advantage and individual player character use Toughness to improve their DR.
Note: While I have not done it yet, I am considering changing the cost to 7 or 8 points for its use as a racial advantage (I don't know which cost I would use in a Supers camaign).

Extra Fatigue

Cost is changed to 5 points/level and I do not allow any significant limitation for magic use only (magic use is already the primary point cost driver).

The reasoning is that I find 3 points/level too cheap. Primarily due to its use by mages. Consider that it is more useful to a mage than other advantages that give a +1 reaction, a +1 to senses, a sense of fashion, or a level of Hard to Kill (all 5 points/level).
In the end, the main thing a GM and players should be aware of is that fatigue is a major limiting factor for magic. When the spells in Magic were created, mages needed to raise ST to get more fatigue. While an Extra Fatigue advantage was needed, to reduce this cost all the way down to 3 points/level (or even 2 points/level if one applies the "magic only limitation") makes fatigue a lot cheaper and magic more powerful.
At 3 points/level, there was a significant incentive to always play physically weak mage. Which gets old as a GM.


While not unbalanced, this is a bit too cinematic for the Adarian Campaign, particularly when allowing the production of high tech devices, I am very strict and will disallow any higher tech devices that could disrupt the setting, short circit the adventure or otherways cause me additional GMing head-aches. If used for jerry rigging TL 3 or 4 devices, for humor or to be zany, play a Gadgeteer. But if the intentions is to gain a tech edge, raise the campaign tech level or to otherwise gain somesort of super advantage, you will be disappointed. Magic is a powerful and fickle force and in the Adarian Campaign it can and does drain, cause overhealing, shorts or fickleness in use, so even if something works in our own mundane, low-magic world, that is no guarintee that it will work in the magical lands of Adare.
Additionally, in reality, it is pretty hard to whip up a nifty gadget (particularly higher tech ones) like that. New devices, even prototypes, don't come out of a few weeks in the lab.
Having been duly warned, if you wish to be a Gadgeteer, have at it....

Manual Dexterity

This definitely is not to be applied to combat skills (which is what I think was intended, but this is worth reinforcing).

That are detailed below

Immune to a Poison (5 Points)

There is a single drug or poison which you have deliberately built up an immunity to. The poison can be anything, but the choice is subject to GURU approval. Increased tolerance to alchohol is covered in GURPS Callahan's, and is independent of this advantage. Each additional poison costs 1 point. If none of the poisons taken are lethal, reduce overall cost by 2.

Intensive Training, also known as Extensive Training (1 point per level)

Normally a beginning character's age is determined by his skills being divided by two (i.e., 40 points in skills equals a character starting age is 20 years old). The problem with this is that sometimes you have a very gifted individual that may need to exceed this limit. For example a child prodigy may be compossing or playing masterfully by age 6. The problem in game terms is that they must have extremely high DX or IQ to be able to reflect talent with the current skill and age rules. My answer to this problem is that for each level of extensive training, a character ignores 10 character points spent in skills for determining the character's age. For example, a character that has a total of 90 points in skills, would normally be 45 years old, but if this character has 5 levels of Extensive training he would be 20 years old. So it is possible to build a child prodigy that is normal in every way except for one skill or talent where this child truely excells for his age...or perhaps any age!. Another example would be a 6 year old that has a 20 skill in writing and composing music for instance....or perhaps the child has a high level in one magical spell or ability such as forseeing the furture....perhaps the child can read minds...or see dead people.....or is a natural at a physicial skill...using Itensive Training with starting characters that also have the Youth disadvantage could represent student from ivy league style prep schooling, or a very talened and "gifted" young mage...
In short, the Intensive Training advantage allows for more creative, flexable character concepts without changing the core skill/2=age roles and is I believe a useful addition for designing characters. This was my own first personal adavantage and was first used in 1987. Since then, I have used it many times and consider it well tested.

Luck Type III also known as The Lucky Die (Variable)

To use this advantage, you need a single d6 of a distinctive color (the Luck Die). Include this die as one of the dice rolled whenever you make a success or damage roll, or engage in a Contest (it affect no other kinds of rolls). If the roll is only 1d to begin with, then the Luck Die is the only die you roll.
Your Luck Die has a Wild Digit (any number from 1 to 6). Whenever this number comes up on the Luck Die, you may change it to any OTHER number from 1 to 6. The price of this advantage depends on the Wild Digit.

1 - 10 points
2 - 15 points
3 - 20 points
4 - 25 points
5 - 30 points
6 - 40 points

You may only have one Luck Die, but you may have more than one Wild Digit; just add the costs. If any Odd result is wild, for instance, the price would be 60 points. If EVERY digit on the Luck Die is wild (140 points!), you don't need to roll the Luck Die at all - just set it down showing whichever number you choose!

Magery, Latent (5 points)

You have the inherent ability to perceive and make use of the forces of magic, but not the skill or ability to manipulate it as the true wizards do. You can recognize magical items; the GM will secretly roll vs. your IQ when you first see any magic object, and again when you first touch it. You may use any magical item, including those only usable by mages, and you may cast spells from scrolls, but you cannot learn spells on your own. You have some form of physical or mental block that prevents you from learning to cast spells.

For the purposes of spells and ceremonies that distinguish between mages and non-mages, a character with this advantage is to be considered a mage.

The GM will allow PCs with this advantage to later pay 10 character points to upgrade to Magery 1, in order to gain the ability to cast spells. As with all such advantage upgrades, the GM may require that it be gained in the game before allowing the character to gain the ability to cast spells. Additionally, while the character may not know why, the GM advises the character to come up with a background story to explain why the character is a mage without the ability to cast spells. A curse....? A magic spell mishap...?

Mechanically Inclined (5 Points/Level)

Simply put, this advantage gives the character a "feel" for mechanics. He or she can fix things quicker and better than most people, figure out how mechanical items or machines operate and/or understand the use of such items without seeing them function. He or she can use machines with greater ease, and "fine-tune" to get better preformance.
This skill doesn't affect the knowledge portion of the skill, just the actual physical working and repair of the machine. Creating something mechanical would definitly NOT fit into this advantage, which would be the mental working of how things work. A well rounded character may be creative, and have other designing type skills, but they will not be affected by this advantage.
For each level of Mechanically Inclined a character has, they get +1 to each of the following skills. Other skills are applicable, depending upon the GM.

Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Electronics Operation

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