Major Campaign NPCs

The following are NPCs which figure, or have figured, heavily in my campaign. I hope you find them of interest.

  • Bolgar Brother of the Bul
  • Botlar YellowCloak
  • Brankist Farlow
  • Mennish, Master Magus (MMM)
  • Derak the Dark Troll (DDT)
  • The Giant King Of Neverdead
  • The Golden Eagle
  • Jar-An
  • The Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven
  • Rilldick Fairplain
  • The Shadowmages
  • Solarus Skywatch
  • Vanch, The Sultan of Vanch
  • Uzarl

    Brankist Farlow
    A poor nobleman from Sartar, born to a Holy Country family, Brankist joined the Cavalry as a mercenary and became famous for his incredibly tedious accounts of "when I was in the cavalry". He is modelled on a Cavalier Royalist, with a twirly moustache.

    Being a very educated soul, he managed to buy himself a minor Lordship.

    He has a history of having numerous run-ins with the king of Dykene, Solarus Skywatch, with whose wife he is known to being a platonic affair.

    Whilst in Dorastor, he became a member of Bilini's Council, was named Kingmaker and brought three Kings to the throne of that country, eventually taking on the mantle himself.

    He was instrumental in building a Great Barrier between Dorastor and Bilini which acted as a portal to an open Mouth of Krarsht - anything Chaotic which touched the barrier was teleported to the Mouth and Devoured. This barrier was destroyed when Brankist teleported an avatar of the Gloomshark, which had decided to fight him in the Oceans, into the Barrier, destroying it and causing the Mouth considerable damage.

    Brankist created a second Great Barrier using the powers of Storm combined with the magics of Brithos to make a barrier of mist and fog which surrounded the country. So far, this has prevented any chaos incursions, but has also caused the crops to fail in Bilini.

    Brankist has also freed a Cloud Castles from Chaos.
    Following a quarrel with Harrek the Berserk, Brankist summoned up a great Storm and sank the Wolf Pirates fleet, ambushed Harrek and, with the rest of the party's help, captured him, finally teleporting to the Red Emperor's Court and making Him a gift of Harrek.

    Argrath, an ally of Harrek, was then ambushed at the Hospital in the Holy Country, was slain and sacrificed to the Black Eater, being both an ally of Harrek, a potential King of Sartar and an enemy of Brankist the Paranoid.

    Other deeds include being sent mad by the sight of a Chaotic True Dragon "It had TWO heads....", killing the Red Emperor in a duel, fathering a son on Jar-Eel (not his fault, though), and throwing Ralzakark out of Fort Wrath which Brankist now controls, surrounded by a seething mass of Chaos forces.

    Solarus Skywatch

    King of Balazar. Solarus was a nobleman from Sartar who spent a short time in Prax where he caused the Crimson Bat to be sent to Pavis to free the Governor who was being held as a ransom for Solarus' release (It never happened, Solarus was never in Prax.....). He also married Esmelia, a Chalana Arroy Priestess and daughter of a Sable Khan with whom Brankist had a long-standing platonic affair following the administering of a Love Potion at Solarus' Wedding by another unscrupulous nobleman. Esmelia is now Brankist's wife.

    When Solarus went to Balazar, he managed to become King of Dykene by ambushing and killing Skilfil Heartpiercer (By ridding Dykene of an Evil Tyrant and restoring the Light of Yelmalio to the people). Previously, he had been convicted of Trafficking in Human Flesh (Never happened - there are no records of the event, and the Lunar Judge is no longer alive to comment).

    Solarus became head of the cult of Firshala when he obtained a helmet which was an old artefact of the Goddess, travelled to her prison and freed her - pausing only to try to tear the wings off the helmet, in abject terror, when the spirit appeared to thank him (Once again, this never happened).

    Solarus became a Hero of Yelmalio and an immortal when he visited the Baths of Immortality at the conclusion of a difficult HeroQuest - he retired to his country estate to...ah reflect.

    Adter serving his time under house arrest, Solarus was allowed to leave, whereupon he reunited Balazar, drove all the Orlanthi out, invited the Lunars to build a Temple of the Reaching Moon, divorced Esmelia for adultery and Harlotry, married The Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven, a Pentian Heiress, the daughter of a Darra Happan Nobleman and his own daughter - because the Old Darra Happan Kings did it, so could he.

    He has paid court to the Eel Clan in order to marry Jar-Eel, has been ordered to marry Yara Aranis, the Horse Eater and Reaching Moon and has been adopted by the Emperor as his own son.

    Solarus will stop at nothing to make Balazar strong, and is now planning and studing ways in how to defeat the Pentian attacks which he knows will come. He has used a Chaos Army from Festering Island in order to defeat an Orlanthi temple, he has hired the Vampire Legion to destabilise the Redlands so that he will be asked to acts as their Commander in Chief when the Nomads attack, has married certain people as breeding stock for when he must sacrifice children to various dark deities as part of his HeroQuests and has re-established the Grand Council of the Elder Wilds, or Greater Balazar as he likes to call it. He has also destroyed one of the Elven Woods and revealed the location of their secret rites to Uzarl, enabling her to destroy the replanting ceremonies.

    Solarus thinks that he is on the Light Side of Illumination, as he has never broken a vow - After all, a Scimitar is NOT a sword, the horses did not suffer NEEDLESSLY and a game of chess counts FULLY as a challenge to any Darkness Creature. In my opinion, he is walking the path of the Shadow Emperors of Dara Happa. At least one of his companions remarked as Solarus was about to attack a Pentian guest who he had vow to not to attack "what are you attacking with with - your spear, scimitar or a Flag of Truce?".

    Rilldick "the Lucky" Fairplain

    A Morokanth, this sad, unfortunate being must be the unluckiest creature alive. Everything he touches becomes dust. If he could succeed unless something extraordinary happened, it would happen.

    He went to Dorastor to take control of a group of Yelmic mercenaries he had inherited having freed their Leader, the Golden Eagle. He succeeded in alienating them completely and passed control to Solarus Skywatch with great relief.

    He acted as a pin cushion on several occasions, his remarkably thick skin only serving to attract critical hits with alarming regularity. He once danced in front of Ralzakark to impress him.

    He once found an artifact of the Goddess of Luck, but even this did not alter his run of bad luck, so Rilldick eventually retired, but if a band of adventurers need so extra help, he would love to join up.

    Bolgar Brother of the Bull

    He is the son of Khan, a berserker who was created to annoy people. At first glance, he may seem just a stereotype. Amongst his early deeds, he skinned a minotaur follower and bound its spirit into its skin, which he proudly wears, he tracked down and killed another minotaur follower for destroying an artifact, and has tried to go into the Eternal Battle to Bind his Spirit, he also fathered a child on Ralzakark, albeit unknowingly.

    After he found a belt which made him immune to mind affecting spells, he tried to become an assassin, contacting a group Storm Dragon Cult and joining their brotherhood. He now likes to move around invisibly, jumping out behind chaos creatures, especially Vampires, and shooting them with a crossbow bolt tipped with Hydra Venom and Sun Strike cast on it.

    On a fairly recent adventuer, he was hit by an extended Forget spell and was forcibly Illuminated by Derak the Dark Troll. This has sent him quite mad, and he now believes that the Lunar Empire is a force for good, that most Lunars are not Chaotic and that anyone who opposes him must be a servant of either the Dark Elder Lord of Chaos or the Servants of Darkness.

    Bolgar now preaches his message in the North of Sartar, accompanied by a retinue of Minotaurs, in case things get messy, and making liberal use of the Convince Other spell, which he gets through spell trading with a distant cousin from the Holy Country who belongs to the Eurmal Cult. Have you ever tried using the Lie Spell in order to pass on rumours or to preach subtle doctrine - it is very effective.

    Bolgar's deeds include teleporting through a small hole to shoot a Basilisk in the back, then forgetting it was there, only to be gazed to stone after its Vampire master had healed it. He also carefully checked a room in the Tower of Lead for Vampires, using a mirror on the end of a pole looking through a crack in the door - he gave the all clear when all he saw was a dais with three empty thrones at the far end of the room, unfortunately, he became suspicious when walked into the Throneroom containing the Queen of the Tower and her two lieutenants...

    Mennish, Master Magus

    Mennish started off as servant to Bolgar, a sorcerer from the West with little personality. However, when he went to Dorastor, he met with the Shadowmages and his life abruptly changed. He became a Shadowmage, mastered sorcery, created several enchanting machines (familiars), joined the Cult of Arkat and relocated to Balazar where he was made king of a petty kingdom on the Plains.

    He obtained a set of instruments used by the remakers off the Empire of the Wyrms Friends and now spends his time happily conducting experiments on Trollkin, giving them four arms, making them immune to Sunlight (by cutting away the affected areas of the brain) and behaving as a mad scientist.

    Derak the Dark Troll (DDT)

    Founder of DDT Enterprises, this unusual troll has the aim of curing the Curse of Kin, by whatever means necessary.

    His first thought was to master all the Runes, and attack Nysalor with all the elements in turn. So he joined many cults, even those forbidden to him - Illumination is truly useful here - and tried to be all things. Of course he could not and was forced into either fighting the Lord General of Death and plunging Dagori Inkarth into civil war or leaving his beloved Zorak Zoran. He chose the latter course, much to everyone's astonishment, to save Trollkind from a costly war.

    His second thought was to become Nysalor/Gbaji and in a HeroQuest not curse the trolls, or to find a way around the curse from the other side. He is thus trying to become the most illuminated person in Glorantha and wishes to incarnate both Arkat and Nysalor.

    Derak was born a Dark Troll, became a Death Lord, then a Living Lead Skeleton, then a Dark Troll again,. then a Mistress Race Troll, then Not a Troll, although nobody knows that he is Not a Troll at the moment.

    Amongst his exploits are deafening Xiola Umbar and all her Mistress Race Troll Priests on a HeroQuest, then curing them at a later date, fathering children on Cragspider, Subere and Jar Eel, killing a Chaotic True Dragon, leading a Chaos Army from Festering Island as Gbaji and later defeating it as Arkat, being made King of Dagori Inkarth (king of a matriarchy - great) and Lunar Count of Alda Chur, The Hollow and Dagori Inkarth. He is an Elf Friend, having cured a Great Tree of Chaos in Dorastor, a Dragon Friend, having done service to Dragon-newts in the past, and a Dwarf Friend for helping the dwarves of Pavis. His best friend is Solarus Skywatch and he has become fairly good at chess, having to play a game at every meeting.

    Derak set up the Council of the Elder Wilds for Solarus, and he gave him the Crown of Balazar. He has also helped Brankist become King of Bilini and wants him to become King of Sartar. Derak is an arch meddler who does things because he can.

    DDT Enterprises is a trading company with spies throughout the Dragon Pass area, with arms stretching to Prax and the Empire and Derak is not slow to exploit this to the hilt. He believes that everyone is a potential ally, even those of Chaos - for even they can be cured.

    Enemies he makes are quickly destroyed or turned into friends and allies - he is, after all, very flexible.

    Of all the NPCs in the campaign, Derak is perhaps the most dangerous, because he believes that he will succeed and will stop at nothing to win. One of his sayings is "any tool in the fight against chaos" and he means it - if he has to become the most feared and despised Krajlki in order to incarnate Gbaji and save the troll race, he is quite prepared to do it.


    A Mistress Race Troll, Uzarl's name is not known, she is merely known by this title which translates as "Terrible Uz", or "Fearsome Uz". Born several centuries ago, Uzarl became a mighty HeroQuestor of Zorak Zoran and Kyger Litor. However, on an unsuccessful HeroQuest, Uzarl became tainted with Chaos and gained a Chaos Feature. For some reason, neither Zorak Zoran nor Kyger Litor answered her pleas to remove the taint, and she was attacked by her fellow cultists. Abandoned by her friends, she fled to the Wilds and was excommunicated from both cults.

    After many years of wandering, Uzarl joined the cult of Vivamort and was made a Vampire immediately. She retained the magic of various Chaos Spirits whom she had contacted as a shaman and embraced the sorcery taught by Vivamort's cult. She soon became terrible again, and began to HeroQuest, performing many of Vivamort's feats, and even visiting the Plateau of Terror itself.

    Uzarl returned to Dragon Pass, settling in Snakepipe Hollow, and began to carve out a small empire in the region. She made contact with all the important Vampires across Dragon Pass and into Peloria and set up a Council. The Council decided to create an Undead army to boil out of the Hollow and the Upland Marsh at an opportune time. However, the PCs managed to intervene and to defeat Uzarl in combat, clearing out her temple with a Legion of Humakti.

    Uzarl fled to Dorastor where she met up with the Giant King of Neverdead and joined his forces. When the PCs went to Dorastor, she fought them several times, only to be killed and captured in Slave Bracelets. Derak began a ritual to have her reborn as a Mistress Race Troll once more, and succeeded in breaking her Vampire nature and restoring her soul to the natural cycles, recreating her.

    Uzarl is once again a Mistress Race Troll, HeroQuesting for Zorak Zoran and Kyger Litor. She is a wife of the Lord General of Death and a prominent troll personality.

    The Giant King Of Neverdead

    Soon after Ralzakark had awakened Dorastor, a great Giant arrived, for what reason, nobody knows. He entered Dorastor and fought many creatures of chaos, trusting in his strength and size in combat. Eventually, he was attacked by a Demon who ripped his soul open. With his soul bleeding Power, the giant knew he was not only doomed, but would be annihilated very soon. In sorrow, he called out and was answered by a Vivamorti Mage who offered to preserve him and to negate the wound. Thus, this giant became a Vampire and remained in Dorastor.

    When the city of Neverdead was created, the Giant Vampire joined its Council and was instrumental in establishing its strength - after all, a 15m giant is a formidable opponent, but when he has the strength of two and must be decapitated, impaled through the chest or burned to death, he becomes effectively unbeatable.

    Over time, the Giant Vampire made himself King of Neverdead and ruled with an iron fist. He created the Undead Army to defend the city and established trading links with the rest of Dorastor. He made an alliance with Ralzakark, but wished to rule Dorastor himself. He made enemies of most of the Vampires in Dorastor by ordering that they should bow down to him and, when they refused, appearing in the midst of their conflicts, destroying their allies and friends.

    The Giant had an especial hatred of the forces of light, for the Sunbright Spell caused him to experience a fear - unheard of amongst giants. He had a great dome built in the centre of Neverdead and lined the surface with gold. Now, light causing spells reflect off the dome, illuminating the city, whilst the giant sleeps beneath the dome. This desecration attracts many Yelmalions and other Dara Happans on a trail of vengeance, but all have succumbed to the Giant and his Mages.

    The Giant King has a number of Swords of Humakt in slave collars who serve him. They have been gelded, blinded, made mute and must crawl over the giant, keeping him clean with pads attached to the stumps at their wrists. When they go mad, the Giant has their spirits bound as ghosts and their bodies raised as Zombie guardians - so much for Humakt's promise that his worshippers would not become undead.

    When the PCs came to Dorastor, Uzarl ensured that the Giant King became their enemy. He often attacked them when they were travelling, sometimes boiling out of the mist, taking form behind them and smashing them with iron tree trunks, other times teleporting in their midst. He always attacked irrationally, without a plan. Finally, the PCs quested to the River Styx and gained drops of Styx water which they used in a devastating raid on Neverdead and destroyed the Giant King.

    The Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven

    When Nysalor was created, several creatures of light descended from the halls of Heaven to serve him. One of these was a high-ranking Angel who bore the title of Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven. During the GodTime, she was one of those charged with keeping the Fires of Heaven safe - the same fires which were used as part of the Skyburn. Over a period of time, the Mistress of Light became one of Nysalor's wives and bathed in his light.

    As Arkat made his presence felt more strongly, many of Nysalor's people strengthened themselves by taking powers from Chaos. When the Mistress of Light saw that some had become Vampires, she was horrified and decided to ask her husband why they did this. He told her that if their natures were dark, they would become Evil Vampires, desecrators of Life, copies of Vivamort, but if their natures were of Light, they would become noble warriors to defend the Empire from Arkat and his army.

    The Mistress of Light joined the cult of Vivamort to become a Warrior of Light and to prove that her Light Nature would triumph over the Darkness of Vivamort. She was wrong.

    When Arkat invaded Dorastor, Nysalor bid several key followers to flee and to hide,. so they could return later and keep the Empire's Light safe for the future. One of these was the Mistress of Light. She fled to the remote land of Votankiland and slept in a crypt hidden in the hills.

    When Balazar came to Votankiland, he began several rituals to cleanse the damage that Arkat had caused that place, on of these managed to awaken the Mistress of Light. She created a few followers and left for Dorastor.

    In Dorasator, she met up with Ralzakark, another of those whom Nysalor had commanded to hide, who had returned many years before. Having renewed their acquaintances, the Mistress of Light took control of the Tower of Lead and turned it into a great fortress where she lives with a great following of Vampires, Mages and Adepts.

    Recently, the Mistress of Light has been plotting with the Council of Neverdead to overthrow the Giant King because of his irrational outbursts and wild behaviour.

    When the Pcs attacked the Tower of Lead, the Mistress of Light appeared to Solarus and spoke to him. She said that she knew what had happened to Uzarl and asked if it would be possible that she could be freed from the curse of Vivamort. Solarus agreed and the Mistress of Light appeared to be defeated in combat by Solarus, allowing the Tower to be taken.

    Several weeks later, the Mistress of Light went to Dykene, accompnaied by a retinue of minor angels, and asked Solarus to complete his end of the bargain.

    In this way, the Mistress of Light, Guardian of the Fires of Heaven was remade into an Angel, married Solarus and eventually became a Hero of the cults of Firshala and Yelorna, aftyer bearing Solarus a magically powerful heir.

    To this day, no Vampires have come to gain revenge for her betrayal, and Solarus has been able to hire the Vampire Legion whenever he needs their assistance.


    Known as the "Sultan of Vanch", this self-styled Sultan was a nobleman who encountered the PCs when they foiled his attempts to infiltrate the cult of Lhankor Mhy in Bilini with the servants of Thanatar. For this, he swore revenge on the Party.

    Born during the Second Age, this person was a Lhankor Mhy cultist of great skill and power. However, he became entranced by the powers opened up by the God Learners and embraced the cult of Than, the Headhunter. He then discovered the cult of Atyar spreading from its Kralori Heartland and saw that the two cults were merely manifestations of the old god Tien. He used the powers of the GodLearners to recreate the cult and underwent many dangerous HeroQuests to do so.

    Just as the project neared completion, he decided not to take the final steps, and left behind two distinct cults, joined in a partial fashion. Had he remained, he would have become the Neck of Thanatar and recreated the cult of Tien.

    Instead, the Thanatari took an innocent outsider and made him act as the Neck, enabling the cults to act as a single, albeit loose, entity. This person was known as the Doomed Man. As he was Doomed, he could not die unless he was killed, but when dead, he would go to Ikadz Halls for eternal torture for helping a Chaotic Cult. The status of the Doomed Man could be passed on to another innocent man, as long as he did not belong to the cult of Thanatar and accepted voluntarily. Needless to say, the Doomed Man and Vanch were the fiercest of enemies.

    Brankist Farlow took on the mantle of the Doomed Man whilst in Dorastor. As a Hero of Thanatar, he fought Vanch, sending Krarsht assassins against him, and breaking his power within the Empire. Finally, he passed on the Mantle to a Krarsht cultist, freeing himself of the curse - until he is taken to Ikadz Halls, that is.

    At the moment, Vanch hides away somewhere outside the Lunar Empire, biding his time and planning revenge.


    A Lunar HeroQuestor and Jar-Eel's latest Eunuch Lover, Jar-An typifies what is good and noble about the Empire. He is honourable, true, strong, brave and noble. He serves Jar-Eel and the Emperor without question, but does not comprimise his vows or honour.

    He was rescued by Derak from one of Vanch's prisons and has been a friend ever since.

    If the PCs need a Lunar advisor, they turn to Jar-An.

    The Shadowmages

    Remnants of Arkat's Dark Empire. these Sorcerers of Darkness lived in Dorastor, in Arkat's Last Tower and held the last secrets of Arkat. They were foes of Ralzakark and were only defeated when the party persuaded them to help on a HeroQuest, leaving the Last Tower weakened.

    After the Tower was destroyed, the Shadowmages moved to Balazar where they lived with Dennis, who had joined their ranks. Now they have recovered and are returning to Dorastor to help destroy Ralzakark once and for all.

    The Golden Eagle

    A Demigod of Light, grandson of Vrimak and of Yelm, he was born during the First Age, when Nysalor was Emperor. He was brought up in the Bright Empire, but was horrified by some of the actions carried out by his friends. When Arkat came to fight, he refused to take sides, not wishing to fight alongside Nysalor or Arkat, both of whom seemed to be as bad as each other.

    For this, he was cursed by both parties, and was forced to remain imprisoned beneath Dorastor. A small cult of mercenaries sprang up who worshipped him in the Second Age, dedicated to freeing him. Rilldick Fairplain became their head, due to an extraordinary quirk of Fate, and managed to lead an expedition to free him from his prison.

    Since then, he has built up his forces and is now ready to side with Brankist Farlow and defeat Ralzakark. He will accept Brankist as King of Dorastor as long as Chaos is driven out.

    Botlar YellowCloak

    One of Solarus' servants, Botlar came when Solarus took control of Dykene. He has then become his advisor, Prime Minister and whipping boy.

    As with all such. servants, he has managed to feather his nest, by creaming off surplus funds. However, he magaged to keep enough dirt on Solarus to ensure his safety.

    Recently, Botlar has retired to a retirement tower in Sun County, having had an altercation with his master. From there, he continues to be a thorn in the side of Solarus who now wants him dead.

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